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Please recite Sri Mahaprabhor astakam to become the Lord's associate

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Sri Mahaprabhor astakam


Eight Prayers Glorifying Sri Mahaprabhu


1 svarupa bhavato bhavatv ayam iti smita-snigdhaya

giraiva raghunatham utpulika-gatram ullasayan

rahasy upadisan nija-pranaya-gudha-mudram svayam

virajatu ciraya me hrdi sa gauracandrah prabhuh


"Svarupa Damodara, he is yours." With these words affectionately marked

with a smile and making Raghunatha dasa so happy the hairs of his body stood

erect, Lord Gauracandra gave a sign of His deep love in that secluded place.

May Lord Gauracandra eternally shine in my heart.


2 svarupa mama hrd-vranam bata viveda rupah katham

lilekha yad ayam patha tvam api tala-patre 'ksaram

iti pranaya-vellitam vidadhad asu rupantaram

virajatu ciraya me hrdi sa gauracandrah prabhuh


"Svarupa Damodara, how did Rupa Gosvami understand the wound in My heart?

Read this verse he wrote about it on this palm leaf." Speaking these words,

the Lord made Rupa Gosvami's heart tremble with ecstatic love. May Lord

Gauracandra eternally shine in my heart.


3 svarupa parakiya-sat-pravara-vastunasecchatam

dadhaj jana iha tvaya paricito na vetiksayan

sanatanam uditya vismita-mukham maha-vismitam

virajatu ciraya me hrdi sa gaurancandrah prabhuh


"Svarupa Damodara, among these aspiring devotees you have not selected one

worthy to explain the most exalted parakiya-rasa." With a glance the Lord

then singled out the astonished Sanatana Gosvami. May Lord Gauracandra

eternally shine in my heart.


4 svarupa hari-nama yaj jagad aghosayam tena kim

na vacayitum apy athasakam imam sivanandajam

iti sva-pada-lehanaih sisum acikarad yah kavim

virajatu ciraya me hrdi sa gauracandrah prabhuh


"Svarupa Damodara, I made the entire universe chant Lord Hari's name. Why

can I not make this son of Sivananda Sena chant?" By speaking these words

the Lord transformed that child into a great poet. May Lord Gauracandra

eternally shine in my heart.


5 svarupa rasa-ritir ambuja-drsam vraje bhanyatam

ghana-pranaya-mana-ja sruti-yugam mamotkanthyate

rama yad iha manini tad api lokayeti bruvan

virajatu ciraya me hrdi sa gauracadrah prabhuh


"Svarupa Damodara, let the lotus-eyed gopis describe the nectar stream that

flows in Vraja. My ears yearn for that stream, which is born from intense

jealous love. Here is the jealous goddess of fortune! Look!" Speaking in

this way, may Lord Gauracandra eternally shine in my heart.


6 svarupa rasa-mandiram bhavasi man-mudam aspadam

tvam atra purusottame vraja-bhuviva me vartase

iti sva-parirambhanaih pulakinam vyadhat tam ca yo

virajatu ciraya me hrdi sa gauracandrah prabhuh


"Svarupa Damodara, you are a temple of nectar! You are the home of My

happiness! Here in Jagannatha Puri you are My Vraja!" Speaking these words

and embracing him, the Lord overwhelmed Svarupa Damodara, making the hairs

of his body stand up in ecstasy. May Lord Gauracandra eternally shine in my



7 svarupa kim apiksitam kva nu vibho nisi svapnatah

prabho kathaya kim nu tam nava-yuva varambhodharah

vyadhat kim ayam iksyate kim u na hity agat tam dasam

virajatu ciraya me hrdi sa gauracandrah prabhuh


"Svarupa Damodara, what did I see?"

"Where, my Lord?"

"In a dream at night."

"Tell me, what was it, my Lord."

"It was a youth that was a monsoon cloud."

"What did He do? Do You see Him now?"

"He has not left My sight."

May Lord Gauracandra eternally shine in my heart.


8 svarupa mama netrayoh purata eva krsno hasann

apaiti na kara-graham bata dadati ha kim sakhe

iti skhalati dhavati svasiti ghurnate yah sada

virajatu ciraya me hrdi sa gauracandrah prabhuh


"Svarupa Damodara, why does smiling Krsna not come before My eyes? O

Friend, why does He not extend His hand to Me?" Again and again He runs,

stumbles, sighs, and trembles. May Lord Gauracandra eternally shine in my



9 svarupa-caritamrtam kila mahaprabhor astakam

rahasyatamam adbhutam pathati yah krti praty-aham

svarupa-parivaratam nayati tam saci-nandano

ghana-pranaya-madhurim sva-padayoh samasvadayan


Lord Caitanya makes a saintly devotee who daily reads these eight wonderful

and confidential verses glorifying Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu and filled with

the nectar pastimes of the Lord with Svarupa Damodara Gosvami taste the

sweetness of deep love for His lotus feet. He makes him a personal

associate of Svarupa Damodara.

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