Guest guest Posted July 21, 2002 Report Share Posted July 21, 2002 DEAR RENUNCIANTS: "I BEG YOU TO PLEASE NEVER PERSONALLY TALK WITH WOMEN!" PLEASE HEED THIS ADVICE OR FACE DISASTER! Compiled by Tridandi Bhikshu Bhaktiratna Sadhu. (This email has been sent to all the concerned devotees all over the world for their information. It is my humble service at the lotus feet of all the devotees in the renounced order in this world. I seek their blessings and mercy in return. If you like this email kindly pass it on to other brahmacaries and sannyasis who can be benefitted from this email.) SHRILA PRABHUPADA STATES: "One should not even think of women or look at them, to say nothing of *TALKING* with them. This is called first-class brahmacarya." (SB 6.1.3 purp) SB 7.12.7: A RENUNCIANT SHOULD RIGIDLY AVOID TALKING TO WOMEN varjayet pramada-gatham, agrhastho brhad-vratah; indriyani pramathini, haranty api yater manah. "A brahmacari, or one who has not accepted the grhastha-asrama [family life], must *RIGIDLY AVOID TALKING* with women or about women, for the senses are so powerful that they may agitate even the mind of a sannyasi, a member of the renounced order of life." PURPORT: Brahmacarya essentially means the vow not to marry but to observe strict celibacy (brhad-vrata). A brahmacari or sannyasi should avoid *TALKING* with women or reading literature concerning talks between man and woman. The injunction restricting association with women is the basic principle of spiritual life. Associating or *TALKING* with women is never advised in any of the Vedic literatures. SB 11.17.33: A RENUNCIANT CAN NEVER CONVERSE WITH A WOMAN strinam niriksana-sparsa-samlapa-ksvelanadikam; pranino mithuni-bhutan agrhastho 'gratas tyajet. "Those who are not married - sannyasis, vanaprasthas and brahmacaris - should never associate with women by *CONVERSING*, lustily glancing, touching, joking or sporting. Neither should they ever associate with any living entity engaged in sexual activities." SB 6.18.41 PURPORT BY SHRILA PRABHUPADA: A RENUNCIANT CANNOT HEAR THE VOICE OF A WOMAN.IF HE DOES SO IT IS A SUBTLE FALLDOWN "Sannyasa means giving up the company of women, but if a sannyasi *HEARS * the voice of a woman and sees her beautiful face, he certainly becomes attracted and is sure to fall down. There have been many examples. Even the great sage Visvamitra fell a victim to Menaka. Therefore a person desiring to advance in spiritual consciousness must be especially careful not to see a woman's face or *HEAR* a woman's voice.To see a woman's face and appreciate its beauty or to *HEAR* a woman's voice and appreciate her singing as very nice is a subtle falldown for a brahmacari or sannyasi. [...] We therefore request ALL THE MEMBERS of the Krsna consciousness movement--both men and women--not to be attracted by bodily features but only to be attracted by Krsna. Then everything will be all right. Otherwise there will be DANGER." SB 2.4.20 purp: A RENUNCIANT IS FORBIDDEN TO HEAR THE SONGS SUNG BY THE OPPOSITE SEX He (Lord Caitanya) never even heard the prayers of the deva-dasis offered in the temple of Jagannatha because a sannyasi is forbidden to *HEAR* songs sung by the fair sex. Cc Madhya 22.88-90 purp: COMPLETELY FORBIDDEN The brahmacari, vanaprastha and sannyasi are *COMPLETELY FORBIDDEN* to associate with women. SB 7.15.36: IN OUR KRSNA CONSCIOUSNESS MOVEMENT - STRICTLY ALOOF In our Krsna consciousness movement it is advised, therefore, that the sannyasis and brahmacaris keep *STRICTLY ALOOF* from the association of women so that there will be no chance of their falling down again as victims of lusty desires. NO ONE SHOULD FEEL LIBERATED IN THE PRESENCE OF A BEAUTIFUL WOMEN No one should think himself liberated in the *PRESENCE* of a beautiful woman. (SB 8.12.34 purp) ENCOURAGEMENT FROM THE OPPOSITE SEX NOT REQUIRED FOR RENUNCIANTS In the varnasrama-dharma system, certain classes, such as the brahmanas and sannyasis, do not need encouragement from the opposite sex. (SB 5.1.29 purp) CENT PERCENT, NO CONNECTION WITH WOMEN, THIS IS SANNYASA. THAT IS THE REAL PLATFORM OF RENOUNCEMENT. That is Caitanya Mahaprabhu's... The sannyasa life is... What is that? *CENT PERCENT*, no connection with woman. That is sannyasa. What we have renounced? We