Guest guest Posted July 19, 2000 Report Share Posted July 19, 2000 Dear Mukhya Prabhu, Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada. Sesa Prabhu, the GBC Minister of Justice, recently sent out his final ruling on the donation misuse by Airavata dasa. As this is very important information for the protection of ISKCON's donors, could you please post Sesa Prabhu's letter to all PAMHO users as soon as possible. Thank you, Your servant, Satyanarayana dasa Final Ruling RE: The Saraswati Charitable Trust donation to Airavata das By Sesa dasa ISKCON Minister of Justice Dear Prabhus: Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada. This is the Final Ruling of the ISKCON Ministry of Justice in the matter its investigation of the complaint filed with the ministry by The Saraswati Charitable Trust concerning verification that its donation of $5000 given to Airavata das, which was to be specifically used for printing Srila Prabhupada's Beyond Birth and Death in Turkey, was actually used for this specific purpose. This Final Ruling has been arrived at after an investigation by the Minister of Justice, the issuing a Tentative Ruling on June 4, 2000, and after receiving comments on the tentative ruling from Airavata das, Satyanarayana das (the Trustee), Brahma Muhurta das, and a list of ten named devotees of the Turkish Yatra. The basis for the ISKCON Ministry of Justice's involvement in this matter is found in the Mission Statement of the ministry as it was stated at the time the ministry was approved by the Governing Body Commission: "To strengthen Srila Prabhupada's International Society for Krishna Consciousness by promoting integrity in Vaisnava interaction." The complaint was formally submitted to the ministry in December 1999. Over the following six months I, the Minister of Justice, engaged in discussion of this matter, both in person and via e-mail, with the following persons: Airavata das, Satyanarayana das, Harivilas das, Jaya das, Brahma Muhurta das, Hari Sauri das, and numerous other interested individuals. The six month period of the investigation allowed sufficient time for all concerned parties to reply to questions, locate and/or provide evidence of their positions, and to register their viewpoints and/or objections about the process. The four week period between issuance of the tentative ruling and this final ruling allowed additional time for presentation of evidence and/or addressing the specific issues presented in the tentative ruling. Satyanarayana das had originally requested that Airavata das provide proof that he had used the donation for printing the books by sending him copies of the printed books, by producing an invoice for the printing, and/or sending photos of the cartons of the printed books. Subsequently, Airavata das sent six copies of the Turkish Beyond Birth and Death to Satyanarayana das. However, in his original complaint Satyanarayana das explains why receipt of these copies did not satisfy him, and why this matter is before the Minitry of Justice: "Regarding getting copies of the book, he did send me 6 copies of the BBD. However, they clearly appear to be from an earlier printing of books currently being distributed by devotees, and which are being stored in Bulgaria. Not from any current printing of the book. Regarding the photos, he sent me no photos of the book cartons or the printer, just a few pictues of a devotee distributing a BBD. Jaya dasa, who just returned from Turkey, tells me that he has found no evidence whatsoever of the existence of these 80,000 books anywhere, even from talking to the devotees who have worked with Airavata." Thus, it was with the specific purpose of verifying that Satyanarayana das' donation of $5000 to Airavata das was specifically used for printing Srila Prabhupada's Beyond Birth and Death in Turkey that the Ministry of Justice began its investigation of this matter. In addition to answering the simple question of the complaintant, Satyanarayana das, as to whether Airavata das had indeed printed Beyond Birth and Death in Turkey with the $5000 donation, during the course of the investigation the following issues were identified as important to resolution of this matter: The responsibility of ISKCON and BBT representatives in relation to donors and preaching strategies in their respective areas. Airavata das had represented himself to Satyanarayana das as both the regional secretary for Turkey (Harivilas das is the GBC) and the BBT representative for printing and distributing BBT books in Turkey (Brahma Muhurta das is the BBT Trustee for Turkey). See Note 1. During the early stages of the investigation many commentators, both those who approved and those who opposed the processes used by the ministry in its investigation, agreed that if evidence in the form of an invoice for