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We are not vegetarians

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Re: "Sri Visnu"


"COM: Radha Vinoda (das) BVS (Sofia - BG)" wrote:


> [Text 2381746 from COM]


> Pamho! AgtSP!

> I just finded these lines reg. not offered food which is karma free.


> > very easy. You could pick up an apple from under some tree that does not

> > belong to anyone and there will be no karma attached to it, yet it is not

> > prasadam.

> >

> > ys


> I don't want to start again this discussion, but I thought that somebode

> where could answer me how could food which is taken withould being offered

> to the Lord be karma free? Don't we in that case take it of our sense

> gratification?


> Ys Rvd


I think Radha Vinoda prabhu is on the right track. Just to be "vegetarian"

does not mean that the food we eat is "karma-free." Food can only be

karma-free when it is offered to Krsna. One of Krsna's central points in

Bhagavad-gita is that *everything* we do will produce a good or bad karmic

reaction. There is only one possible way to avoid karmic reaction is to perform

any of our actions for the pleasure of Krsna.


The most important way to come to a conclusion in this discussion is to go back

and re-read Bhagavad-gita. Over the last year, I have been reading

Bhagavad-gita with my son. When you are reading aloud like this to someone who

has not read the whole Bhagavad-gita before, many verses and purports stand out

more vividly than when you read it the first or even second time.


Consider these excerpts:


Bg 3.13:


The devotees of the Lord are released from all kinds of sins because they eat

food which is offered first for sacrifice. Others, who prepare food for

personal sense enjoyment, verily eat only sin.




The devotees of the Supreme Lord, or the persons who are in Krsna

consciousness, are called *santas*, and they are always in love with the

Lord...The *santa* being always in a compact of love with the Supreme

Personality of Godhead...cannot accept anything without first offering it to

the Supreme Person. Therefore, such devotees always perform *yajnas* in

different modes of devotional service, such as *sravanam, kirtanam, smaranam,

arcanam,* etc., and these performances of *yajnas* keep them always aloof from

all kinds of contamination of sinful association in the material worl. Others,

who prepare food for self or sense gratification, are not only thieves, but are

also the eaters of all kinds of sins. How can a person be happy is he is both

a thief and sinful? It is not possible...


Bg 9.26


If one offers Me with love and devotion a leaf, a flower, fruit or water, I

will accept it.




Here Lord Krsna, having established that He is the only enjoyer, the primeval

Lord, and the real object of all sacrificial offerings, reveals what types of

sacrifices He desires to be offered....In the Third Chapter, verse thirteen,

Sri Krsna explains that only the remains of sacrifice are purified and fit for

consumption by those who are seeking advancement in life and release from the

clutches of the material entanglement. Thnose who do not make an offering of

their food, He says, in the same verse, are said to be eating onlyh sin. In

other words, their every mouthful is simply deepening their involvement in the

complexities of material nature. But preparing nice, simple vegetable dishes,

offering them befor a picture or Deity of Lord Krsna and bowing down and

praying for Him to accept such a humble offering, enable one to advance

steadily in life, to purify the body, and to create fine brain tissues which

will lead to clear thinking. Above all, the offering should be made with an

attitude of love. Krsna has no need of food, since He already possesses

everything that be, yet He wioll accept the offering of one who desires to

please Him in that way. The important element, in preparation, in serving and

in offering, is to act with love for Krsna...Only the devotee, who accepts

Krsna as He describes Himself, without interpretation, can understand that the

Supreme Absolute Truth can eat food and enjoy it.


Bg 9.27


O son of Kunti, all that you do, all that you eat, all that you offer and give

away, as well as all austerities you may perform, should be done as an offering

unto Me.


Bg 9.28


In this way you will be freed from all reactions to good and evil deeds, and by

this principle of renunciation you will be liberated and come to Me.