have renounced... We are using the motorcar, we are using this machine, we are eating, we are sleeping in nice room-what is the renouncement? Only renouncement is no connection with woman. That is the REAL PLATFORM of renouncement. If one can renounce woman's connection, then he's liberated man. That is very, very difficult. (Morning Walk January 31, 1977, Bhubaneshwar) A RENUNCIANT CAN NEVER TOUCH A WOMAN padapi yuvatim bhiksur, na sprsed daravim api; sprsan kariva badhyeta, karinya anga-sangatah. A saintly person in the renounced order should never touch a woman. In fact, he should not even let his foot touch a wooden doll in the shape of a woman. By bodily contact with a woman he will surely be captured by illusion, just as the elephant is captured by the she-elephant due to his desire to touch her body. (SB 11.8.13) FOR A RENUNCIANT TOUCHING A WOMAN MEANS DEATH. "My dear Govinda," He said, "you have saved My life. If I had touched the body of a woman, I would certainly have died. (Cc Antya 13.85) Cc Antya 5.36-37: A RENUNCIANT UNDERGOES CHANGES IN HIS MIND & BODY AND CANNOT REMAIN UNAFFECTED "I am a sannyasi," He said, "and I certainly consider Myself renounced. But what to speak of seeing a woman, if I even hear the name of a woman, I feel changes in My mind and body. Therefore who could remain unmoved by the sight of a woman? It is very difficult. IDEAL HEAVY PUNISHMENT OR ATONEMENT suni' prabhu hasi' kahe suprasanna citta `prakrti darsana kaile ei prayascitta' (Cc Antya 2.165) When Shri Gauranga Mahaprabhu heard about the suicide of Chota Haridas in the Triveni at Allahabad, He smiled in a pleased mood and said, "If with sensual intentions a renunciant looks at women, this is the only process of atonement." Amrta-Pravaha-Bhashya by Shrila Bhaktivinoda Thakura: (PLEASE NOTE THIS IS THE HIGHEST IDEAL STANDARD) "If a spiritual practioner who is wearing the dress of a renunciant willingly (iccha-purvaka) glances (darshan) at women, the only atonement for him in order to ensure that he will not suffer for this sin in his next birth, is to give up his body in the Triveni---confluence of three rives Ganga, Jamuna and Sarasvati at Prayag, Allahabad." Bg 16.1-3 purport: EVEN THE MOST LIBERAL INCARNATION STRICTLY FOLLOWED THE RULES OF THE RENOUNCED ORDER IN ORDER TO TEACH US. THIS IS NOT A SIGN OF HATRED FOR WOMEN AS A CLASS BUT IT IS A STRICTURE IMPOSED ON A RENUNCIANT. Lord Caitanya was an ideal sannyasi, and when He was at Puri His feminine devotees could not even come near to offer their respects. They were advised to bow down from a distant place. This is not a sign of hatred for women as a class, but it is a stricture imposed on the sannyasi not to have close connections with women. One has to follow the rules and regulations of a particular status of life in order to purify his existence. For a sannyasi, intimate relations with women and possession of wealth for sense gratification are strictly forbidden. The ideal sannyasi was Lord Caitanya Himself, and we can learn from His life that He was very strict in regards to women. Although He is considered to be the most liberal incarnation of Godhead, accepting the most fallen conditioned souls, He strictly followed the rules and regulations of the sannyasa order of life in connection with association with woman. SB Introduction: SEATS OF WOMAN ACCOMODATED FAR FROM A RENUNCIANT The Lord was an ideal sannyasi. No woman could approach the Lord even to offer respects. Women's seats were accommodated far away from the Lord. As an ideal teacher and acarya, He was very strict in the routine work of a sannyasi. SB 9.19.17: NO WOMAN SHOULD COME VERY NEAR A RENUNCIANT Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu was most strict in such dealings, especially after He accepted the sannyasa order. Indeed, no woman could come near Him to offer Him respect. LORD GAURANGA WAS EXTREMELY STRICT Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu never even joked with others' wives. As soon as He saw a woman coming, He would immediately give her ample room to pass without talking. He was extremely strict regarding the association of women. (Cc Adi 17.276 purp) Cc Antya 12.59: A RENUNCIANT IS IDEALLY PROHIBITED NOT TO EVEN HEAR THE NAME OF A WOMAN A sannyasi is (ideally) restricted from even hearing a woman's name, and Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu conducted Himself very strictly in His vow. LORD GAURANGA NEVER HEARD EVEN THE WORD 'STRI' TO SET THE IDEAL EXAMPLE FOR ALL RENUNCIANTS: Caitanya-bhagavata. Adi 15.29: `stri' hena nama prabhu ei avatare sravan-o na karila,-vidita samsare It is well-known throughout the world that the Lord in this incarnation of Gauranga did not even *HEAR* the word "stri (woman)." A RENUNCIANT CANNOT ACCEPT PERSONAL SERVICE FROM A WOMAN SB 3.31.40 purp "Similarly, association with a woman begins when one accepts service from her, because woman is especially created by the Lord to give service to man. By accepting her service, a man is entrapped." WOMEN CANNOT SEW CLOTHES FOR SANNYASI DEITIES WHAT TO SPEAK OF SERVING THE SANNYASIS THEMSELVES ACCORDING TO SHRILA PRABHUPADA So far your suggestion that they sew clothes for the sannyasis Deities it is not possible. Sannyasis may have no connection with women. (Shrila Prabhupada's Letter to: Jayatirtha, Calcutta, 13 January, 1976) A RENUNCIANT KEEPING LADY SECRETARIES IS NOT RECOMMENDED BY PRABHUPADA: >From Servant of the Servant, Part One, Chp Three: While the cooking proceeded, Prabhupada again returned to speaking with me. "It is better that I have a male secretary. Govinda dasi should join her husband in helping to preach in Hawaii. People may criticize me, saying that I am too closely connected with a woman. Of course, I do not find any difficulty personally, nor any complaint with her service. But we must consider the public's opinion." Prabhupada explained that a sannyasi's character must be beyond fault and cited the popular example of "Caesar's wife must be above suspicion." Prabhupada described how Lord Caitanya had always acted in an exemplary manner and was the ideal sannyasi. Then, speaking in a hushed tone so that what he said would not be overheard by Govinda dasi, Prabhupada handed me a letter which he wanted me to mail. It was addressed to his disciple Purusottama in New York. Prabhupada explained that he was calling Purusottama to Los Angeles to replace Govinda dasi. It was better that I mailed the letter, because he doubted whether she would do so. After Purusottama came, he would gradually induce her to go to Hawaii. A RENUNCIANT KEEPING LADY COOKS IS NOT SO MUCH LIKED BY SHRILA PRABHUPADA: TKG's Diary Feb 22 - April 9: Nava-yogendra Maharaja offered his services as cook, and Srila Prabhupada proclaimed, "Yes, from now on no more women will cook for me; you will do all of my cooking." A RENUNCIANT SHOULD NOT BE TOO MUCH INTERESTED IN PREACHING TO WOMEN ACCORDING TO SHRILA PRABHUPADA AND HIS OWN GURU MAHARAJ: "Srila Prabhupada Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Goswami Maharaja (since he was a sannyasi) did not very much like preaching amongst women, so you should also avoid such meetings." (Letter to: Acyutananda, Los Angeles, 4 July, 1970) O RENUNCIANT! ALWAYS REMEMBERING THE REJECTION OF CHOTA HARIDAS BY LORD CAITANYA, PLEASE DO NOT TALK TO WOMAN EVEN IN DREAMS. svapane o na kara bhai stri-sambhasana grhe stri chadiya bhai asiyacha vana yadi caha pranaya rakhite gaurangera sane chota haridasera katha thake yena mane (Prema-vivarta) Do not *TALK* to women even in dreams. You have accepted the renounced order of life with a vow that forbids you to associate with women. If you wish to associate or maintain a relationship with Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu, you must always remember the incident of Chota Haridasa and how he was rejected by the Lord simply because of taling to a woman. Cc Antya 2.117: LORD CAITANYA CANNOT TOLERATE TO SEE THE FACE OF A RENUNCIANT WHO TALKS TO WOMEN. A RENUNCIANT CANNOT TALK TO WOMEN EVEN IF HE IS FREE FROM FROM ALL SINFUL DESIRES OR EVEN FOR THE DIRECT SERVICE OF THE LORD. IF HE DOES SO HE BECOMES A DHARMOCCHEDI ACCORDING TO THAKURA BHAKTIVINODA. prabhu kahe,--"vairagi kare prakrti sambhasana dekhite na paron ami tahara vadana The Lord replied, "I cannot tolerate seeing the face of a person who has accepted the renounced order of life but who still *TALKS* with a woman. Amrta-pravaha-bhasya (Shrila Thakura Bhaktivinoda): If a Vaisnava is a grhastha, he can stay with his wife