Guest guest Posted November 8, 1999 Report Share Posted November 8, 1999 Hare Krsna dasi 8 Nov 1999 A History of Cow Abuse in ISKCON ***ABSTRACT: A recent incident of cow abuse in ISKCON has led to focus on the alleged perpetrator of the crime, but cow abuse in ISKCON has been widespread and on-going. ISKCON's history of cow abuse should be analyzed carefully, not simply to vilify certain individuals, but to examine how organizational weaknesses lead to situations that foster abuse. ISKCON's cowherds are among the least-empowered and lowly regarded members of the Krsna consciousness movement. Thus they lack the ability to be an effective voice for Krsna's cows. Their lack of direct, periodic and confidential access to their zonal GBC representatives in the past has impeded chances to make a plea for the welfare of the cows. ISKCON's law 507 appears to resolve this problem by requiring GBC's to meet quarterly with cowherds, inspect cow protection facilities, and file a report with ISKCON's Minister of Cow Protection and Agriculture. The shocking failure of GBC to file reports for 54 ISKCON farm communities for the past 2 quarters has been a demoralizing blow to Krsna's cowherds around the world and has ominous implications for the safety of cows in ISKCON.*** Today we will observe Govardhana Puja. We will worship Krsna as the lifter of Govardhana Hill and the protector of all the cowherd families and cows of Vrndavana. We will celebrate the occasion by special lectures, ecstatic kirtans, and great feasts of wonderful prasadam. This is appropriate. In our rural communities, we will have special festivities with the cows, maybe painting and decorating them, offering them special treats. This is fitting also. But as we are dancing in kirtan or feasting, we should remember some members of our Krsna conscious community who can no longer share in our celebration. These are eleven cows from the Murari Sevaka community in Tennessee: 1. Indra - ox, (Brown Swiss mix) 8 --10 Yrs. old (not Trained) 2. Chota - ox, (Jersey) 4 Yrs. old (Trained) 3. Maha - ox, (Jersey) 4 Yrs. old (Trained) 4. Bhima - ox, (Jersey) 4 Yrs. old (Trained) 5. Bala - ox, (Jersey) 4 Yrs. old (Trained) 6. Prabhu - ox, (Long Hair Jersey) 4 Yrs. old (Trained) 7. Bimba - ox, (Red Angus+Brown Swiss) 6 Yrs. old (Trained) 8. Tala - ox, (Black Angus+Brown Swiss) 6 Yrs. old (Trained) 9. Dharma - ox, (Jersey) 4 Yrs. old (Trained) 10. Hamsi - cow, (Herford mix ?) 12 Yrs.old 11. Hamsi's Bull calf. He was about 1wk. old when given away. Allegedly at the arrangement of an ISKCON temple leader, these cows were sold at a Fayetteville auction in late June or early July of this year. Subsequently, they were taken to a packing house, where each one was murderously slaughtered. For us to advance in spiritual life it is essential to start by remembering Lord Krsna's wonderful pastimes as protector of the cows. Prabhupada states that, "One cannot become spiritually advanced without acquiring the brahminical qualifications and giving protection to cows." (SB 6.18.52 purport) But protecting the cows requires more than remembering Krsna's pastimes. We must remember His pastimes, then we must follow His example. Some devotees are upset that I have publicized the unfortunate tragedy of Murari Sevaka, but it is my conviction that until we realize our shortfalls in cow protection, we will not be able to take the proper steps to correct the practices which lead to tragedies like this. Once we admit that we have a very serious problem, then with Krsna's guidance, we can work together to overcome our sad track record in cow protection. But, I am afraid that devotees do not know that we have had problems around the world with cow abuse. Thus they minimize the gravity of the problem. Because of my involvement in ISKCON's agriculture over the past ten years or so, a number of problems have come to my attention. I will list some of those problems. As you read them, note how, in many cases, the GBC's lack of involvement opens the door to cow abuse. 1. In 1989, I heard the first account of failure to protect cows in ISKCON. Pitavas prabhu from New Mayapur in France related to me that because of New Mayapur's tax difficulties, New Mayapur made arrangements for a karmi farmer to take care of their cows on his farm. Evidentally, the devotees were not able to check on their cows very frequently, and when Pitavas took over as head cowherd and went to visit the farmer, he discovered that several cows were missing. Evidentally, the farmer had sold them. As soon as Pitavas and his wife got another farm, and they took the remaining 108 cows to care for them there. 