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Alt Forms of Punishing +Book Review British Origin of Cow Slaughter

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[There are a few book reviews in here. Just read on. It is long but

certainly interesting.]



Paradheya Prabhu, thanks for your supporting contributions.


The prison contract is interesting. Perhaps as they have hospitals for

alchoholic Catholic priests, we could have a federal penitentary for those

who speak out against corrupt ISKCON leaders, Narayana Maharaja devotees and

ritviks and we could experiment on them! hahaha JK ;)


Actually, when one devotee was being sentenced for a crime his lawyer

explained to the judge what he was doing since he committed the crime as a

member of ISKCON. After hearing the regimen the now convicted criminal was

undergoing in the temple (rise by 4am, cold bath, etc our daily program), he

dismissed the case saying that he was already punished by ISKCON more than

what he would have gotten in prison! hahaha


Clearly this is why Srila Prabhupada said "I don't punish my disciples."

Being a disciple already includes all reformatory and punative measures

needed by anyone to atone for anything "even the most abominable act", so we

seriously need to be satisfied that a person is engaged in devotional

service, and is "in the shower", or from a karmi perspective "already in



How much room is there for a company with a prison contract to actually

define the regimen? That sounds very interesting. I didn't realize a company

could actually take on such a responsibility. But why form a prison? Why not

form a temple/asrama and put a barb wire fence around it? At least for

non-violent offenders. Just induct them and train them as if they joined a

temple? (Brainstorming here) The judge would say "Do you want to go to

prison or join the Hare Krishna temple for 6 months?"


The government could help us with land or build more temples and secure

them. I have been promoting the concept that "Separation between church and

state should not preclude cooperation between church and state for the

benefit of all." and here is a area we could cooperate without creating a

state of theorcracy. Again it would be a voluntarily chosen alternative form

of punishment.


Yes, the work of the prison ministry can certainly lend support to our

claims of the efficacy of the holy name. ISKCON has already been recognized

in India for our work there by Kiran Bedhi, who was in charge of Delhi

prisons and was promoted to the UN last year. In her acceptance speech

before the Hon'ble President of India at an international conference I

attended where I met her, I witnessed her say "We have done great work with

ISKCON, Bahais, Brahma Kumaris, etc..and I intend to bring ISKCON and all

these groups with me to the UN." She will certainly give us her support for

the positive impact chanting had on the prisoners. She is a true believer.


Your concern about curing devotees is valid, but if you study most of these

cases they either stopped chanting at some point, committed serious nama

aparadhas, and/or were not engaged in "constant chanting". That the lives of

the inmates can be controlled to a greater degree should prove helpful in

securing better results I would imagine.


Constant chanting is really the only hope, and it would have to be gradually

introduced over a number of days/weeks so they build up speed. I don't think

there will be much resistance since we all have the experience of the higher

taste which will also impell them to continue. We can't overlook the

importance of prasadam, as well. Four regs need to be enforced too, but

Bhaktivinoda Thakura says that for one who is constantly chanting Harinama,

there are no other rules and regulations for him. Essentially Harinama will

take care of everything for you.


The real challenge is convincing the public of the benefits of

transcendental madness. hahaha Seriously, when these people start crying in

ecstasy, rolling on the floor, drooling, and so on our critics will say

"they are torturing them and driving these people crazy!"


Consider how Indians in 1612 got such a bad name and made such a bad

impression on the British. When the British East India Company arrived in

India in 1612 (having just been formed by Queen Elizabeth in 1600) they were

experiencing the tail end of Lord Caitanya's Sankirtan movement (especially

in Kalighat, which they purchased and became Calcutta). Remember Lord

Caitanya had only disappeared a mere 80+ years before they arrived. Some of

his disciples and mostly granddisciples would have still been preaching on

the planet! "Haribol!!! Welcome to India!!!" How lucky those demons were to

have darshan of such people, who they couldn't appreciate!


