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Enzombied Intelligence?

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Dear Guru-Krishna prabhu,


A few reflections. First, a verse and partial purport from the glorious,

all-blissful, and all-perfect Srimad-Bhagavatam:


SB 4.29.31




"The living entity is exactly like a dog, who, overcome with hunger, goes from

door to door for some food. According to his destiny, he sometimes receives

punishment and is driven out and at other times receives a little food to eat.

Similarly, the living entity, being influenced by so many desires, wanders in

different species of life according to destiny. Sometimes he is high, and

sometimes he is low. Sometimes he goes to the heavenly planets, sometimes to

hell, sometimes to the middle planets, and so on."




"The living entity's position is herein likened to a dog's. By chance a dog

may have a very rich owner, and by chance he may become a street dog. As the

dog of a rich man, he will live very opulently. Sometimes in Western countries

we hear of a master leaving millions of dollars to a dog in his will. Of

course, there are many dogs loitering in the street without food. Therefore,

to liken the conditional existence of the living entity to that of a dog is

very appropriate. An intelligent human being, however, can understand that if

he has to live the life of a dog, he had best become Krsna's dog. In the

material world a dog is sometimes elevated and is sometimes on the street, but

in the spiritual world, Krsna's dog is perpetually, eternally happy. Srila

Bhaktivinoda Thakura has therefore sung: vaisnava thakura tomara kukura baliya

janaha more. In this way Bhaktivinoda Thakura offers to become a Vaisnava's

dog. A dog always keeps himself at his master's door and does not allow any

person unfavorable to the master to enter. Similarly, one should engage in the

service of a Vaisnava and try to please him in every respect. Unless one does

so, he does not make spiritual advancement. Apart from spiritual advancement,

in the material world if one does not develop his qualities in goodness, he

cannot be promoted to the higher planetary system."




So, here the meaning of being the "dog" of the spiritual master is defined:

"One should engage in the service of a Vaishnava and try to please him in

every respect." It doesn't mean, I'm sure you'll agree, that one should become

a mindless, drueling, tail-wagging moron. (I have a dog in my backyard and I

have no intention of emulating "all" of his qualities. It would only disgust

my siksha guru!) One should always be ready and willing to please the

spiritual master. One should use his all of his faculties, including his

intelligence, to do so. If the spiritual master falls down, however, and can

not become rectified on the path of devotional service, one should not

continue to follow him, as is the nature of an ordinary, foolish dog.


Ideally, our whole lives should consist of service to the Vaishnavas, whether

that Vaishnava is one's spiritual master or a so-called ordinary devotee.

Indeed, when a bona fide spiritual master accepts the service of his

disciples, he is actually acting as a servant of his spiritual master, and

ultimately, of Krishna.


As for what psychologists, scholars, etc., would make of a devotee wanting to

become the 'dog' of his spiritual master, if we preach to them then perhaps

one day they will understand. It may not be fair to assume that they would all

be entirely unsympathetic to a proper explanation of a Vaishnava's mood of



Sometimes Vaishnavas need help. I have known devotees who were so seriously

disturbed (manic depression, suicidal, eating disorders such as bulemia and

anorexia nervosa, etc.) that they needed the help of mental health

professionals. Some of the people that come, materially exhausted, to Krishna

consciousness, are in dire straits. Have you not known any such persons? In

some cases, the chanting of the Holy Names works on their problems in a quick

way, but for others the road to recovery is a long one and they would benefit

from professional treatment.


Why should seriously incapacitated persons not get help? If, for example, I

broke my arm, wouldn't you take me to the doctor right away? What would you

do, for example, if I climbed into a cardboard box and refused to come out for

two days, all the while carrying on insane conversations with nonexistent

persons? Would you do nothing? What if you caught me throwing up all of my

recent meal, and you found out that I was doing this practically daily.

Wouldn't you want get me help?



Your servant,


Pancha Tattva dasa




Guru-Krsna dasa wrote:



> Many think exactly as you do, prabhu. But the great souls pray that they may

> *give up* their puny independence to simply become the "dog of the spiritual

> master." Now we need not wonder how the psychiatrists, sociologist,

> scholars, etc. will diagnose someone who desires to become the *dog* of

> another person!--or do we?


> Chant Hare Krsna (become brainwashed) and your life will be sublime!!!


> :)



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