2. Historically, the next problem of cow abuse that I heard about was an alleged long-term tragedy at New Vrndavana which took place while Kirtanananda was still the leader there. In the Fall 1995 issue of Hare Krsna Rural Life, Vyapaka prabhu related "An example of the failure to take this step [planning adequate grazing ground for herd expansion] in planning a cow protection program is the New Vrndavana community , which tried to partially finance their community through a dairy. It is reported elsewhere in the newsletter that the project now has 280 cows. However, I was always told that they were consistently milking 100 cows, and at least one year, many more. So the question begs to be asked [since a cow must produce a calf to be milked]: Where are all the cows? Using simple arithmetic shouldn't there be between 1000 and 2000 more animals? "In a commercial enterprise it is mandatory that many young calves, especially bulls, be sold into the veal trade and older cows be culled and slaughtered when their milk productions drops and a younger animal proves more profitable. But according to reports which have reached HKRL, this was not done at New Vrndavan. Instead, according to devotees who lived there, the animals, generally calves, were left outside in the winter to die an ignoble death. Starvation and freezing was to be their fate. This merciless torture was unceremoniously labeled `winter kill.'" 3. In about 1993 or 1994, I heard that through neglect, an ox wandered into the hay barn at Gita-nagari, fell partway through the floor boards and was slowly electrocuted to death by the barn's electrical system. Also around that time, I had my heart broken to learn that Burfi, our handsome Brown Swiss lead ox at Gita-nagari for 12 years - who had even pulled a cart in front of the White House - was left for a number of days to die in a mud hole in the freezing winter weather. 4. About 1992 or 1993, I learned that the San Diego temple held a Govardhana Puja celebration. They borrowed a bull calf from a farm for the purpose of the festivities. After the celebration, they returned the calf to the farmer - and thus to its ultimate slaughter. 5. In 1996, on the COW conference, Hari Kirtan [text 141906 (7 Jan 96)] reported that devotees at Radhadesh in Belgium were grazing beef cattle for slaughter for a neighboring farmer: <<In order to have the grassland maintained, they rent most of it out to a karmi who lets his beef graze on it.>> Six months later Radhadesh's GBC, Suhotra Swami, posted the following comment to the COW conference, pointing out that as GBC he was not involved with policies involving cow protection at Radhadesh: [Text 181929 25-Jun-96; Text 368650 ] COM: <Suhotra.Swami (AT) com (DOT)> I would just like to say here that during the previous Mayapur gathering, I understood from Hrdaya Caitanya Prabhu that the policy you are concerned about would be changed. Why it has been reversed again, I can only surmise from these communications. I am not a part of this decision. 6. In 1996, I learned that devotees at Saranagati Farm in Canada were accepting a $11,000 per year tax exemption in return for grazing beef cattle for slaughter on their land: Fri, 19 Jan 1996 11:15:51 -0800 What is a horror to me and to just a few other devotees who own stock in Saranagati, is that each year the Saranagati Corporation provides a letter to the owner of the cows for his signature. This letter states that Saranagati land is used for cattle grazing for his cows. With this letter Saranagati is able to file tax returns as grazing land or farm property, thereby reducing our property taxes from an estimated eleven thousand dollars per year to under five hundred dollars. This is formally called our Farm Status. From my viewpoint, Saranagati has been directly receiving profit from the slaughter of cows since its founding in 1987. My viewpoint is not shared by the majority of old timers at the farm, who are also voting Directors, for a variety of twisted and well thought out excuses. Saranagati has two Swamis living there, Jagadisha Maharaja, and Dudhidhara Maharaja, who is a voting Director, and they have never been up in arms and demanded a stop to this practice, to my knowledge. 7. Also 1996, I learned that Murari Sevaka had "traded" two unruly oxen for cows - thus sending the bulls to their ultimate slaughter. One resident described witnessing an exchange that took place when a woman who took care of the cows asked the GBC to approve the trade as he was leaving the farm to catch a plane. The resident stated that the GBC consented, commenting, "Alright, go ahead with it -- a soul for a soul!" When subsequently questioned about the event, the GBC had a different memory of the hurried exchange. Apparently, there was never any written report of the event. 