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Ramakatha rasa vahini- Glimpses- 3rd Message

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>From the nectarine gospel of Swami in the form of Ramakatha

rasavahini, certain extracts( a very small portion)from Volume 1,

where Rama conveys to Sita about Kaikeyi's boon .


It is pertinent for every householder, every husband and every wife 

to go through the extract. As I had mentioned in my 1st Message on

R.K.R.Vahini, every page in Swami's book is pregnant with profound

philosophy, highly relevant  even for  the present generation and

for generations to follow.




Rama :  "Sita! Long ago, father had promised to grant mother Kaikeyi

two boons; but, that promise had not been fulfilled so far; she too

had not demanded them, until now. This day, she asked for them both.

They were, first: Bharatha must be crowned as Yuvaraja, and second:

I should move into the forest, and live there with matted hair and

vestments of bark for fourteen years. Father is supremely righteous.

He never acts against the plighted word. Therefore, he bowed his

head to Dharma and acceded.........


When Rama was instructing Sita on her duties, she could not contain

her laughter! She also felt sense of shame at the turn the arguments

took. She could not remain silent for long. "Rama", she

interrupted, "Rama! you are the son of Dasaratha....  Mother,

father, brother, sister, son, daughter-in-law every one has to

experience a quantum of happiness and misery; in proportion to the

good and bad done by each. But, the wife has a special source of

fortune, good or bad. That is to say, she has a share in the good

and bad for which her husband is responsible. She is endowed with a

part of his joy or grief.


Sita : ....i am coming with you in full joy! Since a long time, I

have had an unfulfilled desire to spend some years in forests. It is

my good fortune that I have now the chance to satisfy that desire,

in the company of my Lord! I will not give ear, if you insist that I

should not express my point of view in this great matter.......



Listening to Sita revealing her hard determination, Rama

continued. "Sita! You are entangling yourself in the complexities of

rights and claims! When I proceed to the forest, the aged parents

will be wailing and weeping for me. At that time, you can console

and comfort them, with gentle assurances. That is your duty. You

must conduct yourself according to the needs of each occasion. Be

with them; serve them; that is the way to please me, and give me

Ananda". ..........................


Sita:  ""However long you argue, whatever you may assert, I shall

not leave off treading along the prints your feet make. You may kill

me for transgressing your order, but I assert I can never be without



.........Rama was moved to pity. He raised her gently and

said. "Sita! To whom else am I to confide the secret spring of my

decision? Listen! You are young; in the forest there are many

hermitages full of ascetics, hermits and  sages. I will have to go

to them in order to be of service to them and to offer my reverence

to them. Kings and Princes too may be present there (since they come

to hunt) and honour them and be blessed by them. Their eye may fall

on you; and, consequential complications and conflicts may arise.

And, since I will be wearing the apparel of an ascetic, it may not

be proper to enter into fights with them. At least for this reason

you will have to remain in Ayodhya."...............


.................Sita had her own reasons to protest at this. She

said, "Rama! It is not just that you should deceive me, spinning

such fairy tales, as if you are of common stock! When you are by my

side, can even the Ruler of the Gods cast his eye on me? If he does,

will he not be reduced to ashes that very moment? No, for this

reason, you cannot leave me here; you cannot escape your duty and

responsibility on this score! Let me also tell you something: If you

are not with me, what will be my fate? ......



.............Sita bowed low, and fell at Rama's feet with these

words. Rama felt that it would be improper to continue resisting her

wishes. He resolved to yield. "Sita!" he said, "Give up your grief.

Do not give way to sadness. As you desire, I shall take you with me.

Engage yourselves quickly in preparing for the journey to the

forest!" Hearing the sweet words with which Ramachandra spoke, Sita

was elated; she was filled with boundless joy. She

said, "Preparation? What has one to prepare, to live in the forest?

I am always ready, with whatever I need, for I need only you; I have

no other want. I am following you, this moment. In you I have all I

need. You know I have no desire for anything other than

you". ................





Beloved brothers and sisters, in this age where relationships get

broken and severed, where divorce is a common phenomena, Ou Swami

teaches both male and female partners as to who a relationship has

to be nurtured and what "UNNDERSTANDING AND TRUST really mean!!

















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