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Dear Prabhus


Please accept my obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada.


I'd like to tell you about the new Mayapur Institute of Higher Education (You

can also check it out on the internet at http://www.mayapur.org/mihe), but

first I'd like to tell you a story:


When I joined the movement in 1977, Chant, dance and be happy" was the motto on

all the devotees' lips. It was like the implicit contract we signed when we

joined: if we chanted and danced, we would be happy. As the years rolled by I

found out about the fine print in the contract: to "chant, dance and be happy"

we had to go through a lot of hardships. So it wasn't always easy to remain

enthusiastic and determined in my service. The upheavals and changes in our

movement sometimes bewildered me, but in 1989 I discovered something that makes

chanting, dancing, and being happy a lot easier. I discovered the Vrindavana

Institute of Higher Education (VIHE).


After that, I'd work hard at my service all year and then go to Vrndavana to

take the VIHE courses on Srila Prabhupada's books, offered by senior Vaisnavas.

Taking these seminars gave me such deep realizations and inspirations that I

would return to my service of preaching and book distribution with greatly

renewed enthusiasm and determination. After relishing the nectar in Srila

Prabhupada's books, I had no choice but to distribute it. I attended VIHE

seminars seven times, and they really helped me keep going in my service year

after year.


Now we have developed the Mayapur Institute of Higher Education in cooperation

with the VIHE, under the direction of the Ministry of Educational Development.

We hope the MIHE addresses current needs, similar to those I experienced in the

1980s, and fulfills a desire Srila Prabhupada expressed in a 1971 letter:


"...throughout the whole world there is no institution to impart education in

the matter of spiritual understanding. So we are going to open a big center in

Mayapur where this education will be internationally imparted. Students from

all parts of the world will go there to take education in this important



I have listed below the schedule, the statement of purpose, the courses, the

fees, and information how to contact MIHE.


I urge you to log on to the MIHE Website at http://www.mayapur.org/mihe and

read more about the course offerings. There you can fill out an online

application form. The next step is to come to Mayapur for the courses.


In coming to Mayapur you will have easy access to a serene place to study,

great association, gorgeous Deities to worship, a complete reference library,

an enlivening morning and evening program, nice accommodations, and great



We are looking forward to churning the nectar in your association in Sri

Mayapur Dhama at the inaugural semester of the Mayapur Institute of Higher

Education. Come to Mayapur and "Chant, dance, and be happy."


Your servant,

Janmastami dasa

MIHE Administration


P.S. I'd like to thank Bhagavat Dharma prabhu of the Mayapur Project

Communications Office. He has helped us to post this message to the Sri Mayapur

Newsletter list, and feels that the development of MIHE directly fulfills one

of Srila Prabhupada's desires for Mayapur.


Would you like to receive more information about the MIHE? Please let us know

your thoughts.



MIHE Schedule


Feb. 4th MIHE starts its first week of classes

Feb. 11th Second week of classes

Feb. 17th Nityananda Prabhu's Appearance Anniversary

Feb. 18th Third week of classes

Feb. 23rd GBC meetings begin

Feb. 24th Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati's Appearance Day

Feb. 25th Fourth week of classes

Mar. 2nd GBC meetings end

Mar. 3rd Fifth week of classes & Festival seminars

Mar. 4th VTE TTC1 and Communications for Preachers Begin

Mar. 8th Gaura Mandala Parikrama Begins and Continuation

of VTE TTC1 & Communications for Preachers

Mar. 13th VTE TTC2 Begins

Mar. 14th Gaura Mandala Parikrama Ends

Mar. 15th Various Festival programs

Mar. 20th Gaura Purnima


Each week of classes lasts five days, followed by a two-day break.




MIHE Mission Statement


Provide an ideal facility and atmosphere in Mayapur that will help devotees:


1) increase their abilities to associate lovingly with Vaisnavas;

2) develop a higher taste for studying Srila Prabhupada's books;

3) systematically strengthen their sadhana and sastric knowledge;

4) develop practical skills in preaching, worshiping, and living;

5) enhance their appreciation of Sri Mayapur Dhama;

6) deepen their Krishna conscious realizations; and

7) develop deeper appreciation for Srila Prabhupada's wonderful gifts.