8. In September 1997 on the COW conference, Mahavishnu Swami (not a GBC for Italy) relayed a description of the treatment of cows at Villa Vrndavana [23 Sep 97, Text 809120]: <<Late last year one old bull, a veteran of Padayatra had died in Villa Vrndaban evidently suffering unnecessarily, and others were in bad shape. There were about 50 cows which could be barely maintained properly. Because of lack of manpower and laxmi they never got any exercise and the chains had eaten into their skins over the years.>> The local GBC had no knowledge of the problem. 9. By November 1997, members of the COW conference were hearing of problems in Mayapura: 2 Nov 97 08:11 EST [Text 877408 from COM] ISCOWP (Balabhadra Dasa & Chaya Dasi - USA) Dayaram (das) JPS (Mayapur - IN) Thank you for coming to New Vrindavan and spending time with us to discuss the cow situation in Mayapur Yatra and give us a better understanding of what's happening there. ....You said that there are presently 25 cows milking giving between 130-200 liters of milk daily. ....You said that as far as you were concerned that there was to be no more breeding on a large-scale. The herd breeding would be held at 3 to 5 new animals per year and that the herd size of 155 was at the ceiling for your Yatra to manage. ....You said that because in the recent past when there were between 15-20 deaths at the Goshalla that you have taken personal interest as you felt responsible for those deaths because of lack of proper follow up and monitoring of the new personnel (who have been removed) in charge of the Goshalla. ....BREEDING HAS TO BE CONTROLLED. PRACTICAL PLANNING AND MANAGEMENT HAS TO BECOME FIRST AND FOREMOST CONCERN. Without practical responsible management you will always be overwhelmed with problems. Manage things with INTELLIGENCE and not SENTIMENT. Will those who are opposed to controlled breeding take a vow at the Lotus Feet of the Deities that all animals bred by uncontrolled breeding be supported by their efforts? This means growing their feed. Providing storage facilities for the feed, with facility for grain grinding etc. Maintaining the upkeep of the Goshalla buildings. Will they check the animals on a daily basis and see how their health is and that their living conditions are clean and safe? Will they come daily and feed their dependents and milk them and train the oxen to work and be productive????????? In short WILL THEY TAKE RESPONSIBILITY FOR THE LIVES OF THEIR DEPENDENTS SO THAT THEY ARE PRODUCTIVE MEMBERS OF SOCIETY AND NOT CONSIDERED A BURDEN FOR SOMEONE ELSE TO CARE FOR?????? ***By January 1998, Hari Sauri commented on the situation*** Wed, 7 Jan 98 21:09 +0530 [Text 1014617] "COM: Hari Sauri (das) ACBSP" ....It is a fact that due to gross mismanagement about 16 calves died within about 6 weeks during the summer. Dayarama prabhu, the Mayapur CEO, who had taken personal responsibility for correcting earlier problems in the goshalla, admitted that the new man he put in charge was inexperienced and also not carefully monitored. The result was that the new calves were badly neglected by not being given sufficient mother's milk in the first ten days. As a result quite a few died. 9. In March 1998, the COW conference posted the following letter from Radha Krsna (das) ACBSP (GB) March 17, 1998 6:10 AM [Text 1171506] Before I left for India I had a report from Daiva Dina Dayal in Innisrath, Ireland. He told me the cows were sick and he wanted to see to them. On my last two days or so he arrived in India and gave me more details: He said these animals needed attention to: lice, ringworm, foot-trimming attention causing lameness, arthritis, due to lying on cold damp concrete, and overweight problems; because these animals or some of them are from another higher region where the animals survive on much poorer pasture than where they are at present and have been allowed unrestricted grazing. He had left one boy there in charge for the time being, but his recommendation was that if the temple do not want to allocate a permanent person or persons to look after the cows properly they should give them to another temple. What do you think the next move should be? *** In April, Pragosh prabhu responded to the complaints*** 15 Apr 98 07:45 +0000 [Text 1243861 from COM] "COM: Pragosh (das) SDG (IRL) I have been part of the Irish yatra for the last 15 years and want to make 2 points regarding the cow programme on Inis Rath. 1/ None of the present devotees at Inis Rath had anything to do with the initiation of the cow programme there. They have simply inherited it from previous management. 