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Inquiries into the Absolute

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Hare Krishna !!


Special announcements:


i) Romapada Maharaja will be giving a seminar on the 'Srimad Bhagavatma,

Pastimes and Philosophy' at the ISKCON, Potomac temple on May 5th and 6th

(Sat and Sun) from 9:30AM to 4:30PM. This is a great opportunity to begin

the systematic study of this nectarean scripture. Devotees who can, are

encouraged to take advantage of this special facility.


ii) Please continue to send your inquiries for Romapada Maharaja at this

address. Questions of general interest will be posted in the digest,

specific questions will be taken up individually. Thank you for all the

words of encouragement and appreciation sentto us by devotees the from all

over the world.


Digest 3, May 3, 2001. Answers by His Holiness Romapada Swami



Spiritual advancements


Q 3.1

I have very strong faith in Gaudiya Vaishnava philosophy. but I am scared

that too much spiritual involvement will affect my material life

unfavorably. What should be done?



It is natural that with the awakening of attachment to Krsna, one will

gradually develop detachment from worldly things. However this does not

mean that a devotee will give up his worldly responsibilities; rather he

would do those same duties more meticulously, as long as they are not

detrimental to the cultivation of devotional service, but he would do them

as a service to the Lord and without attachment for profit and



There are innumerable examples of great Vaisnava devotees who were

householders and held very responsible social positions. Bhaktivinoda

Thakur was an ideal example, he was a magistrate and had ten children! But

he used all his position, wealth, family and abilities in the service of

the Lord. When we take up some spiritual activities, even if in small

incremental steps in the beginning, we will find that the Lord gives us

more time and ability to perform our duties nicely and to take further



Q 3.2

Once a person is fortunate enough to hear about Lord Krishna and starts on

spiritual path, does God help him to advance rapidly? I find many cases

were people wishing to advance on spiritual path are suffering from

their inability to control their sense? If one strongly wishes to take

to lotus feet of Lord why doesn't God immediately help him control his




In the Bhagavad Gita (10.10) Krsna says, “To those who are constantly

devoted to serving Me with love, I give the understanding by which they

can come to Me.” Krsna is situated in everyone's heart as the Supersoul

(paramatma). As soon as one takes to Krsna consciousness, Krsna helps him.

If he comes forward one step, Krsna comes forward ten steps.


The second part of the question (why doesn't God immediately help him

control his senses) goes back to the issue of free will. If Krsna did

everything for us, then where would be our desire, our effort, our love? A

genuine desire manifests itself as a sincere effort and Krsna will

undoubtedly reciprocate when He sees that sincere effort.



Q 3.3

How should one learn to accept happiness and sufferings equally? What does

rapid sufferings of an initial beginner in spiritual path indicate? Does

God give material benefits to a neophyte or does he give rapid sufferings

to test him?



In Bhagavad Gita (5.15) Krsna says that, ‘Embodied beings, however, are

bewildered because of the ignorance which covers their real knowledge.’

Being in a bewildered condition, therefore, the embodied soul identifies

himself with the circumstantial material body and becomes subjected to the

temporary misery and happiness of life. Real knowledge is our

understanding of our relationship to Krsna and attempting to re-establish

it. With such knowledge one becomes equipoised, without any attachment to

success or failure.


Regarding your point about ‘rapid sufferings,’ – Srila Rupa Goswami

mentions in the Nectar of Devotion that ‘bhakti is klesaghni subhada,’

that it provides immediate relief from material distress. Srila Prabhupada

gives the analogy of a fan that continues to rotate even after the plug

is pulled out. Similarly one may suffer from past reactions in the early

stages of bhakti, but gradually this will also cease.


With respect to the third part of your question, Krsna reciprocates

according to the desires and advancement of the devotee. He gave unlimited

oppulences to Sudama and put Queen Kunti into so much distress, both very

dear devotees, and in both cases the end result was bringing them closer

to Him.


Q 3.4

Please help me solve one of the mysteries that panic me often. I do wish

to be in the service of the Supreme Lord. But I am often disturbed by the

sufferings like poverty that exists in the world. Should we just leave all

this saying that its the result of karma? And how do you preach a person,

who is not getting even a meal a day, about Krsna ?



A devotee is compassionate by nature. However equipped with the higher

truth, he tries to provide ultimate relief – relief from material

existence. If one is disturbed to see people starving, then he should try

and feed them Krsna prasada. The food will alleviate their material

distress and the fact that is sanctified food will also provide them with

spiritual relief. Similarly hospitals, orphanage, schools can be operate

that take care of the material and spiritual needs.


Q 3.5

It is said that spirit is very tiny invisible to the gross material eye!

but for any person willing to do bhakti, he should first understand

distinction between body and spirit! For a neophyte how is it possible

to know about something(spirit) which is not visible to gross material

senses! For the gross materialists won't this be an easy argument for




The spirit soul can be detected by inference, since there is no change in

the material composition of a body at the time of death. So one may

inquire from the gross materialist as to what is the cause of



However this debate can and will go on forever. Our senses are far from

perfect and even with all the material advancements we cannot even solve

the mysteries of the material world - trying to reach or even understand

Krsna, or even the spirit soul, with our imperfect senses is impossible.

