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Mayapur Gaura Purnima 2001 Festival Schedule/MIHE

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Dear Devotees,


Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada.


In Chapter Thirteen of the Nectar of Devotion Srila Prabhupada describes

five potent forms of devotional service: serving the Deity with great

devotion, recitation of the Srimad Bhagavatam among devotees, associating

with advanced devotees, chanting the holy name of the Lord, and living in

the holy dhama. He indicates that by engaging in these activities even a

neophyte can make rapid advancement and experience transcendental ecstasy.

In the Caitanya-caritamrta Krishnadasa Kaviraja Gosvami describes that even

a slight performance of panca anga bhakti awakens love for Krishna.


The Mayapur Institute of Higher Education will provide an environment

conducive for devotees to practice these five potent forms of devotional

service to their hearts content. Participants will have easy access to

serene places to study, a complete reference library, potent places of

pilgrimage, great association, gorgeous Deities to worship, an enlivening

morning and evening program, nice accommodations, and great prasadam.


We are eagerly inviting you to join us in Sri Mayapur Dhama for the upcoming

VTE (Vaisnava Training and Education) Bhakti-sastri Course, Gaura Purnima

Semester, and Gaura Purnima Festival. We can assure you that you will have a

very memorable and deeply satisfying experience.


Your servant,


Janmastami dasa

MIHE Administration


PS. I'm attaching a file to this text, which opens as an attractive flyer

that we are humbly requesting you to post in a prominent place in your



Thank you.






Mayapur Gaura Purnima 2001 Festival Schedule/

The Mayapur Institute of Higher Education


Jan 7th Beginning of the VTE (Vaisnava Training and

-27th Education) Bhakti-sastri Course


Jan 28th 1st week of the MIHE semester classes/No

Bhakti-sastri classes this week.

(There will be two days off between each week in the MIHE Semester.)


Feb 1st Advaita Acarya's Appearance Day - no classes


Feb 5th Ekadasi and Lord Varahadeva's Appearance Day- no



Feb 6th Lord Nityananda Prabhu's Appearance Day- no classes


Feb 7th GBC meetings begin/2nd week of MIHE

classes/Continuation of VTE Bhakti-sastri


Feb 12th Appearance Day of Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati

Thakur- no classes


Feb 14th 3rd week of MIHE classes/Last Week of Module One of

VTE Bhakti-sastri Course


Feb 19th GBC meetings end


Feb 20th MIHE registration for visiting devotees/Festival



Feb 21st 4th week of MIHE classes/Festival Seminars (Six



Feb 27th Gaura Mandala Parikrama

-Mar 5th


Mar 6th Continuation of the Festival


Mar 7th Madhavendra Dvadasi & free prasadam distribution at



Mar 9th Gaura Purnima


Mar 11th Bhakti-sastri Teacher Training Course with

-14th Rasamandala Dasa



Mar 20th Completion of the VTE Bhakti-sastri Course

-June 16th



VTE Bhakti-sastri Course Offerings:




Bhagavad-gita Rasamandala Dasa, Kaliyaphani Dasa

Sri Isopanisad Atul Krishna Dasa

Nectar of Devotion Braja Bihari Dasa

Nectar of Instruction Atul Krishna Dasa





Bhagavad-gita Srimate Devi Dasi

Sri Isopanisad Rati Manjari Devi Dasi

Nectar of Devotion Prasanta Devi Dasi

Nectar of Instruction Prasanta Devi Dasi




MIHE Semester Course Offerings

(The number(s) before the course refers to the week(s) in the semester)


4 "Brhad-Bhagavatamrta, First Part" Bhakti Caitanya Swami


4 "Krishna Consciousness, Bhakti-tirtha Swami

the Highest Sense Gratification"


4 "Lord Caitanya, Ramananda Raya, Devamrita Swami

and Contemporary Urban Preaching"


3-4 "Bhakti-vrksa Preaching Workshop" Jayapataka Swami

Kaunteya Dasa


4 "Sadhumarganumarganam, Kadamba Kanana Swami

Solutions for Contemporary Issues"


4 "Communications for Preachers Workshop" Anuttama Dasa

Anuradha Devi Dasi


2-4 "Spoken Bengali for Beginners" Atul Krishna Dasa

Vikash Babu


2-4 "Spoken Sanskrit Made Easy" Basu Ghosh Dasa

Acharya Samskritananda


1 "How to Facilitate a Meeting" Braja Bihari Dasa


3-4 "Braja Mandala Parikrama" Deena Bandhu Dasa

(Vishram Ghat to Yavat)


1 "Vaisnava Minister Counseling Course" Dhira Govinda Dasa


2-4 "The Relationship Between Vrndavana, Dhruva Maharaja Dasa

Navadvipa, and Jagannatha Puri"


2-3 "The Dialogue of Svayambhuva Gopiparanadhana Dasa

Manu and Kardama Muni: Cooperation

between the Brahmanas and Ksatriyas."