and family. Otherwise he can give up all kinds of relationship with women and become a renunciant. Once he becomes a renunciant he is no longer allowed (no adhikara) to *TALK* (sambhasana) or to lustily look at (darshan) with women. Even if he is free from all sinful desires or even if it is required for the purpose of rendering some direct devotional service to the Lord (like in the case of Chota Haridasa who talked to a mataji for the direct service of Lord Gauranga but still was rejected by the Lord), to have a relationship with women in the above two ways is not the duty of a renunciant. That is why the person who *TALKS* to women inspite of being in the renounced order of life, I consider him (the Lord is speaking) a transgressor of religion (dharmocchedi) and will not see his face again. Purport by Tridandi Bhikshu Bhaktiratna Sadhu: Shrila Thakura Bhaktivinoda says in another purport that Chota Haridasa being an eternal associate and kirtan-singer of the Lord, had absolutely no desire for sense-gratification or any other ulterior motive except pleasing Lord Gauranga when he talked with Madhavi mataji and begged some rice (which was best rice in Puri) from her for the direct pleasure of Lord Gauranga. But still he was banished from the Lord's association. This shows that the renunciant cannot justify his *TALKING* to a women even if he does so for the direct service of the Lord and thus he has to bear the consequences caused by giving displeasure to Lord Gauranga. Ofcourse in very special cases, great empowered associates of the Lord (like Shrila Prabhupada for eg) who are above the varnashrama rules and regs (on the bhava & prema platform) can break this principle for a renunciant because they have a specific mission to accomplish for the Lord. But only they can do so because only they understand the internal confidential desire of the Lord and thus they can factually please the Lord even though apparently displeasing the Lord externally. Shrila Prabhupada states in 7.7.14 purp: "Ordinary persons, however, should not imitate such highly elevated devotees. ORDINARY PERSONS must strictly observe the rules and regulations by staying ALOOF from the association of women. No one should imitate Narada Muni or Haridasa Thakura." If someone tries to imitate them then he will simply become a source of disturbance in the pure Gaudiya Vaishnava society and he will eventually be destroyed. While preaching, a renunciant may not be able to avoid seeing the face of women but he should avoid talking personally to them at all costs for maintaining his own purity and vows. The above purport will be discussed in detail in a later article. AN ORDINARY RENUNCIANT CANNOT IMITATE THE ACTIVITIES OF A MAHA-BHAGAVATA LIEK SHRILA PRABHUPADA, SHRILA HARIDASA THAKURA OR SHRILA NARADA MUNI UNTIL THE TIME THE DUALTIES CONTINUE ONE SHOULD BE EXTREMELY CAREFUL SB 7.12.10 kalpayitvatmana yavad, abhasam idam isvarah; dvaitam tavan na viramet, tato hy asya viparyayah. As long as a living entity is not completely self-realized-as long as he is not independent of the misconception of identifying with his body, which is nothing but a reflection of the original body and senses-he cannot be relieved of the conception of duality, which is epitomized by the duality between man and woman. Thus there is every chance that he will fall down because his intelligence is bewildered. PURPORT Here is another important warning that a man must save himself from attraction to woman. [.]Until that time, the duality continues, and the conception of man and woman also continues. In this stage, one should be *EXTREMELY CAREFUL* about mixing with women. No one should think himself perfect and forget the sastric instruction that one should be very careful about associating even with his daughter, mother or sister, not to speak of other women. SB 7.7.14 purp: ORDINARY PERSONS SHOULD NOT IMITATE HIGHLY ELEVATED PERSONALITIES BUT FOLLOW THEIR INSTRUCTIONS IN THE VEDIC SCRIPTURES "Ordinary persons, however, should not imitate such highly elevated devotees. ORDINARY PERSONS must strictly observe the rules and regulations by staying ALOOF from the association of women. No one should imitate Narada Muni or Haridasa Thakura. [...] Therefore in the previous verse it