The basis of spiritual advancement is to have faith in the scriptures. The

ultimate proof of the existence of the soul is that Krsna affirms it in

the Bhagavad Gita.


Devotional practices


Q 3.6

Maharaja, could you explain the significance of Tulasi worship?



Tulasi devi is a very dear and intimate associate of Sri Krsna. She has

the benediction of being able to impart Krsna-bhakti to one who prays to

her sincerely. Vaishnavas pray to Tulasi devi to engage them in the loving

service of Radha-Krsna.


Q 3.7

Stories abound on the origin of the Ekadasi day. Even more stories are

told on the benefits and warnings given for breaking this fast. My

question is why we break fast on the Dwadasi at a particular time and what

might be the 'result' of breaking ones fast after the allotted time has

passed, say if you are traveling or something like that or have just

simply forgotten to break fast at the appropriate time.



In the stage of regulative sadhana bhakti, several do’s and do not’s are

prescribed. One such set of rules applies to the Ekadasi vrata, and it is

said that to get the full benefit of observing the fast, the fast has to

broken within the prescribed time; if not, the benefit of fasting would be

minimized. While it is certainly important for us to follow these rules as

meticulously as possible, we have to keep in mind that the rules are not

the be-all and end-all. The higher prerogative is the mood of devotion in

pleasing the Supreme Lord. We endeavor to follow the rules meticulously to

please the Lord. All rules are servants of this one rule.


Q 3.8

Can you explain me the significance of the mahamantra? Is it more

effective than devotional songs and Vedas?



The sixteen syllable Hare Krsna mahamantra is a plea to the internal

potency (Hare) of the Supreme Personality of Godhead (Krsna, Rama) –

namely to Srimati Radharani, to be engaged in the service of Krsna. The

Upanisads mention this mahamantra as the means of perfection especially in

this age of Kali.


Singing devotional songs or chanting Vedic hymns are also forms of

devotional service. However, the mahamantra has been empowered by Caitanya

Mahaprabhu, who is non-different from Sri Krsna and is the yuga avatar,

and is therefore considered to be most potent.


Q 3.9

What is meant by Bramhacharya? Who is a bramhachari? How he should behave?

What are his characteristics? I want to follow bramhacharya perfectly.

Please give explanation.



There are four stages of life namely:brahmacarya, grastha, vanaprastha and

sannyas. The word ‘brahmacarya’ indicates one who is situated in

cultivation of knowledge of Brahman. In the stage of brahmacarya one

follows the vows of celibacy, takes shelter of and serve the instructing

gurus and immerses completely in the systematic study of the scriptures

and their implementation. It will not be possible for me to do justice to

this question within the scope of this format. Please correspond to me



Q 3.10

I would appreciate if you can elaborate on why we should not consume or

eat either onion or garlic. Is it stated in any Sastra? Please help me

this question will be helpful for my preaching purpose.



In Bhagavad Gita (17.9) Krsna states that ‘Foods that are too bitter, too

sour, salty, hot, pungent, dry and burning are dear to those in the mode

of passion. Such foods cause distress, misery and disease.’ Onion and

garlic fall in this category. They excite the baser instincts and make it

difficult for one to control the senses. The prohibition on onion, garlic

etc. is implicit, by virtue of their characteristics.


Follow-up questions


Follow up question on free will (Digest 1, Qn 3):

How is it that Srimati Radharani, who doesn't have the inherent freedom to

turn away from Krsna as the jivas do, can still be considered a Person

who experiences love for Krsna? As Maharaja states, if the jivas didn't

have this free will our forced love wouldn't be considered love at all,

yet when it comes to Radharani, who by nature doesn't have this freedom,

Her experience is still called love. Would you please explain this

apparent contradiction?



There are three principal categories of energies of the Supreme Lord:

internal potency, external potency and marginal potency (antaranga,

bahiranga and tatastha sakti). The jivas are by constitution the marginal

potency of the Lord; as the name indicates, they are marginal in the sense

that they can go either way, i.e. take shelter of either the internal or

external potency. Srimati Radharani and other eternal personal associates

of the Lord, however, are in the category of internal potency. It is not

that they have no free will, but being ‘not marginal’, they ALWAYS choose

to serve Krsna, and never become subject to the external energy. This is

due to the constitutional difference between the two types of energies.


A crude analogy would be that of the fire and spark, as explained

previously. The blazing fire is never separated from its heat and light,

or for that matter, a big log in the fire blazes with the fire, but a

small spark of that fire can easily drift away.




Thursday, May 3rd, 2001 Ekadasi Mohini (Break fast 05:07-09:46 USA EST)

Sunday, May 6th, 2001 Narsimha Caturdasi, Appearance day of Lord

Narasimhadev. Fast until dusk.




Web Address : http://www.iskcondc.org

Email : mail (AT) iskcondc (DOT) org





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