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Shri Mayapur Project News Vol 2, No. 4

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Dear Prabhus


Please accept my obeisances.

All glories to Srila Prabhupada.


Here is our latest Sri Mayapur Newsletter.


We are working to fulfil Srila Prabhupada's desire to build the Temple of the

Vedic Planetarium, along with a wonderful devotee township. We are trying to

the best of our ability, to do this in a practical and achievable way. We do

not want to place any strain on ISKCON resources.


That is not to say that we do not need your help and support. We especially

need your encouragement and blessings. We also hope that you will tell your

family, friends, fellow devotees and congregation members, --in fact anyone you

come in contact with, about this project.


In the next few months, we want to launch a campaign for Srila Prabhupada's

Mayapur Project. By far the most important support we need is the blessings of

the Vaishnavas. I hope that our regular newsletters have given you some insight

into our plans and operations, and into the personalities of those involved. I

hope that if you have any questions or concerns about this project, you will

communicate with us, and give us a chance to earn your trust. Most of all, I

hope that when the time comes, you will feel able to join our campaign, and

work with us, side-by-side, to build this very special offering to Srila

Prabhupada and Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu.


Thank you for your time and patience.


Your Servant


Bhagavat Dharma das





>From the Communications Office, Radlett, UK.



adbhuta mandira ei haibe prakash

gauranga nitya-seva haibe vikasa


'One astounding temple will appear, from where Lord Gauranga's eternal service

will be preached all over the world'.


Lord Nityananda in the Navadwip Mahatmya.




Contents of this edition.


1) Editorial

2) News Bytes

3) The Fundraising Plan

4) Water Quality in Mayapur

5) Some Feedback

6) Acknowledgements






This edition comes to you from our small Mayapur Project apartment, in Radlett,

near Bhaktivedanta Manor, England.


As the new millenium approaches, the Project leaders and members are feeling

increased urgency to start Srila Prabhupada's 'grand scale' project in Mayapur.

Srila Prabhupada wanted a world-standard Temple of the Vedic Planetarium in

Mayapur, to attract global attention. He wanted first class facilities to

provide a year round sanctuary for devotees from around the world. He wanted

devotees to take shelter of the holy dhama, make progress in their spiritual

lives and be ready to go back into the preaching field. He also wanted to build

a township, where devotee families could settle, and develop a Krishna

conscious society.


We feel strongly that the building of the temple and the town in Mayapur will

help all of ISKCON become more firmly anchored to the spiritual and cultural

root of our movement and less vulnerable to the flux of the material energy in

this world.


In Delhi, our designers and architects, under the guidance of Abhirama prabhu,

are working hard to 'freeze' the overall design of the Temple before the end of

this year. The design will then be developed into the tens of thousands of

drawings needed for construction. Our target date for starting the foundation

of the Temple is 2003.


In this edition, we report on the development of our friend and fundraising

plan. Please look over our ideas, and give us your feedback and suggestions.


Recently there was a flurry of concern on COM and on the net about Arsenic

pollution in Mayapur. Gaura Sakti prabhu, head of construction in Mayapur, has

written a report for us, to detail what is being done to solve the problem.

There is also a short report about the Mayapur Trust's effort to raise funding

to helping villagers and townspeople in our local area cope with the same

problem, an update on the Masterplan, and news of our co-operation with the

Bombay temple.


In this issue, I have begun our feedback column, with some comments from

devotees in relation to the last edition.


As always, I welcome your feedback.


Your Servant


Bhagavat Dharma Dasa


Internet: bhagavat (AT) netcomuk (DOT) co.uk


COM: bhagavat.dharma.mg (AT) com (DOT) bbt.se


Sri Mayapur Project Temporary Web Page












The Sri Mayapur Masterplan is currently under review. According to Dhiraj

Narayan, presently overseeing planning 'We are looking again at some of the

basic assumptions which have been used for the Masterplan. Our approach has

shifted subtly from an idealistic one to a pragmatic one, while at the same

time, we are keeping the design, alignment, vernacular and sacred geometry

principles intact. We are also presently involved in designing a sewage system

for Phase I with the help of a Delhi consultant. The Flood Mitigation strategy

to be adopted, for the whole Masterplan area, is also being detailed out by

Mott McDonald, our flood consultant in Cambridge, England'.


Arsenic Campaign in the UK.



