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Allegations of Cow Slaughter at ISKCON Murari Sevaka

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Hare Krsna dasi



The Lord is the protector of cows and the brahminical culture. A society devoid

of cow protection and brahminical culture is not under the direct protection of

the Lord, just as the prisoners in the jails are not under the protection of


king but under the protection of a severe agent of the king.

-- SB 1.14.34 PURPORT




I have recently heard troubling allegations of cow slaughter at one of ISKCON's

North American farms. I felt that the most effective way of getting to the


of the matter, resolving the situation, and preventing similar problems in the

future was to present what I have heard - from sources which I consider


- to the devotees.


Before saying more, I want to say that I am very sorry to bring Bir Krsna

Maharaja's name into this because I personally have a high regard for him and I

believe that he has made an attempt to help the situation. However, if the

allegations below prove to be true, I don't believe that it was enough.


I also regret mentioning name of a devotee, Drumila dasa, whom I do not know,

before it is ascertained whether or not these allegations are true, but the

matter seems so serious and so much requiring attention that it seems


As I say, these are allegations. I have not verified them. This letter is an

attempt to call for an investigation of the allegations.




1. Allegation: That Drumila dasa, the leader of ISKCON's Murari Sevaka Farm in

Mulberry, Tennessee, collaborated with a neighboring farmer to ship 12 of


Sevaka's cows (3 females, 9 males) to be sold at the Fayetteville auction.


2. Allegation: That the 12 animals were sold for $5000.00 which was paid

directly to the neighboring farmer.


3. Allegation: That that farmer then divided the money with Drumila dasa.


4. Allegation: That the 9 male cows were then sold to slaughter; that the 3

females were sold to a farmer who intends to use them to breed beef cows.


5. Allegation: That at least 6 of the male animals which were ultimately sold


slaughter were trained oxen.


6. Allegation: That the large Gaura-Nitai Deities of Murari Sevaka are no


being worshiped, but have been put to sleep in a box in an unheated building.


7. Allegation: That Bhaktin Debbie (who had trained some of the male animals)

and her husband Bhakta Damien pleaded to the GBC for help when they realized


animals were disappearing.


8. Allegation: That Bhaktin Debbie and Bhakta Damien sought the help of the

local sheriff in investigating the case.


9. Allegation: That the sheriff devoted considerable time and effort into

uncovering the facts of the case, in hope of gaining a prosecution.


10. Allegation: That a number of leading devotees connected with Murari Sevaka

were initially in favor of prosecuting Drumila.


11. Allegation: That Bir Krishna Maharaja dissuaded them from pursuing a

prosecution of Drumila, preferring instead to expel him from the property.


12. Allegation: That the sheriff was discouraged to find that his hard work


the devotees was in vain, saying "Don't ask me for help anymore."


13. Allegation: That Bir Krishna Maharaja arranged for the remaining cows to


transferred to New Talavan where they could be safely cared for, and that all


5 cows have now been transferred to New Talavan, and that those 5 are being


care of by Bhaktin Debbie until veterinary papers can be processed for them.


14. Allegation: That no charges will be brought against Drumila unless they


brought by Bhaktin Debbie and Bhakta Damien, and that there will be no support

from ISKCON to press charges against Drumila.


15. Allegation: That Drumila is an emotionally unstable devotee.




Commentary: If these allegations are true, they are a shocking but not


commentary on the sad state of cow protection in ISKCON. According to


over the years devotees at Murari Sevaka have felt neglected by ISKCON


and by ISKCON's GBC. They felt that they did not get sufficient audience for

their troubles with maintaining their community and with protecting their cows.


Partly due to hearing about grievances of neglect by the GBC, ISKCON's Ministry

of Cow Protection and Agriculture worked with several dozen ISKCON cowherds

around the world to formulate a comprehensive set of MINIMUM COW PROTECTION

STANDARDS that were passed in March 1999 and are now available at the GBC


and at ISCOWP'S website: http://www.angelfire.com/co/iscowp/frameset.html


These standards require an active participation by the GBC in the process of


protection, specifically to avoid tragedies like the one at Murari Sevaka.


Among other things, the GBC is required to monitor each farm in his or her

district by quarterly visits and reports to be filed with ISKCON's Minister for

Cow Protection and Agriculture:





1) The GBC Should Quarterly

a) Meet with cowherds and ox teamsters. This meeting should be a minimum of 1

hour and private.

b) Visit every cow facility and traveling program and review records. (See

Standard 1)

c) Present written reports to the Ministry of Cow Protection and Agriculture.

(Report forms will be provided to the GBC)


2) Investigation of Abuses When a GBC receives reports of cow abuse in


locale, the complaint must be investigated by the GBC and if found true, the

situation must be corrected by consultation with local Farm Council and the



3) Follow-up by Investigation Team. Where no action has been initiated after

one week following investigation or if the Ministry deems the action

insufficient, the Ministry will appoint an investigation team to create a


specifying actions needed to correct the situation.


4) ISKCON's Ministry of Justice Involvement. If corrections are not initiated

within one month following the initial abuse report, the problem will be

referred to ISKCON's Ministry of Justice for further action to protect the





1) Monitor Appointed Substitute. The GBC may appoint a monitor to represent

him in investigating cow abuse in relation to these standards and to fulfill


quarterly meetings and reports. The GBC must personally make 1 private one


visitation to the cowherds annually and in addition visit the cow facilities

annually, the monitor fulfilling all other duties.


2) Selection of Monitor.

The monitor may be chosen from the Local Farm Council (the intent being he is

knowledgeable in agricultural practices) or come from outside the community

(chosen because of nonagricultural reasons) and to be chosen at the GBC's



3) Response to Abuses

Permitted standards are the same as recommended standards #2,3,4 above.


Not Allowed

Failure to meet even permitted standards.



It must be recognized that Bir Krishna Maharaja, though he apparently did not

file a report on Murari Sevaka, apparently did at least discuss the situation

with the Minister of Cow Protection, though it is not clear whether this was

before or after the July 30 deadline for filing the first report.


Prabhupada has told us that Krsna can never be satisfied where cow protection


lacking. And if it is indeed true that 9 animals were taken from an ISKCON


and slaughtered for the profit of an initiated devotee, then cow protection is

indeed lacking in ISKCON.


As we worship Lord Damodara in this Kartik season, we need to search into our

hearts to see how sincere we really are about protecting His dearly loved cows.

Points to consider:


1. This situation might have been prevented if the quarterly monitoring


had been in place much earlier and were being conscientiously followed.


2. An untrained leader such as Drumila evidently was, can bring ruination upon


project. ISKCON needs to build up its training in agriculture and in community

development, two important aspects of varnasrama development.


