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The noblest occupation & the most important business

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"COM: Trayimaya (das) HKS (Aarhus - DK)" wrote:


> [Text 2214711 from COM]


> "Prabhupada said that farming was the noblest occupation for householders."


> A(n unauthorized) quote from TKG`s diary. P.169.


> Your servant Trayimaya dasa


> PS. By the way, there is a conference called "GBC Varnasrama", can anyone

> tell what´s going on there?


Srila Prabhupada frequently quoted the saying that agriculture is the noblest

occupation. Also, he stated that cow protection is the most important business

of human society.


I hope you will relish a few of His Divine Grace's statements on these topics.


your servant,


Hare Krsna dasi




Light of the Bhagavat:

With good rains, the farmer's business in agriculture flourishes.

**Agriculture is the noblest profession.** It makes society happy, wealthy,

healthy, honest, and spiritually advanced for a better life after death. The

vaisya community, or the mercantile class of men, take to this profession. In

Bhagavad-gita the vaisyas are described as the natural agriculturalists, the

protectors of cows, and the general traders.


When Lord Sri Krsna incarnated Himself at Vrndavana, He took pleasure in

becoming a beloved son of such a vaisya family. Nanda Maharaja was a big

protector of cows, and Lord Sri Krsna, as the most beloved son of Nanda

Maharaja, used to tend His father's animals in the neighboring forest. By His

personal example Lord Krsna wanted to teach us the value of protecting cows.

Nanda Maharaja is said to have possessed nine hundred thousand cows, and at the

time of Lord Sri Krsna (about five thousand years ago) the tract of land known

as Vrndavana was flooded with milk and butter. ***Therefore God's gifted

professions for mankind are agriculture and cow protection.***



Room Conversation Columbus, May 11, 1969 690511RC.COL


Allen Ginsberg: So we're also going through a coovy(?) asrama for poets. A

little farm for poets.

Prabhupada: Yes. Farming, agriculture, that is nice. **There is a proverb:

agriculture is the noblest profession.** Is it not said? **Agriculture is

noblest, and Krsna was farmer,** His father.

Allen Ginsberg: The cow.

Prabhupada: Cow, yes. And in Vedic literature you'll find, a man is... Richness

of a man is estimated by the possession of grains and cows. Dhanyena dhanavan.

If he has got sufficient quantity grain, then he's to be... Formerly, even

still in India, when a daughter is offered to a family, they will go and see

how many morais(?) there are. Grain stock. If he sees that he has five, six,

big, big grain stock, then he can... "Oh, this is nice house." You see? "They

can feed." So in India still, the arrangement is that every family has got at

least two years grain in stock. You see?



Visit New Vrindaban, June 22, 1976 760622VI.NV


Prabhupada: **Agriculture is the noblest profession.** Give him some land, he

cuts the wood, makes cottages. The land is clear, now till it, keep cows and

grow foodgrains.

Pusta Krsna: Doesn't put any local men out of work.

Prabhupada: Simple thing. And then live comfortably, eat comfortably, chant

Hare Krsna. Comfortably does not mean satisfaction of the senses. Comfortably

means we require primary necessities, to eat something, to sleep somewhere or

have some sex--this is also bodily need--and to defend, that's all. These are

the primary necessities. That can be arranged anywhere. God has given all

facilities. Grow your own food, eat, and live anywhere. Just this place was

rough like that, now it is handled nicely, it is very attractive. (Bengali) Any

damn place, you cleanse it, it becomes home. And any nasty man, you decorate

him, he becomes a bridegroom. (laughs)





Morning Walk Teheran, August 12, 1976 760812MW.TEH


Prabhupada: That does not make you, what is called, unfit. You can do something

like that.


Harikesa: I mean I was born in a city, raised in a city, and feel very good

when I'm in a city, but when I'm on a farm, I'm very disturbed.


Prabhupada: Rajasika, you have got rajasika. So that means your mode of nature

is rajasika. There are three kinds of--sattvika, rajasika, tamasika.


Harikesa: But what are we going to do with all these kind of people?


Prabhupada: That is already there, three kinds of propensities. Sattvika,

rajasika, tamasika. So you belong to the rajasika, that's all. So it can be

conquered by sattvika.




Srimad-Bhagavatam Canto 9: Chapter Four, Text 33-35 :TRANSLATION




Thereafter, Maharaja Ambarisa satisfied all the guests who arrived at his

house, especially the brahmanas. He gave in charity sixty crores of cows whose

horns were covered with gold plate and whose hooves were covered with silver

plate. All the cows were well decorated with garments and had full milk bags.

They were mild-natured, young and beautiful and were accompanied by their







Prabhupada's Lectures General - 1968 681204LE.LA


There are many other animals. Why particularly cow? Because cow protection is

the most important business of the human society. In offering obeisances to

Krsna, it is said, namo brahmanya devaya go brahmana hitaya ca. "I offer my

respectful obeisances unto the Supreme Person Who is the protector of the

brahmanas and the cows." Go brahmana hitaya ca jagat hitaya. The first

qualification is that He protects the brahmanas and the cows. Next, He protects

the whole world. Jagat hitaya krsna. And He is Krsna, govindaya, this Govinda.

So the example is set by the Supreme Personality of Godhead that human

civilization will advance only on the basis of brahminical culture and cow



As soon as there is falldown from brahminical culture, and as soon as there is

discrepancy in the protection of cows, there will be no more peace in the

world. Therefore He specifically said, go brahmana hitaya ca. This Krsna

consciousness movement is for the protection of brahminical culture and cows.

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At 02:43 PM 4/9/99 -0400, you wrote:


>I hope you will relish a few of His Divine Grace's statements on these



>your servant,


>Hare Krsna dasi


>As soon as there is falldown from brahminical culture, and as soon as

there is

>discrepancy in the protection of cows, there will be no more peace in the

>world. Therefore He specifically said, go brahmana hitaya ca. This Krsna

>consciousness movement is for the protection of brahminical culture and cows.



Until now it was a mere quote from some of Prabhupada's books for me in

which I believed, but now I can see and realise how it is a great truth -

there will be no more peace in the world - this is the only way, protection

of brahminical culture and cows. Good point for me in this situation to

think about. Thanks Mother.


Your servant from war region,

Maha-ratha das

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