2/ Over the last few years, as Manu prabhu mentioned, a considerable amount of effort and laxmi has gone into improving the conditions there for the cows. New yard and gosala etc. Such things cost a lot of laxmi - real and genuine blood, sweat and tears are sacrificed in the endeavour to get that laxmi together. It is not so difficult to come along after, ignorant of the history, and start passing judgement on the situation, using as a comparison the ideal, picture perfect situation for Krsna's cows. Finally I would just like to say that whatever problems may or may not be prevalent at Inis Rath that they pale into insignificance when compared to the problems regarding the cows at Mayapur, Murari Sevaka, and New Vrindavana among others. ***Two points to note about Pragosh prabhu's entry: 1) Implication that most problems at Inis Rath were due to previous poor management, and 2) the fact that as early as April 1998, Murari Sevaka was already regarded as a trouble spot for cow protection by authorities such as himself.*** ************* 10. In early March of 1999 we heard commentary from Syamasundara prabhu, a head cowherd at the Bhaktivedanta Manor expressing grave concerns about cow protection at the Mayapur & Vrndavan goshallas. Fri, 5 Mar 99 23:42 +0000 [Text 2138827] Devaprastha (das) SRS (Manor - UK) [From Syamasundara dasa:] As an observer visiting both goshallas this year my initial impression is that in both places there are a number of cows which seem well looked after. There are arrangements that the dung is moved daily and in Mayapur the floor is washed twice daily. Plenty of chopped straw and grasses are supplied to the tethered cows. The goshalla buildings appear somewhat rundown and this is polarised because in both cases there are significant new prosperous buildings being erected in the vicinity. Looking a little further a cow related person will notice some shortcomings and ask Where are all the bulls and oxen? Where are the pasturing grounds and fields cultivated by goshalla oxen? The answers to these questions is unpalatable. It points at a management system that has systematically sent cows and bulls away for perhaps decades. Perhaps every year for the past 10-15 years 50 cows from Vrndavan and 40 cows from Mayapur have been sold or donated to local farmers and families. The problem I fear is that this management system cannot guarantee a full life for the cows and bulls. My thoughts are that a significant number of these `protected animals' have been slaughtered. One major problem is that nobody can trace all these animals and confirm or deny the worst. As the members of the cow conference know only too well breeding cows is an extremely serious and essential necessity and requires complete dedication and support of men, money and land. The full impact of breeding policies has to be calculated over twenty years. This has clearly not been done in these two goshallas. Fundamentally there has been no energy going into the acquirement of land neither the proper utilisation of the oxen.. Srila Prabhupada has warned "If you don't work the oxen you will think about killing them". This is what has happened indirectly in the two flagships of ISKCON goshallas. Srila Prabhupada wanted "Our cow protection program in India should be the exemplary standard for the whole world". Sadly these two goshallas are not giving any leadership at this time. Mayapur Goshalla is breeding about 30--40 cows each year. They should then have around 540-720 animals (based on an 18 year lifespan). They have 145. The missing cows have either been lost by neglect or deliberately sent away (especially the oxen) to local people. Thus there are 400-570 cows unaccounted for in the Mayapur goshalla. They currently have about 10 bulls and oxen. From these they have one ox team. They are embarrassed because currently there is an inspiration towards Y2k readiness and they have no working oxen. The land is cultivated by petrol rotovators, and tractors. The internal transportation is done by tractors and motorised trailers. The management decisions have created unemployment for the oxen. There has been no thinking to date of how to make Mayapur dependant on the ox. Vrndavana Goshalla is breeding between 40-50 cows each year, thus they should have a herd of 720-900 cows and oxen. They have 198. There are then 520-700 cows unaccounted for. Uddar Pradesh exports beef. Vrndavana goshalla has 5 bulls and 4 oxen. There is 7 acres of land of which about 3 is pasture. How has it been possible that these flagships goshallas have been so sidelined to the