the printing could be produced, the matter could be resolved. Because Airavata das was working under an arrangement with the BBT for printing and distributing books in Turkey, the ministry contacted Brahma Muhurta das, the BBT Trustee, to ask about his knowledge of any printing activity in Turkey by Airavata das. Brahma Muhurta das informed the ministry that they were unaware of any recent printing of Beyond Birth and Death. Subsequently, the BBT requested that Airavata das send them 10 copies of the printed book. In response Airavata das sent one copy of Beyond Birth and Death to the BBT. Brahma Muhurta das then wrote to the ministry to following letter: Letter COM:3113206 (34 lines) 28-Mar-00 Re: Turkey [brahma Muhurta das speaking] > > Three days ago, we have received one copy of Beyond Birth and Death, > > allegedly printed in Turkey. > > > > We compared the book with the book we have on file. The one sent from > > Istanbul is in fact different. The text part of the old book has been > > shot with a repro camera, and for the cover the pictures from the old > > cover were scanned in and then the cover was assembled, most probably > > digitally. > > > > So it seems there has been a recent print run. Of course it is > > impossible to say how many copies were printed. [sesa das speaking] > My question to you now is whether you accept the sample sent to you as > definite proof that there was a print run, excluding other possibilities of how the sample sent to you may just have been quickly produced (one or two copies only) to take the heat off any investigation of whether there was an actual printing? I just need some official conclusion from you as both interested parties and authorities on printing. [brahma Muhurta das speaking] Dear Sesa Prabhu, pamho. AgtSP. The sample I received has been printed in the offset process. That in itself is proof that there has been a print run. But there is no way for me to determine whether 100 copies were printed or 100,000. It is possible to give such a small book to a printer and order 500 copies and get them within five days. So ultimately, no one can tell. ysbmd (Text COM:3113206) -------- While the above exchange indicates that copies of Beyond Birth and Death were printed, the ministry could not answer the question before, ie whether $5000 worth of books were printed, and thus pursued the matter further. At a later stage in the investigation, the ministry's request for proof was simply that Airavata das supply the name of the printer so that there could be some neutral verification that the books, in the quantity that could be purchased for $5000, were indeed printed. Throughout the investigation Airavata das has maintained that the confidential, and even dangerous, nature of preaching and book distribution in Turkey, a Muslim country, were the main obstacles to providing the requested proof that the books were printed. In the following letter, which quotes an exchange between Airavata das and Brahma Muhurta das, Airavata das maintains that the books were printed "unoffically," and that to reveal the name of the printer would lead to danger: Letter COM:3111761 (28 lines) Sesa ACBSP 27-Mar-00 07:59 To: Airavata das (Turkey) Subject: Books --------------------------- Prabhu: The following is a quote from your recent exchange with the NE BBT: > > NE BBT responds: > > >Please let me know how many you printed, the printing price, how many have been distributed and where the rest of them are located. Please send the invoice from the printer and 10 >copies of the book to the BBT. > > > Airavata responds: > > >I am in Turkey now and can give you exact information. The printing price > >is 7 cent. 70,000 books were printed. I am looking now for the devotee > >who managed printing and storing the books. Since books were printed unofficialy the printer refusing to give any invoice. I can send you 10 copies but who will pay for posting? Sesa speaking: Based on this exchange, and in an effort to move toward resolving this matter, I am requesting you for provide the name of the printer to a neutral third party. Perhaps because you already have some working relationship with regard to printing with the NE BBT, they would be to appropriate third party. Sesa das (Text COM:3111761) -------- The ministry sent the above quoted letter three times to Airavata das and each time he responded by questioning what would be done with the name of the printer. At this point the ministry's investigation had come to an impasse, Airavata das maintaining that the books were printed but unwilling to provide the proof based on preaching considerations. Therefore, the question became who bears the burden of proof, the burden of unlocking this impasse. The ministry then explored the issue of confidentiality and danger involved in preaching in