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Purana10: Arguing the Scientists' Theories

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Vedic Authority


The Vedas are not compilations of human knowledge. They come directly from

Sri Krsna in the spiritual world and are therefore infallible.


Another name for Veda is Sruti. Sruti means that knowledge which is learnt

by hearing. It is not experimental knowledge. It is accepted an axiomatic

truth. For example, if one wants to know who one's father is, one has to accept

the authority of the mother. There is no question of some experiment for proof

that so and so is my father. One just accepts the mothers authority. Similarly,

one must accept the Veda in the same way. If something is beyond one's

perception, then one must accept a higher authority and that authority is the

Vedas. There is no question of experimenting. It has already been experimented.

It has already been settled.


There are three kinds of evidence;


1) Pratyaksa - direct sensory experience


2) Anumana - hypothesis or speculation


3) Sabda - accepting by hearing



1) Pratyaksa pramana


This is not perfect or even complete knowledge. In conditioned life one

has four defects:


i) The senses are imperfect


ii) one can become illusioned


iii) one has the propensity to cheat others


iv) one has the tendency to commit mistakes.


With all these imperfections it is not possible to conclude something

perfect, even though it may be done with some scientific instrument. For

example, if I see, touch, smell, etc., a person I will not get a complete

understanding of that person, even though I am percieving him with my senses.

But if I hear about that person I will get a more perfect understanding.

Another example is trying to ascertain whether man is mortal. If one likes

he can go and check every person to see. But, in the process of checking one

may make mistakes, miss someone, etc., so sensual perception is not complete.

It is better to just accept from those who know.


2) Anumana pramana


This is simply speculation. It may be like this or it may be like that.

Modern science is full of maybe, probably, may have been, etc.


An example of this is one may see someone's shoes outside a room. That

person may or may not be in the room. In other words one speculates. So this is

also not perfect evidence.



3) Sabda pramana


This is accepting by hearing from the right authority.


An example of this is if one recieves a guide from a radio station he

accepts it. One does not need to question it or make an experiment because it

is recieved from authoritative sources. Similarlay, Vedic knowledge is accepted

on the strength of hearing from the right authority, that is why it is called




Arguing the Scientists' Theories


The conclusions of the scientists are based on the theory of a chunk

appearing by chance from nothing, and then exploding. From this, they think

that conditions became ready for creation.


This is just like the example of all the ingredients of a house appearing

from nowhere, along with some dynamite, which for some reason explodes, and a

perfectly built house is produced. Then on top of that, because such a nice

arrangement of a house happened, a family naturally grew in the house along

with all the household paraphenalia, household pets, running water and food to



How do they know how the universe formed if they don't even know where the

chunk came from in the first place?



Where is there any example of something appearing from nothing?



The modern contention that the universe originated in a big bang is simply a

childish fantasy.


The creation of the universe is like the growth of a great banyan tree from

a tiny seed. No one can see the tree within the seed, but all the necessary

ingredients for the tree are there. Just as within this universe there are all

the eight material elements, these elements are also in everyone's body.

Therefore, each body, our body, the insect body, the tree body, etc., are all

sample universes. These constituents are also within each atom.


Krsna controls nature just as an engineer controls a train. The engineer

controls the locomotive, which pulls one car, and that car in turn pulls

another, and so the whole train is moving. Similarly, with the creation, Krsna

gives the first push, and then, by means of successive pushes, the entire

cosmic manifestation comes into being and is maintained. This is explained in

the Bhagavad-gita (9.10),


mayadhyaksena prakrtih suyate sacaracaram


"This material nature is working under My direction and is producing all moving

and unmoving beings."


And in the fourteenth chapter (14.4) Krsna says,


sarva-yonisu kaunteya

murtayah sambhavanti yah

tasam brahma mahad yonir

aham bija-pradah pita


"All species of life are made possible by birth in this material nature, O son

of Kunti, and I am the seed-giving father."