realm of embarrassments to the cow protection cause. They are showing a standard at the other end of the spectrum to which Srila Prabhupada wanted. Why has there not been hundreds of acres of land purchased for the welfare of the cows and bulls in both Mayapur and Vrndavana. Mayapur should have no less than 700 acres of land just for grazing, what to speak of agricultural land to engage the oxen. Vrndavan should have 900 acres of pasture land and at least the same again for agriculture. Who can address this serious area of concern ? Who can champion the land requirements for these cows. There must be a serious approach to the purchase of the land required for these two goshallas. The land requirements for the growing Mayapur city are great and the cows play a central role in the world model. The land requirements for the cows and oxen must be placed firmly in the fore front of any discussions regarding Vrndavana and Mayapur. Some thoughts from an observer. Yours in the service of the cows Syamasundara dasa Pilgrimage to India spring 1999 ***Syamasundara prabhu's commentary was rebuffed Mahaman prabhu, temple president of Krsna Balarama Mandir*** 18 Mar 99 16:43 +0530 [Text 2169037] Mahaman (das) ACBSP (TP Vrindavan - IN) <Mahaman is it true that our Cows are being slaughtered? <Please let me have some feedback in this issue. <yspda ------------- Dear Prithu Prabhu, Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupad. It is not true that our cows are being slaughtered!!!! We have learnt at least that much by being in this movement!!! Since I assumed presidentship of Vrindavan 10 bulls were sent to ISKCON's farm in Chandrapur, where they are engaged in farm work. However, in 1997 the management of the Goshala was transferred to H.H. B.B. Govinda Swami, who appointed Ganapati Prabhu to manage the Goshala. So, 50 cows and bulls were transferred during -97-98 to a wellmanaged Goshala in Kanpur. This Goshala is maintained by persons, who are very much devoted to Cow Protection and there is no danger whatsoever that the cows and bulls transferred there be neglected or mistreated. In any case, since B.B. Govinda Swami directly assumed responsibility for the Goshala, he would be in a better position to clarify this matter. Please note that in any case we do not sell any cows or bulls, but only give them to persons, in whom we have a high degree of trust that they will not mistreat them. The present management team is very much committed to protecting the cows and the bulls, and we are making many skims for their protection, including trying to purchase more land for the cows. Presently, the Goshala in Vrindavan is flourishing and well-supported. It was false that cows are neglected in Vrindavan. Rather the temple subsidizes the Goshala to the tume of Rs.40 000/- per month. Gomata ki jaya! Thanking you Your Servant [Mahaman] ***At this point ISCOWP presented some previous correspondence with Pancagauda prabhu in Vrndavana, including allegations of cow abuse at Vrndavana which they had received from another source:*** iscowp <iscowp (AT) ovnet (DOT) com> Monday, January 04, 1999 8:53 PM >Dear Pancaguada Prabhu, > >PAMHO. AGTSP. > >In the last year we have received reports from various devotees that cows from the Vrndavana Goshalla are being sold and/or given to those who can not be relied upon to protect them. It is not until we received this letter have we chosen to write you as we personally know the source and there are claims of persons who can verify the information. Obviously we have not given their names herewith to protect them at this time. We remember how you were very concerned about our oxen in North Carolina and now that you are the vice president of Vrndavana we felt you would be the most likely person to write. > >The great concern is that the Vrndavana Goshalla continues to breed when there is not enough land, so little land that the cows are not grazing. This puts the pressure of too many cows and therefore the rationale to get rid of them. The breeding seems to be because of the desire for milk. We are not in the milk producing business, i.e. commercial dairy, but in the cow protection business.... > >Please find the following letter. I am looking forward to your early response. > >Your servant, >Balabhadra das >ISKCON Minister for Cow Protection and Agriculture > >Dear Balabhadra and Chayadevi prabhus > >Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada. > >I have just returned from Vrindaban and I enquired about the selling of bulls to the Muslims. Nobody recalls that that directly took place but admit that indirectly that must have been the result of selling or donating