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mental sins

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Dear Maharaj, prabhus


Pamho. Agtsp!


Would not BG 3:36-43 be the authoritative answer in this regard? (Arjuna

asks what is it that makes a man do a sin, even though he knows it is



Yr servant






Bhakti.Vikasa.Swami (AT) bbt (DOT) se [bhakti.Vikasa.Swami (AT) bbt (DOT) se]

Sent: Monday, January 17, 2000 7:39 AM

To: COM: Brahmacarya

Subject: mental sins


[Text 2935365 from COM]





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Letter COM:2930805 (40 lines)

Atri Muni (das) PVS (Dhaka - BGD)

14-Jan-00 15:45

Bhakti Vikasa Swami [21710] (received: 15-Jan-00 00:34)

Reference: Text COM:2520699 by Bhakti Vikasa Swami

Mahabharata on lust




Dear Maharaj, thanks for nice quote.


If you don't mind - i have one question regarding this.


What does it mean "resolutly turns away" - following fully all 8 principles

of brahmacharya or at least on the phisical level avoinding association with

opposite sex? Because as i can understand - the main task is to "resolutly

turns away" on the subtle level - mind and intellegence, which is also

depend on or ego - covered by avidya or pure.


Most of devotees start to "practice" brahmacarya, or more exactly just

celibacy (obstainence on phisical level) after having some sex experience

(at least subtle - like watching movies, reading some erotic books or just

discussing related matters with others) before that. And these negative

samskaras or impressions on our mind etc. (as i read somewhere one of the

meanings of this word) are long lasting and powerfull - even for many

lifetimes - that even joining ISKCON and restraining ourself - often

suddenly some thoughts and images/imaginations start to erise in the mind,

which has the tendency to contamplate them and "relish" for quite long time

or even unlimitedly (at least on subtle level the limits much far then on



I've discussed this matter with Bhanu Maharaj few days ago - he said that in

Kali Yuga there is o reactions for sins commited on mind level (in

thoughts), but still it influence the consciousness in negative way. (As i

remember correctly - in my own words - in Bible Jesus Crist told to his

followers - that Moses taught you discounted principles like "don't commit

adultery" because he knew that your heart is hard; but i charge you fully:

even if you look on other's wife with lust - you already commit adultery in

your heart.)


So coming back to yours quote - how actually we can "resolutly turn away",

especially when coming in touch with sence objects - we can't just avoid to

look around where there are many attractive onbjects.


please enliven me on this matter. How to make lust die?


yhs amd

(Text COM:2930805) --------


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Dear devotees,

please accept my respectful obeisances.

All glories to Srila Prabhupada and all other Vaisnavas!

All glories to Sri Sri Gaura-Nitai and Sri Sri Radha-Govinda!


> > please enliven me on this matter. How to make lust die?


> By starving it. Immediately when the mind begins to go on a lusty trip

> stop it and give it the higher taste by chanting loudly or seeing the

> beautiful form of the Lord. Ultimately only Krsna can control our minds

> and He does that when He sees our sincere effort & struggle in that

> direction. Not that I simply hover on the mental platform thinking that

> mental sins anyway don't have any reaction. Then it will be not much time

> before we put our sinful thoughts into actions.


From my personal observations: one can make lust die by being busy

in study of sastras.

It is noteworthy enough that the very word brahmacari means "one who

studies [cari] scriptures [brahma]". As soon as I start reading Gita or any

other sastra, I just turn off the switch of Mr. Lust's power-supply.

It is easy enough to understand how this princple works technically.

I guess all of us know BG 2.62-63 verses, if someone doesn't then he/she has

something important to learn by heart.

Therein we find the "life story" of kama. It develops from sanga

(contact) with visayas (sense-objects) caused by dhyana (concentration) on

them. So, dhyana - this is the check-point.

If I perceive a sense-object which causes some lust in my heart,

then I immediately have to engage my mind (preferably along with my speech

and body) in some activity void of that sense-object. Thus, I start reading

and LITERALLY forget that sense-object, because there is no dhyana on it

anymore, my mind is now "swallowed" by the text's contents.

I can boldly proclaim - it works! :)

After all, it depends on one's determination and, as mentioned by

Nayana-ranjana Prabhu, on Lord Govinda's mercy for which we have to beg from

His pure devotees.


Your most unworthy servant,


Hare Krsna.

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