Guest guest Posted May 15, 1999 Report Share Posted May 15, 1999 The following is a text from a devotee from CIS now serving in India, sent to me as a response to some of my Brahmacari book revision notes. All personal references have been expunged. Comments, anyone? PAMHO!AGTSP! Dear Maharaj, i have just little suggestion or even request: may be you could explain the economical side of modern brahmachari ashram. Nowadays it is very different from what it used to be in Vedic times when brahmacharis lived in guru's ashrama and were begging alms for him, not keeping anything for themselves. Nowadyas most of brahmacharis join our movement in best case after school or college - in adult age when they suppose to finish gurukula; or even after already being married. So they don't have brahmachari training and education, but instead - materialistic one, including completely different understanding of economical maintanence, having not at all vedic or "varnaasramic" point of view on how to earn and spend money. It is hard both for temples to provide them adequate maintainence and for themselves to be satisfied with it according to what Prabhupada mentioned - "The proper standard is for brahmacaris to give 100% of all of the money that comes their way to the temple." Point is that even in the our ISKCON temples to some extent or another brahmacharis are independent financially, especially those who engaged in sankirtana or some kind of collection - they have and keep their own money. SOme time they forced to do so because temple authorities don't take proper care of devotees, sometime (often) they even told to do so by those authorities. I think in CIS most of centres do not provide everythig necessary for devotees and tell them either to ask parents, or earn money themselves, in best case helping them to earn money by organizing some sort of business like Food For Money or similar - even Prema invest. in Rostov (South Russia) they had for long time commercial company and shop in the temple and all devotees were selling spices and also creams (Himami, Boroplus etc.) and perfumes like deodorants etc. Few devotees asked me question when i was there last - that TP told us that we should make money for our needs and also around $400 per month give to temple so that temple can afford to maintain them - practically allow them to stay and serve in the temple. Otherwise - sorry - we can't keep you here - you should live outside and maintain youself and give donations to the temple. These devotees asked me - what can we do - we are doing full time service and have no time to go somewhere to make money; also we have no any idea or skills (what to speak of start capital) for that - how we can do that. In Moscow also back in 1996 summer i saw myself how at least 10 sankirtana devotees have been choosen to leave the temple because temple can't maitain them - they can't do daily quota of 20 big books - they do only around 10. This is in Moscow - what to speak of other small places (in small towns at that time they hardly did 1 mahabig)! There are much more such cases. My Godbrother last year told me that in Moscow (i think in other cities too) there are many single - unmarried - "brahmacharies" who somehow or other happened to stay outside - they decided themselves or have been told to take care of themselves. So in russian they are called "domochari" or in english "housechari" - because usualy they are independent - rent some flat to live and do some kind of business or job just to maintain themselves and "survive" both economically and spiritually. They are not grihasthas in sense that they have no wife and chieldren, and not real brahmacharies, since do not live in temple and do any service there. They are passive - not engaged in any devotional service (what to speak of preaching) except of hardly managing to chant their 16 rounds daily. They hardly have regular healthy spiritual assotiation but usualy with similar ones or often even with those who are more "blupy" - usually such devotees are more successful in bussiness, because more compromise their devotional standarts. Definitely they can't go on like this for long time without also comprimising their spiritual standards and initiation wovs, what to speak of remaining brahmachari! Because most of them were never properly or even at all trained how to earn money and also to spent them for Krsna's service (as mentioned in those wonderfull Prabhupada's quotes from revision materials i've send recently). So as soon as they get some money they have a tendency to spend them indiscriminately - often just for nothing, practically speacking for sense gratification - buy unnecessary costly things, cloth etc. - some "brahmacharis" even buy luxurious costly western cars. Briefly - to waste this money. And within short period of time they become wictims of maya first of all in form of women (in best case - devotee). But lot of them just leave KC - and of course celibacy. (" So apta, suta, ato gaha-knetra-suta-apta and vitta and money. It is one after another. First wife, then apartment, then field for agriculture, then friends, then children, then money, bank balance. In this way he does not know he's becoming entangled more and more." - but i think and saw example how it also works in opposite direction - first money, then bank account or just savings, then apartment, car, etc, - ultimattely - wife and kids - i have 2 friends who was personal servant of my Guru Maharaj, both of them now married and completely absorbed in business and not at all take part in any preaching or activity which helps preaching; same or similar stories told me by my Godbrother xyz das - once staunch and senior brahmachari - - who was an inspiration for others, now married himself; one of his reason also - economical independence. ("Brahmacaris are supposed to be simple and renounced, so it is not proper for them to accumulate money beyond their immediate needs. For a brahmacari to have a large sum of money without a specific Krsna conscious purpose, or to keep savings, is antithetical to the brahmacari ethic. It is also dangerous; to keep money without using it for Krsna is Ravana's policy and leads to falldown...") So this is the point: many devotees are getting married or fall down because of improper economical side (may be i couldn't express it correctly - but i hope i'll get my point). ("The life-long brahmacari has to develop an inner toughness and self-sufficiency." - i think means economical also and ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ is a synonim to economical independence at least to some extent - ) ("A brahmacari should not have many problems. If he is actually a brahmacari, he should not even have many mental problems..." - financial side creats many practical problems, not only mental - ) I've not mentioned those who are like me - still trying to be active in preaching, but hardly struggling for collection, because otherwise no one will take care of you. One devotee told me exactly this - that in India nobody will take care of you. many devotees have told me this. Many of them who are smart enough trying to go to Australia or US. It's also not a secret that most of brahmacharies who live in temples in India, especialy in big centres like Mayapur, Vrindavan, Dheli, Bombay, are dreaming to get chanse to go to US and many even have this as a motive when they join. And many are getting maried even in advanced age - last year and this time in Vrindavan i saw few senior devotees, even SP's disciples, who's changed saffron to white. And one of serious reason for that - the fear that they'll not properly taken care of in our society unless they do it themselves and it's too late to make money and get wife. Because otherwise it is very difficult to be brahmachari and earn money and have personal account and be critised for that - brahmachari should not accumulate money but give 100% to the temple! ("those who are renounced order, those who are brahmacari, for them to keep money separately for his maintenance or for accumulating bank balance is not allowed.") I've asked this from my Guru Maharaj - that especially in Vrindavan on SB classes sannyasis, not only brahmacharies, are critised for having personal credit cards and bank accounts and houses in Vrindavan. He's replyed - what to do - according to Varnasrama householders suppose to maintain tree other asramas economically, but they don't. I wrote this because i feel it important for myself first of all, and i believe for many other devotees. I do hope and want to stay brahmachari, but somehow i also feel that this financial/economical side influence very much my determination - i'm not acting as brahmachari from this side, and often it is one of main couse for change of asrama. ("Regarding collecting funds: The brahmacaris, vanaprasthas, and sannyasis are not supposed to earn money like grhasthas.") I think that to stay brahmacari nowdays is not just question of controling or tolerating sex urge, but also be properly situated economically. This is my concern and problem. I didn't want to put this in conf, since there are lot of personal things here and mostly my own opinion which perhaps not very correct. But i believe you could understand me properly what i mean and give me the answer and quidence as well as many other devotees, potential readers of your revised Brahmachary book. If you want - you can take some rational part of this letter and comment it and put in conf. - otherwise - no problem for me. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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