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Unforgivable sins - what to do

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simply vaisnavic! vaisnavas are compassionate by nature, para dukhe dukhi,

and we must be willing to help others when they are facing spiritual

problems and are sincerely willing to correct themselves. most material

problems are result of a simple spiritual problem--- we don't want to

surrender to the supreme will of the Supreme Lord Krishna.


if possible we should also make sure they don't go in wrong hands or/and

that if they come to us we don't exploit their sincerity. Hare Krishna!


ys, bb


> Dear Prabhu,


> Thank you very much for your straightforwardness and frankness. You are

> simply very wonderful. Here are the answers for your questions.


> >>(I am a hindu and understand broadly Gita's teachings.)


> Questions:


> 1. Does a person who has committed such a horrible, low, unforgivable act

> deserve peace of mind? Even happiness?


> Ans: You definitely DESERVE peace of mind and happiness, simply because

> you have admitted your mistakes, and truly repenting for your past

> misdeeds. There is no need to tell what exactly you did wrong as it may be

> personal. However, if there is any possibility, please go to the people to

> whom you committed wrong, and fall at their feet and beg for forgiveness.

> If they forgive you, then you have done your 'prayaschitta' or atonement

> for your sins.


> If this is not possible to directly meet them, then at least write to

> them, begging for forgiveness. Krishna will appreciate that.


> If both are not possible, that is if those people are not there on this

> planet or you don't know where they are, or there may be other practical

> problems, that by your getting in touch with them you will be only

> aggravating the already sour situation, then you ask for their forgiveness

> mentally and pray to Lord Krishna to forgive your sins.


> 2. I have lost all self respect (although I continue with day to day

> life), can this be rekindled?


> After doing the above, please take up to the process of Krishna

> Consciousness or devotional service or Bhakti Yoga to Lord Krishna.

> Depending on one's sincerety, Bhakti will remove all the sins, in the

> course of time, and Lord Krishna gives you this guarantee in Bhagavadgita.

> 18.66 "Sarva Dharman Parityajya Mam Ekam Saranam Vraja, Aham Tvam Sarva

> Papebhyo Mokshayisyami Ma Sucha" --Abandon all varieties of religion and

> just surrender unto me and I shall deliver you from all SINFUL reactions.

> Do not fear.


> Bhakti Yoga is very simple:


> Step 1: Admit one's mistakes, and truly repent for the mistakes done.

> Step 2: Do not repeat the mistakes.

> Step 3: Simultaneously Pray to Krishna, to give you strength to do the

> steps 1 & 2.

> Step 4: There is simple prayer which you can chant every day as much as

> possible, for 10 minutes, 30 minutes, 1 hour, 2 hours or as much as your

> time permits. It is better you regulate the timing initially for 10

> minutes and then build upon it.


> The prayer is "Hare Krishna Hare Krishna; Krishna Krishna Hare Hare; Hare

> Rama Hare Rama; Rama Rama Hare Hare". This simply means "O Krishna, O

> energy of Krishna, please engage me in your service". Chant this Maha

> Mantra/Holy Names then Lord Krishna will hear to your prayers, and engage

> you in His service, and He will remove all our sins in the course of time.

> It is so.......o simple.


> Here is a quotation from Srimad Bhagavatam 6.2.13 (6th Canto, 2nd Chapter,

> 13th verse) "One who has killed a Brahmana, one who has killed a cow or

> one who has killed his father, mother or Guru (spiritual master) can be

> immediately freed from all sinful reactions simply by chanting the Holy

> Name of Lord Krishna or Narayana. Other sinful persons, such as dog-eaters

> and chandalas, who are less than sudras, can also be freed in this way".


> Also Srimad Bhagavatam 6.2.9-10

> "The chanting of the Holy Name Lord Krishna is the best process of

> atonement(prayaschitta) for a theif of gold or other valuables, for a

> drakard, for one who betrays a friend or relative, for one who kills a

> brahmana, or for one who indulges in sex with the wife of his guru or

> other superior. It is also the best method of atonement for one who

> murders women, the king or his father, for one who slaughters cows, and

> for all other sinful men. Simply by chanting the Holy Name of Krishna,

> such sinful persons may attract the attention of the Supreme Lord, who

> therefore considers, "because this man has chanted My Holy Name, My duty

> is to give him protection."


> One must not chant the Holy Names and continue to do sins thinking, that

> the chanting will cleanse all the sins. That does not work. One has to

> admit one's mistakes, truly repent for one's mistakes, and simultaneously

> incessantly every day chant the Holy Names, which will give strength and

> protection from committing any further sins.


> 3. How can I leave a normal life from now on?


> Answer: As explained above, in answer to your second question. You be what

> you are, and just add Chanting of Krishna's Name to your life. That makes

> everything perfect.


> 4. Does Gita provide any answers?


> Answer: Yes Gita provides answers for all the questions of life. Just stay

> in association with this website, and go through all the discussions, Read

> Bhagavadgita, and in the course of time, all your questions will be

> answered.


> Bhagavadgita is the supreme instruction on morality. The supreme

> instruction of morality is stated in 9-34 "man manaa bhava mad bhaktah"

> One must become a devotee of Krishna. To become a devotee, you must be in

> the association of devotees. So stay tuned to this website.


> Also, if you let me know which city you belong to, (no need a complete

> address, just the city), then we can see, if any Krishna devotees are in

> your locality and we can post the addresses here and you may get in touch

> with them.


> You are not alone. I too have committed, most abominable sins, and now I

> am practicing Bhakti Yoga and this has cleared all the gloom and given me

> immense happiness. You too please try out.


> Hare Krishna. Please feel free to ask all your questions with out

> hesitation and clear your doubts.


> I pray to Lord Krishna to show you the proper way. Please forgive me if I

> have said something wrong and offended you by writing the above answers.


> Your humble servant,

> Bhadra Govinda Das.

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