bulls to local farmers, when they no longer had any use for them. This was a general practice before Kadamba Kanana was Temple president, when Kesi Daman was in charge of the Goshalla. Kadamba Kanana did not allow animals to go out. I asked Kesi Damam, whom I happened to meet in the Goshalla, and he denied selling bulls to the locals, and someone else of good repute said he did sell to Muslims. Anyway the end result is there. > >This is all about ten years ago, but there is a recent event which is a great shame to Vrindaban Goshalla and to the Society. Some say it took place a year ago and others six months ago, there is someone reliable who can provide all the names of the people, of the animals and all necesary proof. 30 calves, at least one good bull and six cows with their calves, who were giving less milk were donated to the temple chowkidars by Ganapati. The Vrindaban Guest house-in-charge (Krsna Balarama) and authorised by Bhakti Vrn Govinda Maharaj ( formerly Ayodhapti, , , "Food for Life"- famous). These chowkidars have their land and village in Bihar, a long way from Vrindaban and (the same person as quoted in the first paragraph) saw the cows being beaten and shoved into a truck... they didn't want to go. The Chowkidars are likely to be meat eaters..... not cow of course but not the kind of people to care much for cow protection. And furthermore one good bull which was sent away, had previously some years back been given to a man in Kosi, which is still in Braj, but far from Vrindaban, I'm not sure how far exactly, and he had broken his chain there and run all the way back to Vrindaban in the night and in the morning he was at the Goshalla gates. > >Prabhu this is too much that again they sent this bull away.... to Bihar from were he cannot come back. Please do investigate this cow abuse at Vrindaban Goshalla and please do ask them to bring some animals back at least or again and again they will do this. It is also said NanaNandan who lives at the Goshalla and caries out orders of the others, also pushes out animals quietly for 500 Rs. bribe. > >The present Goshalla in charge is Prem Kishore prabhu and all this happened before he came to Vrindaban. He was formerly Kasiram das, and Prem Kishore is his sannyas name, and now he is grhasta. He is very good and will not let any animals go from the goshalla and he is doing his best to care for the cows but with great difficulty. I asked him to bring back those animals but he dare not even say anything to Ganapati and all will be afraid of the chowkidars. Then what? > >Again this will go on. It is not cow protection at all there. It is like a commercial dairy.... there is great pressure to supply milk, milk, milk and get profit. Although he knows Indian breeds should be kept, Prem Kishore has purchased 2 Holsteins for the Goshalla who give 18 litres a day, as milk was required and as a result of inbreeding the herd was not doing well, and he wasn't able to purchase a good Indian cow. But this expediency will not help, and these Holstein calves will pose a problem economically and cross breeding would be a mistake. > >There will be problems for sure. He says he will keep the bull calves. But they dont have any grazing land there. I pledged one lace rupees towards land if I can be sure they will buy it. Prem Kishore wants to get on the cow conference so I'm sending his some money for the modem, whatever that is. Then you will really be able to help him as required. If you write to Vrindaban send it registered. Mail is not getting there. Gopal Krsna Maharaj is GBC all these years and is ultimatly responsible, but doesn't want to get involved. I remember once running into him at the Guruvayor Temple in South India, where he was planning to buy an elephant for Krsna Balarama Mandir. He never did thank goodness, but he should see that the poor cows are protected there, and that they have enough land to graze on. Devotees are spending fortunes on their own homes in Vrindaban. If they want to drink milk they should share in providing for the cows and bulls and calves. ***Excerpts from a further comment from Pancagauda prabhu:*** --Original Message----- COM: Pancagauda (das) ACBSP (Vrindavan - IN) Tuesday, January 05, 1999 9:50 PM [Text 1991367 from COM] >We are being very strict now and are not moving any cows or bulls out of Vrindavana. I can understand everyone's concern, but that descision was made by the Goshala incharge at the time, but now we have several persons overseeing the goshala. ....At present we have 191 cows, bulls and calves, 40 of which are milking. 