The Mayapur Trust is an independent body set up in the UK, to support the work

of the Sri Mayapur Vikas Sangha in Mayapur. You may remember that the Mayapur

Project is supporting the SMVS in many of its activities, which are geared

towards improving the lives of the villagers and townspeople who live in the

area around Sri Mayapur. The Mayapur Project also helped the Mayapur Trust to

get started, and provided funding for the first eighteen months of its work.


In Bengal, there is a serious problem of Arsenic contamination in the

groundwater. (For a more detailed picture, see Gaura Sakti's article below).

The Mayapur Trust is preparing a campaign to gather support and funding from

individuals, companies, politicians and cultural and religious organizations.


Divya Simha Dasa, the Trust's development officer in England has been

developing contacts within the extensive Hindu community in the UK. 'Bimal

Krishna Dasa at Bhaktivedanta Manor introduced me to some of the key people',

said Divya. 'So far, everyone I've spoken to has been interested and

enthusiastic. I will travel with Dr. Paritosh Roy, one of our trustees, to many

functions and events during the year, and we will be launching a UK fundraising

campaign, after gathering endorsements and media coverage'.

The arsenic campaign offers an excellent vehicle for the Mayapur Trust to

become known in England. 'Our funds from England will allow the SMVS to begin a

testing programme in Bengal', said Divya. 'All polluted wells will be marked

with red paint, and the water from those wells will not be used for drinking or

cooking. We hope that once we show that we can be effective in this area,

people will support many of the other activities of the SMVS'.


Divya has gathered a great deal of information on the problem, from the

Internet. One of the main sites covering the problem, (which has links to many

others), is at http://bicn.com/acic/


Bombay Co-Operation.



Abhirama Prabhu has begun a working relationship with the Bombay temple, at the

invitation of Bhima Prabhu, Temple President and Devakinandana Prabhu,

congregational director.


The devotees in Bombay are keen to start large-scale construction of additional

facilities, to enhance the preaching and to fulfill Srila Prabhupada's desire

that ISKCON Bombay should become a well-known international centre. Abhirama

attended a meeting of the development committee, which includes some of the

important and influential ISKCON Bombay supporters.


'I spoke to the members about our plan for Mayapur, and many were immediately

inspired', said Abhirama. 'They asked me to help apply many of our design

principles to the planned project for Bombay, and I am very happy to help out'.

Pada Sevanam, chief designer of the Mayapur project has already produced

sketches for Bombay, and Abhirama will become a regular servant of Sri-Sri

Radha Rasabihari.




By Bhagavat Dharma Dasa.



In our recent Project report to the GBC, Abhirama Dasa, our managing director,

promised the members 'more bang for less bucks'. He stated an ambition to

'begin construction in the first years of the new millennium', and to 'deliver

this Temple in the next decade'. In the last year, the Temple design has moved

from the conceptual and the idealistic to the practical and the realistic. Now,

we feel, is the time to get our friend and fundraising campaign off the ground.


In April members of our team brainstormed in England and the US to develop

plans for a worldwide campaign for the Sri Mayapur Project. The goal: to gather

the blessings and devotional contributions of as many men, women and children

as possible.


Srila Prabhupada suggested that much of the funding for the Mayapur Project

could come from supporters in India, and his suggestion will be our guiding

light. The Bombay temple authorities have already offered their full

co-operation. We also hope to gain the support of the other major Indian



At the same time, we feel that a worldwide effort, to involve as many people as

possible, perhaps in small ways, is part of the purpose of the 'adbhuta

mandir', the astounding temple meant to engage the entire world.


The Mayapur Foundation, based in Alachua, will conduct the campaign in North

America. Kalakantha Dasa will run the operation, with fine-tuned professional

support from Devi-Deva Prabhu. Ambarisha Prabhu, an active and enthusiastic

member of the Foundation left us in no doubt about his commitment, "The time

for small thinking is over", he said, "It is time to move forward and leave the

skeptics in the dust".


We will run the campaign in three stages. For the first time in an ISKCON

Project, we will construct time capsules, digital and physical. We will place

these in vaults below the Temple of the Vedic Planetarium.


The first step is to craft a time capsule containing the complete written works

of Srila Prabhupada, along with digitized photos, video and audio. We want to

be sure that we do our best to give the opportunity for future generations to

be able to hear and see His Divine Grace. In order to communicate Srila

Prabhupada's special personality and greatness, we especially want to include

homages, remembrances and sankirtan stories from individual devotees around the

world, who can speak to future generations about their relationship with our

Founder-Acharya. We plan to gather submissions in written and multimedia

formats. We will store everything on durable digital media, --one copy in the

vaults and one available to visitors at all times.


