Guest guest Posted August 15, 2002 Report Share Posted August 15, 2002 Brahma-Muhurta Compiled by Tridandi Bhikshu Bhaktiratna Sadhu. The Time of Rising from Bed: The time early in the morning, one and a half hours before sunrise, is called brahma-muhurta. During this brahma-muhurta, spiritual activities are recommended. Spiritual activities performed early in the morning have a greater effect than in any other part of the day. [bhag. 3.20.46, purport] Ref. VedaBase => SPL 48: At Home in India: (In Vrindavana) Prabhupada was vigilant about the devotees' attendance at the morning devotional program in the temple. Calling for the temple president, he asked why some devotees were regularly absent. Mangala-arati, he said, was very important, and everyone must attend. Punctuality was also important. **** The exact time for the mangala-arati would vary according to the clock, he said, but it must always be one-and-a-half hours before sunrise. **** The last line of Sri Gurvastakam appears in the Stavamrta-lahari of Sri Visvanath Chakravarti Thakura as follows: srimad-guror astakam etad uccair brahme muhurte pathati prayatnat yastena vrndavana natha saksat sevaiva labhya januso 'nta eva (9) "That person who very attentively recites this astakam to Sri Gurudeva during *** brahma muhurta *** is sure to achieve direct service to the lotus feet of Lord Sri Krishna, the very life and soul of Vrindavana, at the end of his life." Srila Prabhupada writes in Cc. Madhya 24.331, purport: In the early morning hours (known as brahma-muhurta) one should get up and immediately chant the Hare Krsna mantra, or at least `Krsna, Krsna, Krsna.' In this way, one should remember Krsna. Krsna book, "Lord Krsna's Daily Activities": Lord Krsna would immediately get up from bed exactly on the appearance of brahma-muhurta.. After rising from bed, Lord Krsna would wash His mouth, hands, and feet and would immediately sit down and meditate on Himself. Hari-bhakti-vilasa 1.6: diksa nityam brahma-kale subhotthanam pavitrata .. . . (Second Vilasa, 10. initiation, 11. rising every day at brahma-muhurta, 12. cleanliness, . . . Text 19 Garga-samhita 4.8.19: eka-varam- jalam- pitva dhauta-vastro 'ti-nirmalah brahme muhurta utthaya caikadasyam- harim- natah During ekadasi one should be pure-hearted and very clean, wear clean garments, drink water only once, rise during brahma-muhurta, and bow down to Lord Krsna Garga-samhita 4.18.14: brahme muhurta utthaya dhyatva devim- kalindajam arunodaya-velayam nadyam- snanam- samacaret During brahma-muhurta one should meditate on goddess Yamuna' and at sunrise one should bathe in the Yamuna. Garga-samhita 5.15.2: brahme muhurte cotthaya gopyah sarva grhe grhe dehaly-anganam alipya dipams tatra nirupya ca In each home the gopis rose at brahma-muhurta, anointed the doorways and courtyards, arranged the lamps, . . . Garga-samhita 8.10.7: brahme muhurte cotthaya rama-krsneti ca bruvan natva gurum bhuvam caiva tato bhumyam padam nyaset One should rise at brahma-muhurta, chant the holy names of Lord Krsna and Lord Balarama, and bow down before one's guru. Only then should one place his feet on the ground. Notes by Tridandi Bhikshu Bhaktiratna Sadhu: Shrila Visvanatha Chakravarti Thakura, Gurvastakam Verse 9 Mahatmya states that Gurvastaka should be sung in the brahma-muhurta to achieve the lotus feet of Lord Krishna at the end of one's life. Shrila Prabhupada states that Mangal-arati should always be in the brahma-muhurta which begins 1 hr 36 min before sunrise and lasts for 48 minutes. He also states