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Premature preaching of renunciation

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> So, you started with our present system,


> >So Srila Prabhupada did all the things wich proved to be a failure in

> >most cases,


> then jump to Prabhupada,


Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada!


Maybe I was not expresing myself so well, I was refering to the practice of

giving sanyasa for the sake of preaching without taking into consideration

that the one who takes sanyasa may not be fully aware and mature enouph in

his understanding about the consequences of such a stepp for his whole life,

and who may have chosen this just to obey to the desire of his spiritual



For example just recently I came upon a lecture by Harikesha prabhu from

1984 where he told the story how he took sannyasa. It was during the time

when he was Prabhupadas personal secretary, they were in Mayapura and

Prabhupada started to preach to him about the sannyasa order for one week,

but not that he told him directly that he should take sannyasa he rather

spoke moore in general and always stoped when it became to obvious what he

meant by his preaching. This went on for one week, so after this time

Harikesha prabhu realized what Prabhupada wanted from him and went to

Prabhupada,s room and told him that he is ready for it. Prabhupada asked him

ready for what, than he saed ready to take sanyasa since for one week he was

preaching to him about the sannyasa order.


Than Prabhupada saed what, you want to leave me and started to speak to him

how he needed him and he should not leave him.

Hearing this Harikesha Prabhu was happy and saed he would never leave his

asociation but since for so long he was preaching to him about sannyasa he

thought he wanted from him he should take sanyasa and go preaching.

They were discussing about this for about a halph our and during this time

Prabhupada was mixing tilaka in his hand, but never reached to put it on his

forehead, just sprinkle some water in his palm and mix the tilaka.


So after some time hearing that Prabhupada didnt wanted that he should take

sannyasa and leave, him Harikesha went back to his room. The next morning at

3 o clock Tamala Krishna Gosvami woke him up and told him he should get up

since Prabhupada wanted to speak to him.


Than he went to Prabhupadas room and Prabhupada told him that he wants him

to take sannyasa. Harikesha prabhu sad "but you saed yesterday that I should

not do it and should not leave you." Prabhupada told him "I changed my mind"


Maybe HH Tamal Krishna Goswami can tell us something about this time.


So than they were discusing when would be a good day for the sanyasa

initiation and two weeks later he gave him sannyasa and the next day he was

sending him to Amerika to preach with the Radha Damodhara party.


But on his way to Amerika he stoped in Germany and meet some devotees who

invited him to go and preach in the east in Hungary. In this way he remaind

in Europa and thus I got the chance to meet Him and take initiation from



So yes you may say that Prabhupada was thinking about us while doing this

things, but neverless he was very tricky sometimes in his dealings with his

disciples, acording to this, for the sake of spreading the movement.


Therefore I understand when some complain about Prabhupadas "premature

preaching of renunciation" wich created some problems in our society

"due to neglecting the needs of the individuals, especially those who should

be cared for, loved and protected, and most importantly, ourselves." and

that the problem may have come "to a large extent" -although- "from His

teachings and mood."


But I dont know anything therefore I am always open for another

understanding or discussion about this.



Harsi das

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