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Looking for a tantric diksha guru in India

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Dear fellows,


After two years and half of daily intense kundalini yoga practice, i have arrived to the point of seriously needing a qualified guru.


I need to be initiated to a tantric sadhana. Shakta Tantra if possible, as it perfectly feets to my ideas and psychology.


I'm travelling to India on October, but have no clue about who or where to ask for. This is not about 'spiritual hollydays', this is for expending several years in an ashram under the guidance of a master.


If anybody knows about ashrams or at least about which are the most tantric states of india, please let me know.


Any information will be preciously appreciated.



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Dear fellows,


After two years and half of daily intense kundalini yoga practice, i have arrived to the point of seriously needing a qualified guru.


I need to be initiated to a tantric sadhana. Shakta Tantra if possible, as it perfectly feets to my ideas and psychology.


I'm travelling to India on October, but have no clue about who or where to ask for. This is not about 'spiritual hollydays', this is for expending several years in an ashram under the guidance of a master.


If anybody knows about ashrams or at least about which are the most tantric states of india, please let me know.


Any information will be preciously appreciated.





I'm sorry, I don't know of any tantric guru, however, I was wondering what are your experiences with kundalini yoga? I've been thinking about practicing this form of yoga, and would like to know more.


Also, is your "need" for a guru in anyway related to kundalini yoga?

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You will not find a real tantric who will be willing to initiate you. After 13 years in India I have rarely come across a real tantric, and the few who I have seen are in remote villages. Furthermore, they have absolutely no interest in making disciples or even letting people know they are tantrics. In addition to this, not a single one will speak English, and the majority of them are actually muslims.

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Kundalini Yoga is purifying my body and mind, has helped me to become a better man, has given me peace, happiness and a sense of spirituality.


You ask me about experiences, they are of a pranic nature, currents of prana flowing through your trunk, especially during pranayama, and sometimes when i'm in nature, a feeling of unity and universal love.


But experiences are not the goal of yoga, liberation from samsara is the goal. In any case, it's a good choice for you, practice with care and you will harvest much benefits.




If a kundalini yoga guru was not possible, a hatha yoga guru would be very welcomed.



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Kundalini Yoga is purifying my body and mind, has helped me to become a better man, has given me peace, happiness and a sense of spirituality.


You ask me about experiences, they are of a pranic nature, currents of prana flowing through your trunk, especially during pranayama, and sometimes when i'm in nature, a feeling of unity and universal love.


But experiences are not the goal of yoga, liberation from samsara is the goal. In any case, it's a good choice for you, practice with care and you will harvest much benefits.




If a kundalini yoga guru was not possible, a hatha yoga guru would be very welcomed.





did you practice under a guru or on your own? Was it dangerous? Did you get scared at all when dealing with this? After practicing kundalini yoga for the time that you have, were you more convinced of the existence of God, the soul, and the afterlife?


Sorry for so many questions.

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I personally would consider travelling to Tamil Nadu in search of a Guru. There are a number of Siddha masters even today who practice Tantra and Kundalini Yoga. Of course, they would be difficult to seek out but I guarantee you it would be worth the effort. As jndas said, they are not looking for disciples. I would concentrate on areas that have been associated with Siddhas in the past such as Palani and Kuttralam (near Pothigai mountains) close to Kerala border. There are supposed to be numerous caves in these areas where Siddhas live to this day.


Good luck in your endeavours!


Aum Namah Sivaya

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I think Tantric-Yogis are hard to seek out but they DO exist. I remember seeing one on a National geographic channel show. Maybe do some research on the internet of genuine established Shakta traditions.


Maybe you should try Yoga-Vedanta. I hear than monks of the Ramakrishna mission are diverse and teach a variety of disciplines that include Kundalini/Raja Yoga.


I'm not sure if Shaiva Siddhanta does the same but the should since they are based on the experiences of the Siddhas. Maybe contact Hinduism today magazine to point you in the right direction.

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I think Tantric-Yogis are hard to seek out but they DO exist. I remember seeing one on a National geographic channel show. Maybe do some research on the internet of genuine established Shakta traditions.


Maybe you should try Yoga-Vedanta. I hear than monks of the Ramakrishna mission are diverse and teach a variety of disciplines that include Kundalini/Raja Yoga.


I'm not sure if Shaiva Siddhanta does the same but the should since they are based on the experiences of the Siddhas. Maybe contact Hinduism today magazine to point you in the right direction.



National Geographic????? What did they have to say about tantrism and these gurus?


Was this National Geographic program in America or India?

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National Geographic????? What did they have to say about tantrism and these gurus?


Was this National Geographic program in America or India?


It was in UK, so I believe it would be shown in US. It was American made. It was a series where these two friends were touring India. In one episode they met a real Tantric guru who was saying he was not happy with the false image of Tantra being shown in the west. While there are guru's that teach 'dark' left-hand Tantra, he teaches positive Tantra. He feels that people shouldn't judge Tantra without looking at it properly. He was very well spoken and his English was good which makes me think he came from an educated background. I can find out more about him if you want?