If they say that life comes from a combination of chemicals why can't they

create life from chemicals now?


Our understanding is life comes from life and our proof is that everything

we see is produced by something already living. Just like I came from my father

who is living and he came from his father who was living. The trees come from

living trees not dead ones.



Darwin says that the different species were not created simultaneously, but

evolved gradually and modern proponents of Darwinism say that the first living

organism was created chemically.


If life originated from chemicals, and if their science is so advanced, then

why can't they create life biochemically in their laboratories?


They say that they will create life in the future.


What future? When this crucial point is raised, they reply, `in the future'.

But if they are so advanced they must demonstrate now. Otherwise their claim

that they will soon prove a chemical origin of life is something like paying a

postdated check. What is the value of that check? Scientists are claiming that

their science is wonderful, but when a practical example is wanted, they say

they will provide in the future. Suppose I say that I possess millions of

dollars, and when you ask me for some money I say, "Yes, I will now give you a

postdated check. Is that alright?" If you are intelligent you will reply, "At

present give me just five dollars in cash so I can see something tangible."

Similarly, the scientists cannot produce even a single blade of grass in their

laboratories, yet they are claiming that life is produced from chemicals.


They say that in the ultimate analysis, everything came from matter. Living

matter came from nonliving matter.


But where is this living matter coming from now? Do the scientists think

that life came from matter in the past but does not at the present?


If they cannot prove that life arises from matter in the present, how do

they know life arose this way in the past? There must be proof. We can prove

life arises from life. For example, a father begets a child. The father is

living, and the child is living. But where is the proof that a father can be a

dead stone? They cannot prove that life comes from matter.


Scientists think that one species of life evolved into another higher form,

like a monkey's body developed into a human body.


Living beings move from one form to another form. The forms already exist.

The living entity simply transfers himself, just as a man transfers himself

from one apartment to another. One apartment is first class, another is second

class and another is third class. Suppose a person comes from a lower-class

apartment to a first-class apartment. The person is the same, but now,

according to his capacity for payment, or karma, he is able to occupy a

higher-class apartment. Real evolution does not mean physical development, but

development of consciousness. It is not that the lower-class apartment becomes

a higher-class apartment.


Matter is caused by life and matter grows upon life. My body grows upon me,

the spirit soul; just like putting on an overcoat.




All the buildings we see on the land, the ships that float on the ocean,

planes that fly in the air, etc., are created by living people.


Scientists do not know that there are two types of energy - inferior and

superior - although they are actually working with these two energies every

day. Material energy can never work independently; it must first come in

contact with spiritual energy. A competent machine does not work unless a man

who knows how to work it pushes a button. A cadillac is a nice car, but if it

has no driver, what is the use of it? So the material universe is also a



People are amazed at seeing a big machine with many, many parts, but an

intelligent person knows however wonderful a machine may be, it does not work

unless an operator comes and pushes the proper button. Therefore, who is more

important - the operator or the machine? We are concerned not with the material

machine, this cosmic manifestation, but with its operator, Krsna.

Someone may say, "Well, how do I know that He is the operator?" Krsna says,


mayadhyaksena prakrtih suyate sacaracaram:


"Under My direction the whole cosmic manifestation is working". If you say, "No

Krsna is not the operator behind the cosmos," then you have to accept another

operator, and you must present him. But this you cannot do. Therefore, in the

absence of your proof, you should accept mine.

The Origin of Nature.


In many scientific journals the scientists speak of `Nature'. They contain

many articles concerning natural products like plants, flowers and minerals,

but do not mention God.


We may rightly observe that plants are being produced by nature. But the

next question we must ask is, "Who has produced nature?" Where does nature come

from? For instance, I speak of my nature, and you speak of your nature.

Therefore, as soon as we speak of nature, the next inquiry should be, "Whose



Nature means energy. as soon as we speak of energy, we must inquire into the

source of that energy. For example, if you speak of electrical energy, you must

accept its source, the powerhouse. Electricity does not come automatically.