5 full grown bulls, 4 oxen, 45 dry cows, 35 calves male, 42 female calves 20 retired old cows. > >Prem Kishore Prabhu is now the head of the goshala, he has done a wonderful job renovating, tagging all the animals and hiring responsible workers to care for all of the cows needs. As far a Nandanandana is concerned, he is also a very nice devotees and has been serving in Vrindavana for a very long time. I have never heard of him doing any dishonest activities, such as giving away animals for a so called rs. 500 bribe. ***After a further exchange with Balabhadra prabhu, Pancagauda forwarded a report from Prem Kisore prabhu. Here are excerpts:*** COM: Pancagauda (das) ACBSP (Vrindavan - IN) Wednesday, February 03, 1999 8:16 PM [Text 2073022 from COM] >Dear Balarabhadra Prabhu, >...I forwarded your letter to Prem Kishore Prabhu, and he just gave me a response. Here it is: > >Dear Balabhadra Prabhu, > > Our overhead is roughly $3500 per month and income is approximately $2700 per month leaving a deficit of $800 per month. So we have enacted a following program to make up the difference... > > 4. We have inherited a situation which we have little to do with, meaning we have 197 cows, calves etc. and 7 acres of land and fixed overhead. So we are trying to do the best we can, under the given circumstances. > ...6. We have discussed about 6 months ago with the temple president about forming a trust fund for cows. He agreed so we have spoken to a lawyer about how to establish it properly. But things progress slowly here in India so patience is required. But our objective is clear. > ...8. Previous to my taking charge to Goshala there was no categorization of our herd according to breed and no control of reproduction of the animals in our herd. So now all the animals are tagged and named and a separate file is being kept on each of other member of our herd which will include their breed, their age, data of mother, father and no. of children and medical history same for cows, bulls and oxen... > >Your sincerely > >Prem Kishore Das. *************** Without a doubt, a number of these faults have been corrected, but is that enough? Or are we just trying to sweep our mistakes of the past under the carpet to save our reputation? But who are we fooling? If ISKCON were serious about cow protection, the GBC would stay informed about cow protection in their zones. ISKCON would have funded the Ministry of Cow protection and Agriculture so it could to travel to help farms maintain proper standards and appoint and fund agents to investigate complaints But instead, the Ministry of Cow Protection and Agriculture (which is unfunded) informs us that the GBC has not filed the past two quarterly cow protection reports required by ISKCON law 507. *************** Sat, 6 Nov 99 01:08 -0500 Janesvara (Dasa) ACBSP Obviously this is not a sick joke. At first I thought I was reading the list incorrectly [balabhadra's Nov 2 post: Cow/Ag reports due]; that these were the places from which reports WERE received. But, no, the list is of those places [54 ISKCON farm communities] and GBCs from whom you have not received reports as required by ISKCON Corporate by-laws... Could you give us a list of those who HAVE complied with the laws? Is there ever any acts of contrition from these so-called leaders? They may be devotees, but they are certainly not leaders.... Hare Krsna dasi got on my case, respectfully, about doubting whether this reporting would take place when I stated my doubts back in June of this year. I relented and decided to give her time to convince me. The GBC is really not very convincing in their care about one of our very most important Krsna-citizens, the cows. *********************** So, my dear Sons on the GBC, I stood up for you in June. I said that you would come through. I said that you would meet with the cowherds and inspect the cows' facilities - as you are required to do according to ISKCON law. Now you have made a fool of me. You let the deadlines for 2 reports slide by as you attended to business more important than cow protection, as you talked with people more important than farmers. Meanwhile, the cows are drifting toward further tragedies. Will you continue to turn your back on Krsna's cowherds? Will there be any public acts of contrition for all this abuse? Or will you continue your mantra: "I'm not responsible. I knew nothing." Your servant, Hare Krsna dasi Without a proper arrangement for developing brahminical culture and protecting cows, all the affairs of administration will go to hell. - SB 7.3.13 PURPORT ISKCON Law 507: Minimum Cow Protection Standards can be found at Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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