Turkey to determine why it might have been necessary to print the books "unoffically," and decide whether Airavata das' refusal to provide the name of the printer was justified. Jaya das, a Turkish devotee who translates Srila Prabhupada's books into Turkish and who has experience in printing BBT books in Turkey explains that "unofficially" means that the laws were not followed, "according to press laws over there every book printed in Turkey must state the name and address of the publishing company and the printing company and must have an ISBN number." The following letter from Jaya das, who refers to a printing which took place within weeks of the time when Airavata das maintains he printed the Beyond Birth and Death in Turkey, clearly indicates that it is not necessary to unofficially print Srila Prabhupada's books in Turkey: Text COM3235833 (29 lines) Thu, 11 May 2000 Dear Satyanarayana Prabhu, All glories to Srila Prabhupada. Please accept my obeisances. As you requested I am sending you an information about the Turkish Books we got published last year. I went to Turkey in October 99 and after checking the prices on the printing market I made a deal with a recently formed publishing house in Ankara. By the help of the Lord we printed 2000 Bhagavad-gita As it is and 2000 Chant and Be Happy in Turkish. We spent $4000 for these books. Since they bear ISBN numbers we can sell them in the book stores. Sankirtan is unpredictably dangerous over there and the best way to sell books is, selling them in book stores. I attached the pictures of these books in this e-mail and also a copy of a receipt given to the puiblishing house by the printing house. Mr Tarik Uslu is the owner of the Gun Ltd. Publishing house and his cell#90 532 310 7040 The address is Alacam sok. No9/2 Cankaya, Ankara, Turkey. 1US $ was equal to 553.000 Turkish Lira at the time. Ata Matbaa is the printing house and their address is Cihan sok. No:31/5 Sihhiye, Ankara, Turkey. Their tel#: (312) 230 50 83, fax#: (312)230 6018. I hope the books will sell well and Srila Prabhupada's message will be heard in that country. Rest is up to Krsna who is the conquerer of hearts. I hope this meets you well and in blissfull Krsna consciousness. Hare Krsna. your servant, Jaya das The following letter from Harivilas das, the GBC for Turkey, clearly indicates that it is not advisable or good preaching strategy to print books unofficially in Turkey, and points to an answer as to who should bear the burden of moving this conflict toward resolution. Dear Sesa Prabhu. PAMHO.AGTSP. Thank you for your letter. There is no good reason for printing books underground in Turkey. It only endangers the future of our movement and makes us suspect in the eyes of the government. Above all it makes us unaccountable to Satyanarayan Prabhu and the BBT. Satyanarayan Prabhu cannot get proof that his donation was used for the purpose intended and the BBT is cheated out of royalties and the guarantee that its delegated agent in that country is a properly representing the best interests of the BBT and Srila Prabhupada. . .Your servant, Harivilas das The ministry concludes that the burden of proof that the printing of Beyond Birth and Death, in quantities that represent the investment of $5000, did actually happen is reasonably placed on Airavata das. Airavata das independently chose a course of action. That action lead to the involvement of Satyanarayana das who, as a donor to ISKCON, made a reasonable request for information. It is in the interest of ISKCON that Airavata das provide that information, and his refusal to provide the name of the printer, to a safe neutral party as suggested, cannot be justified by the nature of the preaching in Turkey. Airavata das has failed to meet this burden or present any reasonable arguments or evidence why he should not have to meet this burden. Therefore, the ministry's investigation must proceed through the above mentioned impasse to conclusion absent input from Airavata das. Throughout the course of the investigation Airavata das has failed to present any proof, either the name of the printer, an invoice for the printing, or pictures of the cartons of books to prove that he used the $5000 donation from Satyanarayana to print Beyond Birth and Death in Turkey. CONCLUSIONS Based on the information provided to me and the analysis above, the ministry cannot conclude that Airavata das used the $5000 donation of Satyanarayana das for printing Srila Prabhupada's Beyond Birth and Death in Turkey. Accordingly, the following ISKCON laws dealing with ISKCON Spiritual Leadership have been compromised and/or violated: Following Local Laws The temple president should ensure that all local, state and national laws are abided by all temple and community members. He should also ensure that the devotees are following ISKCON diligently. Receiving Restricted Donations That as far as possible, donations to ISKCON should be accepted without any conditions. However, donations ("Restricted Donations") may also be accepted with limited conditions. ISKCON leaders must use donations with conditions in accordance with the argreed terms. Therefore, the ministry recommends the following: 1. Airavata das should not be allowed to represent the BBT in Turkey or any other country. See Note 1. 