2-3 "The Pancaratrika Process of Deity Jananivasa Dasa,

Worship in ISKCON" Pankajanghri Dasa

Nrsimha Kavaca Dasa


1 "The Eight Noble Truths of Kalakantha Dasa

ISKCON Fund-raising"


2-4 "Interactive Demonstration and Kurma Dasa

Hands-on Vedic Cooking Workshops"


2-3 "An Introduction to Oil Painting" Murli Krishna Dasa


2-4 "Harmonium Lessons" Ramanujacharya Dasa


2-4 "Practical Mridanga Lessons" Ramanujacharya Dasa


1 "VTE Teacher Training Course One" Rasamandala Dasa


4 "VTE Teacher Training Course Two" Rasamandala Dasa


"VTE Bhakti-sastri Teacher Training Course" Rasamandala Dasa


2-3 "From Sraddha to Prema" (Women) Rati Manjari Devi Dasi


4 "Spiritual Foundations for Reform" Ravindra Svarupa Dasa


2-3 "Living Krsna Consciousness Siddhi-lalasa Devi Dasi

with Srila Prabhupada"


2-3 "Basic Editing" Tattvavit Dasa


4 "Manah-siksa by Raghunath das Goswami" Vaidyanatha Dasa

(Class given in Russian)


2-3 "An In-depth Study of the Visistha Dasa

Nectar of Devotion"

(Class given in Russian)


2-3 "From Sraddha to Prema" (Men) Vrndavana Dasa Thakur Dasa





Please select the courses you wish to take at least two weeks prior to the

time you will be attending by submitting an online application form at

http://www.mayapur.org/mihe. If you don't have internet access, please apply

by sending us a letter or writing us an e-mail message on a friends

computer. Please apply as soon as possible to reserve space for yourself in

the courses of your choice.



MIHE Fees:


Rs. 7200 (US $160) for a full schedule. This $160 covers the registration

fee and as many classes as desired along with materials, except for the VTE

Teacher Training courses taught by Rasamandala dasa and "Interactive

Demonstration and Hands-on Vedic Cooking Workshops" with Kurma Dasaa. The

fee for these courses is an additional Rs. 3000 (US $65) per course. Fees

are lower for students who take fewer classes and students may remit fees

only for as many courses as they may take.* These fees do not cover room and

board and are based upon Rs 46 to the US $.


You can add or drop classes until the second day of classes in the courses

you are taking. Fees are paid when you register in Mayapur. You can start

taking courses beginning with any of the four weeks of classes during the

MIHE semester. You must get teacher approval to enter a course after it has

already begun. Discounts may be available in special circumstances, but your

temple authority must arrange this discount with the MIHE Administration

prior to your arrival in Mayapur. Special consideration will be given to

students from 3rd world economies. No fees are expected from present or

former gurukula students, and active primary or secondary school teachers

from any ISKCON schools.



*Fees may be remitted on a course by course basis:


Registration fees Rs. 600 17 - 20 hour courses Rs. 1300

5 - 8 hour courses Rs. 650 21 - 24 hour courses Rs. 1550

9 - 12 hour courses Rs. 800 25 - 29 hour courses Rs. 1800

13 - 16 hour courses Rs. 1050 30+ hour courses Rs. 2250


· VTE Teacher Training Courses Rs. 3000


· Kurma's Cooking Course Rs. 3000


· VTE Bhakti-sastri Course Rs. 11000 (US$240)

(Includes classes, course books and materials, and a 10 % discount on

selected MIHE books and tapes. This does not include room, board or classes

offered during the Gaura Purnima MIHE semester.)


Please refer to our Course Descriptions at our website for the starting

date, duration, and the amount of homework for each class:




+ You can add or drop classes until the second day of classes in the courses

you are taking. Fees are paid when you register in Mayapur. You can start

taking courses beginning with any of the four weeks of classes during the

MIHE semester. You must get teacher approval to enter a course after it has

already begun. Discounts may be available in special circumstances, but your

temple authority must arrange this discount with the MIHE Administration

prior to your arrival in Mayapur. Special consideration will be given to

students from 3rd world economies.


+ No fees are expected from present or former gurukula students, and active

primary or secondary school teachers from any ISKCON schools.


+ No refunds are given but payment can be applied to another devotee or

another semester.

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