Similarly, nature is not working automatically; it is under the control of



Because our senses are imperfect, because we make mistakes, we are

influenced by illusions and we have a tendency to cheat or be cheated, whatever

knowledge we gain by our senses and mind is also imperfect. Therefore we should

accept things by authority. Just like if I want to know who is my father, the

best authority to ask is my mother. There is no need to speculate if I accept

the right authority. The Vedic literature is also known as mother and by her

authority Krsna is the seed-giving father.




(Information gathered from Readers Digest Encyclopedia of Modern Knowledge)




Modern science is generally accepted and taught in schools following the

ascending process of aquiring knowledge: i.e; from what is already seen or

accepted, assumptions and speculations are made about what is not known.

Therefore, modern science follows a practice of hypothesis, theory, and

accepted law.


Hypothesis - A tentative assumption made in order to draw out and

test its logical empirical consequences: i.e;

arguments relying on observations and experience



Theory - The analysis of a set of facts, principles or

circumstances, in their relation to one another. In

other words, an idea deduced from other formulas or

propositions. A theory is not a proven fact.


Law - An aspect or quality of a phenomenon assumed to hold

or is so far known as invariable under given

conditions. i.e., When there is experimental proof

or when an experiment gives the same result under

the same conditions, and the result so far cannot be

refuted and is widely accepted by scientists, it is

made by them into a law.


For the sake of argument someone puts forward a hypthesis and when a set of

facts or circumstances are brought together to back this argument it is called

a theory. When this theory is applied under set conditions and experiments and

the same result occurs, and so far, is not able to be disproved, it is called


Therefore, when we hear the theories and explanations put forward by modern

science we can see their statements filled with words like maybe, possibly, it

is believed, probably, perhaps, etc. So because modern science is primarily

based on the speculative process, one should be cautious about these theories

and so-called laws understanding that they are constantly subject to change.







There are many theories about the origin of the universe, but basically

three principle ones are given the most credence.



1) The Big Bang Theory


According to this theory, the universe had its origin in a gigantic

explosion about 18,000 million years ago. The matter flung out from the

explosion condensed into lumps called galaxies, which are still rushing

outwards. As the universe grows old, the matter in it thins out. The expansion

continues indefinitely.


In the 1920s an astonomer named Edwin Hubble using a 100 inch telescope in

America made a sensational dicovery: the galaxies seemed to be moving away from

one another at speeds that increased with their distances. It seemed that the

entire universe was expanding.


The Belgian astronomer Georges Lemaitres pointed out that if the outward

movements of all the galaxies were traced backwards, then they would presumably

meet in a single point. This large blob of matter, known as the cosmic egg or

primeval atom, must have been all that existed of the universe in the distant

past. Lemaitre suggested that for some reason this giant blob of matter

exploded, flinging materials outwards like a bomb. This marked the creation of

the universe. Lemaitre's idea became known as the Big Bang theory.




Where the cosmic egg came from, or what existed before the Big Bang, are

questions that remained unsolved.



2) The Oscillating Theory


This theory, a variation on the Big Bang theory, suggests that the expansion

of the universe will eventually slow down and stop, followed by a contraction

of the galaxies into another Big Bang. The outward expansion of the galaxies

will eventually be slowed and stopped by gravity, like a stone being thrown

upwards. The universe therefore continues in endless cycles of expansion and

contraction; the laws of nature may differ in each cycle.


According to this theory there was no one-time creation. However, the

Oscillating theory does not seem to be supported by the latest studies because

the astronomers can find no evidence that the galaxies are slowing down.

Therefore, it seems most likely, that the expansion of the universe will

continue indefinitely.


3) The Steady State Theory


An alternative veiw of the Big Bang, this theory says that the universe

never originated at any one instant, nor will it ever die. According to the

Steady State theory, as the universe expands new matter is created to fill the

spaces left. Therefore, the appearance of the universe remains constant with


According to the Steady State theory, the universe has always existed in

much the same form as present. It had no beginning, and will have no end.

