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Letter COM:1566869 (573 lines)

Shyamasundara ACBSP

07-Aug-98 12:24

Jasomatinandan (das) ACBSP (Gujarat - IN)


Comment: Text COM:1591264 by Jasomatinandan (das) ACBSP (Gujarat - IN)

We are all in this together


Dear Jashomatinanda Prabhu,


Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada.





> Thank you for remembering me after a long time.


How could I forget you? I will always remember when I met you. It was 20

years this last July when we first met in Bombay. If you recall that was

when that gunda was murdered on our property. It was a whole conspiracy to

destroy ISKCON in Bombay. All the newspapers in Bombay carried outrageous

stories against us. In retrospect some were really funny, for example they

said they we had submarine-pens hidden under the temple. In order to get our

side of the story published you and I were sent as a team to go see the

editors of all the papers in Bombay. I didn't realize how many newspapers

one city could have, there must have been at least 30 of them. I really

didn't do much, I was more or less just your sidekick, being a very junior

devotee. I distinctly remember one newspaper, "Mother India," where the

editor made what he thought was an insulting remark but was actually a

complement to us. He said, "it is well-known that you put opium in the food

that you distribute at the temple, that is why people are addicted to it and

keep returning." We were happy because this meant that people were really

addicted to the prasadam of Krsna. Somehow or other by your skill you were

able to convince the editors to print our side of the story. During this

time our friend Mahabuddhi was in a maximum security prison accused of a

murder he did not commit. Those were really dark days. There were times when

some of us were almost killed. But Krsna protected us. We were all in it

together, so how could I forget you?


I have many fond memories of my years in India. (For me, my stay in India

was my growing up in ISKCON because I moved to India shortly after joining.)

And I know that devotees such as yourself, Adri, Sattvik, Madhu Pandit, and

others are all sincere, completely sold out, dedicated devotees.


Adri was one of the first devotees I met in India. He is the personification

of enthusiasm to serve Prabhupada. I remember once that word came that Srila

Prabhupada wanted some pickles. Adri jumped at the chance to serve, he

collected money from devotees around us, we got in a taxi and went to the

market and came back with a whole car full of pickles and sent them to Srila

Prabhupada. I remember when his daughter was born in May 1981. Adri came to

me to do her horoscope. Then news came that she had a 95 percent chance of

dying because of a blocked intestine. Despite such bad news Adri always kept

his faith and by a miracle she survived.


Sattvik and I have fought in the trenches together in Calcutta and South

India. I was at his wedding and I did his son' s horoscope when he was born.

He is a first-class preacher and kirtana leader. He is totally dedicated to

Srila Prabhupada. He is like a brother to me, and I miss his association.


What to speak of Madhu-pandit. I knew him when he was just a bhakta, in

fact, I was the one who arranged to get him initiated into the sampradaya.

When I met him he was unhappy about his experiences at the Bombay temple but

I preached to him. Later, I sent a telegram to him in Trivandrum to come to

the Bangalore temple to meet JPS. He and his mother were initiated then. I

stayed with his family in Trivandrum, and his father tutored me a little in

astrology. Later I almost married into his family.


So I have known many of you preachers in India for 20 years or more and I

know that you are all dedicated to Srila Prabhupada. You would give your

lives for him. I have no doubts about that.


Previously you said, "we are all in this together." This is very important

and we always have to keep this in mind. I've been reading through

Prabhupada's letters and in volume 2 he made many statements about how the

Godbrothers should relate with each other. In a letter to TKG on October

1st, 1969 Srila Prabhupada said :


"Relationship between God Brothers must be very genuine and pleasing.

Otherwise, the future of our institution will not be very hopeful."


In another letter to TKG, dated October 13th 1969, Srila Prabhupada outlined

how the temple presidents should behave during an upcoming meeting. He



"I have seen the agenda of your presidents meeting. This is nice. One thing

should be followed, however, as your countrymen are more or less independent

spirited and lovers of democracy. So everything should be done very

carefully so that their sentiments may not be hurt."