There were no factories at that time and people of Bengal especially were

chanting and dancing in the streets like madmen! Rolling, crying, yelling

"HARIBOL!!!!!!!GAURRRRRRRRANGA!!!!" and so on. The British condemned

them, called them "madmen", "1/2 baked", and became determined to reform

them to the standard of Christian civilization. So much for their ability to

appreciate love of God. Clearly the East India Company and the British Govt

were staffed by hoards of spiritually bankrupt barbarians.


It was truly a case of casting pearls to swine who literally chewed them up

and crushed them to powder by inflicting the artifical famine on Bengal in

the mid-to late 1700s after seizing power. That famine killed 1/2 the

population of Bengal! This is documented history. Where is THIS history

being taught?


Why Bengal? Because it was determined to be the base and stronghold of Lord

Caitanya's movement and philosophy. They identified the devotees of Lord

Caitanya as their greatest obstacle to power and profits and literally all

but systematically destroyed His movement through political intrigues,

famine, and drugs. Understand that the Bhakti movement He inaugurated spread

throughout India thanks to the fact that He personally travelled the



We know the histories from Caitanya Caritamrita how people received Him

"Thousands/millions of people following Him and chanting in love of God."

These people would return to their village and chant and other would get

love of God, and so on! It was infectious and all-pervasive. By the time

British arrived in India the entire country was flooded in Harinama. Read

the BJP inspired history book to see the real picture of the Bhakti

movement. One is "Glimpses of Bharatiya History" by Dr. Rajendra Singh

Kushwaha, with Message by Murli Manohara Joshi (then HRD Minister), and my

good friend Dr. B.K. Modi (Chairman VHP Overseas). I got a copy of this

book on his birthday. The textbook that not only includes Lord Rama and Lord

Krishna as historical facts, but also includes an entire chapter on "Bhakti

Movement - A Great National Awakening"!!! ISKCON is also credited in that

chapter in relation to lord Caitanya by stating "The Hare Krishna Movement

(ISKON) (SIC) has put (Lord Caitanya) on the international map."


There is even archeological proof that the East India Company acknowledged

the formidibility of the Sankirtana Movement. There are coins minted in

Indian in 1617 by the East India Company that has their name (EIC) printed

on one side, and a picture of Sri-Sri Radha-Krishna on the other!!!!! Can

you imagine! They had to make this diplomatic manuever to gain acceptance by

linking themselves with the MOST POPULAR SOCIAL TREND AT THE TIME. Which was

"Bolo Krishna, Bhaja Krishna, Koro Krishna Siksha!" Harinama Sankirtan in

Krishna Prema! The history books now confirm it as "the great national



Now we have the physical proof. I have attached a picture of one of these

coins preserved in a Himalayan mountain cave by several generations of yogis

who receive coins as dakshina by visitors and simply toss them in the back

of the cave having no use for them! Successive generations of disciples who

inherit the cave-asrama don't spend them and preserve them as

"Guru-prasada", thus creating a living archeological dig that doesn't

require removal of dirt. I have searched the Net and coin books for British

coins minted in India during this period and have NEVER seen one of these

coins listed.


They were minted as a ploy of fake devotion/appreciation, to win the hearts

of Vaishnavas, so obviously after seizing power in the 1700s they probably

recalled these coins to cover their tracks, melted them and replaced them

with coins showing Queen Elizabeths unmentionably "undivine" face instead of

Srimati Radharani's. Perhaps there were so few minted in the first place

that only these survive? I have copyrighted the picture and am not

permitting its reproduction since it will be used in an upcoming

publication. But if you want to use it you can contact me and I will

consider requests on a case by case basis. I am willing to write a BTG

article on this coin if requested and have BCC'd them as receivers.


Devotees of the mid 1700s were not greedy and foolish and ready to toil in

British factories in Calcutta to earn their rice which was growing freely.