However, because of the expansion of the universe, the overall density of the

matter in space would decrease with time, unless it were somehow replaced by

new matter. The Steady State theory proposes that matter is indeed continuously

created. As the galxies rush apart, new material is created out of nothing to

fill the space they leave, so that the overall appearance of the universe

remains constant.

However, it appears that the Steady State theory has not stood the test of

time and it is not openly accepted at present.



The Present Day Understanding


Many lines of evidence now suggest that the universe did indeed have its

origin in a Big Bang 18,000 million years ago. The first facts supporting this

belief came during the 1950s, as radio astronomers probed deep into the

universe. Light and radio waves take a considerable time to reach us from the

most distant objects in space: the further away an object, the longer its light

has taken to get here. Distant galxies are so far off that their radiation has

been travelling to Earth for thousands of millions of years; therefore we see

them as they appeared thousands of millions of years ago, when the universe was

much younger. Counting the number of objects far away in space - and thus far

back in time they found that they were more common than objects nearer to

Earth. This suggested that contrary to the Steady State theory, the universe

has indeed changed in appearance in time.


As well as the discovery of Quasars or the brilliant centres of energetic

young galaxies; the most crucial evidence of all in support of the Big Bang

theory came in 1965. This was the discovery by radio astronomers of low-energy

radiation that indicated a slight warmth filling all of space and giving it a

temperature of about 2.7 degrees Celcius above absolute zero. This so-called

background radiation is believed to be the heat left after the Big Bang



Birth of the Sun and Planets.



The Galaxy and Sun


In the immensity of space whirl hundreds of millions of galaxies, each of

them a comlete star system containing thousands of millions of stars. This

galaxy, of which the sun and its solar system form a part, is a spiral shaped

mass of 100,000 million stars, part of which can be seen as the Milky Way.


Modern scientists believe that there are millions of suns in millions of

galaxies in the universe. They believe many of the stars we see in the night

sky to be suns similar to the one we see during the day. Galaxies are dotted

like islands through the universe. The space between them is empty apart from

possible wisps of gas, and perhaps the occasional unseen star which has broken

away from a galaxy. Our own galaxy, the Milky Way is one of perhaps 100,000

million such islands. The nearest galaxy which is faintly visible to the naked

eye is the constellation of Andromeda.


Through radio astronomy they found the galaxies of the Milky Way and

Andromeda to be spiral shaped. Galaxies are believed to have been formed when

hydrogen and helium gas, thrown out from the Big Bang explosion, began to break

up into individual clouds, which then began to shrink.


The Planets


The likeliest explanation of the origin of the planets is that they formed

from a disc of gas and dust spinning around a newly formed star, our sun.

Around the young sun, the remains of the gas cloud were gradually smeared out

into a disc, or solar nebula. Before the sun begins to glow brightly, the disc

of gas resembles a freezing fog, with the lighter matter on the outer edges.

Specks of matter within the disc collided with each other, and so coalesced or

merged into larger lumps. The lumps eventually swept each other up, forming

large, solid bodies around the sun. Sometimes several proto-planets merged; and

sometimes one body was captured in orbit round another, like the Moon and



The Solar System


Modern science teaches that these discs of gas and dust after colliding and

merging for millions of years formed what is known as the Solar System. This is

a group of nine planets including the Earth rotating around the sun. These nine

planets are Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and



Only Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars are believed to be solid and the rest

are believed to be spinning globes of liquid gas like Jupiter, or frozen gas.

The Moon is considered a satellite of Earth and is believed to be closer to the

Earth than the sun. It is believed that the Moon is about one quarter the size

of Earth and about 240,000 miles away.





