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on born brahmac€r…s

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> On the one side, we hear that we must work according to our nature.


there is original nature of being servants of KŠa and acquired nature of

being slaves of our senses, especially tongue, belly and genitals.

Ontologically, it's more natural to act according to the original and

eternal nature, although deprived of the vijñ€na of our eternal position we

feel like acting in a bodily-natural-way (€h€ra-nidr€-bhaya-maithunya).



> But

> then we also hear that noone is born a brahmacari;


aho! We are not born even into proper conduct. From the very childhood we

are learning basic things like washing our hands. The same is with opposite

sex relationship. We have to learn the culture.


> it is a fight and

> struggle-


I do hope that it's not like this. If there were no taste in brahmacarya,

who would opt for it? Obviously, there are more opportunities in this

status, that is why it is appealing to many.

Then if we take a traditionally brought up brahmac€r… in spiritual

atmosphere - it's very natural for him to treat every woman as his mother.

But when the society is engrossed in "itching" and children are exposed to

sex life from, virtually, 5 years old (instead of "kaum€ram €caret pr€jño

dharm€n bh€gavat€n iha") - and then somebody tries to overcome the bad

effects of the early indulgence in sex, of course it's going to be tough, at

least in the beginnning. But the strenght is coming from following and

proper association. By this our previous dominant mode of ignorance and

passion change into something more sattvic, where sex stuff becomes

meaningless. If we are lucky then to develop some taste for the spiritual

m€dhurya rasa, relationship of ordinary man and woman will look drab for us.


reme tay€ c€tma-rata

€tm€r€mo ’py akha‰itaƒ

k€min€ˆ darayan dainyaˆ

str…Š€ˆ caiva dur€tmat€m (bh 10.30.34)


[ukadeva Gosv€m… continued:] Lord KŠa enjoyed with that gop…, although He

enjoys only within, being self-satisfied and complete in Himself. Thus by

contrast He showed the wretchedness of ordinary lusty men and hardhearted



begging to remain


abhinanda d€sa

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