MIHE Courses


Bhakti Caitanya Swami

Introduction to Srila Jiva Goswami's "Tattva-sandarbha" (3rd week)


Bhakti Caru Swami

The History of Our Vaisnava Heritage (1st and 2nd weeks)


Bhakti-tirtha Swami

Workshop for Strengthening Vaisnava Communities (5th week)


Jayapataka Swami and Kaunteya Dasa

Bhakti-vrksa Preaching Workshop (the first four weeks)


Jayapataka Swami

Sri Caitanya Lila (5th week)


Praladananda Swami

>From Sraddha to Prema (5th week)


Aghabhid Dasa

The Nectar of Devotion / VTE Bhakti-sastri (for men; five weeks)


Anantarupa Dasa

Astrology and Varnashram Dharma (3rd & 4th weeks)


Anuttama Dasa & Anuradha Devi Dasi

Communications for Preachers (Starts in the 5th week and continues until March



Deena Bandhu Dasa

Braja Lila (3rd and 4th weeks)


Felio Tsacrios

Yoga for Health and Vitality in the Iyengar Tradition

(5 weeks - separate classes for men and women)


Gopiparandhana Dasa

Srila Sukadeva Goswami's First Instructions -

The First Chapters of the Second Canto of the Srimad-Bhagavatam (5th week)


Jananivasa Dasa, Pankajanghri Dasa, and Nrsimha Kavaca Dasa

The Pancaratrika Process of Deity Worship (3rd & 4th weeks)


Kalakantha Dasa

Writing for "Back to Godhead" (6 hours on February 9th)

And The Basics of ISKCON Fundraising (6 hours on February 16th)


Kurma Dasa

Vedic Cooking Workshops (interactive demonstrations and hands-on practice) (the

first four weeks)


Readings and discussion from his book "The Great Transcendental Adventure" (the

first four weeks)


Mahamaya-Devi Dasi

Readings and discussion from her soon-to-be-published memoir, entitled "Srila

Prabhupada is Coming!" (4th week)


Manjari-Devi Dasi

Revealing Navadvipa Dhama (5th week)


Narayani-Devi Dasi

Living the Bhagavad-gita - Chapters 7 and 8 (3rd and 4th weeks)


Prana Dasa

The Community of Inquiry (6 hours on February 10th)


Sri Isopanisad / VTE Bhakti-sastri (for men; the first two weeks)


Prasanta Devi Dasi

Sri Isopanisad / VTE Bhakti-sastri (for women; the first two weeks)


Rasamandala Dasa

The Vaisnava Training and Education Teacher Training Course I

(March 4th-11th)


The Vaisnava Training and Education Teacher Training Course II

(March 13th-18th)


Rati-Manjari-Devi Dasi

The Nectar of Devotion / VTE Bhakti-sastri (for women; five weeks)


Sacidulal Dasa

The Nectar of Instruction / VTE Bhakti-sastri (the first two weeks)


Vidvan Gauranga Dasa

Srila Narada's Instructions to Vyasadeva on the Srimad-Bhagavatam

(3rd & 4th weeks)





Please take special note of the VTE (Vaisnava Training and Education)

Bhakti-sastri courses. This year VTE is offering courses on The Nectar of

Devotion, The Nectar of Instruction, and the Isopanisad, which make up the

first trimester of the VTE Bhakti-sastri program. This means you could complete

the first trimester of the VTE Bhakti-sastri program during the MIHE 2000

semester, take the second trimester (comprised of the first nine chapters of

the Bhagavad-gita) during the MIHE 2001 semester, and take the third trimester

(comprised of the second nine chapters of the Bhagavad-gita) during the MIHE

2002 semester, and then get your Bhakti-sastri degree after passing the

appropriate exams. (Please check the MIHE Website for more information about

the VTE Bhakti-sastri program and the standards of assessment.)


The MIHE is trying to make the Bhakti-sastri degree easily accessible to the

ISKCON world.





We need you to select the courses you wish to take by submitting an online

application form by January 20th at http://www.mayapur.org/mihe


Please do this as soon as possible to reserve space for yourself in the courses

of your choice.




No fees are expected from present or former gurukula students and active

teachers from any ISKCON school.


Rs. 6500 (US $160) for a full schedule. This covers as many classes as desired

and materials, except for the VTE Teacher Training courses taught by

Rasamandala Prabhu. The fee for the Teacher Training courses is an additional

Rs. 2800 (US $65) per course.


Fees are lower for students who take fewer classes. Thus students may remit

fees for as many courses as they may take.* Fees are payable at registration.

Discounts may be available in special circumstances, but your temple authority

must arrange this discount in advance with the MIHE Administration, prior to

your arrival in Mayapur.


*Fees may be remitted on a course-by-course basis:


Registration fee Rs. 350

One day 6 hour seminar Rs. 350

One-week courses Rs. 450

Two-week courses Rs. 750

Three-week courses Rs. 1050

Four-week courses Rs. 1350

Five-week courses Rs. 1650

VTE Teacher Training Rs. 2800



For more information, please contact:



c/o ISKCON Mayapur

P.O. Box 10443, Kalighat, Calcutta 700026 W. Bengal, INDIA

Phone: (03472) 45 423

E-mail: janmastami.sdg (AT) bbt (DOT) se

Website: http://www.mayapur.org/mihe

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