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The Disappearance day of Lokanath Goswami - 22nd July

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>From the first vilasa of Narottama Vilasa By Narahari dasa

Translated by Dravida Dasa


I worship Sri Lokanatha Prabhu, who is fully surrendered to the lotus feet of

Sri Sri Radha Vinode. He is the life of the devotees, and a confidential

associate of Caitanya Mahaprabhu.


Oh listeners! please be kind upon me. I am an illiterate fool who knows nothing

of right or wrong, yet I have been ordered by saintly persons to narrate this

beautiful book Narottama Vilasa which will certainly be relished by the


I have offered my obeisances to the Lord in the above verses, now listen

patiently and attentively as I briefly describe the glories of Sri Lokanatha

Prabhu, a favorite devotee of the Lord and the light of his famous brahmana



He was born to Sita and Padmanabha Cakravarti in the village of Talagari in the

district of Jassora. It is difficult to describe the wonderful attributes of

Lokanatha's father and mother. Padmanabha was a famous Rarhi brahmana Vaisnava

and a favorite of Sri Advaita Prabhu. He was constantly absorbed in sankirtana,

singing madly and crying incessantly. Those who simply observed his kirtana

were also unable to check their tears.


He frequently came to Nadia for darsana of Lord Gauranga. However, after such

visits upon returning to his own village he inevitably fell into the depths of

despair due to intense feelings of separation from Gauranga.


He and his wife always sang the glories of Gauracandra. Sita was like her

husband. She was a devoted Vaisnavi and wife. She felt extremely fortunate to

have a wonderful son like Lokanatha and her happiness knew no bounds as she

watched his devotion to Gauracandra blossoming day by day. Who can describe the

loving care she showered upon her exalted son?


Lokanatha was always enthusiastically engaged in the Lord's devotional service.

People were spontaneously drawn by his extraordinary beauty and deep devotion.

He conscientiously served his parents, and was well-versed in all of the

scriptures at a very young age.


When his parents died, Lokanatha decided, after discussing with his friends,

that he would give up the shackles of material existence, go to Nadia and

surrender at the lotus feet of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu.


The mercy of the Lord was abundantly showered upon Lokanatha during his stay in

Nadia. However, after sometime Lord Caitanya requested that he go to Vraja.

Lokanatha could understand the mind of the Lord, he knew that Mahaprabhu was

thinking of taking sannyasa shortly. Thus Lokanatha's departure was an

indescribably pathetic scene; leaving the Lord's association was unbearable for

him. Completely despondent, Lokanatha began his journey. Crying incessantly,

the path before him became practically invisible, thus in five days he walked

a distance which would normally be covered in a single day. After traveling for

sometime he received the heart breaking news that Mahaprabhu had taken sannyasa

and, after consoling his associates, had gone to Nilacala. Lokanatha lamented,

knowing the Lord had given up His beautiful curling hair.


Heavy-hearted and forlorn, Lokanatha continued his journey only because it was

the order of the Lord. He arrived in Vrndavana practically lifeless, but the

charming atmosphere of Vraja soothed his mind and eased his aching heart.

However, after a few days Lokanatha heard that Mahaprabhu had gone to South

India, and his mind became disturbed. Eager to see the Lord again, Lokanatha

left for the south at once. In anxious anticipation he traveled quickly.

However, after traveling a considerable distance he received news that the Lord

had already left the South and returned to Nilacala [unclear]

Afterwards he heard that the Lord had arrived in Vrndavana. With great anxiety

Lokanatha immediately started for Vraja. However, upon reaching Vrndavana, he

found that Mahaprabhu had departed for Prayaga just a few days before.


The forlorn Lokanatha sank into the depths of despair. The next morning he

decided to follow Mahaprabhu to Prayaga. He could no longer tolerate the

intense misery of separation from his beloved Lord. Rolling on the ground he

cried pitifully until at last he feel asleep. In his dream he finally received

the long awaited darsana of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu; His effulgent body was

covered with yellow sandalwood paste, shining with a brilliance unknown to

gold. Perfectly arranged hair, decorated with fresh flowers, surrounded His

exquisite face, and His forehead was neatly marked with tilak. Who would not be

captivated by His gorgeous lotus eyes, majestic eyebrows, and enticing smile

which easily defeated the beauty of the moon? A sacred thread was draped across

His broad chest and His long arms touched His knees. His dhoti was folded in

three places and His transcendental body was bedecked with ornaments.


He spoke affectionately to Lokanatha: "I shall always be with you, relishing

loving pastimes, here in My eternal abode, Navadvipa. Even great personalities

like Lord Brahma are unable to understand this Dhama of Mine." Saying this, He

embraced Lokanatha and disappeared.