In the second stage we will ask devotees, congregation members and well-wishers

to join us in praying to the Lord for the manifestation of this great temple.

Just as Advaita Acharya prayed for Lord Caitanya to appear, we will ask

everyone to join us in praying to the Lord for the manifestation of His temple.

We will ask devotees to write out pavitrams, or blessings for purification,

including handwritten copies of the maha-mantra or verses from the Bhagavad

Gita. These Pavitrams will be acts of prayer and devotion by individual

devotees and families, and they will be placed in the foundation of the Temple.


In the third stage, we will ask for practical support, and we will offer

devotees and supporters the opportunity to record in individual time capsules

their individual and family messages for future generations. As is the age-old

Vedic custom, the family histories of those who help build the temple can be

stored by brahmanas at the Temple. In this Temple, however, the histories will

be stored in the latest digital media.


Needless to say, such a campaign will need many devotee volunteers. We are at a

very early stage. Do you feel inspired to help us get this moving? We need

agents in all areas of the world who can communicate with and link groups of

devotees to the Sri Mayapur Project. We need devotees to gather homages and

remembrances of Srila Prabhupada, as well as nama pavitrams. We would also like

to hear from computer-literate devotees who can help us prepare the digital



We feel that the development of Mayapur is a needed positive step for ISKCON

now. Srila Prabhupada stated that helping to build this temple would bring

enormous spiritual benefit to all those involved. Please join with us in this

service for the pleasure of Srila Prabhupada and Lord Chaitanya Mahaprabhu.


I'm looking forward to hearing from you.


Your Servant.


Bhagavat Dharma Dasa





By Gaura Sakti Dasa.



There is an unusual and serious problem in the eastern part of the Indian

sub-continent. The water in an area encompassing many thousands of square

kilometers is contaminated with arsenic.


Shallow tube wells were installed over vast areas of West Bengal and Bangladesh

at the suggestion of Western aid agencies, to counter the problems of

bacteriological pollution. Previously, local people used their ponds for all

domestic purposes, including bathing, washing clothes, washing dishes, and even

washing the cows and buffaloes. Diseases like cholera and dysentery were

afflicting a huge number of people, causing thousands of deaths each year.


Aid agencies (particularly UNICEF) and governments sought to solve the problem

without studying it carefully. They spent millions of pounds to dig shallow

tube wells, intending to provide "safe" water.


Unfortunately, they uncovered a sleeping giant - there is arsenic naturally

occurring in the ground shale and rocks, and it has been coming out due to the

increased pumping of water from shallow tube wells. The area of Mayapur is

within this afflicted area.


Approach taken for Mayapur



The managers of Mayapur, as well as the SMPDC, have been aware of this problem

for several years. We have tried to take a professional approach to solving it,

although not much is known in the area of inexpensively de-contaminating water

containing arsenic.


We have used the services of Dr. Dipankar Chakraborty, of Jadavpur University,

the acknowledged expert in this field, for over five years. Under his

supervision, we have periodically taken samples of water from different wells

in and around the Mayapur community and sent them to him for testing. We took 2

approaches to the problem: one long-term, and one short term.


Long term approach



It is stated in several places in the Shasta, that the Ganga purifies anything

that comes in contact with her, and if her waters are left to sit for a period

of time, they will automatically purify themselves. We wanted to test this, and

then try to apply the results to properly design and engineer a system to use

Ganga water for Mayapur residents and guests.


Our testing procedure began in August of 1996, and was repeated again the

following year in August of 1997. Two different laboratories were used, one

Indian and the other Swiss. Part of our brief was as follows:


1) To find out the present condition of the major deep-tube wells that the

majority of the Mayapur residents use;


2) To determine the qualities of the Ganga and Jalangi river waters for

possible use as potable water supply;


3) To give us some indication of the treatments necessary in case the tests

looked positive.


We took water samples from the Ganga, several residences, and 2 of our 432-foot

deep tube wells and sent them for chemical and bacteriological testing. The

river water samples were taken during the month of August, as the river is

quite contaminated, due to flooding.


We had the waters collected in sterilized stainless steel containers, or

sterilized glass containers, and had them tested daily in 2 categories:

chemical content, and bacteria content.


