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Madhavendra Puri (3) - Yugalastaka

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Sri Yugalastaka


by Madhavendra Puri Goswami



Text 1





radha-Krsnau namamy aham


Vrndavana - in Vrndavana; vihara - with pastimes; adhyau - enriched; sat

- eternal; cit - full of knowledge; ananda - and bliss; vigrahau - forms;

mani - with jewels; mandapa - temple; madhya - in the middle; sthau -

situated; radha - radha; Krsnau - and Krsna; namami - offer respectful

obeisances; aham - I.


I offer respectful obeisances to Sri Sri Radha and Krsna, who are

standing in a jewelled pavilion. Their forms are eternal, full of knowledge

and bliss and They perform pastimes in Vrndavana.



Text 2


pita-nila-patau santau


sada rsa-ratau satyau

radha-Krsnau namamy aham


pita - yellow; nila - and blue; patau - garments; santau - peaceful;

syama - dark; gaura - golden; kalevarau - forms; sada - always; rasa - to

the rasa dance; ratau - eager; satyau - true.


I offer respectful obeisances to Sri Sri Radha Krsna, the Supreme

Truth. Krsna's form is dark and He is dressed in yellow garments. Radha's

complexion is golden, and She is dressed in blue garments. They are

simultaneously very peaceful and very eager to perform the pastime of the




Text 3


bhavavirtau sada ramyau



radha-Krsnau namamy aham


bhava - into love; avirtau - entered; sada - always; ramyau - charming;

rasa - in the rasa-dance; caturya-panditau - very expert; murali - of the

flute; gana - song; tattva-jnau - skilled.


I offer respectful obeisances to Sri Sri Radha and Krsna. They are

very charming and they are full of love for each other. They are very expert

at performing the rasa dance and appreciating beautiful flute music.



Text 4





radha-Krsnau namamy aham


yamuna - near the Yamuna; upavana - in the gardens; avasau - staying;

kadamba - kadamba tree; nava - new; mandirau - temple; kalpa-druma - of

desire trees; vana - of the forest; adhisau - the monarch.


I offer respectful obeisances to Sri Sri Radha and Krsna. They stay

in the gardens near the Yamuna and They also stay in the temple under the

Kadamba tree. They are the emperor and empress of Vrndavana, the forest of

desire trees.



Text 5





radha-Krsnau namamy aham


yamuna - in the Yamuna; snana - bath; subhagau - lovely; govardhana - on

Govardhana hill; vilasinau - performing pastimes; divya - transcendental;

mandara - with mandara flowers; malya - with a garland; adhyau - enriched.


I offer respectful obeisances to Sri Sri Radha and Krsna. They are

decorated with garlands of celestial mandara flowers, and They perform

pastimes on Govardhana hill. Sporting in the water of the Yamuna river, They

appear very beautiful.



Text 6





radha-Krsnau namamy aham


manjira-ranjita - with tinkling ankle-bells; padau - feet; nasa - of the

nose; agra - on the tip; gaja-mauktikau - giant pearls; madhura - sweet;

smera - smiles; sumukhau - beautiful faces.


I offer respectful obeisances to Sri Sri Radha and Krsna. Their

beautiful faces are decorated with sweet smiles, and a giant pearl decorated

the tips of Their noses. Tinkling ankle-bells decorate Their feet.



Text 7




mohanau sarva-lokanam

radha-Krsnau namamy aham


ananta - unlimited; koti - millions; brahmande - in universes; sarti -

creation; sthiti - maintenance; anta - and annihilation; karinau - causes;

mohanau - enchanting; sarva - all; lokanam - living entities.


I offer respectful obeisances to Sri Sri Radha and Krsna. They

create, maintain and annihilate countless millions of universes, and They

enchant all living entities.



Text 8





radha-Krsnau namamy aham


paraspara - mutual; rasa - exchange of love; avirtau - entered;

paraspara - mutual; gana - associates; priyau - dear; rasa - of the

exchanges of transcendental love; sagara-sampannau - oceans.


I offer respectful obeisances to Sri Sri Radha and Krsna. They are

full of love for each other, and a loving relationship exists between Them

and all Their friends. They are like two ocean of reciprocal transcendental


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