2. Airavata das, other devotees working with him, and those whom Airavata das has contacted or solicited money from through advertisement of his preaching activities in Turkey, should be informed that Airavata das is not a regional secretary or delegated leader in Turkey with independent powers. He must work under the guidance of the GBC Zonal Secretary, particularly with regard to receiving funds for the preaching there. 3. Airavata das must understand that ISKCON cannot condone any illegal activity and that he must desist immediately from distributing books that are not legally printed in Turkey. 4. It is the opinion of the Ministry of Justice that the following ISKCON Law quoted below, passed at the 2000 Annual GBC Meeting, applies to Airavata das as a project leader for Muslim preaching. The GBC for Turkey, Harivilas das, is requested to insure that Airavata das complies with the reporting requirements of this law so that the issue of restitution of the funds donated by Satyanarayana may be practically addressed. "Financial Disclosure of Leaders Including Guru-daksina WHEREAS financial disclosure for ISKCON leaders requires that "all GBC members, gurus, sannyasis, and international project directors" file annual financial reports WHEREAS there is a need to expand the financial reporting of ISKCON leaders and this should be done prior to any further discussion of specific regulation of guru-daksina. 613 [LAW] 1. IT IS RESOLVED THAT all GBC Body members, gurus, sannyasis, and international project directors are required to file annual personal financial reports to the Executive Committee of the GBC Body and, where requested, their national executive body. These reports shall contain a standard Income Statement and Balance Sheet (to be reported in a Quickbooks or other standard software format). The report should also include a list of all ISKCON related bank accounts (including account names, signers and balance) for which these individuals are a signer or have some control. All guru-daksina must be included in this report. 2. FURTHERMORE, within the definitions of previous resolutions regarding reportable income, all income and non-monetary gifts over $500 must be itemized according to source. US based preachers are reminded that all gifts over $10,000 and income from inheritance or family trusts must be reported to the IRS. 3. All annual reports must submitted by January 31st of each year and be signed with the following statement: I solemnly swear that this report represents a true and accurate statement of my financial activity and status for the previous year. NAME _______________________________ Date ___________________ 4. FURTHERMORE, the Executive Committee shall provide an annual report for the GBC Body prior to the annual meetings, containing information on the number of GBC Body members filing, names of those not filing, and a summary report of the financial data including high, low and median numbers for income, assets and expenses. 5. FURTHERMORE, all GBC Body members, gurus, sannyasis, and international project directors are required to submit the above annual personal financial reports for 1999 (year end) to the Executive Committee prior to April 15th of 2000." -- Note 1. Satynarayana das has presented a business card given to him by Airavata das on which he states the following: "* General Manager, BBT, Turkey." Brahma Muhurta das has made the following statement in response to questions submitted to him by the Ministry: > Brahma Muhurta Prabhu, you mentioned that Airavata has a contract with the BBT which regulates his printing activity. He does not have any contract. For us, he has been and still is an ISKCON preacher. We have bought a substantial stock of Turkish books from the Mediterranean BBT which are now stored in Bulgaria. Airavata and his men have to buy them from the NE BBT... Sometimes, in areas where we have no representative or office, we give a temple president or sankirtan leader the rights to print a certain number of books, in close cooperation with us. In such cases, the temple pays the printer and pays the same amount to the BBT. But such a contract has never been entered into with Airavata. Signed Sesa das ISKCON GBC Minister of Justice Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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