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BBT Online Newsletter No. 3






1. Editorial

2. North American Annual BBT Report

3. BTG Update

4. Preaching in New Zealand and Australia

5. Marathon News

7. Opportunities



1. Editorial


Dear Maharajas and prabhus,

Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada.


By this time of year the sankirtan devotees have returned to their normal

distribution routines after performing the yajna of the Christmas marathon.

To honour their efforts, the The Online Newsletter no. 3 contains an

extended section of sankirtan news where we have stories from as far apart

as Bombay and Los Angeles.


We also bring you news about developments for book production and

distribution in the North American BBT division and we hear from Nagaraja

Dasa, the BTG editor-in-chief, how the devotees produce the BTG. HH

Bhaktisiddhanta Swami tells us about some interesting distribution trends in

Australia and New Zealand.


In conclusion I would like to thank all those devotees who wrote to us, and

who offered their services. Jaya Hari Dasa of Johannesburg, South Africa

wrote expressing his desire to translate Srila Prabhupada's books into Zulu.

Happily we were able to put him in touch with devotees who can help.If you

think you can serve Srila Prabhupada in this way please do not hesitate to

contact us. Thank you. Your humble servant,

Anjana Dasi



2. North American BBT Annual Report by Sura Dasa


In 1998, the sankirtan devotees distributed nearly 100,000 copies of the new

hardbound books "Quest for Enlightenment" and "Dharma, the Way of

Transcendence." The hardcover sales in 1998 came to a total of 270,000

books, a ten-percent increase over 1997. This increase is attributable to

both the steady work of the established temples and the efforts of a few new

sankirtana groups. The new traveling parties in Seattle and Portland, under

the direction of Prthu Prabhu, made the biggest difference.


The North American BBT printed 927,000 books in 1998, including

340,000 hardbound books. That's 30% more hardbound books than in 1997. These

books were printed in Australia. Taking advantage of the strength of the

American dollar relative to the Australian dollar, we stockpiled hardbound



Sales to commercial distributors (Borders, Barnes and Noble, Associated

Publishers Group, and Bookworld) held steady at $3,000 to $5,000 per

month. The main titles are Bhagavad-gita As It Is, Teachings of Lord

Caitanya, The Science of Self-Realization, and Krsna book. Bookworld's

Spring 1999 Religious and Spiritual catalog prominently presents BBT books

on its centerfold. This full-color spread is the catalog's whole Eastern

Philosophy section, and it displays twelve BBT books and none from another



The North American BBT homepage has become popular. Every day we get

around 5,000 hits and 10 to 20 catalog requests. Our full-color online

catalog now makes it easy to purchase Srila Prabhupada's books online.

Jagadisananda Prabhu and his Internet crew not only constantly update and

fine-tune the BBT homepage, but also they promote BBT titles on amazon.com,

barnesandnoble.com, and borders.com. Each of these giant online booksellers

has all of Srila Prabhupada's books, complete with full-color scans and

descriptions. Sales have been steadily increasing.


The North American BBT now mounts a display promoting Srila Prabhupada's

books at a few book shows and conventions a year. We attend the Book

Expo America, The New Age Trade Show, the American Academy of Religion

convention, and the American Library Association convention.


Last year the follow-up program of our mail-order division linked dozens of

people to temples, and many of these people became full-time devotees and

book distributors. We will expand this program in 1999 to help more sincere

souls take up full-time devotional service in North America and thus

increase book distribution.


The first quarter of 1999 has the editorial and production staff working on

five projects. First, we are reviving and updating the pamphlet "On Chanting

Hare Krishna," a classic that tells what ISKCON is and who Srila

Prabhupada is. It also contains the essay, "The Peace Formula," and Srila

Prabhupada's explanation of chanting Hare Krsna, from the Happening album.

Second, is a new full-color update of the pamphlet, "Krishna Consciousness

Is Authorized," which highlights the culture of Krsna consciousness.


The third and fourth projects are an interactive multimedia CD-ROM and a

book, entitled "Lets Ask Srila Prabhupada." The book and CD are for mass

distribution and contain the best of the best of Srila Prabhupada's

conversations on Western philosophers.


Our fifth project is the annual Srila Prabhupada Vyasa-puja book.


In addition, we will be continuing to reprint existing books when needed.


We pray we can continue to serve the Vaisnava community by producing

and promoting transcendental literature, in pursuance of the order of our

Guru Maharaja.



3. Back to Godhead Update by Nagaraja Dasa, Editor in Chief


Back to Godhead's editorial and production offices are located at the New

Raman Reti farm in Alachua, Florida. A double-wide mobile home provides

offices for me, Kalakantha Dasa (circulation director), and Mallika

Dasi (receptionist/secretary), and serves as the residences and office space

for Jayadvaita Swami, Yamaraja Dasa (designer), and Punya Kirti Dasa



Recent gurukula graduate Krsna-priya Dasi works at BTG part time, learning

production-related software. Tamraparni Dasa, our former circulation

director, now works with the Bhaktivedanta Institute but is still involved

in graphics and editorial planning, and his wife, Loka-saksini Dasi, works

with The Hare Krishna Bazaar (formerly The Hare Krishna Catalog).