The point I am trying to make is that in these very difficult times it is

incumbent on each of us to be the extra sensitive to the feelings of our God

Brothers. It is clear to me that the devotees on both sides of this issue

are 108% dedicated to Srila Prabhupada. And only negative things can come

about if we begin yelling at each other. I heard that Radhanatha Swami and

Adri were screaming at each other. This is very painful to hear, because I

know they're both dedicated souls. You are a father, if your children

behaved this way, how would you feel? We must think, who is gaining by the

conflicts within ISKCON? You may think that I'm being a little esoteric but

there are actually evil forces in this world who are gaining at our expense.

I once had a conversation with one of our Godbrothers from India who is very

learned and knowledgeable about the subtle mystic areas. He said that there

is a coalition of negative tantriks who are doing everything they can to

engineer the downfall of ISKCON. They hate what we stand for; purity of life

and devotion to God. He made a lot of sense and I can see from my

experiences that it is true. I don't want to get into other details now.

Suffice it to say that in pancaratrika agama it describes that before doing

puja one must do bhuta shudhi to protect oneself from subtle beings who will

try to disturb your worship of God. So what I am suggesting is, that on a

greater scale this is happening to ISKCON. I am not joking.



>for a thorough discussion on

> the guru issue when we went to Bangalore.We had no idea that Harikesh

> ,the uncrowned king of ISKCON will go down so fast and so completely.On

> the last day of the Bangalore meeting,which happened to be also the July

> 9th,and Guru Purnima we got this news that Harikesh wants to get married

> and ISKCON authorities are running here and there to save him.

> I just received a call from someone saying that Harikesh tried to undress

> one of his disciple's wife some time ago.Now she has come out in open and

> told everyone and the whole hell is breaking loose.I don't like it.

> Beleive me.We don't want such a disaster to happen to ISKCON which is our

> own home.



Yes, I agree with you, ISKCON is our home and we do not like to see such

disturbances. So while this is a time of crises, it is also a time of

opportunity to make great positive changes. Srila Prabhupada always said,

"that for a sincere person, their failures will be the pillars of their

future success." So all you leaders in India are very sincere, so you can

usher in great positive changes for ISKCON. This is sort of like 1986 when

they were big changes happening. The only problem was that when you did the

house cleaning back in 1987 at the GBC meetings it was not thorough enough.

The analogy I give, is that the GBC had become like a pot of sour milk, the

sour milk was thrown out and new milk put in but unfortunately some sour

milk had not been thrown out and it spoiled the rest of the milk that was

put in with it. So this time when you do the house cleaning don't leave any

dirt behind or it will cause a problem later on.


>Enclosed please find my letter to Badari

> narayan before these meetings.That should give you clear idea where I

> stand.



I read your letter, before I wrote you the first time. So hopefully I

understand what your position is.


> I know Mahabuddhi and you are doing graeate job trying to live a self

> sufficient life without depending on temple or Math.It must be really hard

> in America where everything is so vitiated due to Kaliyuga atmosphere.May

> Krishna help you.


Thank you very much for your good wishes, the mercy of the Vaisnavas is all

that we are made of. So please keep us in your prayers.




> In the matter of ritvik philosophy,you have to understand one thing.What

> is shrila Prabhupada's desire?


Regarding the Rtvik philosophy, which I prefer to call the proxy-guru-vada,

much ink has flowed on this topic. Many devotees have written detailed point

for point rebuttals of this subject. I do not propose to do the same here.

For me it is not necessary to get into the details. I take a different view.

