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connecting to internet or com through CSI communnications providers

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I am using Compuserve (CSI) now to log onto ppp connection with internet and

then log onto COM using WINCOM thanks to Ramakanta dasa's nice arrangements and

since Premarnava dasa has kindly shown me how to set up a "dial up networking"

shortcut with scripting tool for this purpose.


This works great wherever there is a direct compuserve access, which

fortunately is in many places. However, in many other countries one has to go

through tymnet, infoworld, and other third-party providers to connect onto

compuserve. I half-heartedly tried in India, but it didn't work. I didn't put

a lot of effort there since the temple had an internet connection with ppp

which I used instead. In other countries I might face this problem. Do I need

a special script to get onto internet through those communication services?


Any advice?

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