The modern theory about the origin and formation of the universe is as



First there was a big chunk of matter or gas in outer space. No one knows

its origin or what it was made of. This chunk or egg exploded and made a `Big

Bang'. Then all the pieces scattered throughout the universe and seperately

formed whirling clouds of gas and dust which became galaxies. Then in each

galaxy many millions of smaller discs of gas and dust formed around hot centres

called suns. After colliding and merging and cooling off these discs of gas and

dust became planets all travelling and orbiting around their own suns and

became known as Solar Systems.

The modern scientists believe that this process is still going on. So, if

they can somehow get out into space, with rockets and telescopes, they can see

if they are right or wrong.


How Life Began


Scientists who study the beginnings of all living things see the creation of

life as a logical event - not a chance occurrence. They see it as the

inevitable product of the conditions that existed on earth more than 3,500

million years ago. Still, what they assume to have happened in the beginning of

creation is based not only on the speculations of the origin of life on earth,

but also on the speculations of the origin of the universe itself. Therefore,

their conclusions are based on the theory of a chance occurrence of a chunk

appearing from nothing, then exploding, and from this, conditions became ripe

for so-called inevitable events.

This is tantamount to all the ingredients of a house appearing from nowhere,

along with some explosives, which for some reason detonates, and a perfectly

equipped house is produced. Then on top of that, because such a nice

arrangement of a house happened, a family naturally evolved in the house along

with all the household paraphenalia, household pets, running water and food to


The only rival to this veiw from the scientists is the so-called panspermia

hypothesis, which suggests that primitive life forms could have reached the

earth from elsewhere in the universe - either planted deliberately by other

intelligent beings, or else brought accidentally by meteorites. Evidence for

this theory includes fragments of meteorites that have been found to contain

both chemicals characteristic of living things and also some minute structures

that could be fossils of ancient micro-organisms.

But the panspermia theory is not widely held because even the hardiest of

micro-organisms would be unlikely to survive the harsh conditions of outer

space. It is, in any case, a theory that avoids rather than solves the question

of how life itself began.

So the modern accepted theory of how life began on earth is given in the

following recipe:


A Recipe for Life.




The chemical elements from which all present day living things are made were

present on the primitive earth 4,000 million years ago. However, it is not

known for certain how they combined, for about 2,000 million years, to form the

first cells.


The earth is born - a ball of molten rock condenses from a cloud of gas.

Intense heat and no atmosphere prevail.


As the earth cools, the crust buckles and volcanoes belch out gases to form

the first atmosphere.



With further cooling, water condenses and clouds form. Torrential rain,

violent storms and radiation occur.


Rains wash chemicals out of the atmosphere into oceans.

This created what is called the `primeval or primordial soup'.


Organic compounds formed by lightning and radiation.


The earth quietens and the storms cease. Water evaporates from the oceans,

concentrating the organic compounds.


Chains of nucleic acids and amino acids appear - perhaps catalysed by clay

particles on the surface of the ocean floor.


A layer of fats form on the sea. Small droplets splashed from the `soup'

form an early membrane.


The first self-supporting cells appear followed by plants which release



Oxygen forms the ozone layer which sheilds the earth from lethal

ultra-violet radiation.


Thus life has become established.


It is believed that the first living organisms to develop were probably viruses

and the first true cells to evolve probably resembled bacteria. The first plant

life is presumed to be a primitive blue-green algae found today floating in

stagnant pools.


The Evolution of Life Forms


Fossils discovered in successive layers of the earth's crust show that

plants and animals have changed continuously over millions of years.

Unfortunately, such fossil evidence is plentiful only from the start of the

Cambrian Period some 570 million years ago, when the earth was well into its

`middle age'.


Nothing is known of Pre-cambrian Life, but among the plants identifiable

from the oldest known fossils are seaweeds and aquatic fungi.


It is believed from the beginning of the Cambrian period single celled

organisms had evolved into semi-independent cells like sponges. Then they

developed into multi-celled organisms like jellyfish and coral.


The next to form were creatures similar to flatworms, which formed into

roundworms and then into segmented worms. They could take in food through the

mouth then excrete the waste.