In all my years of study of Vedic culture and science, I've seen that all

parts are interconnected and that there is a great underlying consistency

between all the parts. In the traditional Vedic disciplines such as

astrology or ayurveda everything has as its basis the Vedic philosophy. For

example in Jyotish, the Sun and the Moon represent the right and left eye

respectively. This is the same as the Vedas, which tell us that the Sun and

Moon are the eyes of God. So all the subjects in Vedic culture are connected

together in a consistent harmony. And it is important to maintain the

logical consistency of Vedic philosophy. This consistency of sastra is

called Sangati. The necessity of Sangati is explained in the introduction to

the Vedanta sutra:


"This Sastra consists of several Adhikaranas or topics or propositions.

Every proposition consists of five parts:


(1) Thesis or Vishaya, (2) Doubt or Samsaya, (3) Antithesis or Purva Paksha,

(4) Synthesis or right conclusion or Siddhanta, and (5) lastly Sangati or

agreement of the proposition with other parts of the Sastra. Sangati or

consistency shows that there is no conflict in what proceeds and what

follows. It is of three sorts:-


(1) Consistency with the scripture called Sastra Sangati, (2) consistency

with the whole book or Adhyaya Sangati, (3) consistency with the whole

chapter or Pada, called Pada Sangati. Thus in the whole book of the

Vedanta-sutras Brahman is its main theme, it is the subject matter of

discussion. Therefore, an interpretation of any passage, in order to fulfill

the condition of Sastra Sangati, must not go away from the subject matter of

Brahman. Secondarily, with the Adhyaya or portion of the book of the

Vedanta-sutras, each Adhyaya has a particular topic of its own and a passage

must be interpreted consistently with the topic of that Adhyaya. Similar is

the case with Pada Sangati. Besides these three sorts of Sangatis, there is

a certain relation between Adhikaranas themselves. One Adhikarana leads to

another through some particular association of ideas. In a Pada there are

many Adhikaranas and they are not put together at haphazard. The Sangati

which binds one Adhikarana with another is of six sorts:-


(1) Akshepa Sangati or objection, (2) Drishtanta or illustration, (3) Prati

Drishtanta or counter-illustration, (4) Prasanga Sangati or incidental

illustration, (5) Utpatti Sangati or introduction, (6) Apavada Sangati or

exception. All these various kinds will be shown in there proper place in

explaining these Sutras. An Adhikarana or topic is also called Nyaya."


The point I'm trying to make is that anything Srila Prabhupada said must be

interpreted in such away that it is consistent with everything else that

Srila Prabhupada taught, as well as the rest of the Vedic literature and

culture. What the proxy-guru proponents such as Mr. Desai does is create a

situation which glaringly breaks the Sangati, and undermines the internal

consistency of Vedic philosophy and culture. That is why I greatly object to

his point of view, and so do many other rank and file devotees. It is

intuitively obvious that he is wrong, no matter what he may say, because he

shatters the consistency of everything Srila Prabhupada has taught us

regarding the guru parampara.


In university, I was a student of mathematics. Sometimes some clever

student, for a joke, would create elaborate equations that they would

manipulate in such a way that at the end the equation gave some absurd

result such as 1 = 0. The result was obviously wrong, but it would be

difficult to find out what axioms they violated in order to get the wrong

result. Usually it would be that somewhere along the line they divided by

zero. I think you also studied to be an engineer or a scientist and may have

seen similar examples. So Mr. Desai is very clever, but his result is

equally absurd. His whole case rests on interpreting a few words in a way

which ignores the need for maintaining the logical consistency of the Vedas.

He thus violates the Vedic tradition. Most devotees will not accept this.

They may not see where he divided by zero but they intuitively know he is

dead wrong. It is sort of like the teachings of Sankaracarya. I don't know

if you have ever read any of Sankaracarya's works, I have read some of his

Gita commentary. It is bewildering how he arrives at the wrong conclusions.

Most of us devotees if we were to read his writing would have a difficult

time defeating him point for point because he is very expert. But because we

have heard from those even more expert than him we know he is wrong. He is

so expert that Lord Caitanya has warned us not to read his writing. Lord

Caitanya has said that even if a learned man reads the writings of

Sankaracarya he will become bewildered. While we do not want to elevate Mr.

