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1) Karanadakasayi Visnu (Maha Visnu)


2) Garbhodakasayi Visnu


3) Ksirodakasayi Visnu



visnos tu trini rupani

purusakhyany atho viduh

ekam tu mahatah srastr

dvitiyam tv anda-samsthitam

trtiyam sarva-bhuta-stham

tani jnatva vimucyate



"For material creation, Lord Krsna's plenary expansion assumes three Visnus.

The first one, Maha Visnu, creates the total material energy, known as

mahat-tattva. The second, Garbhodakasayi Visnu, enters into all the universes

to create diversities in each of them. The third, Ksirodakasayi Visnu, is

diffused as the all-pervading Supersoul in all the universes and is known as

Paramatma. He is present even within the atoms. Anyone who knows these three

Visnus can be liberated from material entanglement."


(Satvata-tantra quoted in Bg. 7.4 purport)


Krsna is the original Personality of Godhead. His expansion is Balarama, who

expands the original catur vyuha or quadruple expansions.


1) Vasudeva 2) Sankarsana 3) Pradyumna 4) Aniruddha


These original catur vyuha expansions reside in Mathura and Dwaraka. From

these original catur vyuha expansions twenty four forms of Visnu expand. They

are named differently according to the arrangement of the conch, disc, lotus

and club in Their hands. All of these twenty four forms reside in each

Vaikuntha planet with the predominating Deity of that planet.


From the original catur vyuha the second catur vyuha expands. In this second

catur vyuha the form of Sankarsana is also called Maha Sankarsana. It is from

maha Sankarsana that Maha Visnu becomes manifested.




Original Personality of Godhead




First expansion




Vasudeva, Sankarsana, Pradyumna, Aniruddha




Vasudeva, Sankarsana, Pradyumna, Aniruddha

(Each expand into three and then another two expansions)



(Maha Sankarsana)





1) MAHA VISNU lies on the causal ocean which apppears in one corner of the

spiritual world. He manifests the mahat tattva (or the sum total of material

energy). It is into this mahat tattva that He exhales all of the seedlike

universes through the pores of His skin. These seedlike universes then expand

as the different material elements form coverings around them. Each of the

coverings is ten times thicker than the previous covering and form a shell-like


When Maha Visnu impregnates the living entities by His glance into the

material nature it begins to manifest its various energies.


2) When the universes have thus developed in the womb of material nature, Maha

Visnu expands as GARBHODAKASAYI VISNU, Who enters into each universe with the

living entities of that particular universe and thus activates each universe by

His presence. he lies down on Ananta Sesa who lies on the Garbha ocean, which

is the perspiration from the Lord's body and half fills the universe.

From His navel comes a lotus bud which is the total form of the living

entities fruitive activity. The lotus grows dissapating the darkness of the


On top of the lotus Brahma, the first living being appears. Not finding his

origin, brahma looked in four directions and developed four heads. Situated on

the lotus, Brahma could not understand anything. He began entering the stem and

climbed down to find its origin. Not finding anything, Brahma again returned to

the top of the lotus where he heard the word ta-pa (austerity). Hearing the

sound Brahma underwent penance for one thousand celestial years; (6x30x12x1000

earthly years). Being very pleased with Brahma's tapasya, the Lord manifested

the Vaikuntha planets. Seeing Vaikuntha, Brahma became very happy and bowed to

the Lord. Being very pleased with Brahma the Lord shakes his hand and reveals

how to create the universe.


3) To maintain the universe Garbhodakasayi Visnu expands as KSIRODAKASAYI

VISNU, Who is the all-pervading Supersoul (Paramatma). By His entering into

every atom He maintains the whole universe. His abode is Svetadwipa an island

in the ocean of milk.


References: (S.B.1.3.1-5) (S.B.3.8.11-21) (S.B.2.9.4-9)






(S.B. 2.10.47-48)


First Creation: MAHAKALPA


The creation of the sixteen elementary elements, which are all products of

the false ego, created by Maha Visnu.

(Maha Visnu creates the total material energy).


Second Creation: VIKALPA


The creation of Brahma by Garbhodakasayi Visnu and the dispersion of the

material elements.

(Garbhodakasayi Visnu creates the diversities in each universe).


Third creation: KALPA


The creation by Brahma in each day of his life after waking from his sleep.


Lord Brahma's one day is called a Kalpa, the creation of Brahma is called

Vikalpa and the creation of the total creation is called Mahakalpa.


In the Skanda Purana, Brahma's thirty days are mentioned. Each day of Brahma

is a duration of one thousand divya yugas. A divya yuga comprises of one

thousand of the four yugas. The same duration comprises his night.





1) Sveta Varaha Kalpa 11) Dhyana Kalpa 21) Soma Kalpa

2) Nilalohita Kalpa 12) Sarasvata Kalpa 22) Bhavana Kalpa

3) Vamadeva Kalpa 13) Udana Kalpa 23) Supuma Kalpa

4) Gathantara Kalpa 14) Garuda Kalpa 24) Vaikuntha Kalpa

5) Raurava Kalpa 15) Kaurma Kalpa 25) Arcisa Kalpa

6) Prana Kalpa 16) Narasimha Kalpa 26) Vali Kalpa

7) Brhat Kalpa 17) Samadhi Kalpa 27) Vairaja Kalpa

8) Kandarpa Kalpa 18) Agneya Kalpa 28) Gauri Kalpa

9) Sadyata Kalpa 19) Visnuja Kalpa 29) Mahesvara Kalpa

10) Isana Kalpa 20) Saura Kalpa 30) Paitr Kalpa




(S.B. 3.10.15-18)


1) The first creation is of the Mahat-tattva.

(This creation is performed by MahaVisnu).

In the first creation the modes of nature mix and give rise to false ego.


2) False ego or identification of the body, along with the material

ingredients, material knowledge and material activities arise.

(working senses and knowledge aquiring senses).



3) The sense perceptions are created and from these the material elements are



i) sound ii) touch iii) sight iv) taste v) smell

sky air fire water earth



4) The creation of knowledge and working capacity.



5) The contolling deities become manifest by the interaction of the mode of




6) The sixth creation is the ignorant darkness of the living entity, by

which the master acts as a fool.






All the above are natural creations by the external energy of the Lord. The

remaining three are creations of Brahma and will be included in the next




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