Lokanatha awoke, the emptiness in the Lord's absence was intolerable and he was

overwhelmed with despair. However, by Mahaprabhu's kindness, sleep once again

overtook him and the Lord, dressed in the garb of a sannyasi, once again

appeared before him. "You are thinking of going to Prayaga," the Lord said

sweetly, "But what is the use of going there when you can see me here in your

dream. Oh Lokanatha I also desire to be with all of you in Vrndavana. After I

sent you to Vraja I took sannyasa from Kesava Bharati. At that time I was very

eager to see Vrnda Vipina, but My devotees were so broken-hearted and desolate,

due to my acceptance of the renounced order, that I was obliged to spend a few

days in the house of Advaita Prabhu to console them. Afterwards I went to

Nilacala, then later to the South. Unfortunately our paths did not cross either

in the South or in Vrndavana. I know you are feeling despondent because of this

and have decided to leave for Prayaga tomorrow morning, but don't leave

Vrndavana, remember that I am always with you. I shall keep you informed of my

whereabouts. From Prayaga I'll leave for Nilacala, there I will tell my dear

devotees Rupa and Sanatana about you and they will meet you in Vrndavana soon.

In their association you will float on the waves of happiness amidst the ocean

of ecstatic love for Krsna."


"Within a short period of time a prince named Narottama will become your

disciple. He will be a gifted devotee, full of love and devotion, and empowered

to save the fallen conditioned souls from hellish life. His enchanting


kirtana will melt even wood or stone." Thus speaking He embraced Lokanatha, who

fell at the Lord's feet.


Awaking and finding himself alone, Lokanatha cried pitifully, remembering the

beautiful Gaurangacandra. Eventually he pacified himself, but tears continued

to flow like rivers from his eyes. As dawn approached he performed his daily

duties and sat down in a quiet place to chant the holy name of the Lord until

a local brahmana offered him some fruits to eat. He sat under the tree for

a long time until restlessness overtook him and he began wandering aimlessly

throughout Vrndavana. Eventually he happened upon a beautiful secluded area

where he stayed alone for a long time.


Later he happened to find out that Sri Subuddhi Misra had visited Vrndavana,

followed by Sri Rupa Gosvami a bit later, but now they were both on there way

to meet Sri Gaurasundara. Sanatana had also come to Vrndavana but had recently

left for Nilacala. Hearing this Lokanatha could not suppress his


Sighing heavily and crying pitifully, he lamented, "Oh Rupa, Sanatana, when


I be able to live with you?" Suddenly a voice replied: "We shall definitely


to Vrndavana soon."


Eventually Gopala Bhatta and others did come to Vrndavana. I am lost for words

to describe that joyous meeting and the immense pleasure they derived from each

other's association. Sri Rupa Gosvami greeted Lokanatha with great warmth and

affection, dissipating the anguish of long separation from the Lord and His



Srimad Lokanatha was the eldest amongst the Gosvamis, and was always

filled with transcendental joy. In the prologue to his book Sri

Haribhaktivilasa Sri Sanatana Gosvami has praised Sri Lokanatha Gosvami.

Lokanatha used to roam in the woods of Vrndavana in ecstasy. By the side of

Chatra vana in Vrndavana there was a village by the name of Umarao. In that

village was Kisori-kunda and Lokanatha stayed there for some time. Around

that time Lokanatha developed a great desire to serve the Deity. The

omniscient Lord thus arranged that a Deity named Radhavinode was brought to

Lokanatha. The giver of the Deity immediately disappeared.


Not seeing anyone around Lokanatha began to wonder how this Deity had

appeared there. Sri Radhavinode then smilingly said, "Who will bring Me here?

I have come Myself. I live in the forest of this Umarao village. This

Kisori-kunda which you are seeing is the place where I live. Quickly give me

something to eat." Srila Gosvami was overwhelmed with happiness, immediately

he prepared some offerings and began serving his Deity. He then prepared a

flower bed and laid Him down.


Srila Gosvami had no house and did not agree to the proposal of the

village milkmen when they wanted to build him a house. He made a small bag to

keep Sri Radhavinode in and always kept it hanging from his neck. In this way

he displayed total indifference to all worldly affairs. The other Gosvamis

were always anxious to have his association.


Sri Lokanatha was extremely dear to Lord Caitanya. When Sri Gauranga and

His associates Sri Rupa, Sanatana, etc. disappeared from this world it was

practically unbearable for Lokanatha. It seemed that he remained alive only

due to the wish of the Lord.


Sri Narottama dasa was spiritually initiated by Sri Lokanatha Gosvami.

There is no record of his having any other disciple. Narottama's dedication

to Lokanatha is beyond description. Before the break of day, Narottama use to

clean the urinal and lavatory of his spiritual master.


When narottama reached Vrindavan Sri Jiva Gosvami quickly took Narottama to the

solitary hermitage of Sri Lokanatha Gosvami. They found him alone in a secluded

place where he had been suffering the misery of separation from Rupa and

Sanatana. Sri Jiva Gosvami

bowed to his feet and slowly told him about Narottama. Lokanatha had been

restlessly waiting for Narottama to come, now seeing Narottama before him,

Lokanatha began to float in an ocean of tears. Narottama fell at the feet of

his spiritual master, and Lokanatha placed his feet on Narottama's head. With

sweet words he assured Narottama that after a few days he would initiate him.