Below are additional quotes where Srila Prabhupada explains that the fact that

we are vegetarians is secondary in importance to the fact that we eat only

foods which have first been offered to Krsna:




**was 73VEGARN.VAN 8/8/97





Srimad-Bhagavatam Canto 3: Chapter Twenty-nine, Text 15 :PURPORT


Another significant phrase in this verse is natihimsrena ("with minimum

violence or sacrifice of life"). Even if a devotee has to commit violence, it

should not be done beyond what is necessary. Sometimes the question is put

before us: "You ask us not to eat meat, but you are eating vegetables. Do you

think that is not violence?" The answer is that eating vegetables is violence,

and vegetarians are also committing violence against other living entities

because vegetables also have life. Nondevotees are killing cows, goats and so

many other animals for eating purposes, and a devotee, who is vegetarian, is

also killing. But here, significantly, it is stated that every living entity

has to live by killing another entity; that is the law of nature. Jivojivasya

jivanam: one living entity is the life for another living entity. But for a

human being, that violence should be committed only as much as necessary.



Prabhupada's Lectures Bhagavad-gita 1966 660520BG.NY


They are called panca-yajnas in the Vedic... So, and even if we do not kill

animals, simply by eating vegetables, they are also life. It does not mean that

vegetarians are not killing. They are also killing. The law is that a living

entity lives by killing other living entities. That is the law. Those who have

got hands, they are killing those who have got legs. Just like man is killing

animal. The animal is eating the grass, those who have no legs. So this is the

law. But our thing is that we have to offer yajna. Killing of animal does not

mean that if a man kills a cow or goat for eating, he is killing, and those who

are vegetarian, they are not killing. They are also killing. A vegetable has

also got life. So it is not the question of killing. It is the question of

offering yajna.



Prabhupada's Lectures Bhagavad-gita 1974 740531BG.GEN


We eat Krsna-prasadam. Krsna says, patram puspam phalam toyam yo me bhaktya

prayacchati: "Anyone who offers Me with love and affection vegetables, grains,

milk, I eat." So if there is any sin for eating vegetables, that is Krsna's

sin, not our sin. We take the prasadam. We are teaching people to eat

Krsna-prasadam. We are not teaching people to become vegetarian or

non-vegetarian. That is not our business. After all, we have to eat, so if we

eat Krsna-prasadam... That is stated, yajna-sistisinah santo mucyante

sarva-kilbisaih: "If you accept prasadam which is offered to God, then you are

free from all sinful resultant action."


Evening Darshan New York, July 11, 1976 760711ED.NY


Prabhupada: Yes. That is also sin. That is stated in the Bhagavad-gita, that

whatever you eat, bhunjate te tv agham papa ye pacanty atma-karanat. Anyone is

cooking something, meat or vegetables, for his own eating, he is eating only

sin. It is not that the vegetarians are not sinful and the meat-eaters are

sinful. Everyone is sinful if it is not cooked for Krsna. It is not that we are

propagating that you become vegetarian. We are propagating that you become

Krsna consciousness.



Morning Walk Bombay, April 15, 1976 760415MW.BOM


Dr. Patel: That said, tad-artham karma kaunteya mukta-sangah samacara: "You

must do everything for Him, even eating."

Prabhupada: Yes.

Dr. Patel: That is vegetarianism.

Prabhupada: Then, then you are... Then automatically he'll become vegetarian.

Automatically he'll become vegetarian. If he takes Krsna prasadam, then he is

vegetarian automatically.

Pusta Krsna: So it may seem like these other things are stepping-stones to

Krsna, but is it necessarily so?

Prabhupada: No stepping-stone. This is the ultimate, man-mana bhava mad-bhakto

mad-yaji mam namaskuru [bg 18.65], these four things. Unless you come to this

point, there is no question of perfection.

Dr. Patel: That's right. Then you feel that every action of yours is done for





Morning Walk Bombay, April 15, 1976 760415MW.BOM


Dr. Patel: We are killing the body and not... The soul is inkillable.

Prabhupada: No, no, no. Don't go to the philosophy. First of all come to the

practical. (Dr. Patel laughs) Come to the practical point of view, that after

all, you have to eat; otherwise you cannot live. Ahara-nidra-bhaya-maithunam.

So if you have to live another living entity, then how you can practice this

ahimsa? Mean on the basic principle, the ahimsa paramo dharma, where is ahimsa?

You have to kill. Either you kill vegetable or animal, you have to kill. Then

where is the standing of ahimsa? That is my point.