Desai to the level of Sankaracarya, his writings can be equally confusing

and his conclusion of proxy-guru is not palatable.



>In our meeting ,I told Ravindra that just as I fought

> with KK in Bangalore and before about the direct meaning of SP's words

> saying disciple of my disciple meaning grand disciple of SP,making Sp's

> disciple some kind of guru,I will fight untill I die with his word

> jugglery about not accepting the direct meaning of the first

> sentence.Ravindra says,in the first sentence SP means that the word future

> sujjests that they are ritviks until SP is on the planet and afterwards

> they become regular diksha gurus capable of linking to the disciplic

> succession.


I do not know all the reasons why Ravindra has come to this conclusion but

it seems to me that he is simply interpreting Prabhupada's words so that

they comply with the Vedic sangati. That is, with known standards of Vedic

thought and culture. If Srila Prabhupada were to make statements or give

orders which were in contradiction or conflict with the Vedic sangati then

he would no longer be qualified to be an acarya. So in essence, Mr. Desai's

conclusions disqualify Srila Prabhupada from being an acarya.


Moving to another train of thought. It seems to me that somehow the emphasis

on the qualification of guru is that the bonafide guru is always meditating

on Radha- Krsna Lila, and arranging to have other gopis meet with Krsna or

some such transcendental pastime. I'm so far removed from such thoughts that

I'm not qualified to speak on what the guru is meditating on internally.

However, in the letters of Srila Prabhupada he gives a clue of what

motivates him in his preaching and why he is preaching, and who he is trying

to please, and what his object of meditation is. Any bona fide guru does not

accept a disciple for his own self or for his own sense gratification.

Rather he accepts disciples on behalf of his own guru and the parampara,

with the mind that the disciples will help him to satisfy his own guru. In

other words the disciples are his assistants in satisfying his own guru.

This seems to be the mood which Srila Prabhupada himself displays in his

writings as seen in the following quotes from his letters:


To Mukunda, 28 July 1969:

"This is very, very encouraging, and I've asked my Guru Maharaja to just see

how nicely these nice young boys and girls are taking to his divine



To Subal, 31st July, 1969:

"I remember that my Guru maharaja would often send young boys out to sell

literature of Krsna consciousness, and if they would come back having sold

only a few issues, Guru Maharaja was very, very pleased. Now you report that

you have sold 300 issues of Back to Godhead in just a few days, so I know

that Guru Maharaja is very, very pleased with your work."


To Govinda Dasi, 17th August 1969:

"You write that you have a desire to avail of my association again, but why

do you forget that you are always in association with me? When you're

helping my missionary activities I'm always thinking of you and you're

always thinking of me. That is real association. Just like I always think of

my Guru Maharaja every moment, although, he is not physically present, and

because I am trying to serve him to my best capacity, I'm sure he is helping

me by his spiritual blessings. So there are two kinds of association:

physical and preceptorial."


To Brahmananda, 5th September 1969:

"After all of the reading was finished, I explained how service and prayers

are accepted by Krsna through the medium of the discipline succession. It is

something like electricity: if one is in touch with his spiritual master,

and his spiritual master is in touch with his bona fide spiritual master,

then in this way an offering is automatically transferred to Krsna. Just as

the mercy of Krsna is coming down through the disciplic succession, so the

service of the devoted is offered up to Krsna through the disciplic



We hear in the Guruvastaka that the guru is helping to arrange for Krsna's

pastimes by bringing the Gopis for Him to enjoy. It could be interpreted

that the whole process of preaching and contacting souls and helping them on

their march back to Krsna is the beginning of a journey which starts in the

mire of material entanglement and ends in the groves of Goloka-Vrndavana. I

don't want to say that this is the only interpretation, but this is

certainly one interpretation. And a journey back to Krsna has to start



I'm not saying that Srila Prabhupada was not constantly meditating on

various pastimes of Krsna, I cannot speak about matters that Srila

Prabhupada was silent on. I can only comment about what he did speak on. In

the above quotes it appears that Srila Prabhupada's main meditation was on

Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura, his guru. This reminds me of an

incident from the life of Ramanujacarya.


