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Dear Bhadra Govinda Prabhu,


Kindly read the following quote by Rupa Goswami so that you can understand

the potency of the Holy Name above and beyond all other considerations. Try

to understand that since the Holy Name is Krishna Himself, the Holy Name can

NEVER be dependent on anything or anyone and is ALWAYS svarat, independent,

as is Sri Krishna.



Padyavali (29) by Rupa Goswami, quoted in Caitanya-caritamrta Madhya 15.110


The Holy Name of Lord Krishna is an attractive feature for many saintly,

liberal people. It is the annihilator of all sinful reactions and is so

powerful that save for the dumb who cannot chant, it is readily available to

everyone, including the lowest type of man, the candala. The Holy Name of

Krishna is the controller of the opulence of liberation, and it is identical

with Krishna. Simply by touching the Holy Name with one’s tongue, immediate

effects are produced. Chanting the Holy Name does not depend on initiation,

pious activities or the purascarya regulative principles generally observed

before initiation. The Holy Name does not wait for all these activities. It

is self-sufficient.

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Dear Vaisnavas,


Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada.


The reason this question concerning shiksha surfaced, was out of concern

for the many innocent people out in this world who do not know anything

about Krsna or His pure devotees. We recently did a Prasadam/Book table

in a really small town, Eden, NC, where most of the towns people had

never heard of Krsna.


I have all faith and confidence in the lotus feet of our ISKCON

initiating spiritual masters. I trust in their complete ability to

deliver their disciples Back to Godhead as bona fide spiritual masters.


I'd like to share what happended at the Fair. One man came to our table

and bought some of Ananga Manjari's cinnamon rolls. He picked up a

"Perfection of Yoga", but said, "This is Hare Krsna." and put it back

down. I responded-- "This book gives life and hope to intelligent

persons who want to know the answers to the problems of life-- what

happens at death.....where we will go. This book will help you to come to

the highest perfection of life."


He picked the book up again saying, "This is interesting to me. I work in

the medical field and I spend my life trying to keep people in their

bodies, and you Hare Krsna's are helping people to get out of this world,

out of their bodies." I'm going to read more about this." He bought the



But I was wondering how far he would take Srila Prabhupada's mercy, if he

would start chanting Hare Krsna. What happens to these sincere persons

who receive Srila Prabhupada's siksha?


We have the rare and amazing good fortune to be blessed to have the

association of pure devotees. Most of the other people in this world are

waiting for Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu and Lord Nityananda's mercy.


Hence this question came up. Thank you for your very complete sastric



I hope you are all in great health.


your servant,

Sucharya Mataji



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Dear Vaiyasaki Prabhu,




Thank you very much for the pure nectar Glories of The Holy Name The Supreme

Personality of Godhead.


The glories of the Holy Name are not imaginary. Also we must consider

statements of the Holy Name from various places of Srila Prabhupada's books

and other Shastras in the right perspective. It is said that the Holy Name

is so powerful that simply by chanting once some can go back to Godhead. It

is also mentioned that there are some who after chanting for millions of

life times have not gone back to Godhead. These are not contradictory

statements. Srila Prabhupada explains both are true. Because both examples

are there. The latter examples (even chanting for millions of life times)

does not minimise the glories of the Holy Name, that is 'tatartha vada' the

fifth offence to the Holy Name. And the former examples (just chanting

once) does not minimise the process of Diksha, because that will be *guror

avagna*, the third offence to the Holy Name.


Your quote "Chanting the Holy Name does not depend on initiation,

pious activities or the purascarya regulative principles generally observed

before initiation. The Holy Name does not wait for all these activities. It

is self-sufficient", is true. But after chanting and *cultivating* Krishna

Consciousness with out Diksha then what. One has to take Diksha through a

bonafide spiritual master.


Here is wonderful quote from NOD "From the date of initiation by the

spiritual master, the connection between Krishna and a person *cultivating*

Krishna consciousness is established. **With out initiation by a bonafide

spiritual master, the actual connection with Krishna Consciousness is never



The normal *recommended* process is one must accept the Holy Name through

Diksha. The first five basic essential principles of devotional service out

of total 64 according to Srila Rupa Gosvami in BRS involve the acceptance of

a bonafide spiritual master. That is why even Lord Krishna, and Lord

Caitanya accept Diksha.


This is my understanding. Please correct me if I am wrong.


Seeking your blessings,


Your humble servant,

Bhadra Govinda Das.

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