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Kaimkarya Thilakam Award - For Sri Srinivasa Gopalan (UppiliSwamin) of Sri Vanamamalai Mutt. - 2006

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Humble pranam to all devotees of the LORD:


Sub: Kaimkarya Thilakam Awarded by Sri Ramanuja Mission, Inc.,

with blessings from HH Sri Rangaramanuja Mahadesikan


for Sri Srinivasa Gopalan (Uppili Swamin) of Sri Vanamamalai

Mutt. - 2006


Lord blesses all individuals with some skill or the other,

but some people go beyond others to serve without expecting any

name, fame or benefit.


Sri Uppili Swamin (Sri Srinivasa Gopalan) is one such rare devotee

who is not known to many of the readers in this list.

Adiyen is taking it upon myself to write a little about this rare devotee.


He is truly a blessing for all those who seek to learn to chant the


(the 4000 verses), Stotra Padam, or the Yajur Vedam.


At a very young age he had by-hearted the 4000, Stotra Padam and Yajur Vedam.

He was looked upon by many elders as one of the budding talents for our

sampradayam at a very young age.


=> His services: Poliga Poliga Poliga!

* Being the only person, or one of the few (maybe vegas Sri Kazhiyur

Narayanan etc) that i know of in the US

who is teaching after learning fully in the traditional style both the

samskritha and dravida vedam.

* Teaching others to chant correctly, with the correct pronunciations and


day after day, week after week, without expecting anything in return. (for

the past 7+ years)

* The sincerity and quality of his teaching as evidenced by his students.

eg: Adiyen was the recipient of his teaching for a few portions. For

ThiruVai sessions, because he did

not have any day time, he volunteered his time at 6 am to do Thiruvai

and polish my chanting (one on one)

of UpadesaRatthina malai and Kovil Thiruvaimozhi.

Six am for a Gruhastha with Kids and regular job in the US.

That is the sincerity and dedication that all his students are blessed with

Sri Uppili Swami as the teacher.

He continued to teach this class for a few weeks till he was satisfied of

the end result.

Unfortunately i am so far away from him (Wdc) in Chicago to make use of

this god given opportunity.

But there are many blessed students in the DC area and other over the


who benefit from his teaching for the past seven years.


=> His Humility:

Though adiyen had heard of sri Uppili Swamin in 1996, the stalwart from

Sri.Vanamamalai Mutt,

Adiyen was fortunate to meet sri Uppili Swamin only in 1998 when we took

part in Dhivyaprabhandotsavam in WDC

conducted by Sri Venkatesan Iyyengar over a thanksgiving weekend.

Apart from Sri Venkatesan Iyyengar the only other person without any book

in the Goshti was

sri Uppili Swamin. Adiyen introduced him to other devotee friends as sri

U.Ve Uppili Swamin,

and he stopped me from using U.Ve, saying even though i heave learnt all

this, i am just a tape-recorder

who can reproduce everything i have learnt, please do NOT prefix me with me

U.Ve etc. Such is his humility.


=> His Chanting: Even though he was a student of Dr.

U.Ve. M.A.Venkatakrishnan Swami, whose rendition of the

4000 is the most popular version which i love and own a copy . For those of

us who have heard Sri Uppili chant, we can say for sure this

rendition of Arulicheyal is at par to his master. Every time we hear him

chant at the temple,

the mukhollasam on the Lord's face is so beautiful to witness.


Adiyen does not have a handy version with his chanting, but here is a

sample of him leading the thiruvaimozhi

goshti at W-DC Mamunikal TN in 2005.




Sri Uppili Swamin is the one leading the goshti (on the right hand side of

the Lord) with his little son by his side.

he is seen 20 seconds into the video. (Please notice the lord and Acharyas



All the services he is blessed to perform for the community i.e teaching

arulicheyal and stotra padam,

in person and over the tele-bridge, would not be possible without the

support of his wife, Amina.

With her support and sacrifices week after week, Sri Uppili Swamin is able

to serve all the interested devotees.


The award being conferred on him is the most apt, as he is truly dedicated

to serving the community.

This recognition of his Kaimkaryam to our community by Ramanuja Mission of

HH Srimath Periyandavavan of Srirangam is a fitting and apt award.




Azhvar Emberumanar Jeeyar ThiruvadigalE sharanam


adiyEn rAmAnuja dAsan

Mukundan Vangkipuram Pattangi


http://www.radioramanuja.com http://www.vedics.net

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