Once Ramanujacarya and a group of his disciples were having darshana of Lord

Ranganatha. Everyone was looking intently at Lord Ranganatha except for one

disciple who had his back to the Deity and was looking at Ramanujacarya.

Puzzled by this behavior Ramanujacarya asked the disciple why he was not

looking at the Deity but rather was looking at him? The disciple replied

that he did not know anything about Lord Ranganatha and could not possibly

understand God. But he felt totally satisfied by his devotion to

Ramanujacarya, because the guru is the external manifestation of the super

soul. Ramanujacarya was pleased by this reply.


Anyway, the point seems to be that the bona fide guru is simply meditating

upon his own guru and the mission of his guru. He is not interested in his

own sense gratification. He is simply thinking how he can satisfy his guru.

Therefore he does not try to put himself forward or use his position for

sense gratification but simply puts the mission of his own guru forward and

tries to please him. It seems however, that our problem Godbrothers have got

this a little mixed up. No doubt they are preachers but some how they have

interpreted the words of Srila Prabhupada in such a way so as to authorize

their own sense gratification. Srila Prabhupada mentions this in a letter to

Tamal Krsna Gosvami dated 18th October, 1969:


"Therefore the management should be done very cautiously so that everyone is

satisfied in their autonomous managing capacity. Of course, the central

point is the order of the Spiritual Master, and I am very glad that you are

trying to give importance to this aspect of management. The difficulty is

sometimes things are interpreted in a manner DOVETAILING ONE'S OWN SENSE

GRATIFICATION. I have got this personal experience in my Guru Maharaja's

institution. Different Godbrothers took the words of Guru Maharaja in

different interpretations for sense gratification and the whole mission

disrupted. This is still going on for the past 40 years without any proper

settlement. I'M ALWAYS AFRAID OF THIS CRACK, but I am sure if our aim is to

serve Krsna sincerely and the Spiritual Master simultaneously, that will be

our success. That means serve Krsna and the Spiritual Master simultaneously

with equal faith and serious vow, and then success is sure. Yourself,

Gargamuni, Brahmananda and the others are intelligent. You should always

deal things so tactfully that people may not fall away. Every living being

is important in Krsna consciousness service, and we must take all

precautions that one may not fall away."


In the case of ISKCON, it seems that the original eleven gurus used certain

statements by Srila Prabhupada about the position of the guru, as well as

the way we generally treated Srila Prabhupada in the last seven years of his

life to make themselves the center of personality cults with all the perks

and trimmings that go with that. And of course, they tried to keep a

monopoly on being gurus and kept everybody else out in order to increase

their prestige and power. In these new situations they stopped living the

lives of austere sannyasis and tried to imitate Srila Prabhupada as they saw

him in his last years. I always maintain that one of their big mistakes was

trying to imitate the last seven years instead of the first 74. As Srila

Prabhupada pointed out in the case of Kirtanananda Swami (see text about

sannyasis), there are four levels of sannyasa the final one being

paramahamsa. They were trying to imitate being paramahamsa's when they were

definitely at lower levels. If they had just taken shelter of living simple

austere lives as sannyasis (as outlined by Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati

Thakura) they most likely would not have fallen.



> I don't know whether you will brand me also ritvik or not. They

> called me soft ritvik and KK and Adri hard ritvik.most of them were quite

> sympathetic to my explanation,aqnd were trying to come close to it.



I brand both you and Adri as a dedicated disciples of Srila Prabhupada.





> Please send me that paper about austerity and simplicity in sanyas

> life.That will be a greate help.


I am sending you a copy of it along with some comments in a separate letter.






