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Sanskrit fonts

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>>Download TTS*.zip from Windows conference which are Truetype fonts.

>>You will also need wkeysans.zip for entering the diacritics.

>>(@down fi fr win tts*.zip wkeysans.zip)


>How do I take an advice like this and immediately create the command from

>with in Wincom ? Sorry for the trouble, but I have passed by advices like

>this many times and have wondered what to do.


Create a new text in WinCOM without any receiver, enter any subject (or no

subject) and then copy above command or type the @-commands.


For example if you want to download above mentioned files, highlight the

string "@down fi fr win tts*.zip wkeysans.zip" with the mouse and then type

Ctrl-C Alt-N Enter Enter Ctrl-V Alt-E.

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