3. Although Srila Prabhupada states in the first canto of the Bhagavatam that

cow protection is one of the two pillars of spiritual advancement, ISKCON's

Ministry for Cow Protection and Agriculture has an annual budget of $0.00.


4. As far as I know, as of this moment *none* of ISKCON's 35 farm communities

has filed even the first of the required COW STANDARDS reports (due July 30).

None of ISKCON's GBC's have visited the farms and filed a report (the second of

which is due October 30).


5. This means that by the GBC's neglect of cow protection in ISKCON, we are

inviting further tragic situations for the cows that Krsna has trusted us with.


6. Is it possible that such a great aparadha to Krsna's cows can occur with no

public apology - to the cows, to Srila Prabhupada, to the Deities and to


devotees - by those responsible, beginning with those in the topmost position




7. How much of our sufferings in ISKCON stem from our failure to provide

protection for Krsna's cows, thereby setting a standard of neglect for


the rest of Krsna's devotees, in particular the women, the elderly and


the children who have taken shelter of this movement?




I am sending copies of this letter to both Bir Krishna Maharaja and to


Prabhu, ISKCON's Minister of Cow Protection and Agriculture. I hope they will

give us some clarification of this situation soon.


I am posting this letter on the COW and VARNASRAMA.DEVELOPMENT conferences,


blind copies to the Free.Forum and Topical.Discussions. Those who have further

comments are invited to join the Cow or Varnasrama Development conferences.


I apologize that I have to present this disturbing news to the devotees at the

beginning of this auspicious Kartik season, but I believe that we do not


our spiritual development and service to Lord Krsna by cover-up and hypocrisy.


Below, you will find more comments from Srila Prabhupada about the importance


cow protection, in relation to maintaining brahminical culture.


your servant,


Hare Krsna dasi





I am uncivilized and sinful due to my neglect of brahminical culture, God

consciousness and cow protection. Therefore I wish that my kingdom, strength


riches burn up immediately by the fire of the brahmana’s wrath so that in the

future I may not be guided by such inauspicious attitudes.


Progressive human civilization is based on brahminical culture, God


and protection of cows. All economic development of the state by trade,


agriculture and industries must be fully utilized in relation to the above

principles, otherwise all so-called economic development becomes a source of

degradation...Where wealth and strength are not engaged in the advancement of

brahminical culture, God consciousness and cow protection, the state and home


surely doomed by Providence.

--SB 1.19.3


Lord Krsna as Govinda is more inclined to the brahmanas and the cows,


thereby that human prosperity depends more on these two items, namely


culture and cow protection. Lord Krsna is never satisfied where these are


--SB 1.8.21 PURPORT


For the cowherd men and the cows, Krsna is the supreme friend. Therefore He is

worshiped by the prayer namo brahmanya-devaya go-brahmana-hitaya ca. His


in Gokula, His dhama, are always favorable to the brahmanas and the cows. His

first business is to give all comfort to the cows and the brahmanas. In fact,

comfort for the brahmanas is secondary, and comfort for the cows is His first


--SB 10.8.16 PURPORT



namo brahmanya-devaya

go-brahmana-hitaya ca

jagad-dhitaya krsnaya

govindaya namo namah

(Visnu Purana 1.19.65)

Lord Krsna, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, is the prime protector of

brahminical culture and the cow. Without knowing and respecting these, one


realize the science of God, and without this knowledge, any welfare activities


humanitarian propaganda cannot be successful.

--SB 4.21.38 PURPORT


One cannot become spiritually advanced without acquiring the brahminical

qualifications and giving protection to cows.

--SB 6.18.52 PURPORT


The Supreme Personality of Godhead is worshiped with the prayer namo

brahmanya-devaya go-brahmana-hitaya ca. Thus it is clear that the Supreme

Personality of Godhead respects and protects the brahmanas and brahminical

culture, as well as the cows; in other words, wherever there are brahmanas and

brahminical culture, there are cows and cow protection. In a society or

civilization in which there are no brahmanas or brahminical culture, cows are

treated as ordinary animals and slaughtered, at the sacrifice of human


--SB 4.21.44 PURPORT



So the example is set by the Supreme Personality of Godhead that human

civilization will advance only on the basis of brahminical culture and cow

protection. As soon as there is falldown from brahminical culture, and as soon


there is discrepancy in the protection of cows, there will be no more peace in

the world.


Los Angeles, December 4, 1968



In Vedic culture, the welfare of the cows and the welfare of the brahmanas are

essential. Without a proper arrangement for developing brahminical culture and

protecting cows, all the affairs of administration will go to hell.

--SB 7.3.13 PURPORT


The brahmanas, the cows and the defenseless creatures are My own body. Those

whose faculty of judgment has been impaired by their own sin look upon these as

distinct from Me. They are just like furious serpents, and they are angrily


apart by the bills of the vulturelike messengers of Yamaraja, the


of sinful persons.

--SB 3.16.11



Without protection of cows, brahminical culture cannot be maintained; and


brahminical culture, the aim of life cannot be fulfilled...If human society


to be exalted, the leaders of society must follow the instructions of

Bhagavad-gita and give protection to the cows, the brahmanas and brahminical


--SB 8.24.5

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Thankyou Hare Krsna dasi for this information, I wish I'd read it first. My

comments on collecting snails/employing ducks now seem trivial. This is


What's done is done, these male cows are already slaughtered, question is


solution is to have regular observers of the herd,separate from the

management, at least one for each farm. There is no need for appointment,

because it is the responsibility of every devotee to ensure that this does

not happen. And it possibly will, as well as the possibility/probability of

other types of abuse, unless the devotee/s on each farm get to know exactly

who is in the herd, and by regular observation, know exactly when one has

disappeared, and raise the alarm. If the manager is a bit crazy, or not to

be trusted, the counting should be done, ideally, almost daily. If this had

happened, then the alarm might have been raised before the animals were

actually slaughtered.

Sending the GBC in every 3 months is nice but it would have been too late

for these animals! Every 3 months is not enough, nor is a rubber-stamp

approval necessary. All it needs is devotees with eyes and feelings. And

there are plenty of those.

Where I live, I was never appointed, nor was I even allowed to go near the

cows. However, because I do, our manager has to answer up to a lot of

opposition from our community should he mistreat our cows, though there is

at present still some neglect which I am working on. But gross neglect is

presently not there. I feel that the cow ministry would have more luck

pushing the resposibility into the hands of local devotees rather than go

through the GBC, which has only ended in failure.

For instance these devotees who raised the alarm, Debbie and Damien, should

be encouraged by the ministry to take up the resposibility of regular

observation, and writing reports for the cow ministry, if they have time.

And any other concerned devotee on any other farm.