The solution? Reduce the rice cultivation by planting 500 million

acres/hectares of poppy fields, and induce them through greed to process

opium for creating the first major international drug cartel in cooperation

with the US. If that fails, purchase and hoard all the rice and refuse to

distribute it and induce artificial famine. Then they will come running to

your factories for food chanting Haribol. Perhaps it was something like



Well if that was the program, it didn't work and the devotees just starved

rather than surrender. I am not even sure they were given a chance to

surrender for food. I suspect they were just slaughtered. But the details

should be looked into. The ones who surely survived and flourished were the

non-devotees who sold out for factory-rice and sucked up to the British.

Obviously devotees also survived. Food was so scarce that people were

boiling the same rice 6 times a day and drinking the starch-juice before

consuming the grain. I am not sure what brought an end to the famine and why

and when they decided to release the grain. The documentation to prove they

were hoarding the rice and creating famine is there and appears solid.


Sufficient rice was there, but under British control, and they just refused

to release it. Governors reports in British archives in London show how

these demoniac rascals were boasting how "despite the famine the revenues

for property tax is UP!" There is a book by Dharampal Mukundan called "The

British Origin of Cow Slaughter In India" that reproduces these original

documents dug up by him in London from libraries.


Documents prove that the British, not the Muslims, introduced cow slaughter

into India. Even today, my colleague (we are members of an interfaith

foundation), the President and head of all Imams in India, is personally

calling for a national ban on cow slaughter in India. They have no religious

or traditional interest in killing cows and never did. Many Muslims are in

the meat and leather trade and have an economic interest, at that is all. It

was an entirely British invention. While a previous Muslim attempt was made

to kill cows, it was quickly abandoned due to the protests of the Hindus.


The British Raj with 200,000 administrative staff and 100,000 military

troops in India wanted to feed them beef and so engaged the muslims, who

were already slaughtering goats, to do this dirty work which the Hindus

refused. So many oxen were slaughtered that is created several regional

famines in India that previously had never undergone famine. When the

British arrived in India there was no history of food shortages.


After generations, the British argued to the Hindus the need to "Protect the

Muslims rights to practice their tradition of slaughtering and eating cows".

A tradition that was created by the British! That's the history as

documented by the British themselves. Also interesting from that book is the

fact that the main concern of the British was the issue of cow slaughter as

it was "the only potential issue that could unite all the Hindus" according

to secret British reports.


And it did unite the Hindus who were paying a voluntary tax (like 1/4 of 1%)

to Hindu shop keepers ON ALL PURCHASES MADE that was funneled to protect

cows via goshallas, sannyasis roaming around and preaching against cow

slaughter, etc. The entire nation of Hindus was mobilized. Congress party's

symbol was the cow and the calf. BJP came to power after Congress dropped

the agenda of cow protection in the 60s when in 1966 (while Srila Prabhupada

was in NY) 200,000+ sadhus, hindus and Nagababas descended upon India's

Parliament to demand a ban of cow slaughter. Several were shot and killed by

the Government. The opposition party seized on cow protection and finally

came to power in part due to that (Rama Temple being the major factor).


After India's independence it was obviously suggested to place a national

ban of cow slaughter. The calls were coming but the central govt said "no".

It centered around a ridiculous argument that the Constitution of India

(article 14, I recall) prohibits Parliament from passing any law "That

prohibits any person to practice his chosen occupation",and in this case the

government was protecting the BUTCHERS rights to slaughter cows and make a

living! In outrage the Hindus and Nagababas were jumping up and down

screaming "BAN THE BUTCHER!!!" and "THE COW IS OUR MOTHER!!!" Many of these

were also Mayavadi sannyasis. They had buttons saying "BAN THE BUTCHER", and

the Nagabasas were naked so they had these buttons pinned on their beards!

Just imagine the scene!