has been distinctly said, devarser antike sakuto-bhaya: Kayadhu, the mother of Prahlada Maharaja, stayed under the protection of Narada Muni without fear from any direction. Similarly, Narada Muni, in his transcendental position, stayed with the young woman without fear of deviation. Narada Muni, Haridasa Thakura and similar acaryas especially empowered to broadcast the glories of the Lord cannot be brought down to the material platform. Therefore one is strictly forbidden to think that the acarya is an ordinary human being (gurusu nara-matih). Antya 2.120: A RENUNCIANT WHO TALKS TO WOMEN BECOMES A DHARMA-DHVAJI, DHARMA-KALANKA & DHARMOCCHEDDI AND HIS ASSOCIATION SHOULD BE AVOIDED. IF HE TRIES TO IMITATE GREAT PERSONALITIES, HIS FALLDOWN IS GUARANTEED AS PER SBSST. ksudra-jiva saba markata-vairagya kariya indriya carana bule 'prakrti' sambhasiya" "There are many persons with little in their possession who accept the renounced order of life like monkeys. They go here and there engaging in sense gratification and *SPEAKING* with women." Amrta-pravaha-bhasya (Thakura Bhaktivinoda): Only such a sadhaka in whose heart *BHAVA* has arisen and thus real renunciation has taken birth, after seriously and sincerely practicing sadhana-bhakti for a prolonged period of time, is actually eligible for the renounced order of life. One who accepts the saffron garments of a renunciant before achieving such a platform is known as a markata-vairagi. When such unqualified souls due to various reasons accept the renounced order of life, they are pushed by the urges of their senses and thus they go and *TALK* with prakrti or women. Such people even though in the renounced order of life, they are called dharma-dhvajis (dangerous pretenders) and dharma-kalankas (black spots on pure religion) and their association should be compulsorily avoided. Anubhasya (Srila Bhaktisiddhanta): [.] For the sober and inquisitive sannyasis, this offense of *TALKING* to women leads to great inauspiciousness for them personally. Unfortunately due to a poor fund of knowledge if they decide to *TALK* to women and justify that action by citing the examples of the topmost paramhansas like the greatly learned Srila Ramananda Raya and the great renunciant Srila Narottama das Thakura, then their falldown is guaranteed. Cc Antya 2.124: THE LORD DOES NOT LIKE TO SEE ANY RENUNCIANT WHO TALKS TO WOMAN prabhu kahe,--"mora vasa nahe mora mana prakrti-sambhasi vairagi na kare darsana Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu said, "My mind is not under My control. It does not like to see anyone in the renounced order who *TALKS* with women. dekhi' trasa upajila saba bhakta-gane svapne-ha chadila sabe stri-sambhasane (Cc Antya 2.144) After all the devotees saw this example (of rejection of Chota Haridasa), a mentality of great fear (of rejection by the Lord) grew among them. Therefore they all stopped *TALKING* with women, even in dreams. Gauranga-smarana-mangala stotram by Shrila Bhaktivinoda Thakura: Text 62 nirvinnanam vipula-patanam strisu sambhasanam yat tat-tad-dosat sva-mata-carakaraksanartham ya isah dosat ksudrad api laghu-harim varjayitva mumoda tam gaurangam vimala-caritam sadhu-murtim smarami To protect His RENOUNCED followers from the *VICES* that follow from their *TALKING* with women which lead to their subsequent falldown, Lord Gauranga was very happy as He rejected Chota Haridasa for a small offense. I meditate on Lord Gauranga, whose activities are faultless and pure, and who is the personification of the ideal devotee. _________________________ WHAT FOLLOWS IS AN EXTRACT FROM MY EXPLANATION TO A FAMILY ABOUT WHY A RENUNCIANT HAS TO FOLLOW THIS RULE OF NOT PERSONALLY TALKING WITH WOMEN. THIS MAY HELP DEVOTEES TO EXPLAIN TO OTHERS ABOUT THIS RULE. (If some devotee wants to have even stricter rules than this, he is free to do that.) Before and after accepting the sannyasa order, I have been deeply studying the Vedic scriptures about the prescribed activities for a Sannyasi so that I can set a proper example for a sannyasi for the benefit of everyone in this world. That is when I came across this verse in the Shrimad-Bhagavatam 7.12.7: varjayet pramada-gatham, agrhastho brhad-vratah; indriyani pramathini, haranty api yater manah. "A