> I have also seen Pejavar Swami's room in Udipi.Yes. It is so simple that

> you would be shocked.




It is good to be shocked by the simplicity and austerity of a sannyasi, it

reminds us of how much entangled we are in material life. Instead we are

being shocked by the scandalous behavior of our problem sannyasis.



> Yes. I also agree with you about Bhaktimarg maharaj.He is one of my

> favourite sanyasis.It is disgraceful that ISKCON leaders in north America

> gave so much credence to Subhavilas who is almost a blackmailer.Bhakti

> vikas Maharaj is also nice and simple.I always joke with him though that

> once bitten by a guru bug no one can escape the DADS.


If he is bitten by the guru bug and gets DADS then it will be your duty to

cure him, and we shall try to help you. I'm sure he would want us to do that

for him if it were to happen.



>I also like Ganapati

> Maharaj.he is really a very honest and unassuming saintly person.There is

> also Varsana Maharaj. Yes.There are quite a few exalted souls in this

> movement.I hope some day they will prevail instead of the names you

> mentioned.



For these saintly persons to prevail then it is up to the Temple Presidents

such as you to see that it happens. I believe that Sriman Ranjit Prabhu has

given you some suggestions about how to rectify the situation. He told me

that originally Srila Prabhupada wanted that the GBC be elected by the

Temple Presidents. Originally there were 12 GBC's. Srila Prabhupada's idea

was that each year 8 GBC's would remain, and 4 new GBC's would be elected.

Ranjit Prabhu has all the details. But the main thing was that the GBC was

not independent of the Temple Presidents. We have seen in the history of

ISKCON that often it was the Temple Presidents who had to nudge the GBC into

doing the right thing.



> > There is a book called "The Bad Popes" which outlines how the Catholic

> > Church became corrupted. It was basically because men who were attached

> > to power and opulence were attracted to high Church office, rather than

> > the men who led austere, saintly lives. If you want to read the possible

> > future history of ISKCON read this book.


> Where can I get this book?I really want to raed it.




Here is information on the book "THE BAD POPES" by E. R. Chamberlain,

published 1986, New York, Dorset Press. It was originally published in

England so you should be able to get it in India possibly through Oxford

bookstores or through some other large bookstores with European connections.

Since you are coming to America you can get it at Barnes & Noble bookstore

which is found in many cities. It only costs $10 -- $12.





> Jagadish was really a very hypocratic person.I had experience of that. I

> knew he would go down.In the same way I knew Harikesh was just glittering

> but not gold.I had first hand experience of his ruthlessness in 1987 when

> they wanted to beat me up in Mayapur.


So you must have been acting very courageously if they wanted to beat you

up. You are still here, they are gone. So now you'll have less opposition to

make the important changes which need to be made so that ISKCON can lead the

world into the 21st century.


As you said "we are all in this together," and we have to continue sticking

together if we're going to solve our problems. In a letter to Mandali Bhadra

Prabhu, dated 28th July, 1969, Srila Prabhupada wrote:


"So far as your question about controversy among to the disciples of

Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Gosvami Maharaja, that is a fact. But this

controversy is not very material. Just like in a national program, different

political parties are sometimes in conflict and make propaganda against each

other, but their central point is always service to the country. Similarly,

among the disciples of Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati there may be some

controversy, but the central point is how to preach the mission of His

Divine Grace. If the central point is fixed up then there is no harm in such

controversy. Every individual being must have his opinion; that is the

significance of individuality, but all such differences of opinions must

coincide in Krsna. In the battlefield of Kurukshetra were Arjuna and Bhisma

who were fighting with one another, and because Krsna was on the side of

Arjuna, sometimes Bhisma pierced the body of Krsna also with arrows. But

still they remain the greatest devotees of the Lord, and Krsna accepted the

friendship of Arjuna just as He accepted the inimical arrows of Bhisma in

the same loving spirit. So you don't be disturbed by such controversial

points. Better you engage your mind very seriously in the matter of the

service entrusted upon you. That will make you progressive in Krsna



So even though there may be some controversy we have to find some way so

that we can work together and serve Srila Prabhupada's mission. It seems

that all the devotees want drastic reforms in order to purify the spiritual

leadership of ISKCON. On that we are unified. The disagreement seems to be

only in the method of achieving that reform. One side favors various flavors

of the proxy-guru-vada, the other side favors methods which keep the sangati

(consistency) of Vedic culture intact.