YS, Niscala





>"COM: Hare Krsna dasi (Brunswick, Maine - USA)"

><Hare.Krsna.dasi (AT) bbt (DOT) se>

>Hare.Krsna.dasi (AT) bbt (DOT) se, Cow (AT) bbt (DOT) se,

>Varnasrama.development (AT) bbt (DOT) se, Topical.Discussions (AT) bbt (DOT) se,

>Free.Forum (AT) bbt (DOT) se

>"COM: Cow (Protection and related issues)" <Cow (AT) bbt (DOT) se>, "COM:

>Varnasrama development" <Varnasrama.development (AT) bbt (DOT) se>, "Bir Krishna

>Goswami" <70324.1511 (AT) compuserve (DOT) com>

>CC: "Noma Petroff" <npetroff (AT) Bowdoin (DOT) EDU>

>Allegations of Cow Slaughter at ISKCON Murari Sevaka

>Sun, 24 Oct 99 19:30 -0400


>[Text 2725563 from COM]


> Hare Krsna dasi



>The Lord is the protector of cows and the brahminical culture. A society


>of cow protection and brahminical culture is not under the direct

>protection of

>the Lord, just as the prisoners in the jails are not under the protection



>king but under the protection of a severe agent of the king.

>-- SB 1.14.34 PURPORT




>I have recently heard troubling allegations of cow slaughter at one of


>North American farms. I felt that the most effective way of getting to the


>of the matter, resolving the situation, and preventing similar problems in


>future was to present what I have heard - from sources which I consider


>- to the devotees.


>Before saying more, I want to say that I am very sorry to bring Bir Krsna

>Maharaja's name into this because I personally have a high regard for him

>and I

>believe that he has made an attempt to help the situation. However, if the

>allegations below prove to be true, I don't believe that it was enough.


>I also regret mentioning name of a devotee, Drumila dasa, whom I do not


>before it is ascertained whether or not these allegations are true, but the

>matter seems so serious and so much requiring attention that it seems


>As I say, these are allegations. I have not verified them. This letter is


>attempt to call for an investigation of the allegations.




>1. Allegation: That Drumila dasa, the leader of ISKCON's Murari Sevaka

>Farm in

>Mulberry, Tennessee, collaborated with a neighboring farmer to ship 12 of


>Sevaka's cows (3 females, 9 males) to be sold at the Fayetteville auction.


>2. Allegation: That the 12 animals were sold for $5000.00 which was paid

>directly to the neighboring farmer.


>3. Allegation: That that farmer then divided the money with Drumila dasa.


>4. Allegation: That the 9 male cows were then sold to slaughter; that the


>females were sold to a farmer who intends to use them to breed beef cows.


>5. Allegation: That at least 6 of the male animals which were ultimately



>slaughter were trained oxen.


>6. Allegation: That the large Gaura-Nitai Deities of Murari Sevaka are no


>being worshiped, but have been put to sleep in a box in an unheated



>7. Allegation: That Bhaktin Debbie (who had trained some of the male


>and her husband Bhakta Damien pleaded to the GBC for help when they



>animals were disappearing.


>8. Allegation: That Bhaktin Debbie and Bhakta Damien sought the help of


>local sheriff in investigating the case.


>9. Allegation: That the sheriff devoted considerable time and effort into

>uncovering the facts of the case, in hope of gaining a prosecution.


>10. Allegation: That a number of leading devotees connected with Murari


>were initially in favor of prosecuting Drumila.


>11. Allegation: That Bir Krishna Maharaja dissuaded them from pursuing a

>prosecution of Drumila, preferring instead to expel him from the property.


>12. Allegation: That the sheriff was discouraged to find that his hard



>the devotees was in vain, saying "Don't ask me for help anymore."


>13. Allegation: That Bir Krishna Maharaja arranged for the remaining cows



>transferred to New Talavan where they could be safely cared for, and that



>5 cows have now been transferred to New Talavan, and that those 5 are being


>care of by Bhaktin Debbie until veterinary papers can be processed for



>14. Allegation: That no charges will be brought against Drumila unless



>brought by Bhaktin Debbie and Bhakta Damien, and that there will be no


>from ISKCON to press charges against Drumila.


>15. Allegation: That Drumila is an emotionally unstable devotee.




>Commentary: If these allegations are true, they are a shocking but not


>commentary on the sad state of cow protection in ISKCON. According to


>over the years devotees at Murari Sevaka have felt neglected by ISKCON


>and by ISKCON's GBC. They felt that they did not get sufficient audience


>their troubles with maintaining their community and with protecting their



>Partly due to hearing about grievances of neglect by the GBC, ISKCON's


>of Cow Protection and Agriculture worked with several dozen ISKCON cowherds

>around the world to formulate a comprehensive set of MINIMUM COW PROTECTION

>STANDARDS that were passed in March 1999 and are now available at the GBC


>and at ISCOWP'S website:



>These standards require an active participation by the GBC in the process



>protection, specifically to avoid tragedies like the one at Murari Sevaka.


>Among other things, the GBC is required to monitor each farm in his or her

>district by quarterly visits and reports to be filed with ISKCON's Minister


>Cow Protection and Agriculture:





> 1) The GBC Should Quarterly

> a) Meet with cowherds and ox teamsters. This meeting should be a minimum

>of 1

>hour and private.

> b) Visit every cow facility and traveling program and review records.


>Standard 1)

> c) Present written reports to the Ministry of Cow Protection and


>(Report forms will be provided to the GBC)


> 2) Investigation of Abuses When a GBC receives reports of cow abuse in


>locale, the complaint must be investigated by the GBC and if found true,


>situation must be corrected by consultation with local Farm Council and the



> 3) Follow-up by Investigation Team. Where no action has been initiated


>one week following investigation or if the Ministry deems the action

>insufficient, the Ministry will appoint an investigation team to create a


>specifying actions needed to correct the situation.


> 4) ISKCON's Ministry of Justice Involvement. If corrections are not


>within one month following the initial abuse report, the problem will be

>referred to ISKCON's Ministry of Justice for further action to protect the



> Permitted


> 1) Monitor Appointed Substitute. The GBC may appoint a monitor to


>him in investigating cow abuse in relation to these standards and to



>quarterly meetings and reports. The GBC must personally make 1 private one


>visitation to the cowherds annually and in addition visit the cow


>annually, the monitor fulfilling all other duties.


> 2) Selection of Monitor.

> The monitor may be chosen from the Local Farm Council (the intent being

>he is

>knowledgeable in agricultural practices) or come from outside the community

>(chosen because of nonagricultural reasons) and to be chosen at the GBC's



> 3) Response to Abuses

> Permitted standards are the same as recommended standards #2,3,4 above.


