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karmaŠ€ manas€ v€c€

sarv€vasth€su sarvad€

sarvatra maithuna-ty€go

brahmacaryaˆ pracakate


"The vow of brahmacarya is meant to help one completely abstain from sex

indulgence in work, words, and mind-at all times, under all circumstances

and in all places."


®r…dhara Swami's commentary on ®r…mad-Bh€gavatam 6.1.12:


smaraŠaˆ k…rtanaˆ keliƒ

prekaŠaˆ guhyabh€aŠam

sa‰kalpo 'dhyavas€ya ca

kriy€-nirvttir eva ca


One should not:

1. Think about women.

2. Speak about sex life.

3. Dally with women.

4. Look lustfully at women.

5. Talk intimately with women.

6. Decide to engage in sexual intercourse.

7. Endeavor for sex life.

8. Engage in sex life.


Chanakya N…ti-€stra 11.10


k€ma-krodhau tath€ lobhaˆ


atinidr€tiseve ca

vidy€rth… hy a˜a varjayet


The brahmac€r… should completely renounce the following eight things-his

lust, anger, greed, desire for sweets, sense of decorating the body,

excessive curiosity (interest in mundane things), excessive sleep, and

excessive endeavor for bodily maintenance.


SB 7.12.12



stry-avalekh€miaˆ madhu


tyajeyur ye bhad-vrat€ƒ


Brahmac€r…s or ghasthas who have taken the vow of celibacy as described

above should not indulge in the following: applying powder or ointment to

the eyes, massaging the head with oil, massaging the body with the hands,

seeing a woman or painting a woman’s picture, eating meat, drinking wine,

decorating the body with flower garlands, smearing scented ointment on the

body, or decorating the body with ornaments. These they should give up.


aty€h€raƒ pray€sa ca

prajalpo niyam€grahaƒ

jana-sa‰ga ca laulyaˆ ca

abhir bhaktir vinayati


One’s devotional service is spoiled when he becomes too entangled in the

following six activities: (1) eating more than necessary or collecting more

funds than required; (2) overendeavoring for mundane things that are very

difficult to obtain; (3) talking unnecessarily about mundane subject

matters; (4) Practicing the scriptural rules and regulations only for the

sake of following them and not for the sake of spiritual advancement, or

rejecting the rules and regulations of the scriptures and working

independently or whimsically; (5) associating with worldly-minded persons

who are not interested in KŠa consciousness; and (6) being greedy for

mundane achievements.


Your servant,

Nayana-rañjana d€sa br.


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