sannyasi, or one who has not accepted the grihastha-ashrama [family life], must avoid talking with women, for the senses are so powerful that they may agitate even the mind of a sannyasi, a member of the renounced order of life." There are many other verses in the scriptures in this regard and from them I could ascertain that the main and basic austerity or tapasya for a renunciant as prescribed in the scriptures is that he cannot talk personally with women.This Vedic etiquette was also followed by the Supreme Lord Gauranga Mahaprabhu Himself when He enacted the pastimes of a sannyasi in Jagannatha Puri. This austerity of not talking personally with women is prescribed for the personal elevation and purification of a person in the renounced order, to prevent the misuse or abuse of the renounced ashram (which is very rampant nowadays) and to establish the pure Vedic culture. Thus the motive for this rule for a renunciant of not personally talking with women is for self-discipline and elevation, not harming, breeding aversion or hatred or marginalizing women in any way whatsoever. Whether they be men or women, black or white, Indian or Chinese, rich or poor, everyone of us is a spirit soul, part and parcel of God. So all of us have equal opportunity to practice Krishna Consciousness. Women and men have an equal right to understand the science of Krishna Consciousness and to chant the Hare Krishna maha-mantra. So everyone (man and woman) can hear the narrations or attend satsanga programs glorifying the Supreme Personality of Godhead from a renounced sadhu, but the women should follow the Vedic etiquette of not personally talking to him after the completion of the lectures and the subsequent question-answer session when all the assembled ladies and gents can directly ask their questions to him. Men and women are ultimately both spirit souls or atmas encased in men or women bodies. Women and men have an equal right to practice Krishna consciousness and hear and chant Lord Krishna’s glories. Women are an integral part of the Vedic culture. In fact in many cases the devotion and dedication of women to the Lord’s service supercedes that of men. But this does not change how a renunciant should conduct himself in relation with women. A true renunciant expresses his great respect for the women devotees by not talking to them personally. A renunciant automatically assumes the great responsibility of becoming the spiritual guide of the people because he follows a high level of purity and austerity for his own personal elevation & for the benefit of others. Why should the common people respect a renunciant unless he follows some tapasya which the common people cannot follow? A renunciant should be a beacon of bhakti, purity and renunciation for the people. Then the people will respect him, seriously hear the message of Krishna consciousness from him and implement his teachings in their day to day lives. In the modern age, a renunciant uses all the modern facilties in spreading the message of Krishna. So actually he does not perform much austerity for his own purification. So the minimum austerity that has been prescribed for him in the Bhagavatam is that he should not personally talk with women. The acceptance of the renounced order is not very much recommeded for this most degraded age because it is very difficult (almost next to impossible) to follow the vows and rules of the renounced ashram till the end. But the scriptures and Vaishnava acharyas have introduced the system of Tridandi Sannyasa specifically for the purpose of preaching Krishna consciousness without any impediment. Thus the renunciants have to very careful to keep themselves pure for preaching Krishna consciousness by strictly following the basic rules of the renounced ashram otherwise they will be defeating the very purpose of accepting sannyasa in the first place. Also it is said in the Vedic literatures that in the degraded age of Kali-yuga (present age), cheaters and duplicitious people will take on the garb on renunciants simply to talk and mix intimately with or molest or exploit women. In this way they will destroy the purity and sanctity of the topmost renounced ashram as given in the Vedas. A grihastha will talk with one wife but in the garb of a