that ideally the time for mangal arati which should be during brahma-muhurta should vary according to the sunrise time because the brahma-muhurta time always depends on the time of sunrise. The time of sunrise determines the times of all the muhurtas in the day. All the scriptures quoted above state that one should rise from bed during brahma-muhurta. Shrila Prabhupada states that brahma-muhurta is the best muhurta for spiritual practices and also it is the best muhurta of the day according to the astrological charts. In temples built for preaching, it may be a practical problem to daily vary the time of mangal arati therefore Prabhupada fixed it at 4.30 am or 5 am in some places. But then there is also a problem that the mangal-arati may not always be conducted in the brahma-muhurta throughout the year especially in the summer seasons when the sun rises very late. Therefore Prabhupada also said that actually the timings of the mangal-arati should vary as per the sunrise clock. And also that one may have to get up much before the brahma-muhurta to attend a mangal arati which is fixed at 4.30 am but is much before the brahma-muhurta. For example sunrise is there in Mumbai in the summer at 7.00 am. So the brahma-muhurta starts at around 5.30 am or so. Whereas the mangal-arati may be conducted at 4.30 am. So one may have to take bath around two muhurtas before mangal-arati or even earlier. We all know the story that because Nanda Maharaj went to take bath too early before brahma-muhurta, he was captured by Varuna's men. Ofcourse that was a pastime. This is just a small detail just to bring to our attn. Devotees who are doing mangal-arati at home can actually conduct and sing the mangal-arati daily during brahma-muhurta to get the maximum advantage of the Gurvastakam prayers and their morning sadhana. They can easily vary the mangal-arati timings as per the sunrise timings which is the ideal and best way to do it as suggested by Prabhupada who said that mangal-arati should always be 1 1/2 hour before sunrise. They can get up at brahma-muhurta (alarm can be kept to ring just at the beginning of brahma-muhurta) from bed as instructed in all the revealed scriptures (above) and quickly finish their morning duties in maximum of 15 to 20 minutes which leaves them half an hour (total 48 min) to sing and conduct the mangal-arati and begin japa. This will the ideal performance of the morning sadhana by the grihasthas. I have a given a chart below of the timings of brahma-muhurta etc. for the devotees in Mumbai for Aug 2002. Any devotee can calculate thebrahma-muhurta and mangal-arati timings at his place by getting the sunrise times of their place from the internet. They can try out this website for getting the timings for sunrise in their resp places for the whole year : If temples also want to try to strictly follow what Prabhupada instructed in Vrindavan then there are two options: (1) Either the temples have two to three or four different mangal arati timings during the year for different seasons in such a way that the mangal-arati is always or mostly conducted in the brahma-muhurta. This is done is many Vallabhacharya temples, some Gaudiya math and other temples. (2) Or to follow a day by day timetable so that everyday Gurvastakam will be chanted in the brahma-muhurta. Most temples may consider this greatly impractical. But there is a way out. Each temple can publish a small booklet for the whole year about the timings of mangal-arati daily and any regular visitor can have it so everyone attending