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The Vaisnava Training & Education Teacher Training Course One 


January 28th – February 4th


10:00 am - 1:00 pm & 2:40 pm - 5:50 pm


You will learn what constitutes effective teaching and facilitation by



a) how to plan a lesson and to write a corresponding lesson outline.

b) different teaching styles and methods, specifically interactive and

experiential learning.

c) how to understand the different categories of what we learn and to select

corresponding and appropriate learning methods.

d) the basic skills of delivery, facilitation and classroom management.

e) the various types of assessment and its purposes, and oral-feedback


f) basic communication and interpersonal skills.

g) the importance of teaching by example.

h) the need for systematic training and education.


There will be a lot of group exercises, class discussion, experiential

learning and a few class presentations. The class is taught with the aid of

an overhead projector and flip charts. There is a 64-page course book,

syllabus and several handouts. The course is suitable both for the

experienced and novice teacher. It is particularly appropriate for devotees

involved in training other devotees. It is fun, highly interactive,

intensive and transformational.


Homework: Very little or none.


Tests and Grading: No tests. Informal assessment will be made mainly based

on oral feedback. Those who attend all sessions of the course receive a

certificate of completion which allows them to take other VTE-Certified

Courses including the VTE Teacher Training Course Two and the VTE Bhakti

Sastri Teacher Training Course.




The Vaisnava Training & Education Teacher Training Course Two


Feb 21st – 26th 2:40am – 5:50pm

Feb 27th - March 1st 10:00am – 1:00pm & 2:40pm – 5:50pm


The VTE Teacher Training Course Two (TTC2) is an intensive 36-hour seminar

for devotees wishing to organize and facilitate VTE Courses, or aspiring to

teach at comparable levels of competence. It is especially recommended for

devotees pursuing ISKCON careers within outreach, training, education, etc.

We focus on classroom delivery skills, particularly those required of an

interactive and experiential approach. These skills embrace the best of both

progressive and traditional (Vaisnava) values.


Each student is required to prepare and deliver one five-minute and one

forty-minute presentation. There is little or no written assessment. The

TTC1 Certificate is a pre-requisite for this course (unless, and at the

discretion of the VTE, the candidate has professional experience.) We

strongly recommend candidates to get some experience of teaching in between

these two courses.


Students will receive a VTE Student Handbook, and successful candidates a

VTE Certificate.


This is a pre-requisite for further courses, most notably:

the TTC3 (for students wishing to themselves train teachers)

Bhakti Sastri Teacher Training Course




Vaisnava Training and Education Bhakti-sastri Teacher Training Course


March 3rd - 6th 10:00am – 1:00pm & 2:40pm – 5:50pm


This course provides intensive training for prospective teachers of the VTE

Bhakti-sastri Course, and stresses teaching according to the Aims of

Systematic Sastric Study* established by the VTE.


As of 1st January 2002 ** here are the specified requirements for devotees

wishing to formally teach the course (i.e. to award students VTE



1. Bhakti-sastri Course Certificate (Grade B- or higher - honors or high



2(a) Teacher Training Course Two Certificate (Grade B- or higher).


2(b) Bhakti-sastri Teacher Training Course Certificate.


3. Chanting sixteen rounds daily, following the four regulative

principles, demonstrating sound sadhana and being a devotee in good




Please note:


1) The TTC1 (Teacher Training Course One) is usually required to sit the

TTC2. It may exceptionally be waived for experienced teachers.


2) As from 1st January, 2001, the TTC2 and BS Certificates will be

pre-requisites for sitting the BSTTC.


3) Other professional teaching qualifications may stand in the stead of

the TTC2 Certificate.


4) At its own discretion, the VTE may occasionally approve someone to

formally teach the Bhakti Sastri before getting the required qualifications

(providing that these qualifications are subsequently obtained by a

pre-agreed date.)