For the chemical aspect, we wanted to see if there were heavy chemicals

present, from sources such as agriculture (they use many different pesticides)

or factory discharge. We also tested the physical properties of the water

(color, odor etc), the dissolved solids, ions present and the Total Plate Count

(TPC), which gives a measure of the total bacteria present. We were keen to

identify any occurrence of three bacteria, V. Cholerae, E. Coli and Salmonella,

all deadly in very small quantities.


The results from the first series of tests were encouraging enough for us to

repeat the study the following year. We expanded the parameters and increased

the frequency of testing so we could better interpret the test results. We

discovered the following regarding the waters taken from the two rivers,

Bhagirathi and Jalangi: (all measures in Parts Per Million).


On the first day of testing, the Total Plate Count was high, at 16,500 and

18,400 respectively. By letting the waters sit, and doing no other treatment,

on day 10 the TPC was down to only 64 and 65 respectively. By the 18th day,

quantities had risen slightly above the recommended limits of 200.


Chemically speaking, all waters were within safe limits as they came from the

river. Upstream of Mayapur, there are few, if any, large industries or

factories discharging into the river.


Although the Total Plate Count rose after the 18th day, we saw a "window" of

about 8 days within which the water is safe.


Our long-term plan is to use Mother Ganga for supplying all of our potable

water needs. We have an engineering consultant who will design and engineer a

sewage treatment plant (STP) and delivery system (piping, lift stations, etc.

necessary to bring the effluent from the house to the treatment plant). I have

his second proposal on my desk right now. After successful completion of the

sewage system, we intend to have him design a water treatment plant, using the

Ganga water.


Short term approach



Our research has shown that the deeper tube wells in Mayapur are free of

Arsenic, and for our immediate needs, we are preparing documentation now for

the drilling and installation of a new, deep tube well, which will serve the

grhastha community.


We have 3 quotations from professional well-drilling firms. We already have a

system designed for bringing the waters to the existing and new buildings.

After the well is completed, we will send in the water for testing, so we can

determine what treatment is necessary. In some deep wells the CaCO3 in both

forms-Alkalinity and Hardness are high, as is the Total Dissolved Solids,

Calcium and Sulfates. These may require treatment.


We want to limit the use of chemical treatments for obvious reasons, but still

provide good quality water. We want to bring all of the natural elements within

safe, international limits, so the devotees have a clean and safe supply of

water. This new well should be completed within 3 months. The additional

treatment plant will require extra time, as we will not know the type of

treatment, nor the cost, until the well is completed, tested, and the results



I can assure you that we are putting our full attention on this issue. We

invite any devotees concerned about this issue to correspond with Bhagavat

Dharma das, our Communications Officer. A more detailed version of this report

is on the Web at;




Your Servant


Gaura Sakti Dasa

Head of Construction

Sri Mayapur Project







Here are some short extracts and comments received after our last edition.


>From HG Kesava Bharati Dasa, Goverdhan, India.



'I was very inspired by this latest newsletter. The arguments and practical

evidence given in the newsletter are transparently clear. The movement needs to

refocus on Srila Prabhupada's aim of developing Mayapur. If it does, the

movement will mature. Those who co-operate will transcend the problems facing

the world and become potent instruments in the hands of Srila Prabhupada and

the previous acharyas.'



>From HG Ajamila Dasa, London, England.



'I lived in Mayapur from 1973 to 1975. When I first arrived there were five

devotees and we all lived in Srila Prabhupada's bhajan kutir since there were

no other buildings. Seeing the current development and programs compared to the

old days was a really moving experience, especially the prasadam distribution

in the Gada Building. Hundreds of very respectable well-to-do families from

Bengal were taking nicely prepared prasadam daily and were being very moved by

the experience.


In 1975 in Mayapur I saw Srila Prabhupada roll up his sleeves and personally

serve prasadam to visiting life members. He considered this to be so important.

And to see this going on now in Mayapur on such a big scale on a daily basis

was an experience I'll never forget


I was so moved by son's progress in the Gurukula and everything else in Mayapur

that I sold my Vrindavana apartment and purchased a two bedroom apartment in

Mayapur. The Mayapur project and grhastha community offers good association and

housing facilities, and much, much more'.






I would like to thank the following devotees who helped with this issue: Gaura

Sakti Dasa, Kalakantha Dasa, Dhiraj Narayan, Divya Simha Dasa.

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