Invertabrates or shelled creatures.


After about 25 million years molluscs or shelled animals like snails and

squids evolved. These were a very large group of animals, characterised by an

external shell of tough, jointed, armoured skin. Modern descendants range from

crabs and lobsters to insects and spiders. The most common in these early times

were trilobites which varied from pin-head size to two feet in length.



Vertabrates or animals with backbones.


The first vertabrates formed the link that eventually led through the

primitive jawless fishes to the highly developed animals of modern times: bony

fishes, amphibians, reptiles, birds, and ultimately mammals. (There are few

precise fossil records to show how vertabrates evolved).


The first vertabrates were sea-squirts.


Fishes gradually evolved and from them amphibians developed by using their

fins to support their weight after they crawled onto land. From their fins grew

legs and they developed strong backbones to support themselves as they began to

slither around from pool to pool. The air sacs which complemented their gills

formed into lungs that allowed them to breathe out of water.


So the move from the sea to dry land had begun.


When the first amphibians started to crawl further from their shallow pools,

they found many other forms of life had preceded them on to dry land. These

were plants that had evolved from seeweeds and had adapted to the land by

growing roots and woody frames to support themselves. So the amphibians found

food on the land. Among the first invertabrates to adapt to the new environment

were scorpions and millipedes and soon after them came insects. The earliest

vertabrates were about ten feet long and had long-tailed bodies on short sturdy

legs. Some had no legs. From these developed reptiles.


Reptiles became very large up to 90 feet long - dinasaurs. Some ate plants

and others ate flesh. Some walked on four legs, others ran on their hind legs

and others developed wings.


Next evolved the mammals and birds. They became warm-blooded and developed

hair and feathers.


About 65 million years ago tremendous changes affected the earth. The

reasons are not clear - although it is known that the supercontinents were

breaking up and colliding, thereby changing climates and isolating species. So

the age of the reptile was cut short abruptly.



>From Hedgehog to Monkey to Man


Two main groups of mammals survived into the`new age'. One group had fur and

suckled its young, though its members still laid leathery-shelled eggs like

reptiles. This group led to the present-day spiny anteater and the platypus.


All other mammals resulted from the other group. These animals evolved in two

ways. One group became pouched mammals - the marsupials. The other group, whose

original members resembled the modern insect-eating animals such as the

hedgehog, led to the placental mammals, whose offspring developed to an

advanced stage in the womb before birth.


Exploiting the habitats left by the reptiles after they became extinct, the

mammals developed rapidly in many directions. Quite early, the primates became

a distinctive forest group, adept at co-ordinating hand and eye. They

eventually gave rise to monkeys, apes and man.


Hooved animals evolved and these led to horses, cattle, elephants, rhinos

and aardvarks.


>From Early Primate to Modern Man.


According to anthroplogists and modern scientists the more widely a

particular characteristic is shared by many different species of animals, the

more likely it is that the characteristic was once possessed by a common

ancestor from which all the species descended. In other words, man has a large

brain, stereoscopic colour vision, a collar bone, and hands instead of paws. So

they conclude that other animals such as monkeys are related by a common



The common ancestor of all primates was probably a small, rat-like animal

adapted for life in trees. Once in the trees , the primates began to separate

into different groups, some living in the outer branches, which remained small

and some living in the stronger branches, which grew large. Then another group

descended from the trees and began to walk upright.


Because of so many features of man are shared with the ape, such as the

rib-cage, arm, shoulder-blade and also of the internal arrangement of the chest

cavity, The scientists feel that this provides strong evidence that man is

closely related genetically to modern apes, such as the gorilla and the



It is believed that man made his appearance in a form almost

indistinguishable to modern man about 35,000 years ago. His brain had completed

its extaordinary history of growth. He had a religion that centred upon animals

and he was fully adapted to the hunting way of life.