The production schedule for each issue of BTG covers about six months, from

planning to printing. Traditionally, BTG has relied heavily on unsolicited

material, and this is still the case, although we have started to put more

effort into planning articles. Any article we receive is uploaded to a COM

conference for review by several devotees, especially editors listed on

BTG's masthead who don't live in Alachua. I try to draw a consensus and then

decide whether or not to publish the article. When planning an issue, we

draw from the list of accepted articles.


For illustrations, we tend to rely on whatever is already available,

although we sometimes commission devotee artists to do new work. It is

easiest for us to work with nearby artists, and we regularly use the art of

Puskara Dasa, who lives in Alachua.


Yamaraja Dasa, who has been with BTG since the 1970s, designs and lays

out the magazine on a Macintosh system. We scan photos in-house, but send

out slides and transparencies to be scanned. The magazine is sent on a Jaz

disk to a company in California that produces the film. A printer in Tampa,

Florida, prints the magazines. Most of the shipping is also done from Tampa,

although we send out most of the orders for North American temples from our

office in Alachua.


Our current print run is around 17,500. We have around 3,500

rs; the rest of the magazines are sold to temples. Our biggest

customers are South Africa (6,000) and the UK (3,200).


BTG has hired the Bhaktivedanta Archives in North Carolina to handle

subscription fulfillment. They take care of all subscription-related

matters. We handle temple bulk orders from our Alachua office. We are now

sending the magazine on CD to India, Italy, and Spain for printing editions

of BTG in those countries. We are now sending the magazine on CD to India

and Italy for printing editions of BTG in those countries.


Since 1991, BTG has mainly targeted devotees and the ISKCON

congregation. With our subscriptions hovering around 3,500 year after

year and our sales to temples decreasing, we've decided to shift the

editorial emphasis to targeting outsiders. We've hired a consultant, and

later this year we'll be doing a direct-mail campaign aimed at getting

new rs from the segment of society we call "spiritual seekers."


We invite devotees to write articles for BTG or send us suggestions on

improving the magazine, keeping in mind the broader audience we're trying

to reach.



4. Preaching in New Zealand and Australia by HH Bhaktisiddhanta Swami


The mood that developed in New Zealand is now being transplanted to

Australia. Our focus is a string of city centers networking with a

professional class of individuals who would never visit our temples for an

introduction to Krsna consciousness. These are people who, with a regulated

program of long-term exposure, become a "tribe" that flowers in full

appreciation of our traditional molds.


We call these centers Lofts, and we offer Hatha Yoga, Ayurvedic Seminars,

Bhagavad-gita nights, Krsna Book nights, Martial Arts classes, and UF0 talks

(based on "Alien Identities"). We conclude each week with a Hare Krsna

Sunday program.


Each evening, we serve organic Western-style prasadam and offer dinner-table

conversation and kirtan. People come in after work and relax in the

environment of a nurturing spiritual culture. Living room accoutrements

(sofas etc.) enhance the comfort zone.


Book distribution is the backbone of our operations. It provides the

spiritual backing and finances. In our dinner conversations, the Gita is

introduced, and people get the opportunity to read the Gita with us

throughout the week. This begins our approach for the purchase of full sets.

Between 2 to 9 sets have been sold weekly. Our motto is "Do unto others as

has been done unto you." These young devotees eventually get to distribute

books in the same manner that brought them in.


We also run home programs, which reach out to special friends and their

local groups that miss our Loft set-ups.


In New Zealand a transformation has taken place and now in Australia things

are catching fire. Melbourne and Adelaide have started these

programs. In Adelaide, we have been having Loft programs Monday through

Wednesday in the back of the restaurant, with just a horseshoe of chairs in

front of the speaker. The only Western comfort zone at this time is that

people don't have to sit on the ground. A more homey setting will be the

development of the 3rd floor over the restaurant in Melbourne.


This approach is a needed change in how we interact with the public. As a

result of it, our centers are shifting from the rut of maintenance realities

to creating bases of spiritual revitalization. This fosters a healthy family

that truly attracts others and keeps them around.



Our format is group participation at all times, with the speaker weaving a

theme through questions and answers that fuel the collective sharing. The

Gita is used nightly, and the evening topic is clearly defined. If people

are involved in an atmosphere of sharing, then the reading of the sastra is

given full attention.


The prasadam is served around 7:45, and the dinner table conversations are

where the relationships solidify. Generally, people like to get their books

at the end of the meal. They have found a space that is not intimidating and

a family that can help them rewaken their spiritual side. They have an

excuse to come back again and again.



5. Sankirtan News


The following selection of sankirtan reports demonstrates the positive mood

in book distribution that was present during the marathon. Unfortunately it

is not possible to mention everyone by name but without the co-operation of

many devotees, these results could not have been achieved.


