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Answer 7333 (114 lines)

Bhakti Vikasa Swami

03-Dec-01 02:31 (08:01 +0530)


on love



> In many places in his books Srila Prabhupada told

> that there is no love in the material world but only

> reflection of it in the form of lust. As well as all

> other kinds of relations too. So the meaning is that

> the love is only possible and real in relations with

> God and for His pleasure, otherwise it'll be some or

> other form of lust. Right?


> but also in many other places he use the word love to

> describe relations between husband and wife - not only

> between devotee and God. like Devahuti served

> Kardama in intimacy and with love. one can

> find many references in Vedabase.


> we can see that actually love is possible

> between living beings as well.


> many places in Vedas describe the famlily life and

> relations in it etc. also other philosophies talk

> about in-yan etc. - need to hav a bllance of these energies.

> also lot of cases in ISKCON history

> provide the examples of need for love or whatever it's

> called.


> so what is that if not love? and then what is love? is

> it not possible between living entities? how it

> supposed to be if it is possible (what i believe) ? how

> to make it successfull and not interferring to our love of God?


> i feel that the need for finding the "life-partner"

> or what is it called properly is always there even may be for some

> realised souls. and desire to find such fullfill these loving relations is

> essential and may be also important in our growth

> to love of God. i don't know how to express or explain it

> properly - i'm sure you had thought, discussed and

> stuidied all that with more experienced persons and

> know and understand it much better. so i hope to get

> your explanations.


> i don't want to bother you much, yet i wish i could

> have sufficient your attention and kind help for

> full clarification of all this matter for me.

> otherwise i'm not sure even how to continue with my

> life and my spiritual practice.



Love is ultimately meant for Krishna but is also shared between jivas who

cooperate to serve Krishna and to mutually enhance their love for Krishna.

Any other form of love in this material world may appear to be very

meaningful but ultimately isn't as it simply entangles the living beings in

illusion and resultant repeated birth and death.


Nevertheless, for stability in society the cultivation of love within

marriage is recommended for persons at a certain level. Such affection can

help save one from bestial irresponsibility, yet it is also entangling and

is therefore ultimately to be transcended. However, if family responsibility

is renounced prematurely, there is a high risk of falldown. The Vedic

directions for family life may thus sometimes appear to contradict those for

sannyasis. Neither are incorrect, but are meant for persons on different

levels. Most people are not ready for renunciation, although without coming

to the stage of material non-attachment, no-one can achieve the perfection

of life, namely full Krishna consciousness.


There is no harm in having a life partner, but it should be understood that

there is nothing inherently spiritual in such a relationship, although it

can be spiritualized if service to Krishna is made the center of the



It is certainly important that devotees develop meaningful relationships

between themselves. Krishna consciousness is not meant to be impersonal but

to bring out the best in each person and to share that with others. However,

relationships in Krishna consciousness are not established on a sentimental

basis, but with a true understanding of what it means to love all living

beings by seeing them as parts and parcels of Krishna.


It is better not to be enamored by such materialistic philosophies as those

expounding yin and yang. They may have useful insights for living in the

material world, but cannot lead us beyond it. The perfection of life is not

to balance yin and yang but to develop pure love of Krishna.


(The following is from Srila Prabhupada-lilamrta Ch. 24)


"Swamiji," he began, "may I ask a question?"

"Yes," Srila Prabhupada replied, stopping his pacing.

"If a boy is separate from a girl, then how can he learn to love her?"

Prabhupada began to walk back and forth again, chanting on his beads. After

a moment he turned and said softly, "Love? Love is for Krsna." And he walked

toward the window and looked down at the street below. "You want a girl?

Pick one." He pointed toward some women passing on the street. "There is no

love in this material world," he said. "Love is for Krsna."


For you it is advisable to fully consider the meaning of responsibility in

family life and on that basis to prepare yourself to enter into a stable

religious marital partnership.


Hoping this meets you well,


Yours in the service of Srila Prabhupada,


Bhakti Vikasa Swami

(Text 7333) ---------------


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