The Theory of Evolution


The theory of evolution is as old as speculation itself. Early Greek

speculators propounded a theory known as Spontaneous Generation - that is, the

theory that the first living organisms made themselves from the primordial mud.

They suggested that all creatures originally inhabited the seas. However,

although this was unproven and unscientific, it was accepted until it was

disproved by modern scientists.





While it is said that the Spontaneous Generation theory has been disproved

by modern scientists, this simply means that the early thinkers thought that

creatures developed independently in their existing forms from water, air, fire

and earth. The modern theory is that gradual evolution took place under set

conditions and creatures evolved from common ancestors.


Darwin's Theory


Darwin's theory is known as the Theory of Natural Selection. This theory is

the idea that primitive creatures had gradually changed into the species alive

today. Darwin was not the first to suggest this but his contribution was to

present evidence to prove evolution had occurred and a theory to explain how.

Evidence in support of Darwins theory comes from many branches of science.

Comparitive anatomy, physiology and biochemistry show how the structure of the

body and functions of different species are related in a progressive way.

Embryology shows that many apparently unrelated creatures go through similar

stages of embryo development. And paleontology or the study of fossils can show

how life has developed over 3,000 million years.


Before Darwin there was an idea that creatures evolved by passing on to

their offspring adaptions developed during their own lifetime. For example they

thought that a giraffe's long neck evolved because the animal's ancestors

stretched up to browse on the leaves of trees. This would elongate their necks

slightly, and this acquired characteristic would be inherited and added to by

succeeding generations.

However, it is now known that acquired characteristics cannot be inherited.


Darwin looked at the problem in another way. He noticed that individual

animals and plants are not identical, but varied (although he could not account

for the variations). Some members of a species are taller than others, some

have different colours, etc. Some variations may be beneficial to an animal and

some may be harmful.

An animal with a variation that helps it cope with its environment will have

a better chance of surviving and multiplying. Because there is a better chance

of surviving the particular traits that help it to survive will be passed on to

its offspring and the new, beneficial adaptation will eventually become

established. A harmful characteristic will be slowly eliminated.

Darwin knew that the population of any particular species remains constant,

even though they produce more offspring than will survive to maturity. From

this he deduced that most living things are engaged in a struggle for survival.

Therefore he thought those with the most favourable adaptations will have the

greatest survival - and breeding - rate. This phenomenon, commonly known as

`Survival of the Fittest', Darwin called `Natural Selection".




By `survival of the fittest' Darwin meant those with adaptations that will

give it the greatest survival and breeding rate.


He also believed chance played a role particularly in some isolated oceanic

islands. While in the Galapagos Islands, where he gained most of his insight,

he found some birds have become flightless because there are no predators to

chase them and they didn't need to use the energy flying. So they lost the use

of their wings. He thinks that if they were amongst a larger population of

animals they might have been forced to fly and wouldn't have passed on the

flightless trait.

Darwin believed in heredity but didn't know how it worked. Then an idea was

put forward that the variations that allow natural selection to take place are

due to spontaneous changes in an organism's genes, known as mutations. It is

still not known for certain whether the accumulation of small variations caused

by small mutations within a species is enough to explain the development of a

new species. Some think that many new species maybe the result of large

mutations, producing monsters. They think these will not survive when there are

major environmental changes. But they see little reason why, by chance, some

so-called `hopeful monsters' should not appear occasionally. If enough appeared

with positive advantages in the struggle for survival, evolution would be set

on a new path.

There are many additions to these speculations but it is this general belief

that life evolved from one species to another - not in an orderly progression -

like a monkey to a man, but in every direction the environment will allow.

Because the modern scientists do not really know exactly how life itself

began, and only follow theories put forward by other blind speculators, they

are now engaged in spending billions upon billions of dollars either sending

out space probes to find the origin of the universe or trying to recreate, in

their laboratories, the exact set of conditions which they think to be the

cause of life, to produce a living entity from a combination of chemicals.

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