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Sunday Feast Research

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The GBC body requests Balarama das (BCS) to prepare a document for the

Executive Committee by July 30th 1996, to increase the attractiveness

and effectiveness of the Sunday feast presentations in our temples.

Specifically he should research slide shows, video shows, dramas,

puppet shows, featured speakers, large graphic displays and other

methods commonly used for assemblies and group presentations. He will

use this information to promote ISKCON's cause.


The Sunday feast program is universal in all ISKCON temples worldwide.

It should be a "premiere experience" for those who attend. Perhaps 80%

of the attendees at the Sunday programs are regulars, and often one

hears the comment that the lecture portion of the program should be

made more relevant to the attendees, or is repetitious in the theme of

the Sunday Feast lecture. More attention to the content and to the

presentation of the Sunday Feast lecture would greatly enhance our

effectiveness in giving our message to others.


We recommend that temples choose from the following list as many

initiatives as possible, to make the ISKCON Sundays feasts memorable

and effective for spreading Krsna consciousness.


The Sunday feast should:


1) involve the full participation of all resident temple-devotees and as

many other nonresident devotees and persons related to the temple as


2) inspire the guests to return frequently and to bring their friends.

3) inspire the guests to begin their path of devotional service-in other

words, chanting, reading, and serving the temple or other Krsna

consciousness project.


We suggest the following list of initiatives:


1. Excellent Greeters

2. Guest book, filled out by all guests

3. Excellent kirtan and bhajans, with musical instruments

4. Signs, when helpful, to direct the guests

5. Topical lecture and/or video;

"What's in it for me?" themes to be used (the guests should be able

to perceive immediate spiritual benefits for themselves)

personal stories illustrating the philosophy.

the speaker's presentation should be interactive, animated, and

expert. Lectures could based on a series of verses from the Gita,

Bhagavatam, or Chaitanya- Charitamrta

6. Drama - must be well scripted and well acted.

7. Honor members of the congregation by publicly acknowledging their donations,

birthdays, and so.

8. Announce all upcoming events.

9. Sunday school, or some form of children's or youth activities

10. Formulate participatory programs and activities to involve the guests

11. Inform the guests that devotees can visit their home and lead programs

(including yajnas).

12. The subject of the lecture should be announced, scheduled, and advertised

in advance.

13. During the lecture, watch for good listeners and invite them to for a

special discussion.

14. Make the congregation aware that a devotee/priest is available to perform


15. Offer tilak to guests upon arrival.

16. The temple should be spotlessly clean, and the environment should be


17. Slide shows such as "Krsna Vision."

18. Videos such as "Hare Krishna Today."

19. After the lecture, all chant one round of japa together on beads.

20. Dance performance, like Bharatnatyam dances of Krsna-lila.

21. Musical and singing performances of Krsna-lila.

22. Performances by devotee-children.


A first-class, full Sunday Feast should be served, including such

preparations as flavored rice, puris, sweet rice, pakoras, samosas,

chutneys, fruit drink, two or three sabjis



Please use this form to append your suggestions and send it to:

Balarama Das,

PO. Box 116, 8030 Zurich,



Or send your input through E-mail:

balarama.bcs (AT) com (DOT) bbt.se

COM: Balarama BCS


Sunday Feast

I suggest the following points to be presented in the guidlines for a Sunday















I know that the following devotees could be contacted for having preaching

materials that could serve in Sunday Feasts:


Name, Adress Materials


















Please write your name in case something needs to be clarified










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