5) Any devotee may use the VTE materials to teach the course informally,

but non-certified teachers will be unable to issue VTE certification to

their own students. They may, however, have their students, after the

course, sit the Assessment Papers through an approved center.


6) All these standards are to some degree provisional and therefore subject

to change; please consult the VTE for more information.





1. To help students memorize and recall the (theoretical) knowledge which

forms the foundation of their ongoing progress in Krishna Consciousness


2. To deepen students' understanding of the Krishna consciousness

theology, particularly through studying it from a wide range of

perspectives and through developing thoughtfulness and introspection


3. To help students apply the Krishna Consciousness theology, with

reference to:

(a) their external practices

(b) their inner development


and to help them develop appropriate Vaisnava qualities and behavior


4. To enhance devotees desire and ability to preach effectively.


5. To help build and maintain students' faith and conviction in:

(a) the process of Krishna consciousness

(b) the sastra as its foundation


6. To simultaneously cultivate within devotees:

(a) wholehearted acceptance of the spiritual authority of sastra

(b) a mood of open and honest inquiry and a desire to factually

understand and realize the import of Vedic knowledge


7. To help create learned Vaisnava theologians who are expert in

assisting the Society through application of sastric knowledge to a

wide range of personal, social, moral, topical and theological issues


8. To develop students' analytical, interpretative and evaluative

skills, particularly in respect of the practical application of sastric



9. To facilitate devotees in:

(a) understanding and appreciating the mood and mission of Srila Prabhupada

(b) perpetuating that understanding within the Society and its members


10. To ensure that devotees develop moral and academic integrity in the

interpretation, evaluation and application of sastric knowledge


11(a) To promote students' appreciation of sastra and sastric study,

particularly by demonstrating their relevance to everyday life


11(b) To enhance devotees desire to read Srila Prabhupada's books, to help

them develop healthy study habits, and to assist them in taking

responsibility for the learning process


12. To equip students with the ability to see through the eyes of

sastra, and with a Krishna conscious worldview. Ultimately, to assist the

students in seeing Krishna, at all times and in all places.


** For devotees genuinely unable to sit the required courses before

this time, this date may be extended for up to a year at the discretion of

the VTE.



Rasamandala Dasa joined ISKCON in 1973 at Bhaktivedanta Manor. He is now the

director of ISKCON Educational Services and is serving the VTE (Vaisnava

Training and Education) in the fields of teacher training and curriculum

development. He is a great believer in "aims-driven" and "principle-based"

education. Rasamandala Prabhu loves teaching (especially about teaching).



The Mayapur Institute of Higher Education/

Mayapur Gaura Purnima 2001 Festival Schedule


Jan 28th 1st week of the MIHE semester classes


There will be two days off between each week in the MIHE Semester.


Feb 1st Advaita Acarya's Appearance Day - no classes


Feb 5th Ekadasi and Lord Varahadeva's Appearance Day- no



Feb 6th Lord Nityananda Prabhu's Appearance Day- no classes


Feb 7th GBC meetings begin/2nd week of MIHE classes


Feb 12th Appearance Day of Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati

Thakur- no classes


Feb 14th 3rd week of MIHE classes


Feb 19th GBC meetings end


Feb 20th MIHE registration for visiting devotees/Festival



Feb 21st 4th week of MIHE classes/Festival Seminars (Six



Mar 1st TTC2 ends


Feb 27th - Mar 5th Gaura Mandala Parikrama


Mar 3rd - 6th Bhakti-sastri Teacher Training Course


Mar 6th Continuation of the Festival


Mar 7th Madhavendra Dvadasi & free prasadam distribution at



Mar 9th Gaura Purnima




Please select the courses you wish to take at least two weeks prior to the

time you will be attending by submitting an online application form at

http://www.mayapur.org/mihe. If you don't have internet access, please apply

by sending us a letter or writing us an e-mail message on a friends

computer. Please apply as soon as possible to reserve space for yourself in

the courses of your choice.


On our website you will also find a description of our fee schedule.

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