> Not Allowed

> Failure to meet even permitted standards.



>It must be recognized that Bir Krishna Maharaja, though he apparently did


>file a report on Murari Sevaka, apparently did at least discuss the


>with the Minister of Cow Protection, though it is not clear whether this


>before or after the July 30 deadline for filing the first report.


>Prabhupada has told us that Krsna can never be satisfied where cow



>lacking. And if it is indeed true that 9 animals were taken from an ISKCON


>and slaughtered for the profit of an initiated devotee, then cow protection


>indeed lacking in ISKCON.


>As we worship Lord Damodara in this Kartik season, we need to search into


>hearts to see how sincere we really are about protecting His dearly loved


>Points to consider:


>1. This situation might have been prevented if the quarterly monitoring


>had been in place much earlier and were being conscientiously followed.


>2. An untrained leader such as Drumila evidently was, can bring ruination



>project. ISKCON needs to build up its training in agriculture and in


>development, two important aspects of varnasrama development.


>3. Although Srila Prabhupada states in the first canto of the Bhagavatam


>cow protection is one of the two pillars of spiritual advancement, ISKCON's

>Ministry for Cow Protection and Agriculture has an annual budget of $0.00.


>4. As far as I know, as of this moment *none* of ISKCON's 35 farm


>has filed even the first of the required COW STANDARDS reports (due July


>None of ISKCON's GBC's have visited the farms and filed a report (the

>second of

>which is due October 30).


>5. This means that by the GBC's neglect of cow protection in ISKCON, we


>inviting further tragic situations for the cows that Krsna has trusted us



>6. Is it possible that such a great aparadha to Krsna's cows can occur

>with no

>public apology - to the cows, to Srila Prabhupada, to the Deities and to


>devotees - by those responsible, beginning with those in the topmost





>7. How much of our sufferings in ISKCON stem from our failure to provide

>protection for Krsna's cows, thereby setting a standard of neglect for


>the rest of Krsna's devotees, in particular the women, the elderly and


>the children who have taken shelter of this movement?




>I am sending copies of this letter to both Bir Krishna Maharaja and to


>Prabhu, ISKCON's Minister of Cow Protection and Agriculture. I hope they


>give us some clarification of this situation soon.


>I am posting this letter on the COW and VARNASRAMA.DEVELOPMENT conferences,


>blind copies to the Free.Forum and Topical.Discussions. Those who have


>comments are invited to join the Cow or Varnasrama Development conferences.


>I apologize that I have to present this disturbing news to the devotees at


>beginning of this auspicious Kartik season, but I believe that we do not


>our spiritual development and service to Lord Krsna by cover-up and



>Below, you will find more comments from Srila Prabhupada about the



>cow protection, in relation to maintaining brahminical culture.


>your servant,


>Hare Krsna dasi





>I am uncivilized and sinful due to my neglect of brahminical culture, God

>consciousness and cow protection. Therefore I wish that my kingdom,



>riches burn up immediately by the fire of the brahmana's wrath so that in


>future I may not be guided by such inauspicious attitudes.


>Progressive human civilization is based on brahminical culture, God


>and protection of cows. All economic development of the state by trade,


>agriculture and industries must be fully utilized in relation to the above

>principles, otherwise all so-called economic development becomes a source


>degradation...Where wealth and strength are not engaged in the advancement


>brahminical culture, God consciousness and cow protection, the state and



>surely doomed by Providence.

>--SB 1.19.3


>Lord Krsna as Govinda is more inclined to the brahmanas and the cows,


>thereby that human prosperity depends more on these two items, namely


>culture and cow protection. Lord Krsna is never satisfied where these are


>--SB 1.8.21 PURPORT


>For the cowherd men and the cows, Krsna is the supreme friend. Therefore He


>worshiped by the prayer namo brahmanya-devaya go-brahmana-hitaya ca. His


>in Gokula, His dhama, are always favorable to the brahmanas and the cows.


>first business is to give all comfort to the cows and the brahmanas. In


>comfort for the brahmanas is secondary, and comfort for the cows is His



>--SB 10.8.16 PURPORT



>namo brahmanya-devaya

>go-brahmana-hitaya ca

>jagad-dhitaya krsnaya

>govindaya namo namah

>(Visnu Purana 1.19.65)

>Lord Krsna, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, is the prime protector of

>brahminical culture and the cow. Without knowing and respecting these, one


>realize the science of God, and without this knowledge, any welfare



>humanitarian propaganda cannot be successful.

>--SB 4.21.38 PURPORT


>One cannot become spiritually advanced without acquiring the brahminical

>qualifications and giving protection to cows.

>--SB 6.18.52 PURPORT


>The Supreme Personality of Godhead is worshiped with the prayer namo

>brahmanya-devaya go-brahmana-hitaya ca. Thus it is clear that the Supreme

>Personality of Godhead respects and protects the brahmanas and brahminical

>culture, as well as the cows; in other words, wherever there are brahmanas


>brahminical culture, there are cows and cow protection. In a society or

>civilization in which there are no brahmanas or brahminical culture, cows


>treated as ordinary animals and slaughtered, at the sacrifice of human


>--SB 4.21.44 PURPORT



>So the example is set by the Supreme Personality of Godhead that human

>civilization will advance only on the basis of brahminical culture and cow

>protection. As soon as there is falldown from brahminical culture, and as



>there is discrepancy in the protection of cows, there will be no more peace


>the world.


>Los Angeles, December 4, 1968



>In Vedic culture, the welfare of the cows and the welfare of the brahmanas


>essential. Without a proper arrangement for developing brahminical culture


>protecting cows, all the affairs of administration will go to hell.

>--SB 7.3.13 PURPORT


>The brahmanas, the cows and the defenseless creatures are My own body.


>whose faculty of judgment has been impaired by their own sin look upon

>these as

>distinct from Me. They are just like furious serpents, and they are angrily


>apart by the bills of the vulturelike messengers of Yamaraja, the


>of sinful persons.

>--SB 3.16.11



>Without protection of cows, brahminical culture cannot be maintained; and


>brahminical culture, the aim of life cannot be fulfilled...If human society


>to be exalted, the leaders of society must follow the instructions of

>Bhagavad-gita and give protection to the cows, the brahmanas and



>--SB 8.24.5




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Dear Prabhus,




Regarding the situation with the cow slaughter at Murari Sevaka- we have

been in touch with Bhakta Damon and Bahktin Debbie for the last month. They

are the ones who are doing all of the leg work with the sheriff on this

case. I have also been in touch with Balavanta prabhu, who is one of the

land trustees for Murari, and also practicing lawyer for many years. The

community at Murari Sevaka has recently formed a new management board headed

by Gayatri prabhu. I have spent many hours on the phone with Gayatri and

Balavanta prabhus concerning this issue. Daman prabhu, has been in e-mail

correspondence with Bir Krishna Goswami numerous times as things progress. I

will speaking again tonight with Gayatri prabhu as he will be speaking again

to Balavanta prabhu regarding the legal aspects of this particular case.