Dr. Patel: When you kill purposelessly, without any useful...

Prabhupada: No, no. No interpretation. They say that "no killing." So no

killing is not possible. That is my point. Then where is the thesis stands,

that "We are for not, no killing"?

Dr. Patel: Every action, sir, is, I mean, entangled in this.

Prabhupada: So then our Vaisnava's philosophy is perfect, because we take Krsna

prasadam. We don't say vegetables. We are not advocating vegetarianism. We are

advocating that "You take Krsna prasadam." How perfect it is. We are not so

nonsense that "Because we have become vegetarian, we are perfect." The goats

are vegetarian.

Dr. Patel: (laughter) And we are indirectly vegetarians if we eat goats.

Prabhupada: No, no, no. Even if we vegetarian are, then how you become big? The

goats are vegetarian. Huh? Apadani catus-padam. This vegetable is meant for the

catus-padam, for the animals, four-legged animals. If somebody says that "Why

shall I take this vegetable? It is meant for the animals. I shall take the

animal." That is a good argument. Yes. So to become vegetarian is not ahimsa at

all. It is a bogus theory. To become a devotee and take Krsna prasadam, that is

perfect. Krsna says, patram puspam phalam toyam yo me bhaktya prayacchati. So


Dr. Patel: He does not say, "Give me a, I mean, a (Hindi)."

Prabhupada: Yes.

Dr. Patel: Patram puspam phalam toyam.

Prabhupada: That. Then there is perfection, if you take Krsna prasadam. Prasade

sarva-duhkhanam hanir asyopajayate. So this vegetarianism is no good position.

Dr. Patel: No, no, the Jains have, I mean, pushed the vegetarians to a very, I

mean, to an extent which is...

Prabhupada: No, no. What is the benefit? The benefit? The goats are vegetarian.

Eh? There are so many animals. They are vegetarian. The monkeys are vegetarian.


Dr. Patel: They are perfect vegetarian. Perfect.

Prabhupada: And they live in the forest.

Dr. Patel: They are sannyasis. (laughs)

Prabhupada: But number-one rogue. Each of them keeping one dozen women, at

least, and no discrimination between wife or daughter. No discrimination. Just

like hogs. That's all. No discrimination.

Yasomati-nandana: Cows are also vegetarians.

Prabhupada: Eh?

Yasomati-nandana: Cows, they are also vegetarians.

Prabhupada: Cows are vegetarian. That's all right. There are many animals,

vegetarian. So there is no perfection of life unless we come to the point of

Krsna consciousness. Simply by becoming vegetarian, simply by becoming

nonviolent, simply by... These are all theories only. It has no value.

Pusta Krsna: The argument is sometimes put forward that not everyone will be

able to embrace Krsna consciousness fully. Therefore it may be better for them

to accept some portion, like, for example, taking up vegetarianism or even

doing hatha-yoga, or something like this is better than nothing.

Prabhupada: No, that is not very essential. Essential is how to think of Krsna.

Krsna says, man-mana bhava mad-bhaktah. He doesn't say that you become


Dr. Patel: That said, tad-artham karma kaunteya mukta-sangah samacara: "You

must do everything for Him, even eating."

Prabhupada: Yes.

Dr. Patel: That is vegetarianism.

Prabhupada: Then, then you are... Then automatically he'll become vegetarian.

Automatically he'll become vegetarian. If he takes Krsna prasadam, then he is

vegetarian automatically.

Pusta Krsna: So it may seem like these other things are stepping-stones to

Krsna, but is it necessarily so?

Prabhupada: No stepping-stone. This is the ultimate, man-mana bhava mad-bhakto

mad-yaji mam namaskuru, these four things. Unless you come to this point, there

is no question of perfection.



Prabhupada's Lectures Bhagavad-gita 1975 750206BG.HAW


Krsna said, patram puspam phalam toyam yo me bhaktya prayacchati [bg 9.26].