renunciant he will simply accumulate hundreds of submissive women disciples, talk initmately with them, enjoy their company and direct & personal services and thus make a mockery of the Vedic culture and go to hell. Thus he will use the dress of a renunciant for his own sense-gratification. Such a person is called a 'mithyachari' or a bogus pretender by Lord Krishna in the Bhagavad-gita and a 'markata-vairagi' by Lord Gauranga in Shri Chaitanya-Charitamrita. If one renunciant is a pretender, people automatically think that all renunciants are cheaters or pretenders. Some renunciant may even begin with a sincere purpose but because he is careless in following the rules and regulations of the renounced ashram, he may end up becoming a pretender or setting a wrong example for the whole world. When the renounced ashram (head of the society) in not respected in society due to the misbehaviour of these charlatans posing as renunciants, then there is no chance of establishing any kind of Vedic culture in society. Because then there is no one to give spiritual knowledge. Thus it becomes more imperative for all renunciants to follow this rule of not talking personally with women. Let there be very very few renunciants in this world who are purely and strictly following the rules rather than many renunciants who are simply pretenders. As we have seen, many so-called renounced ascetics and spiritual leaders have abused (or are abusing) their positions to molest women or marrying their own women disciples. Thus this injunction for renunciants of not talking with women personally is primarily for the protection of women themselves, for the personal spiritual elevation of the sannyasis, for maintaining the sanctity and purity of the sannyasa ashram and preventing it’s abuse, for establishing the pure Vedic culture(daivi-varnashram-dharma) and ultimately for satisfying Lord Shri Gauranga Mahaprabhu, the Supreme Personality of Godhead. The women who understand and follow this Vedic principle of not talking personally with renunciants are worshippable souls and are blessed by the mercy of the Guru and Gauranga. They actually care for their renounced gurus and thus favourable serve their renounced gurus who become very pleased to see such proper Vedic behaviour by the women. In this way the women act as pillars for protecting the Vedic culture and thus become very dear to God. The true renunciants become very pleased to see such behaviour and bless the women wholeheartedly for progressing in Krishna Consciousness. Such women who follow the etiquette of not talking with renunciants thus actually care for the renounced ashram and Vedic culture and thus become the very ornaments of this earth. They are the sincere followers of Guru, Krishna and Gauranga and are glorified in all the Vedas and also by the demigods. It is said in the Vedas that the most attractive quality of women is shyness which can be clearly demonstrated by following this Vedic etiquette towards the renunciants. For day to day practical guidance and furthur discussion, the women devotees can consult their devotee husbands, other advanced women devotees and other householder devotees. Besides that they can read the books on Krishna consciousness by Shrila Prabhupada and his followers, hear audio lectures, preach Krishna consciousness, distribute books, organize women satsanga programs or groups etc. Advanced spiritual women leaders can also vigourously preach the message by training and cultivating hundreds of other women devotees on the path of bhakti. Simply by proper, attentive and regular hearing of Krishna’s message from a pure renounced sadhu or a pure Vaishnava, all the unwanted things in the heart are destroyed and all the questions get gradually answered. The women can also ask questions to the renunciant at any time through their husbands or other male people who can call or personally meet the renunciant guru. A renunciant guru may also compromise a little for preaching and can also reply to questions from women through email or in written form. I am not advocating this but this can be the maximum compromise which can be done in this regard. We have personally seen in the past history so many examples of renunciants giving up their vows and getting