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How to Preach - By Srila Prabhupada

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Letter to Tulsi November 9, 1970

The universities are very important places because there there are men who

can appreciate our philosophy. So when you speak in the classroom, just quote

from any of my books and then try and explain the meaning in your own words and


the students will appreciate it very much.


Letter to: Hrdayananda


6 January, 1972


[To Hrdayananda]

And you must all study very scrutinizingly all of the books so that when the

need arises you can repeat in your own words their purport. Also I will be

very pleased if you contribute articles to BTG. By writing regularly, what you

read will become realized. As much as possible read, chant, and preach. This is


our life and soul. If we keep to this simple formula then there is no doubt

that we will be victorious wherever we go and very soon we shall become the


religion in the world.


Letter to: Sudama


26 January, 1973

Los Angeles

My dear Sudama,

Please accept my blessings. I beg to thank you for your letters dated January

9 and January 15, 1973, and I have noted the contents carefully.

Lord Caitanya is very pleased upon those who dedicate their lives for

spreading Krsna consciousness. After all, He is the original promulgator of the


Sankirtana Movement. So you may know it that in traveling and preaching about


you are very much pleasing Him. This is the duty of a sannyasi, to travel

amongst all of our centres for elevating the standard of devotional service. If


by your presence in a centre the devotees become enlivened, that is the sign of


successful preaching. It is not very difficult. Just read from my books and

try and explain the meaning in your own words. It does not matter that you are

not so expert at Sanskrit. You just try to realize the importance of Krsna

consciousness and make your life cent per cent engaged in Krsna's service—that


perfection. I can understand from your letters that you are following Krsna's

dictation and are trying very sincerely to help me in spreading this great

movement of Krsna consciousness, and for this I shall always be grateful to you


for dedicating everything to assist me.


Letter to Govinda Dasi April 30, 1974

Engage your life fully for Krsna Consciousness. Only chant Hare Krsna Mantra

day and night, read books and expressing the philosophy in your own words

write articles for publishing in BTG. Letter to Govinda Dasi April 30, 1974


Letter to: Janajanmadhih


15 November, 1975


My dear Janajanmadhih das,

Please accept my blessings. I am in due receipt of your letter dated October

31, 1975 and have noted the contents. So, if you are strong enough to preach

Krsna consciousness there, that is very good; that as long as you chant your 16


rounds and follow the four regulative principles, then you will get the

strength. The process is that you should memorize the purports of my books and


speak them in your own words. Do not adulterate or change anything. Then you

will be the perfect preacher. You should also distribute our books as far as

possible. If you do this sincerely, then you will be successful.



Letter to: Acyutananda, Yasodanandana


21 November, 1975


My dear Acyutananda Swami and Yasodanandana Swami,

Please accept my blessings. I am in due receipt of your letters dated

November 16th and November 18th with all the enclosed clippings which I have


with interest. I am glad to see that your preaching programs are going on. I

think Acyutananda Swami, he is a very good preacher. The process is simply to


the books and learn the purports and then speak to them in your own words.



Letter to: Dasanudasa


13 May, 1977

New Talavan, Mississippi

My dear Dasanudasa,

Please accept my blessings. I beg to thank you for your letter dated April

21st, 1977. Thank you very much for sending the Guru Daksina.

The two essays which you have sent are very nicely written. It appears that

you have good talent for writing, so kindly continue to develop in this way and


write more and more of your realizations based upon our books. There is no

need to concoct anything new. You simply have to study carefully our books and

then in your own words try to express what you have read. This will

automatically make you a very successful preacher.

There is no need to learn Bengali. I do not encourage learning any new

skills. Whatever material abilities one has when he comes to Krsna


let him learn to engage these in Krsna's service: that is sufficient. There is

no need of learning new skills now. That will simply be a waste of time.


This search on the letters, conversations and lectures in the Bhaktivedanta

VedaBase on the string "in your own words" is very instructive. Can anyone

suggest other strings that would yield good results like this.

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