Krsna said that "You give Me patram, means vegetables, flowers, fruits, and

phalam, fruits, and some liquid, water or milk." Krsna does not say, "You give

Me meat or egg or fish." No. Krsna can eat everything, He's all powerful, but

He does not eat, although He is all powerful. He can eat everything. He can eat

fire. That is another thing. But because we have to take prasadam, remnants of

foodstuff, Krsna, therefore He says, "Give Me this: food grains, milk, or

fruits and flowers." Prepared or unprepared, it doesn't matter. Krsna wants

that. We... So far the Vaisnava is concerned, sometimes they come forward to

fight with us: "Why we should be vegetarian?" No, no, we have no quarrel with

the nonvegetarian.


Let them eat at their risk. But because we recommend, "You take Krsna's

prasadam," therefore we must be satisfied with this patram puspam phalam toyam,

nothing more than that.



Prabhupada's Lectures Srimad-Bhagavatam 1976 760506SB.HON


Therefore we find so many varieties of foodstuff, varieties of taste. This

is all within this material world. It is not that... Sometimes this morning

we were talking about vegetarian and nonvegetarian. Our mission is not to

make a nonvegetarian a vegetarian. No. Our mission is that "Either you are

vegetarian or nonvegetarian, it doesn't matter. You become Krsna conscious."

That is our mission. To become vegetarian is not very good

qualification. It is better than the nonvegetarian, but that is not the

ultimate solution. The ultimate solution is when you become a lover of God.

That is ultimate solution. So we are not preaching this vegetarianism. Just

like there are Jains or many other religious system, Buddhism. They are

after making people vegetarian. But the law of nature is that one living

entity is the food for another living entity. That is the law of nature.

You will find even in the lower animals. They are eating one another.


Prabhupada's Lectures General - 1971 710326LE.BOM


A tiger has got the right to eat another animal. So we are not going to preach

amongst the tigers that "You become vegetarian" or "You become Krsna

conscious." That is not our business. Our business is that we are inducing, we

are entreating, we are requesting people that "You take Krsna prasada." That is

our business. To become vegetarian or nonvegetarian is not very big business.

We do not admit that vegetarians are very much pious and nonvegetarians are not


No. Not like that. We say that everyone is impious who is not taking foodstuff

offered to Krsna. That is our view. Anyone.



Morning Walk Vrindaban, March 14, 1974 740314MW.VRN


Hrdayananda: So in our varnasrama college the students that come to our

college, they follow the four principles... They follow...

Prabhupada: Four principles essential. Essential. But only the sudras or the

ksatriyas... Just like ksatriyas, they have to learn how to kill. So

practically, they should go to the forest and kill some animal. And if he

likes, he can eat also. If he likes, he can eat also.

Hrdayananda: What he kills.

Prabhupada: Yes. But not from the slaughterhouse. Those who are ksatriyas,

they can, they're allowed sometimes to eat meat. It is understood Bhima, Bhima

also eating sometimes meat. Bhima. Amongst the Pandavas, only Bhima. Not

others. So if the ksatriyas, they want to eat meat, they can be allowed on

particular occasions. But they must go to the forest and kill the animal. Not

that for meat-eating regular slaughterhouses should be maintained. This is all

nonsense, degradation. If you want to eat meat, you go to the forest. And the

sudras, they also sometimes eat meat. Or the candalas.

Hrdayananda: But never the cow.

Prabhupada: No. Cow... The sudras, they can take a goat and sacrifice before

the deity, goddess Kali, and then eat. Nobody should be given unrestricted

freedom to eat meat. Or wine. If one is adamant to drink wine, then there is

Candi-puja, Durga-puja. That means restriction. That means restriction. Under

certain condition. Similarly, sex life--marriage. That is also sex life, but

under condition.



Srimad-Bhagavatam Canto 4: Chapter Seventeen, Text 25 :TRANSLATION


Now, with the help of my arrows, I shall cut you to pieces and with your

flesh satisfy the hunger-stricken citizens, who are now crying for want of

grains. Thus I shall satisfy the crying citizens of my kingdom.




Here we find some indication of how the government can arrange for the

eating of cow flesh. It is here indicated that in a rare circumstance when

there is no supply of grains, the government may sanction the eating of meat.