>From a distance it looks black and white, the cows were killed at the

arrangement of the so called temple manager. In actuality this is a fact.

However, the tremendous amount of gray area surrounding the circumstances of

prosecution are tremendous. Don't forget, this Kali Yuga and the law of this

land does not perceive cow killing and meat eating as a legal offense.

Hopefully within the next week to ten days there will be a closure on this

issue and a full report made to the community of Vaisnavas world-wide.


This is a serious heinous situation at Murari Sevaka which is being dealt

with. It is a fact, that these cows have been slaughtered. This will force

the issues of accountability from the GBC to local management and land

trustees. It will force a complete revamping of management checks and

balances so that perpetrations of this nature will not be able to happen

again without swift and immediate legal ramifications. Not only in this

situation but ISKCON world-wide.


Your servant,

Balabhadra das

ISKCON Minister of Cow Protection and Agriculture





..dasi (AT) bbt (DOT) se>

COM: Cow (Protection and related issues) <Cow (AT) bbt (DOT) se>; COM: Varnasrama

development <Varnasrama.development (AT) bbt (DOT) se>; Bir Krishna Goswami

<70324.1511 (AT) compuserve (DOT) com>

Cc: Noma Petroff <npetroff (AT) Bowdoin (DOT) EDU>

Sunday, October 24, 1999 7:30 PM

Allegations of Cow Slaughter at ISKCON Murari Sevaka



> [Text 2725563 from COM]


> Hare Krsna dasi


> ******************************************

> The Lord is the protector of cows and the brahminical culture. A society


> of cow protection and brahminical culture is not under the direct

protection of

> the Lord, just as the prisoners in the jails are not under the protection


> the

> king but under the protection of a severe agent of the king.

> -- SB 1.14.34 PURPORT


> **************************************


> I have recently heard troubling allegations of cow slaughter at one of


> North American farms. I felt that the most effective way of getting to


> truth

> of the matter, resolving the situation, and preventing similar problems in


> future was to present what I have heard - from sources which I consider

> reliable

> - to the devotees.


> Before saying more, I want to say that I am very sorry to bring Bir Krsna

> Maharaja's name into this because I personally have a high regard for him

and I

> believe that he has made an attempt to help the situation. However, if


> allegations below prove to be true, I don't believe that it was enough.


> I also regret mentioning name of a devotee, Drumila dasa, whom I do not


> before it is ascertained whether or not these allegations are true, but


> matter seems so serious and so much requiring attention that it seems

> necessary.

> As I say, these are allegations. I have not verified them. This letter

is an

> attempt to call for an investigation of the allegations.


> ************************************


> 1. Allegation: That Drumila dasa, the leader of ISKCON's Murari Sevaka

Farm in

> Mulberry, Tennessee, collaborated with a neighboring farmer to ship 12 of

> Murari

> Sevaka's cows (3 females, 9 males) to be sold at the Fayetteville auction.


> 2. Allegation: That the 12 animals were sold for $5000.00 which was paid

> directly to the neighboring farmer.


> 3. Allegation: That that farmer then divided the money with Drumila dasa.


> 4. Allegation: That the 9 male cows were then sold to slaughter; that the


> females were sold to a farmer who intends to use them to breed beef cows.


> 5. Allegation: That at least 6 of the male animals which were ultimately


> to

> slaughter were trained oxen.


> 6. Allegation: That the large Gaura-Nitai Deities of Murari Sevaka are no

> longer

> being worshiped, but have been put to sleep in a box in an unheated



> 7. Allegation: That Bhaktin Debbie (who had trained some of the male


> and her husband Bhakta Damien pleaded to the GBC for help when they


> that

> animals were disappearing.


> 8. Allegation: That Bhaktin Debbie and Bhakta Damien sought the help of


> local sheriff in investigating the case.


> 9. Allegation: That the sheriff devoted considerable time and effort into

> uncovering the facts of the case, in hope of gaining a prosecution.


> 10. Allegation: That a number of leading devotees connected with Murari


> were initially in favor of prosecuting Drumila.


> 11. Allegation: That Bir Krishna Maharaja dissuaded them from pursuing a

> prosecution of Drumila, preferring instead to expel him from the property.


> 12. Allegation: That the sheriff was discouraged to find that his hard


> for

> the devotees was in vain, saying "Don't ask me for help anymore."


> 13. Allegation: That Bir Krishna Maharaja arranged for the remaining cows


> be

> transferred to New Talavan where they could be safely cared for, and that


> but

> 5 cows have now been transferred to New Talavan, and that those 5 are


> taken

> care of by Bhaktin Debbie until veterinary papers can be processed for



> 14. Allegation: That no charges will be brought against Drumila unless


> are

> brought by Bhaktin Debbie and Bhakta Damien, and that there will be no


> from ISKCON to press charges against Drumila.


> 15. Allegation: That Drumila is an emotionally unstable devotee.


> ***************************


> Commentary: If these allegations are true, they are a shocking but not

> surprising

> commentary on the sad state of cow protection in ISKCON. According to

> accounts,

> over the years devotees at Murari Sevaka have felt neglected by ISKCON

> sannyasis

> and by ISKCON's GBC. They felt that they did not get sufficient audience


> their troubles with maintaining their community and with protecting their



> Partly due to hearing about grievances of neglect by the GBC, ISKCON's


> of Cow Protection and Agriculture worked with several dozen ISKCON


> around the world to formulate a comprehensive set of MINIMUM COW


> STANDARDS that were passed in March 1999 and are now available at the GBC

> website

> and at ISCOWP'S website:



> These standards require an active participation by the GBC in the process


> cow

> protection, specifically to avoid tragedies like the one at Murari Sevaka.


> Among other things, the GBC is required to monitor each farm in his or her

> district by quarterly visits and reports to be filed with ISKCON's

Minister for

> Cow Protection and Agriculture:


> **************************************

> Recommended


> 1) The GBC Should Quarterly

> a) Meet with cowherds and ox teamsters. This meeting should be a minimum

of 1

> hour and private.

> b) Visit every cow facility and traveling program and review records.


> Standard 1)

> c) Present written reports to the Ministry of Cow Protection and


> (Report forms will be provided to the GBC)


> 2) Investigation of Abuses When a GBC receives reports of cow abuse in

> his/her

> locale, the complaint must be investigated by the GBC and if found true,


> situation must be corrected by consultation with local Farm Council and


> Ministry.