One MP was kicked out of Parliament when he proposed the ban. He ran outside

to the 200,000 protestors and yelled "THEY KICKED ME OUT OF PARLIAMENT FOR

PROPOSING THE BAN!" He incided this mob sitting outside Indhira Ganhis house

and Parliament mobilized in riot fashion! Nagababas were whirling their

spears and axes and sannyasis their dandas, and finally the PM sent the

police to stop them, many were shot and killed in cold blood. After this

incident the sadhus more or less gave up on Congress Party and formed a

stronger alliance with the opposition party, BJP. This event perhaps greater

than any other polarized the two parties and saffronized the BJP. That we

never heard Srila Prabhupada talkabout this (to my knowledge) is due to the

fact that he was staging his own saffron revolution in NY at the same time!


That Srila Prabhupada appeared as "Lord Caitanya's General" predicted by

Lord Caitanya Himself (sena pati bhakta) in all places of "Calcutta" clearly

makes sense to me now. It was a question I had, that "Why did Srila

Prabhupada appear in Calcutta of all places?!" That Srila Prabhupada

expanded further than the British Empire and reached all the way to London

to hold Ratha Yatra there was poetic justice and a great battle won.


That Lord Caitanya's "sankirtan army", as the Prime Minister of India

Vajpayee, called us publicly, will one day NONVIOLENTLY purify the

generations of men in the USA and Britian responsible for this greatest

global offense ever committed to Vaishnavas and thus save the world and

these countries from total destruction, is nothing short of a miracle.

Britian certainly suffered in WWI and II more than the US being the bigger



Interesting note, that the rights to own the trademark of "East India

Company" were recently purchased by a Hindu at auction for $1. That is the

present value of EIC, and now look at the value of Lord Caitanya's movement!

Looks like we won the war! Of course the fight isn't over yet, so let's not

get lax. Kali is still sitting on the throne, and there will be many more

sankirtan battles before we entirely knock that rascal down! >:[


By the time Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura appeared on the scene, practically

Lord Caitanya's movement had become corrupted by 13 apasampradayas

identified by him, and the character and integrity of Lord Caitanya's

followers was certainly blackened and tarnished (evam parampara praptam imam

rajarshayo vidu...yoga nashta parantapa).


It appears that our team of gurus headed by Srila Jagannatha Dasa Babaji,

Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura, Srila Gaura Kisora Dasa Babaji, Srila

Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura and Srila Prabhupada had come to

reestablish the disciplic succession that was more or less broken after a

major offensive and over 100 years of oppression and sabbotage under British

Ruled India.


That Srila Bhaktisiddhanta's line of disciplic succession given to us

reveals a stark and shocking (to some unfortunate souls who foolishly left

ISKCON because of it) 90 year gap between Srila Baladev Vidyabushana and

Srila Jagannatha Dasa Babaji, all correllating to roughly the time British

were clamping down on Bengal with iron-shod jackboots and committing

genocide, may explain this apparent breakage of parampara and the need for

Lord Caitanya to send this team to come reestablish it. Judging by the

results, it appears that this team IS EMPOWERED with the mission to spread

KC, whatever else one believes about siksha/diksha lines!


Also that this team proved themselves of being of special historic

significant by rediscovering Lord Caitanya's birthplace, pioneering the

global preaching mission predicted by Lord Caitanya and fulfilled by Srila

Prabhupada, and so on, seems to lend credence to this idea. I am not sure we

can conclude that there was no bona fide representative of Lord Caitanya

from Baladev Vidyabhusana to Jagannatha Dasa Babaji, but one thing we HAVE

to conclude based on Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura's observations is that the

tree of Lord Caitanya's followers, as a whole, was in shambles even during

his time.


Interestingly, the opium trade was based in Bengal, and British (76%) and US

(24%) sailing ships would take the opium from Calcutta to be sold in Bejing,

and other places in China, leading of course to the Opium Wars. By the way,

the US ships were primarily owned by one Russell and Company. A significant

amount of this drug dealer money was used by them to endow Yale University

(Harvard U as well by other drug dealers). Russell went on to Germany and

joined a group called the Illuminati, which gave him a charter to found a

branch in the USA around 1776. His branch was founded at Yale University and

came to be known as the "Order of Skull and Bones". It is still there today

on campus in a secret building called "The Tomb". and it apparently owns the

property of the University!