However, when there is sufficient food, the government should not allow the

eating of cow's flesh just to satisfy the fastidious tongue. In other words, in

rare circumstances, when people are suffering for want of grains, meat-eating

or flesh-eating can be allowed, but not otherwise. The maintenance of

slaughterhouses for the satisfaction of the tongue and the killing of animals

unnecessarily should never be sanctioned by a government.

As described in a previous verse, cows and other animals should be given

sufficient grass to eat. If despite a sufficient supply of grass a cow does not

supply milk, and if there is an acute shortage of food, the dried-up cow may be

utilized to feed the hungry masses of people. According to the law of

necessity, first of all human society must try to produce food grains and

vegetables, but if they fail in this, they can indulge in flesh-eating.

Otherwise not. As human society is presently structured, there is sufficient

production of grains all over the world. Therefore the opening of

slaughterhouses cannot be supported. In some nations there is so much surplus

grain that sometimes extra grain is thrown into the sea, and sometimes the

government forbids further production of grain. The conclusion is that the

earth produces sufficient grain to feed the entire population, but the

distribution of this grain is restricted due to trade regulations and a desire

for profit. Consequently in some places there is scarcity of grain and in

others profuse production. If there were one government on the surface of the

earth to handle the distribution of grain, there would be no question of

scarcity, no necessity to open slaughterhouses, and no need to present false

theories about over-population.



Letter to: Tusta Krishna Maharaja : 76-01-09 Bombay


I am glad to know that a restaurant has been started. In Hawaii you may have

seen that the restaurant is very successful. Now that boy's money will be used

properly. Instead of maintaining a slaughterhouse, he is paying for prasadam

distribution. Very good. But we should not waste time encouraging vegetarianism

as opposed to meat eating. We want to encourage prasadam taking and that is

automatically vegetarian.





Room Conversation Indore, December 13, 1970 701213RC.IND


Hamsaduta: George Bernard Shaw.

Prabhupada: Yes. So they are becoming animals, animals eating animal flesh.

Bernard Shaw was vegetarian.

Devotee (6): Except he would take liver for his health.

Prabhupada: Liver?

Devotee (6): Yes. He used to take some liver periodically for his health.

Prabhupada: Medicine. There are many liver extract preparations.

Devotee (6): No, not liver extract. Maybe. I don't know exactly. But I know he

used to take liver. Not cod liver oil or anything.

Prabhupada: No, liver extract preparations there are many medicines. For anemic

patient liver extract is recommended.

Devotee (6): That's all right for us to take?

Prabhupada: No, but if you are going to die, then you can take.

Yamuna: Chant Hare Krsna.

Prabhupada: When required for such trouble, if you are going to die, then, to

save yourself, you can.

Devotee (6): If that liver can be eaten raw...

Prabhupada: If you are going to die. Not ordinary. If it is clear that without

liver extract you shall die, you can take.

Devotee (4): You cannot tell. You can't tell until you actually (indistinct)

Prabhupada: Because when there is question of death it is recommended you may

take anything to save your life.


© 1991 by Bhaktivedanta Book Trust




So, Srila Prabhupada is not a fanatic. He says that Prthu Maharaja has shown

how *when there is no other food* the head of state can arrange for the eating

of a dried up cow. He also states that when there is a question of death you

may take anything to save your life -- the presumption being that you are

saving your life for the purpose of continuing your devotional service in this



However, if we find an apple under a tree and eat it without offering it to

Krsna, there is certainly karma, because there is no reason that we cannot

first offer that apple with love to the Supreme Lord.


The apple which has first been offered to Krsna is decontaminated of karma --

so to speak, because having been offered with love to Krsna, it has Krsna

consciousness added.


And this can be pushed to even greater advantage, as it is in many Krsna

conscious farm communities around the world. We have a friend that is raising

6 apple trees, from small shoots for the pleasure of his Jagannatha Deities.

So this has even more Krsna consciousness added -- because when Krsna finally

gets the apple it has years of loving devotional service packed into it.


For this reason, in 1976, Srila Prabhupada told the devotees on the farm in

France that "Anything grown in the garden, that is hundred times valuable than

it is purchased from the market."


your servant,


Hare Krsna dasi

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