Again and again Lokanatha asked Sri Jiva, "Please help him to establish his

grasp of devotional books." To Srinivasa he affectionately said, "Always make

sure he is properly situated on the path of devotion". Thus speaking, Lokanatha

uttered the names of Rupa and Sanatana and extracted a heavy sigh. Observing

Gosvami, Sri Jiva was unable to check his tears. Sri Jiva took his leave and

left to take darsana of the lotus feet of Sri Radhavinoda.


Without delay Sri Jiva happily began educating Narottama. During his studies

Narottama won the hearts of all with his sensitive and scholastic explanations.

Who can understand the heart of Narottama? His service attitude towards

Lokanatha Gosvami was beyond compare, and Lokanatha Gosvami was extremely

pleased with his beloved disciple. One day, observing Narottama's eagerness,

Lokanatha fulfilled Narottama's long cherished desire and initiated him into

the chanting of the Mahamantra. Everyone in Vrndavana was greatly impressed by

the depth of Narottama's understanding of devotional scriptures. Thus, to

everyone's pleasure, Sri Jiva Gosvami conferred upon Narottama the title of

`Sri Thakura Mahasaya.'


It is said that when Krsnadasa Kaviraja went to Srila Lokanatha Gosvami

for his blessings and permission to write Sri Caitanya Caritamrta, Lokanatha

forbade him from mentioning his name in the book. Thus Krsnadasa Kaviraja did

not mention Lokanatha's name in CC. for fear of disobeying his order. On the

command of Advaita Prabhu, Lokanatha wrote a tika on the tenth canto of Srimad

Bhagavatam (See H.P. Sastri P.T.O.). (Bhaktiratnakara 1.296,310-312;

Premavilasa 7.20)


In Sanatana Gosvami's Vaisnava Tosani he mentions his attachment for Lokanatha:

"I worship Srila Kasisvara, Lokanatha, and Sri Krsnadasa who have taken shelter

at the lotus feet of the dear-most Deity in Vrndavana, Srila Govinda Deva."

Raghunatha Bhatta, Gopala Bhatta, Bhugarbha Gosvami, as well as many others,

dearly loved Lokanatha. Together they spent many wonderful days in Sri


Dhama relishing the highest pinnacles of devotional happiness. Lokanatha was

fully engaged in the service of his worshipful Deities, Sri Sri Radha Vinode.

How he obtained these deities I have explained in Bhakti-ratnakara (page 23).

Once while serving his Deities, Lokanatha suddenly saw the madhurya rupa** of

Sri Gaura amalgamated with that of Sri Radha Vinode. Later, in a dream, the


** revealed everything regarding His own transcendental nature. Such deep

spiritual realizations gave rise to intense emotions, thus whenever Lokanatha

tried to describe the divine attributes of the Lord, he would lose his


and simply roll on the ground, cursing himself for not having personally

witnessed the Lord's pastimes.


I have heard all of these stories from some aged persons?? Whoever hears them

is extremely fortunate. The merciful Lokanatha Gosvami remained in Vrndavana

and later showered his blessings upon his dear disciple, Narottama dasa. By the

mercy of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, Lokanatha obtained the precious gem of love

of Godhead:


"I worship the lotus feet of Lokanatha Prabhu whose is opulent with the wealth

of Sri Krsna Caitanya's blessings, and whose mind is bedecked with the


of love."


"I take shelter at the lotus feet of Lokanatha Prabhu who eternally resides in

Vrndavana. He is always absorbed in loving devotional service, enchanted by the

transcendental pastimes of Sri Krsna. "


"I take refuge at the lotus feet of Lokanatha Prabhu who is completely

indifferent to the pains and pleasures of this material world. His mercy was

fully realized only by the great scholar Narottama dasa."


All glories to Narottama dasa Thakura, the beloved disciple of Lokanatha



In his later years Lokanatha Gosvami lived in Khadira wood in the village

of Khaira. It is there that he gave up his body. On the 8th day of the dark

fortnight of the month of Sravana (July-August) Sri Lokanatha Gosvami left

this world. He was cremated by the side of a big tank there named Sri

Yugala-kunda. He was the disciple of Advaita Acarya and was Lilamanjari in



Also in Gaura Gannodesa Dipika:


107. The four learned devotees in Lord Caitanya's pastimes, named Kasinatha,

Lokanatha, Srinatha, and Ramanatha, were incarnations of the four Kumaras. Of

this there is no doubt.


108. The names of these four devotees each end with the word 'natha', just as

the names of the four Kumaras each end with the word 'kumara'. These four

devotees became known as the 'four Nathas'.

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