mangal-arati including the temple residents will know what will be the time of mangal-arati and morning darshan from the booklet. Mangal-arati timings for the whole month can also be posted outside the tempel in advance. So everyone can attend accordingly. This is just an idea to show that it is possible if one wants to strictly implement Prabhupada's instructions given above. I hope this discussion helps someone. Anyway I am posting a chart of the timings for the brahma-muhurta for Mumbai devotees so atleast any grihatha devotees who are interested to accurately conduct mangal-arati daily for their Deities at home can follow it including the time for rising up from bed also. Time Calendar for Mumbai, August 2002: 1 Muhurta = 48 minutes. 1 day = 24 hrs = 30 Muhurtas. Brahma-Muhurta is the 2nd last Muhurta before sunrise. (1 hr 36 min before) Pratah-Gayatri can be chanted in the Samudram Muhurta(48 min)before sunrise. Madhyan-Gayatri can be chanted in the appropriate Muhurta (48 min) at noon. Gaura-Arti and Sandhya Gayatri can be in the app Muhurta in the evening around or after sunset as given below. Date Sunrise Sunset Brahma-Muhurt Pratah Madhyan SandhyaMuhurt Rising from bed Gayatri Gayatri Sandhya Arti Mangal-Arti SandhyaGayatri Samudram M AM PM AM AM NOON PM Aug 01,02 6:15 7:14 4.39 - 5.27 5.27 - 6.15 11.51 - 12.39 7.03 - 7.51 Aug 02,02 6:16 7:14 4.40 - 5.28 5.28 - 6.16 11.52 - 12.40 7.04 - 7.52 Aug 03,02 6:16 7:13 4.40 - 5.28 5.28 - 6.16 11.52 - 12.40 7.04 - 7.52 Aug 04,02 6:16 7:13 4.40 - 5.28 5.28 - 6.16 11.52 - 12.40 7.04 - 7.52 Aug 05,02 6:17 7:12 4.41 - 5.29 5.29 - 6.17 11.53 - 12.41 7.05 - 7.53 Aug 06,02 6:17 7:12 4.41 - 5.29 5.29 - 6.17 11.53 - 12.41 7.05 - 7.53 Aug 07,02 6:17 7:11 4.41 - 5.29 5.29 - 6.17 11.53 - 12.41 7.05 - 7.53 Aug 08,02 6:18 7:10 4.42 - 5.30 5.30 - 6.18 11.54 - 12.42 7.06 - 7.54 Aug 09,02 6:18 7:10 4.42 - 5.30 5.30 - 6.18 11.54 - 12.42 7.06 - 7.54 Aug 10,02 6:18 7:09 4.42 - 5.30 5.30 - 6.18 11.54 - 12.42 7.06 - 7.54 Aug 11,02 6:19 7:09 4.43 - 5.31 5.31 - 6.19 11.55 - 12.43 7.07 - 7.55 Aug 12,02 6:19 7:08 4.43 - 5.31 5.31 - 6.19 11.55 - 12.43 7.07 - 7.55 Aug 13,02 6:19 7:07 4.43 - 5.31 5.31 - 6.19 11.55 - 12.43 7.07 - 7.55 Aug 14,02 6:19 7:07 4.43 - 5.31 5.31 - 6.19 11.55 - 12.43 7.07 - 7.55 Aug 15,02 6:20 7:06 4.44 - 5.32 5.32 - 6.20 11.56 - 12.44 6.20 - 7.08 Aug 16,02 6:20 7:05 4.44 - 5.32 5.32 - 6.20 11.56 - 12.44 6.20 - 7.08 Aug 17,02 6:20 7:05 4.44 - 5.32 5.32 - 6.20 11.56 - 12.44 6.20 - 7.08 Aug 18,02 6:20 7:04 4.44 - 5.32 5.32 - 6.20 11.56 - 12.44 6.20 - 7.08 Aug 19,02 6:21 7:03 4.45 - 5.33 5.33 - 6.21 11.57 - 12.45 6.21 - 7.09 Aug 20,02 6:21 7:03 4.45 - 5.33 5.33 - 6.21 11.57 - 12.45 6.21 - 7.09 Aug 21,02 6:21 7:02 4.45 - 5.33 5.33 - 6.21 11.57 - 12.45 6.21 - 7.09 Aug 22,02 6:21 7:01 4.45 - 5.33 5.33 - 6.21 11.57 - 12.45 6.21 - 7.09 Aug 23,02 6:22 7:00 4.46 - 5.34 5.34 - 6.22 11.58 - 12.46 6.22 - 7.10 Aug 24,02 6:22 7:00 4.46 - 5.34 5.34 - 6.22 11.58 - 12.46 6.22 - 7.10 Aug 25,02 6:22 6:59 4.46 - 5.34 5.34 - 6.22 11.58 - 12.46 6.22 - 7.10 Aug 26,02 6:22 6:58 4.46 - 5.34 6.22 - 7.10 11.58 - 12.46 6.22 - 7.10 Aug 27,02 6:23 6:57 4.46 - 5.34 6.23 - 7.11 11.58 - 12.46 6.23 - 7.11 Aug 28,02 6:23 6:57 4.46 - 5.34 6.23 - 7.11 11.59 - 12.47 6.23 - 7.11 Aug 29,02 6:23 6:56 4.46 - 5.34 6.23 - 7.11 11.59 - 12.47 6.23 - 7.11 Aug 30,02 6:23 6:55 4.46 - 5.34 6.23 - 7.11 11.59 - 12.47 6.23 - 7.11 Aug 31,02 6:23 6:54 4.46 - 5.34 6.23 - 7.11 11.59 - 12.47 6.23 - 7.11 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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