> 3) Follow-up by Investigation Team. Where no action has been initiated


> one week following investigation or if the Ministry deems the action

> insufficient, the Ministry will appoint an investigation team to create a

> report

> specifying actions needed to correct the situation.


> 4) ISKCON's Ministry of Justice Involvement. If corrections are not


> within one month following the initial abuse report, the problem will be

> referred to ISKCON's Ministry of Justice for further action to protect


> cows.


> Permitted


> 1) Monitor Appointed Substitute. The GBC may appoint a monitor to


> him in investigating cow abuse in relation to these standards and to


> his

> quarterly meetings and reports. The GBC must personally make 1 private one

> hour

> visitation to the cowherds annually and in addition visit the cow


> annually, the monitor fulfilling all other duties.


> 2) Selection of Monitor.

> The monitor may be chosen from the Local Farm Council (the intent being

he is

> knowledgeable in agricultural practices) or come from outside the


> (chosen because of nonagricultural reasons) and to be chosen at the GBC's

> discretion.


> 3) Response to Abuses

> Permitted standards are the same as recommended standards #2,3,4 above.


> Not Allowed

> Failure to meet even permitted standards.

> *************************************************


> It must be recognized that Bir Krishna Maharaja, though he apparently did


> file a report on Murari Sevaka, apparently did at least discuss the


> with the Minister of Cow Protection, though it is not clear whether this


> before or after the July 30 deadline for filing the first report.


> Prabhupada has told us that Krsna can never be satisfied where cow


> is

> lacking. And if it is indeed true that 9 animals were taken from an


> farm

> and slaughtered for the profit of an initiated devotee, then cow

protection is

> indeed lacking in ISKCON.


> As we worship Lord Damodara in this Kartik season, we need to search into


> hearts to see how sincere we really are about protecting His dearly loved


> Points to consider:


> 1. This situation might have been prevented if the quarterly monitoring

> process

> had been in place much earlier and were being conscientiously followed.


> 2. An untrained leader such as Drumila evidently was, can bring ruination


> a

> project. ISKCON needs to build up its training in agriculture and in


> development, two important aspects of varnasrama development.


> 3. Although Srila Prabhupada states in the first canto of the Bhagavatam


> cow protection is one of the two pillars of spiritual advancement,


> Ministry for Cow Protection and Agriculture has an annual budget of $0.00.


> 4. As far as I know, as of this moment *none* of ISKCON's 35 farm


> has filed even the first of the required COW STANDARDS reports (due July


> None of ISKCON's GBC's have visited the farms and filed a report (the

second of

> which is due October 30).


> 5. This means that by the GBC's neglect of cow protection in ISKCON, we


> inviting further tragic situations for the cows that Krsna has trusted us



> 6. Is it possible that such a great aparadha to Krsna's cows can occur

with no

> public apology - to the cows, to Srila Prabhupada, to the Deities and to

> Krsna's

> devotees - by those responsible, beginning with those in the topmost


> of

> responsibility?


> 7. How much of our sufferings in ISKCON stem from our failure to provide

> protection for Krsna's cows, thereby setting a standard of neglect for

> protecting

> the rest of Krsna's devotees, in particular the women, the elderly and

> especially

> the children who have taken shelter of this movement?


> ***************************************


> I am sending copies of this letter to both Bir Krishna Maharaja and to

> Balabhadra

> Prabhu, ISKCON's Minister of Cow Protection and Agriculture. I hope they


> give us some clarification of this situation soon.


> I am posting this letter on the COW and VARNASRAMA.DEVELOPMENT


> with

> blind copies to the Free.Forum and Topical.Discussions. Those who have


> comments are invited to join the Cow or Varnasrama Development



> I apologize that I have to present this disturbing news to the devotees at


> beginning of this auspicious Kartik season, but I believe that we do not

> further

> our spiritual development and service to Lord Krsna by cover-up and



> Below, you will find more comments from Srila Prabhupada about the


> of

> cow protection, in relation to maintaining brahminical culture.


> your servant,


> Hare Krsna dasi


> ********************************************************



> I am uncivilized and sinful due to my neglect of brahminical culture, God

> consciousness and cow protection. Therefore I wish that my kingdom,


> and

> riches burn up immediately by the fire of the brahmana's wrath so that in


> future I may not be guided by such inauspicious attitudes.


> Progressive human civilization is based on brahminical culture, God

> consciousness

> and protection of cows. All economic development of the state by trade,

> commerce,

> agriculture and industries must be fully utilized in relation to the above

> principles, otherwise all so-called economic development becomes a source


> degradation...Where wealth and strength are not engaged in the advancement


> brahminical culture, God consciousness and cow protection, the state and


> are

> surely doomed by Providence.

> --SB 1.19.3


> Lord Krsna as Govinda is more inclined to the brahmanas and the cows,

> indicating

> thereby that human prosperity depends more on these two items, namely

> brahminical

> culture and cow protection. Lord Krsna is never satisfied where these are

> lacking.

> --SB 1.8.21 PURPORT


> For the cowherd men and the cows, Krsna is the supreme friend. Therefore

He is

> worshiped by the prayer namo brahmanya-devaya go-brahmana-hitaya ca. His

> pastimes

> in Gokula, His dhama, are always favorable to the brahmanas and the cows.


> first business is to give all comfort to the cows and the brahmanas. In


> comfort for the brahmanas is secondary, and comfort for the cows is His


> concern.

> --SB 10.8.16 PURPORT



> namo brahmanya-devaya

> go-brahmana-hitaya ca

> jagad-dhitaya krsnaya

> govindaya namo namah

> (Visnu Purana 1.19.65)

> Lord Krsna, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, is the prime protector of

> brahminical culture and the cow. Without knowing and respecting these, one

> cannot

> realize the science of God, and without this knowledge, any welfare


> or

> humanitarian propaganda cannot be successful.

> --SB 4.21.38 PURPORT


> One cannot become spiritually advanced without acquiring the brahminical

> qualifications and giving protection to cows.

> --SB 6.18.52 PURPORT


> The Supreme Personality of Godhead is worshiped with the prayer namo

> brahmanya-devaya go-brahmana-hitaya ca. Thus it is clear that the Supreme

> Personality of Godhead respects and protects the brahmanas and brahminical

> culture, as well as the cows; in other words, wherever there are brahmanas


> brahminical culture, there are cows and cow protection. In a society or

> civilization in which there are no brahmanas or brahminical culture, cows


> treated as ordinary animals and slaughtered, at the sacrifice of human

> civilization.

> --SB 4.21.44 PURPORT



> So the example is set by the Supreme Personality of Godhead that human

> civilization will advance only on the basis of brahminical culture and cow

> protection. As soon as there is falldown from brahminical culture, and as


> as

> there is discrepancy in the protection of cows, there will be no more

peace in

> the world.

