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How to start varnasrama

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> > Maybe we should put big signs, NO SUDRAS!.


> Maybe. Sudras rally can screw it up, if you let them into

> the temple, and they remain as sudras anyway. No a suitable

> job for them. Just those horrifying brahminical activities.

> Go modifying the temple to their nature.


I guess a sudra, if expected to be a brahmin, would have a bit of a problem.

But why put him in anxiety, let brahmins be brahmins, and sudras be sudras,

add the other two, and presto! Problem solved. (Ok not all problems, but its

the right direction).


> Anyway. My point was that we forget ourselves, our initial

> ideals, motivations, enthusiasm, courage, readiness on the

> austerity, patience, tolerance... of the time when we made a

> decision to live in the Hare Krsna temple. There were no surprises what to

> be found there, really. And now, we are out, crying, lamenting, full of

> bitterness, full of grudge and anger against

> the authorities, and hankering for a "temple" where we could get

> a job and the life "according to our natural inclinations".


Prabhu, Im sorry, its terrible that you feel this way. But dont worry, Srila

Prabhupada has the solution. In my case, the problem I had on Sankirtan, for

years; I thought the problem was simply that I was in Maya (which I was, and

still am). But I never had a grudge. I am not the kind of person to hold

grudges, at least not for long, its just not my nature. I just feel I have a

duty to uphold Srila Prabhupadas instructions, as his follower. Those that

know me personaly know that I am not filled with any kind of bitterness at

all, rather I am full of enthusiasm for Srila Prabhupadas philosophy and

practical ideas, which make me way too optimistic. But yes I am very strong

in condemning anyone who appears to want to ignore Srila Prabhupadas

instructions. I am nothing. When I first read Srila Prabhupadas books, I was

filled with hope and optimism. He has the solutions. They are all I am

interested in.



> But don't start changing the VAD in the name of VAD. Don't expect that the

> temple is to be reorganized on such a way to accommodate sudras and

> brahmanas together. That will never work out.


"Unless they take to Krsna consciousness, they'll not be saved. The

varnasrama college has to be established immediately. Everywhere,

wherever we have got our center, a varnasrama college should be

established to train four divisions: one class, brahmana; one class,

ksatriya; one class, vaisya; and one class, sudra. But everyone will be

elevated to the spiritual platform by the spiritual activities which we

have prescribed. There is no inconvenience, even for the sudras. (March

12, 1974. Vrindavana)


Oops, how is it that you know so much more than Srila Prabhupada, or is this

beating you on the head with Prabhupada quotes?


"So this Krsna consciousness movement

is trying to reestablish daiva-varnasrama, where brahmana, ksatriya,

vaisya, sudra, everyone. Systematic. We are, therefore, proposing to

start a college, varnasrama college. It is proposed." (Bhubaneshwar, Jan

22, 1977)


"The other day I was suggesting the governor that "Open varnasrama

college." As we are training a medical practitioner and an engineer or

any particular type of line, similarly, there must be training school and

college where a person or a boy may be educated as a brahmana or as a

ksatriya. It is very simple thing." (Vrindavana, April 24, 1975)


Krsna says, "I have made this varnasrama for the benefit of the whole

human society, although I don't belong to any varna, asrama." Krsna has

nothing to do, but to maintain the human society very peaceful, advancing

in spiritual knowledge, this varnasrama is required. Therefore sometimes

I become very eager to start a varnasrama college. We have nothing to do

with varnasrama, we Krsna..., But we want to see that the whole human

society is peaceful. That is our mission. (Los Angeles, June 25, 1975)


So these two important things took place in the Kuruksetra. So we must

have a very big temple there, and a varnasrama college. This is my

desire. Krsna's direct instruction, Bhagavad-gita. It should be a

historical. (Los Angeles, June 20, 1975)


And then there's a whole morning walk tape entitled "Varnasrama College"

dated March 14, 1974, Vrndavana. Prabhupada talks about it very

extensively there. He says things like, "Gurukula is only for the small

children. Preliminary, primary. And when the children are grown up, they

should be sent to the varnasrama school or college for further developed

training." Another: "Because people have been spoiled all over the world

by being misguided by the so-called leaders. Therefore varnasrama college

is required." And another: "Varnasrama college means for grown-up

students. College means for grown-up students."


This proves, I think, that Prabhupada wanted a varnasrama college in

every temple.


> You want a revolution of the present system. Here it is.

> Only brahmanas to be living in the temple. Next circle for

> ksatriyas. Next for vaisyas. And the fourth circle for sudras.

> No mixing.


You should write a book. Why not dilute all of these great ideas of yours,

refuting my texts. Give us the knowledge straight, and those that want to

develop your vision of Varnsrama can do so.



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