The situation could be compared to two doctors who have differing views on

how to treat a sick patient. One doctor says that the patient is sick

because the patient has not been following a proper diet and other lifestyle

behaviors that he should according to his status. This doctor says health

will be restored if the patient just changes his habits by eating properly,

exercises, and follows other positive lifestyle changes that are healthy.

The other doctor recommends invasive surgery, chemo-therapy, radiation and

other radical treatments.


It would seem to me that before going to such radical treatments as

suggested by the second doctor, that it would make more sense to follow the

first doctor's advice. That being, that the patient should change from a

negative to a positive lifestyle. If, and only if, the first doctor's

treatment does not work should we consider the more radical treatment. The

first method of treatment does no damage, the second does damage and is

irreversible. The medical criteria "thou shall do no harm," should be



In this analogy I think that it is obvious that the first doctor represents

the method of preserving Vedic sangati. Whereas the second doctor's

treatment represents that of the proxy-guru-vada.


I suggest that you Temple Presidents vigorously try to implement the first

method to clean up ISKCON. Give it a chance. If that doesn't work then you

can try something else. But let's not reach for the chopper first and begin

amputating when a simple diet and exercise will do the trick.


I think that it is very important that we put our complete faith in Lord Sri

Krsna. In Bhagavad-gita Lord Krsna says:


evam parampara-praptam

imam rajarsayo viduh

sa kaleneha mahata

yogo nastah parantapa



"This supreme science was thus received through the chain of disciplic

succession, and the saintly kings understood it in that way. But in course

of time the succession was broken, and therefore the science as it is

appears to be lost." BG4.2


In this verse Lord Krsna freely admits that the disciplic succession can be

broken. But He does not suggest that in such cases a proxy-guru system be

established. Rather He says He will re-establish it. In the very next verse

He reestablishes the guru parampara. And in the famous seventh verse of that

same chapter Lord Sri Krsna says that whenever and wherever there is a

decline in religious practice then He will set things right by coming

Himself or sending a representative. So there is no question of putting the

guru parampara on hold. We must put our full faith in Lord Krsna that He

will rectify the situation so that the system runs according to His



Sorry for taking so much of your time. I know you must have a lot on your

mind at this moment with all the things happening in ISKCON. I hope you will

not take any offense for my views which I have shared with you. I am an

insignificant person who has done no significant service for my

Guru-maharaja, whereas you are a great preacher and have built a marvelous

temple in honor of Srila Prabhupada. I am not even qualified to be a bhangi

in your latrine. I have the greatest respect for you and I want to maintain

my friendship with you. It is my profession to give advice so I hope you

don't mind that I have given you a liberal dose. I can only advise and give

my opinion but it is up to you, and the other Temple Presidents, to act

according to your conscience. I pray that Lord Krsna will guide you from




> Hari Bol. Thank you for writing.Say hullo to Mahabuddhi prabhu.Where are

> you staying?I may come to USA next month.May be we will meet.

> YS Jasho



I am staying in western North Carolina, in the Great Smoky Mountains. It is

considered one of the most beautiful and scenic areas of the USA. I'm about

three hours north of Atlanta. If you're in the area give me a call at

(828)-586-6915. You are more than welcome to stay for as long as you like

and enjoy the calm and peaceful atmosphere which is just suitable for

reading, chanting and writing. I beg to remain . . .


Your humble servant


Shyamasundara Dasa

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