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Y2K - Believe It or Not!

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"COM: SPU (Sravanam Publishers Ukraine)" wrote:


> [Text 2868803 from COM]


> ... I can with the

> whole responsibility say that the Y2K problem was invented by American mass

> media. There is, indeed, a very insignificant problem with PC's and some

> other small computers. It is not faced by computers designed for Unix type

> operating systems, for these computers will have problems in 2013 due to the

> specifics of UNIX. And so on. The whole thing, I agree, is very profitable

> for software corporation that are making money on the bug that hardly

> exists, and easily could be solved within one month, if this was the

> purpose...


> yhs, jayagovardhana dasa -=@tHE cRaCkEr@=- and computer pirate...

> well, at your service!



Hare Krsnal dasi replies:


I'm not sure in which way you are blaming the Americans for the Y2K problem.


Human beings are subject to 4 defects:


1. Tendency to make mistakes

2. Imperfect senses

3. Tendency to cheat

4. Tendency to be in illusion


I will agree that there is a lot of (3) cheating going on as a result of Y2K,

but I believe that the original computer problem is more a matter of (1)

tendency to make mistakes. It's not just a hype.


Y2K has many aspects, and many of them will affect us whether we "believe" in


or not.


1. Original computer error means that many computers, microprocessor chips,

etc, will interpret 00 as 1900 instead of 2000. This has already happened.

This is why the State of Maine issued car registrations for "horseless

carriages" to owners of new, year 2000 model vehicles.



10/12/99- Updated 05:54 PM ET


Y2K cars mistaken for 'horseless carriages'


PORTLAND, Maine (AP) - State government got its first Y2K surprise months early

when owners of 2000 model cars and trucks received titles identifying their new

vehicles as ''horseless carriages.'' ....





2. Attempting to make needed computer upgrades may result in other mistakes:



Y2K Test Causes Huge Sewage Spill


4 Million Gallons Seeped Into A Van Nuys Park


VAN NUYS, Calif., Updated 12:03 p.m. June 17, 1999 --

How do you know when a computer system has failed a Y2K test? When it caused 4

million gallons of raw sewage to spill into the streets.


CBS 2 News reports crews armed with vacuum trucks worked through the night to

clean up the mess that seeped out of the Donald C. Tillman Water Reclamation






100,000 still powerless in meter crisis


Thousands of London Electricity's pre-paying customers have been left

without hot water, light, or cooked food for days, as a plan to save them from

the millennium bug goes "horribly wrong".


They dare not even sleep for fear they miss a knock at the door from an

engineer coming to fix the problem with their Powerkey meters, because they

have been warned that if they do it could be 24 hours before help arrives



A London Electricity spokeswoman admitted: "It's all gone horribly wrong in

London, due to technical problems with a piece of equipment which occurred at

the weekend."


Around 400,000 customers have been told to change their Powerkeys in order

to keep their meters working when the new year begins. Unfortunately, a


with the new keys corrupts the meters in 25 per cent of cases and the customer

is left without power.


Associated Newspapers Ltd., 05 August 1999

This Is London





Wednesday 17 November 1999


Y2K compliance sparked fire-hall fireball: union


MICHAEL MAINVILLE; Travers of The Gazette contributed to this report.

The Gazette


Attempts by the city of Montreal to stave off a Y2K computer disaster are


blamed for causing the blaze

that gutted Fire Station 26 in Plateau Mont Royal on Monday night.


And the Montreal firefighters' union is saying that more than half the city's

fire stations face the same computer

problem - making them accidents just waiting to happen.


Monday's blaze was determined by police to be accidental, after a firefighter

left a batch of french fries

cooking on the station's stove when he responded to a fire on nearby Iberville






3. Agents may deliberately corrupt software while pretending to upgrade it



U.S. finds malicious code changes in Y2K "fixes"

By Reuters

Special to CNET News.com

October 1, 1999, 5:30 a.m. PT


WASHINGTON--Malicious changes to computer code under the guise of Year 2000

software fixes have begun to surface in some U.S. work undertaken by foreign

contractors, the top U.S. cybercop said yesterday.


"We have some indications that this is happening" in a possible foreshadowing


economic and security headaches stemming from Y2K fixes, Michael Vatis of the

Federal Bureau of Investigation told Reuters.


Vatis heads the interagency National Infrastructure Protection Center (NIPC),

responsible for detecting and deterring cyberattacks on networks that drive


finance, transport, telecommunications, and other vital sectors.


A Central Intelligence Agency officer assigned to the NIPC said recently that

India and Israel appeared to be the "most likely sources of malicious

remediation" of U.S. software...






4. People may cause bank runs or riots as a result of fear of not getting

needed food, money, fuel, etc.

[At this point, I have no examples of this.]




5. Computer hackers will create new viruses to win notoriety on the turn of





New Viruses Act Like Y2K Glitches


By Ann Harrison


A growing collection of viruses, worms and Trojan horse programs are exploiting

the year 2000 date change,

further bedeviling information technology managers who already are on alert for

Y2K software glitches.


Some threats, such as the recent Babalonia virus, attempt to present themselves

as Y2K fixes. Others, including the recently

discovered W32/Mypics computer worm, are set to activate Jan. 1 and are

disguised as Y2K glitches.


The worm overwrites checksum data in the host computer's CMOS memory, which


seem like a Y2K error in the

computer's BIOS.