> --Lecture

> Los Angeles, December 4, 1968



> In Vedic culture, the welfare of the cows and the welfare of the brahmanas


> essential. Without a proper arrangement for developing brahminical culture


> protecting cows, all the affairs of administration will go to hell.

> --SB 7.3.13 PURPORT


> The brahmanas, the cows and the defenseless creatures are My own body.


> whose faculty of judgment has been impaired by their own sin look upon

these as

> distinct from Me. They are just like furious serpents, and they are


> torn

> apart by the bills of the vulturelike messengers of Yamaraja, the

> superintendent

> of sinful persons.

> --SB 3.16.11



> Without protection of cows, brahminical culture cannot be maintained; and

> without

> brahminical culture, the aim of life cannot be fulfilled...If human


> wants

> to be exalted, the leaders of society must follow the instructions of

> Bhagavad-gita and give protection to the cows, the brahmanas and


> culture.

> --SB 8.24.5



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Dear Balabhadra Prabhu,


Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada.


Thank you for your prompt and direct response to my concerns. This is a tragic

and complex situation, but I hope that all devotee communities will benefit


the important lessons derived from this incident. For one thing, it highlights

the importance of the GBC maintaining direct communications with a community's

cowherds on a regular basis, as now required by ISKCON law.


I just want to note that I have received several letters from devotees


why I criticized Bir Krsna Maharaja's decision to move the remaining cows to


Talavan. For devotees not familiar with English I want to clarify to say that

someone "allegedly" did something should not necessarily be taken to mean they

are "accused" of doing something. It is not necessarily a negative statement.

A person may be "allegedly" innocent. That just means they are said to be

innocent, but it has not been conclusively established at this time. In this

specific situation, it seems clear that to move the remaining cows to New

Talavan was the best option available for assuring their welfare and was a

correct and commendable decision for Maharaja to make.


My disappointment with the case, as I understand it at this point, is the

feeling that it is not being as strongly supported by the GBC as it ought to

be. For example, as I understand it, the GBC did not provide the funds to move

the cows to New Talavan. It fell to the two bhaktas to raise $700 for

transporting the animals. And other community members, such as Balavanta and

Gayatri prabhus have already have had to contribute considerable funds to cover

other aspects of this crisis. I am very concerned that if it comes to a

situation of going to court to press charges for acts against the interest of

Murari Sevaka, the whole burden will fall on Gayatri prabhu and the few


at Murari with insufficient financial and moral support from the GBC and the

larger ISKCON community. It may not be financially possible for this small

community to shoulder all the costs by themselves. Further, it may be very

difficult for them to rebuild the promise of Murari Sevaka after this debacle,

if they are forced to attempt it with no outside help. Hopefully, the GBC has


stronger commitment to support this case than I originally perceived. Then

again, perhaps this points to the larger issue of how we can structure funding

in ISKCON to address such emergencies.


I will look forward to hearing the full account of progress of this situation

from Bir Krsna Maharaja and the other devotees who are working on it, as you

have described. Thank you again for addressing these concerns.


your servant,


Hare Krsna dasi


"COM: ISCOWP (Balabhadra Dasa & Chaya Dasi - USA)" wrote:


> [Text 2729745 from COM]


> Dear Prabhus,




> Regarding the situation with the cow slaughter at Murari Sevaka- we have

> been in touch with Bhakta Damon and Bahktin Debbie for the last month. They

> are the ones who are doing all of the leg work with the sheriff on this

> case. I have also been in touch with Balavanta prabhu, who is one of the

> land trustees for Murari, and also practicing lawyer for many years. The

> community at Murari Sevaka has recently formed a new management board headed

> by Gayatri prabhu. I have spent many hours on the phone with Gayatri and

> Balavanta prabhus concerning this issue. Daman prabhu, has been in e-mail

> correspondence with Bir Krishna Goswami numerous times as things progress. I

> will speaking again tonight with Gayatri prabhu as he will be speaking again

> to Balavanta prabhu regarding the legal aspects of this particular case.


> From a distance it looks black and white, the cows were killed at the

> arrangement of the so called temple manager. In actuality this is a fact.

> However, the tremendous amount of gray area surrounding the circumstances of

> prosecution are tremendous. Don't forget, this Kali Yuga and the law of this

> land does not perceive cow killing and meat eating as a legal offense.

> Hopefully within the next week to ten days there will be a closure on this

> issue and a full report made to the community of Vaisnavas world-wide.


> This is a serious heinous situation at Murari Sevaka which is being dealt

> with. It is a fact, that these cows have been slaughtered. This will force

> the issues of accountability from the GBC to local management and land

> trustees. It will force a complete revamping of management checks and

> balances so that perpetrations of this nature will not be able to happen

> again without swift and immediate legal ramifications. Not only in this

> situation but ISKCON world-wide.


> Your servant,

> Balabhadra das

> ISKCON Minister of Cow Protection and Agriculture

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> From a distance it looks black and white, the cows were killed at the

> arrangement of the so called temple manager. In actuality this is a fact.

> However, the tremendous amount of gray area surrounding the circumstances

> of prosecution are tremendous. Don't forget, this Kali Yuga and the law of

> this land does not perceive cow killing and meat eating as a legal

> offense. Hopefully within the next week to ten days there will be a

> closure on this issue and a full report made to the community of Vaisnavas

> world-wide.


> This is a serious heinous situation at Murari Sevaka which is being dealt

> with. It is a fact, that these cows have been slaughtered.


My God, for long time I thought the rumors about cow sloughter in "our so

pure and dedicated to Krsna,s will society", the protector of the cows and

brahmanas, are just unproofed rumors. I could not imagine myself that

"devotees" would go so far to kill theyr own mothers, like Srila Prabhupada

used to write. But upon hearing this report about cow killing on ISKCON,s

farms, my faith and my idealism got another serious crack.


I just ask myself - whats next...?



Harsi das

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"COM: Harsi (das) HKS (Timisoara - RO)" wrote:


> [Text 2730629 from COM]



> My God, for long time I thought the rumors about cow sloughter in "our so

> pure and dedicated to Krsna,s will society", the protector of the cows and

> brahmanas, are just unproofed rumors. I could not imagine myself that

> "devotees" would go so far to kill theyr own mothers, like Srila Prabhupada

> used to write. But upon hearing this report about cow killing on ISKCON,s

> farms, my faith and my idealism got another serious crack.


> I just ask myself - whats next...?


