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Stable Marriage or a Stepford Wife?

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> > No blaming, but for the sake of preaching, mistakes need to be pointed

> > out. Just see how Srila Prabhupada dealt with mundane scientists.


> pointing out mistakes for helping them is ok, especially when they are

> practicing or aspiring devotees but have some misunderstanding about

> womens' role.


> > > that's why Srila Prabhupada emphasized on creating brahmanas rather

> > > than spending time in defeating women lib arguments.

> >

> > That's so untrue. He did both things: creating brahmanas and pointing

> > out mistakes of ignorant feminists.


> untrue or incomplete?



Untrue, because Srila Prabhupada did spend time defeating their arguments.





> > In 1975 there was much protest in American newspapers over Srila

> > Prabhupada's assertion that women are less intelligent than men. Several

> > women reporters came to interview Srila Prabhupada, but he would not

> > compromise with them. Totally frustrated, a lady journalist once stormed

> > out, slamming the door. Srila Prabhupada just laughed. The press

> > coverage went from bad to worse, but Srila Prabhupada stood by his

> > principles.


> it's glorious and I am really proud of having such a great personality as

> my param guru.


> > A critic might contend that Srila Prabhupada could have handled these

> > situations in a more sensitive, careful manner.


> such critics are simply fools and don't know Srila Prabhupada's position.


> > Although on many occasions

> > Srila Prabhupada did deal tactfully, often he chose to fight --

> > sometimes by all out attack.


> Srila Prabhupada was and is perfect in all that he said / says and all

> that he did / does. No exception!


> > > if we can show by our own

> > > example how to act as husbands and men then naturally the women /

> > > wives, being subordinate by nature, will follow.

> >

> > Prabhu, I dissagree with this one too. Srila Prabhupada said that when

> > there is divorce it is the wife's fault.


> i don't exactly know in which context he said it but if he did say so then

> it must be.


According to the Vedic conception of family life, the husband gives half his

body to his wife, and the wife gives half of her body to her husband. In

other words, a husband without a wife or a wife without a husband is

incomplete. Vedic marital relationship existed between Lord Siva and Sati,

but sometimes, due to weakness, a woman becomes very much attracted by the

members of her father's house, and this happened to Sati. In this verse it

is specifically mentioned that she wanted to leave such a great husband as

Siva because of her womanly weakness. In other words, womanly weakness

exists even in the relationship between husband and wife. Generally,

separation between husband and wife is due to womanly behavior; divorce

takes place due to womanly weakness. The best course for a woman is to abide

by the orders of her husband. That makes family life very peaceful.

Sometimes there may be misunderstandings between husband and wife, as found

even in such an elevated family relationship as that of Sati and Lord Siva,

but a wife should not leave her husband's protection because of such a

misunderstanding. If she does so, it is understood to be due to her womanly



>>> Ref. VedaBase => SB 4.4.3






> if I say that 1st floor of my house collapsed because 2nd floor collapsed

> over it, then it may be true but then the point is why the 1st floor

> wasn't built strong enough? this is why a boy is trained in

> brahmacharyashram before he gets into grihasthashram. if he has no

> strength of understanding and tolerating wife's nonsense then the marriage

> will break soon "due to" wife's fault.


So it works other way around too.....




> So it's true what Srila Prabhupada said but it depends on us in what sense

> we take it. If we try to take advantage of it and blame women,


Blaming women! Why even bring this up? The point is very simple: everyone

needs to carry out his/her duties as given in the sastra, and we need to get

educated about what are duties are.




> then we

> will have to be prepared to face the consequences, i.e. the ugly face of

> women lib or an ever complaining wife and divorce. And if we take the

> blame on us, then we will lose nothing but make ourselves stronger and

> grihasthasram peaceful. gradually a time will come when the wife will

> start understanding her faults and if not, will start listening to our

> pointing out her faults. Then only can we help her.


That's so relative.





> > That means that men and women

> > need to be educated, not only men.


> yes, the point is men is supposed to educate women. not in universities

> but in home.


As far as I know, traditionally elder women would educate younger women.




> if men instead of educating women keep pointing at their

> faults, then what is the hope for such a society?


> > Generally, separation between husband and wife is due to womanly

> > behavior; divorce takes place due to womanly weakness.


> womanly weakness could also be in men.


How is that so?





> anyway prabhu, I refrain from saying more partly because I don't know much

> about yourself--- wheather you are senior or junior, elder or younger,

> Srila Prabhupada disciple or his granddisciple, etc.


That's why I removed all other information from my email address. (LOL)





> but what I mean to

> say is even if we know that women are at fault we don't lose anything in

> accepting the blame and at the same time caringly making them aware of

> their fault, in a way they can take it.


> yes, a wife is supposed to be subservient to her husband but then all

> living entities are also servants of the Supreme Lord. Why then the

> Lord comes all the way to this hellish world and takes humble postion to

> teach us something?


Sometimes rose, sometimes club. Why to single out the rose.





> Even animals become submissive to a caring master. what to speak of a

> human beings? the condition is, the care taken or shown has to be genuine.

> We have to learn this from Srila Prabhupada, our perfect master.


That's OK Prabhu, but I feel this is drifting from a sastric/philosophical

discussion into how to practically implement sastric injunctions. I

personally wouldn't like to discuss that via email.

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