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It was in UK, so I believe it would be shown in US. It was American made. It was a series where these two friends were touring India. In one episode they met a real Tantric guru who was saying he was not happy with the false image of Tantra being shown in the west. While there are guru's that teach 'dark' left-hand Tantra, he teaches positive Tantra. He feels that people shouldn't judge Tantra without looking at it properly. He was very well spoken and his English was good which makes me think he came from an educated background. I can find out more about him if you want?


Number 2 that would be kool if you can find more on him. This might be helpful for gartxot in his quest for a tantric guru.

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I practiced on my own.

Despite a pranayama (kapalabhati) not suitable for my prakruti (doshic body constitution) that caused me some troubles (swellings, rashes), for the moment has not been dangerous, on the contrary, has been pleasant and benevolent.

I did not scare.

After practicing i'm as convinced as before, but with much more faith.


Make all the questions you need!



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Dear gartxot


I hardly read anything about tantrik sadhana and it's imporatance on this forum.


Kundalini can be awakened by shaktipath (direct diksha by Guru), matras or hathayoga. Easiest of all is Sahaja yoga. You can experience the existence of kundalini shakthi within 1 or 2 days. visit sahajayoga.ca/Meditation/index.htm It is better if you visit your nearest center of sahaja yoga to experience kundalini and it is free.


If your kundalini is awakened, please enlighten others by telling your experiences. I have awakened my kundalini by Sahaja yoga in 2 days. Before, that I tried hatha yoga methods for 1 year but was unsuccessful. Kundalini experience is mainly the awareness and existence of connection to god in the form of energy flow on your body. In the advance stage, it can differ from person to person to reach different state of meditation.


To get the good tantrik guru one need to have enough good 'karma' to his credit. Even if one finds good guru, he does not give everything to all of his discibles but only after knowing their eligibility. Tantrik sadhana with the guidance of guru, can please gods and goddessess but it all depends upon what is your aim in life, if it is materialistic in nature.

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Dear gartxot


To find out a real Guru who may sincerely look after the disciple is a very difficult task in this world. It is quite true. But, to find out a true disciple who may sincerely follow the instructions of a Guru is indeed a very, very difficult task in this world. Have you thought over this point? Do not use your reason too much in the selection of a Guru. If you fail to get a Guru of the first-class type, try to get one who is treading the spiritual path for some years, who has right conduct and other virtuous qualities, and some knowledge of the scriptures. Just as a Sub-assistant Surgeon will be able to attend on a patient when the Civil Surgeon is not available, so also, the second-class type of Guru will be of great help to you in the absence of a first-class Guru.


Do not be hasty. Think well. Look before you leap. Mere emotion will not do in the spiritual line. It will be better for beginners to perform Nishkama Karma Yoga for three years in the world by disinterestedly serving the sick and the aged persons.


Suppose you remain as a Sannyasin, have you got the real strength of heart to face your mother when she weeps bitterly before you with a broken heart? Will you stick to this line if your father comes and threatens you? Will you be unaffected in your mind if a young lady tempts you? Will you be steady if you are affected by a disease? Are you prepared to sacrifice this body and life in the cause of Truth? Have you understood the glory and importance of Sannyasa and seclusion? Have you got an idea of the difficulties that Sannyasins have to face? Are you prepared to go from door to door and live on Bhiksha? How will you spend the whole day and night when you live in seclusion? Just decide all these points before. There is nothing so pleasant as the life of renunciation. It is best suited for quick Self-realization.

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Dear gartxot


I hardly read anything about tantrik sadhana and it's imporatance on this forum.


Kundalini can be awakened by shaktipath (direct diksha by Guru), matras or hathayoga. Easiest of all is Sahaja yoga. You can experience the existence of kundalini shakthi within 1 or 2 days. visit sahajayoga.ca/Meditation/index.htm It is better if you visit your nearest center of sahaja yoga to experience kundalini and it is free.


If your kundalini is awakened, please enlighten others by telling your experiences. I have awakened my kundalini by Sahaja yoga in 2 days. Before, that I tried hatha yoga methods for 1 year but was unsuccessful. Kundalini experience is mainly the awareness and existence of connection to god in the form of energy flow on your body. In the advance stage, it can differ from person to person to reach different state of meditation.


To get the good tantrik guru one need to have enough good 'karma' to his credit. Even if one finds good guru, he does not give everything to all of his discibles but only after knowing their eligibility. Tantrik sadhana with the guidance of guru, can please gods and goddessess but it all depends upon what is your aim in life, if it is materialistic in nature.



So your kundalini has risen? What experiences have you had? Any astral travels, or anything like that? Precognition?

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I've read in various yogi autobiographies that each person has a guru assigned to him before he is born, and when the disciple is on a spiritual path, and at a certain stage, a guru will come to him to help him through.



That actually happened to a person I know, a guru came to him saying God had spoken to tell him to accept the person as a disciple.

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