> ys

> Harsi das


What's next is we'll help each other move to the next level of Krsna

consciousness -- responsibility:


1. Heightened individual discrimination about the characteristics of a

legitimate authority: What's really strict Krsna consciousness, and what's

actually a cover for ego problems and emotional instability?


2. Devotees taking more responsibility to work together to monitor their

authorities, and to get help sooner when something appears to be wrong.


3. An exemplary reponse from the GBC which will renew your faith in ISKCON's

ability to respond to and prevent this kind of crisis.



your servant,


Hare Krsna dasi

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Dear Harsi Prabhu;




I would very much appreciate if you are going to present yourself as a

devotee then you should be more responsible how you conduct yourself in

these matters.

Our Srila Prabhupada's ISKCON is an institution dedicated to cow

protection and many other wonderful world wide preaching activities. There

is always some imperfections in any endeavor. This incident in particular

is one that occured because a person calling himself a devotee and disciple

of Srila Satsvarupa Maharaja became deviant. Like you the authoriites

didn't think him capable of such an act. It goes without saying that they

will be more aware of who they let take control of a temple.

The situation at Murari is that it has always been very isolated since

about 10 or 15 years ago. There have been various attempts to develop it,

but no one really has been able to get over the hump, so to speak. This

group of cows is the second large group that New Talavan has received from

Murari Sevaka. There are many fingers to point, but beleve me as I am one

of the persons at New Talavan who has been fortunate enough to be a servant

of the Vaisnavas cows, everyone is trying their best. So please don't just

jump up and try to criticize. It is not so nice. If you would like to try

and help. That would be greatly appreciated. I know that HH Bir Krishna

Maharaj feels as bad as anyone about what happened at Murari, but it was one

devotee and one devotee who is ultimately responsible for what he did. That

persons name is Drumilla and he will always be paying for this heinous act.

Both in this life and the next. Of course Lord Caitanya is the Patita

Pavana so let us pray that he please deliver us all from the clutches of



I hope this meets you well



Dvibhuja Das


COM: Harsi (das) HKS (Timisoara - RO) <Harsi.HKS (AT) bbt (DOT) se>

COM: Cow (Protection and related issues) <Cow (AT) bbt (DOT) se>; COM: Varnasrama

development <Varnasrama.development (AT) bbt (DOT) se>; Bir Krishna Goswami

<70324.1511 (AT) compuserve (DOT) com>; COM: Mukhya (dd) (SysOp) (Lund - S)

<Mukhya (AT) bbt (DOT) se>

Cc: Noma Petroff <npetroff (AT) Bowdoin (DOT) EDU>

Tuesday, October 26, 1999 1:20 PM

Re: Allegations of Cow Slaughter at ISKCON Murari Sevaka



>[Text 2730629 from COM]


>> From a distance it looks black and white, the cows were killed at the

>> arrangement of the so called temple manager. In actuality this is a fact.

>> However, the tremendous amount of gray area surrounding the circumstances

>> of prosecution are tremendous. Don't forget, this Kali Yuga and the law


>> this land does not perceive cow killing and meat eating as a legal

>> offense. Hopefully within the next week to ten days there will be a

>> closure on this issue and a full report made to the community of


>> world-wide.


>> This is a serious heinous situation at Murari Sevaka which is being dealt

>> with. It is a fact, that these cows have been slaughtered.


>My God, for long time I thought the rumors about cow sloughter in "our so

>pure and dedicated to Krsna,s will society", the protector of the cows and

>brahmanas, are just unproofed rumors. I could not imagine myself that

>"devotees" would go so far to kill theyr own mothers, like Srila Prabhupada

>used to write. But upon hearing this report about cow killing on ISKCON,s

>farms, my faith and my idealism got another serious crack.


>I just ask myself - whats next...?



>Harsi das

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> My God, for long time I thought the rumors about cow sloughter in "our so

> pure and dedicated to Krsna,s will society", the protector of the cows and

> brahmanas, are just unproofed rumors. I could not imagine myself that

> "devotees" would go so far to kill theyr own mothers, like Srila Prabhupada

> used to write. But upon hearing this report about cow killing on ISKCON,s

> farms, my faith and my idealism got another serious crack.


> I just ask myself - whats next...?


> ys

> Harsi das


Just ask yourself, do you drink milk? What happens to the cow that the milk


drink comes from? What are you doing to promote cow protection?


I am directing this not only at Harsi, but all the readers.

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>"COM: Madhava Gosh (das) ACBSP (New Vrindavan - USA)"

><Madhava.Gosh.ACBSP (AT) bbt (DOT) se>

>Madhava.Gosh.ACBSP (AT) bbt (DOT) se, Cow (AT) bbt (DOT) se,

>Varnasrama.development (AT) bbt (DOT) se, Free.Forum (AT) bbt (DOT) se

>"COM: Cow (Protection and related issues)" <Cow (AT) bbt (DOT) se>, "COM:

>Varnasrama development" <Varnasrama.development (AT) bbt (DOT) se>, "COM: Mukhya

>(dd) (SysOp) (Lund - S)" <Mukhya (AT) bbt (DOT) se>

>Re: Allegations of Cow Slaughter at ISKCON Murari Sevaka

>Wed, 27 Oct 99 08:23 -0400


>[Text 2732341 from COM]


> >

> >

> > My God, for long time I thought the rumors about cow sloughter in "our


> > pure and dedicated to Krsna,s will society", the protector of the cows


> > brahmanas, are just unproofed rumors. I could not imagine myself that

> > "devotees" would go so far to kill theyr own mothers, like Srila


> > used to write. But upon hearing this report about cow killing on


> > farms, my faith and my idealism got another serious crack.

> >

> > I just ask myself - whats next...?

> >

> > ys

> > Harsi das


>Just ask yourself, do you drink milk? What happens to the cow that the



>drink comes from?



That is the point, not just for Harsi, but for everyone.

I would like to see our farm here at New Gokula, Australia, providing milk,

ghee and butter for use at our temple. I was using the cream off the milk to

produce ghee and butter, so we didn't have to support this demoniac dairy

industry that sends the calf off for slaughter and slaughters the mother.

However it was stopped by the authorities there, and now they are buying

ghee and butter. Anyone wanna protest this?

Another thing I'd like to bring up, I wrote to the cow ministry but they

haven't had time to address it. The authorities here are hoping to get

around the Minimum guidelines regulation that goes : "no breeding of cows

without a plan for the training of offspring", by making sure there are no

offspring! They plan to stop breeding altogether on our farm and simply

purchase milking cows whose calves have been sent for slaughter. These cows

are suffering intensely from separation from their calves, A practice which

is condemned in SB.



What are you doing to promote cow protection?


Promoting real protection, not a show.


>I am directing this not only at Harsi, but all the readers.


Yes we all have this responsibility


YS, Niscala





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