Other Y2K-related viruses, worms and Trojan horses include Troj.Polyglot (also

known as Y2K Count), Worm.Fix2001,

W97M.Chantal.A and W97M.MMKV.





6. Religious Fanatics, Militia, Organized Crime and like groups may use Y2K to

launch criminal or terrorist attacks. See for example the following excerpt

from the FBI's Project Megiddo:





Extremists from various ideological perspectives attach significance to the

arrival of the year 2000, and there are some signs of preparations for


The significance of the new millennium is based primarily upon either religious

beliefs relating to the Apocalypse/Armageddon, or political beliefs relating to

the New World Order conspiracy theory. The challenge to law enforcement is to

understand these extremist theories and, if any incidents do occur, be prepared

to respond to the unique crises they will represent.


Law enforcement officials should be particularly aware that the new millennium

may increase the odds that extremists may engage in proactive violence

specifically targeting law enforcement officers. Religiously motivated

extremists may initiate violent conflicts with law enforcement officials in an

attempt to facilitate the onset of Armageddon, or to help fulfill a "prophesy."

For many on the extreme right-wing, the battle of Armageddon is interpreted as


race war to be fought between Aryans and the "satanic" Jews and their allies.

Likewise, extremists who are convinced that the millennium will lead to a One

World Government may choose to engage in violence to prevent such a situation

from occurring. In either case, extremists motivated by the millennium could

choose martyrdom when approached or confronted by law enforcement officers.

Thus, law enforcement officials should be alert for the following: 1) plans to

initiate conflict with law enforcement; 2) the potential increase in the number

of extremists willing to become martyrs; and 3) the potential for a quicker

escalation of conflict during routine law enforcement activities (e.g. traffic

stops, issuance of warrants, etc.).


http://www.fbi.gov/library.htm [Requires Adobe Reader]





Be on lookout for terrorists, Americans told


WASHINGTON -- President Clinton's national security adviser urged Americans to

be "vigilant" against potential terrorist attacks at home and abroad over the



Sandy Berger, head of the National Security Council, said Sunday that

authorities still were seeking to determine whether an Algerian arrested for

allegedly bringing a trunkful of bomb-making explosives into Washington state

was part of a terrorist network.


"We're not aware of any other specific threat against particular targets in

the United States," Berger said on CBS' Face the Nation. "Obviously, if that

changes, we'll alert the American people."





7. The cost of addressing Y2K in the US alone will be at least $8.34 billion.

(That does not count forthcoming lawsuits.)



Yet, OMB says now, in the very report Clinton was discussing in his press

briefing, that the cost will be $8.38 billion:


"Agencies now estimate they will spend $8.38 billion fixing the problem from

Fiscal Year 1996 through Fiscal Year 2000. This includes expenditures in FY


- 1998 of $3.50 billion and estimates of an additional $4.88 billion through




Funding in FY 2000 will support completion of final contingency plans, agency

Y2K project office operations, and other agency activities to monitor and

manage the transition into 2000. In total, costs have increased by $37 million

(0.4 percent) from the September-reported estimate of $8.34 billion. To the

extent that agencies encounter additional requirements in FY 2000, these

estimates may continue to rise..."





8. Damage or perceived damage will result in lawsuits on a phenomenal scale





Trial lawyers aim their guns at tech community


John Sullivan


Technology companies dodged a bullet when President Clinton signed legislation

in July limiting Y2K lawsuits. But too many leaders of the industry don't

realize they are still looking down the barrel of a loaded gun.


As trial lawyers expand their endless search for huge verdicts -- and the deep

pockets to pay them -- Bay Area technology companies remain a high-profile



The inaugural round of suits against the tech industry involved securities.


product liability and negligence won't be far behind -- probably in the

familiar form of class-action lawsuits and demands for enormous punitive

damages. As jury awards rise, hardware and software manufacturers only increase

their exposure by not

intensifying their fight for legal reform...


As plaintiffs' attorneys expand their search for defendants capable of paying

huge verdicts, auto and tech firms become obvious targets.





So, the reality is that the whole complex issue that we call "Y2K" is not


a conspiracy by American software dealers to sell more software. It's a real

problem which already has produced many very real results. And it will

undoubtedly produce more in the weeks and months to come.




The Myth of Conspiracy


© 1999 By David O'Daniel Eddy

December 15, 1999


When the good ship Y2K runs up on the rocks, one of the first things to be

jettisoned will be any shred of historical

memory or truth in a frantic search to find some evil conspirator(s) who did

the dirty deed...







It means that we're probably going to see tremendous economic, technical and

social changes around the world in the next few years.


These changes will impact world markets and they will impact our funding for

many projects, for building temples and for maintaining existing temples, for

maintaining our farm communities.


It will also provide us with many new preaching opportunities -- if we are

willing to accept the new challenges that Krsna sends us, and if we are quick


adapt to new ways of doing things when our old familiar ways are no longer

economically or technologically possible.


But, please don't say that Y2K is just a hype. It's already started to show


effects -- whether we "believe" in it or not. And it will undoubtedly show



We just have to be awake and use the changes that will come to find new

opportunities to spread Krsna consciousness.


Shutting our eyes in denial will not help. Opening our eyes to find


in the midst of new problems will make a difference.


your servant,


Hare Krsna dasi

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