married and thus setting a very bad example to this world because they never care to follow the instructions and injunctions given in the scriptures for a renunciant. Thus in the ultimate sense they cause much harm to themselves and millions of other people by giving up their vows of renunciation. Some people feel that since very very few renunciants are trying to follow these Vedic instructions, it is not practical for a renunciant to follow these injunctions and it may not work. That is not true and a renunciant who does not follow the Vedic rules is doing so at his own risk. It is my personal experience in doing satsanga programs in India for the past one year that most matajis suprisingly appreciate the rule of a renunciant and they adjust themselves nicely to this situation thus making life easy for a preacher-renunciant. The men sadhakas in a most-famous Mayavadi institution which says that their Guru is God do not even see the shadow of women what to talk of speaking to them. But still millions of women are members of that group. If explained properly, women will surely understand the importance of this rule for a renunciant I think that if a renunciant tries to strictly follow the instructions of Guru, Shastra and Gauranga, he will surely be successful is his preaching all over the world irrespective of the limitation that he cannot speak directly with women. Because the Supreme Lord will empower him seeing his determination to follow the Vedic principle for a renunciant. The main principle of the renounced ashram is to maintain the highest level of purity and spiritual potency so that everyone can be enlightened by him to the highest extent in spiritual consciousness. For accomplishing this effective preaching mission, the renunciant has to renounce personally talking with women. This is the basic and the most important renunciation or austerity for the renounced ashram as given in the Vedic scriptures. One has to follow the rules and regulations of a particular status of life in order to purify his existence. If one accepts the renounced order but still continues to talk with women, he makes a mockery of the whole Vedic culture. He is thus technically called as dharmocchedi (transgressor of religion), dharma-kalanka (black spot on pure religion) or dharma-dhvaji (bogus pretender) by Shrila Bhaktivinoda Thakura in Amrita-pravaha-bhashya to Shri Chaitanya-Charitamrita. Thus if someone aspiring for or in the renounced order can’t follow this Vedic principle of not talking personally with women, then the Vedic scriptures (like Jaiva Dharma) recommend such persons to get married and honestly practice Krishna Consciousness in household life alongwith their wife and children instead of duplicitously remaining externally in the renounced ashram and thus greatly displeasing the Lord. This is also perfectly alright because one should discharge Krishna Consciousness by remaining in that ashram whose rules he can comfortably follow. Ofcourse sometimes very advanced and fully self-realized souls like Shrila Prabhupada who are fully aware of the internal desires and plans of the Lord and who are eternally liberated and direct associates of the Lord, can break this rule for a renunciant for the higher purpose of preaching and fulfilling the mission of the Lord but it should not be imitated by renunciants who have still not reached that platform. History has shown that those who tried to imitate the great acharyas have perished miserably. Even great souls normally act in a way so that they can set an ideal example to others. I hope these points are helpful in undertsanding this matter. _________________________ CONCLUSION: THE MINIMUM AUSTERITY FOR A RENUNCIANT SHOULD BE NOT TO TALK PERSONALLY WITH WOMEN. Compiled by Nitai-Gauranga-bhakta-dasanudas, Tridandi Bhikshu Bhaktiratna Sadhu. For furthur detailed quotes please refer to my email: Sannyasa and Talking to Women on the internet. (Kindly forgive me if I will not be able to respond immediately to email philosophical queries related to this email or otherwise due to the heavy load of book writing, translation, publication and preaching work at present.) Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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