The Clintons, Bushes (current US Pres and his father), and many past US

presidents and the founders of the CIA after WWII, including others in

prominent strategic positions at the conrolling levers of US society were

exposed as members of this secret society when someone stole the roster of

members, who are know as "Bonesmen". Apparently only 2500 Bonesmen have been

enducted to-date (only 15 per year are accepted at Yale).


In the past decade a movie was produced about it, some books written by

defectors, internet exposes, and recently the Times of India did a front

page expose on this in response to Ralph Nader's (ran for US PREZ as an

independent) challenging both Kerry and Bush as being Bonesmen and thus

their ability to serve as president. Apparently there is an entire wing of

the CIA staffed by only Bonesmen, as well as, a Wallstreet securities firm

once run by Bush's father after he was CIA director that is listed as the

mailing address of the Order of Skull and Bones at Yale! Yikes! Well, as

they say, "You are not paranoid. They ARE out to get you!" hahaha


During Vietnam war there arose claims that CIA operatives were flying in

heroin to the US under the cover of their top secret clearances. Perhaps the

old drug tradelinks between Asia's poppy fields and the US have been

maintained by Russell's Bonesmen through the CIA? Whatever the case, the

Hare Krishna movement was certainly not news in 1965 to British and US

intelligence agencies. We have a long documented history with them dating

back almost 400 years to Calcutta!


Back to chanting, we need to also do some serious groundwork to document

academically and thus differentiate these symptoms of love of God from

common psychological abnormalities. It is a great challenge. Otherwise, even

if we are successful according to our understanding, it could become a great

preaching challenge otherwise, if not presented to the public properly.


Lord Caitanya warned Ramananda Raya that they are both "madmen" and to be

careful not to reveal this to others. Imagine the scene when they first met

in the presence of the government ministers, rolling, hugging on the ground,

and so on. So it is not going to be appreciated by all, and finally we need

leaders who understand and are comfortable with spiritual values, and

especially higher esoteric principles connected with love of God.


Otherwise we can expect another Judeo-Christian backlash/Crusade of

prosecutions, murders, and religious fanaticism experienced by our movement

over the last 400 years. The anti-cult movement would eat it up.


Maybe as a preventative measure, someone in the academic field can seriously

document this period of Indian history 1600-1947 and expose the atrocities

against Lord Caitanayas followers in Bengal around mid 1700s. I have to

imagine this is a bigger event than the Holocaust at 6 million Vs. 1/2 the

population of Bengal, though I am not sure what it was before the famine.

Our movement is clearly a documented victim of Ethnic cleansing/genocide in

any case.


Maybe a team of academically qualified and trusted (former) Jewish, British,

Indian and American devotees can take up this project? Is there any

interest? It might be a good way to introduce the symptoms of love of God to

the public in a way they can sympathize with. I believe this is important

because it is not an automatic "given" that people will appreciate those

manifesting symptoms of love of God. Just see what happened to Haridasa

Thakur. Maybe the book can be titled "First Contact" 'West meets East, the

History of Genocide of early Hare Krishna's by British in Colonial India.'


Those Bengali saragrahi-vaishnava warriors and heros need to be glorified

and in the process we can educate the public about love of God, which is

going to be necessary, at least for introducing Harinama as an alternative

form of punishment. I figure these would have been the great-grand disciples

of Lord Caitanya and His associates who perished in the artificial famine.


I can try to get copies of these books, or make copies of my own for those

who want them. There are actually 3 books I have referenced herein:


1) The British Origin of Cow Slaughter in India, 2003, Dharman Pal Mukundan

2) The Resurrection of the Cow in India, circa 1969 (a rare and important

book regarding cow protection in India, out of print).

3) Glimpses of Bharatiya History, Dr. Rajendra Singh Kushwaha


Hare Krishna.

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