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Qualified Women

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> Its a matter of understanding I guess, I may be also wrong in my

> understanding of what Prabhupada is saying.


OK. I will explain what Prabhupada is saying. In the system of varnasrama

dharma, marriages are made that way that a woman is always less qualified

than a husband. This has to do with male and female natures. Female nature

is to be submissive and male nature is to be appreciated. A woman can be

easily submissive if her husband is more qualified, she would appreciate her

husband. If a woman is more qualified than her husband she would have

difficult time to be submissive and appreciate him. Female needs to be

accepted in order to feel that she is loved. Male needs to be appreciated in

order than he feels loved. When a woman appreciates her husband he accepts

her and she feels loved. He feels appreciated and he feels loved, so the

relationships works nicely.

Now, if a woman is more qualified this breaks this kind of relationship.

If she all the time has to explain things to her husband, because she is

more intelligent, that breaks that smooth male-female relationship.

That is why in the varnasrama system marriages are made that way that woman

of higher varna doesn't marry a man from a lower varna. Those kind of

marriages where woman is more qualified are called pratiloma and they are

considered degraded, children born from this kind of marriages are called

varna-sankara. You see, varna-sankara comes from the improper mixing of

varnas in a marriage relationship.

The thing is here that Srila Prabhupada is looking from above and he is

saying that woman is always less inteligent. That's true in the system of

varnasrama-dharma and any other system, were people have some knowledge of

the male-female relationship. That a woman is always less inteligent doesn't

mean that all women are all the time less inteligent than all the men (that

we can realize ourselves). It means that in a marriage relationship woman is

less inteligent than her husband. This kind of arrangement is made purposly

to keep the male-female relationship smoothly running.

I hope that helps.

Ys. Sraddha dd

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