Books in Mumbai by Nayana-ranjana Dasa


In one of the most successful December marathons in the history of ISKCON,

the devotees of ISKCON Juhu sold 100,000 Gitas in the first 15 days. The

target, 150,000 Gitas, began to look small (150,000 Gitas is anyway just 1%

of the 15 million people in Mumbai). The BBT was having a tough time

supplying the books as the orders poured in from all directions.


The credit goes to the Juhu temple management, which planned and pushed the

marathon since June. The devotees collecting for Vidya Dan also played an

important role: the Gitas sold for Rs.30, Rs.10 below the BBT price.


The book distributors were the most magnanimous, going out for nearly 14

hours daily. There were 14 groups of distributors. Four were traveling and

ten sold books at tables in Mumbai. In Mumbai, 70,000 Gitas were distributed

in the first two weeks, and 30,000 Gitas were sold during that time by the

four traveling groups. Every day about 4000 Gitas were sold in Mumbai. Each

party averaged 300 Gitas per day.


Altogether in December ISKCON Juhu distributed 183,250 books in December.

This included a new world record for the number of maha-big books

distributed in one month. By the end of the month we had distributed 172,000

maha-big books for 261,000 book points.

The total number of books printed by BBT Bombay during 1998 was

approximately 1.5 million (14% increase over the previous year)


Sankirtan in Siberia by Saranagati Dasa


The "Marathon '98" in Samara happened wonderfully. About 50 devotees took

part. We distributed a lot of books door to door. Nrisimhapada Prabhu, the

sankirtana leader, inspired all the devotees by his words, example, and

organization. He made sure that all the temple and congregational devotees

had opportunities to go on sankirtana in vans.


Vrindavan Candra Prabhu actively devised new ideas to increase the

distribution and engage more devotees. He organized a special program called

"Prabhupada's Mercy" in which the congregation paid for 110 "Prabhupada"

books that were distributed free.


We made a plan to do 2000 points, which many devotees thought would be

impossible. But by the mercy of guru and Krsna, the impossible became

possible, and we did 3450 points.


On December 31st, we held a Maha-marathon. All the devotees distributed

from 10:00 A.M. till midnight. Then we had a feast at the temple. It ended

about 4.00 A.M. On January 3rd we had a Sankirtana Festival, with

congratulations for all the participants.


Marathon Mercy in Los Angeles by Sura Dasa


The Prabhupada Marathon was a grand success. More than 30,000 books were

distributed in December, more than half of them hardcover. At least sixty

devotees took part, some part-time. All of these devotees went out on World

Enlightenment Day. On that day, 20,600 pieces of literature were

distributed, including 8,000 hardbound books.


Led by Carucandra Prabhu, 18 devotees went out fulltime all month.

Distributing at the airport and some streets in Los Angeles, Carucandra

distributed more than 1,900 hardcover books, and Candrasekhar and Brghupati

were close behind. A tremendous spirit of preaching and team effort created

a wonderful mood for all the devotees all month.


Iberian Ecstasy by Ekesvara Dasa


In Spain, two sankirtan parties were led by Avesa Rupa Dasa (in Burgos) and

Bhakta Javier (for the Spanish Sankirtan Ministry). This year a

transcendental competition was held between Spain and Portugal. This

increased the sankirtan and gave the sankirtan devotees more association

with each other. Totals: 726 Maha, 3424 big, 1,010 Medium hard, 4,914 Medium

Soft, 6,243 Small.


The marathon ended with a wonderful festival in New Vrajamandala (Spain).

HH Param Gati Swami and Manidara Dasa were present. Around seventy devotees

from Spain and Portugal took part in the sankirtan festival. We enjoyed work

shop sessions, wild kirtans, good lectures, nice prasad, devotional rock and

good asociation.



Opportunities for Service


The BBT depends on voluntary service by devotees around the world. However,

fulltime support is available to devotees who are qualified translators.

The BBT always needs more devotees to perform the valuable service of

translating Srila Prabhupada's books into other languages. If you speak

English fluently as a second language and would like to translate Srila

Prabhupad's books into your language, then contact us.


For young devotees, there are opportunities to be trained in editing and

publishing. The BBT also needs artists, computer operators and programmers,

writers and editors.


If you would like to work for the BBT please contact us at:

Anjana.ACBSP (AT) com (DOT) bbt.se (on com)

bbtco (AT) netcomuk (DOT) co.uk (on the Net)




This is an internal newsletter for devotees and supporters of ISKCON. The

copyright holder of this newsletter is the Bhaktivedanta Book Trust

International. Permission for reproduction is hereby given to all

publications, e-mail lists and web-sites that have as their primary purpose

the promotion of the ISKCON mission of His Divine Grace Srila A.C.

Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada, under the direction of the ISKCON Governing

Body Commission. Permission for reprodiction in all other circumstances

should first be sought from the copyright holder.

Enquiries may be directed to: bbtco (AT) netcomuk (DOT) co.uk

or anjana.acbsp (AT) com (DOT) bbt.sev

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