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re - GBC planning Bloodbath

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> Ajamila dasa asks - "Adri, can't you see that?"


> Ajamila's own vision has been shown to be severly lacking recently when he

> mistook my name for that of Madhusudani. AND proceeded to rebuke her

> needlessly. Only reluctantly coming to his senses after admonition from

> concerned devotees.



Was it not you who wrongly posted misleading statements about the court case

in Calcutta and when asked for verification as to the source of your

statements you failed to provide for the assembled devotees any such





No. The verification is there for all to see on the IRM site (issues 1, 2,

5, 6, 12, 13, 15, 21 & Supporting Brief For Case Against GBC)

http://come.to/irm ..... and VNN also has posted many updates. Wake-up



They would be on com but for the fact that you strongly object to the

posting of Adri's IRM newsletters.


Correct me if I am wrong but I do believe that Adri is directly involved in

the case and is thus in a position to know as to what is taking place. Also

Hari Sauri who told the initial lie ie: that Adri had withdrawn the case

etc. never verified that, rather he retracted his statement under the cover

of it being a rash statement. So Ajamila exactly who is trying to mislead

who here? The fact remains that the Calcutta court case is still very much a

live issue and no amount of deception on your part is going to change that.

If you do not believe me ask Adri, or if you do not believe Adri ask

Satadhanya. The GBC have selected this notorious pedophile to represent them

in the Calcutta High Court in defence of their illegal guru system.




At least I had the decency to admit while responding to a flurry of many

different texts I mistook Madhusudani for Madhusudana but you have not yet

admitted whether or not you deliberately posted misinformation on a pamho

conference. Until you do so we can only conclude that your main business is

to mischievously mislead devotees with disinformation.



I have no objection to posting the evidence, but if I do, are you going to

start crying again about spamming?


As stated above, it is plain for all to see that Hari Sauri & yourself are

the culprits in this saga. At least Hari Sauri having realised his mistake

had the decency to retract his lie, and hide his shame in silence.


> Perhaps Ajamila prabhu is showing more myopic tendencies in his analysis

> of Adri's post. Could it be that Adri prabhu is simply posting FARE

> warning, due to his compassion for the persons who might be goaded into

> such an attack?



Nobody in ISKCON that I know of is planning any such 'attack'. Legitimate

attempts to reclaim what has been stolen by Adri from ISKCON is an

unavoidable responsibility of the GBC.



Just how offensive can you get Ajamila?

Adri is still an official ISKCON TP so you are simply crying wolf again.

You could similarly level the same accusations against any ISKCON TP.



And I'm quite certain that the GBC are not planning to kill Vaisnavas to get

the stolen property and money back.



You may be certain, but the remarkable point of this whole scene is that no

one else is! Check for yourself, look on VNN and some of the other forums.

No one else has doubted that the GBC are capable of such gross stupidity.

History has proven this, and you are simply wasting everyones time to trying

deny this fact.



Adri's refusal to return what he is trying to steal from ISKCON



You have previously written just a mere few sentences before


....."Legitimate attempts to reclaim what *has* been stolen by Adri".....


So it is either he **has** stolen or is **trying** to steal. Either way it

is simply more evidence of your offensive mentality since you provide no

evidence to sustantiate your claims. If Adri is a thief take him to court,

Srila Prabhupada said "a thief should be punished". What are you waiting





along with his threat to kill any Vaisnavas who try to take back the stolen

property indicates that he is prepared to resort to ruthless criminal




What sort of heartless vaisnava is it who would storm one of Srila

Prabhupada's temples causing so much public embarressment to our movement

and jepordising the safety of the Dieties?


Answer. This is a misnomer Ajamila, since no vaisnava could even contemplate

such an action, since Srila Prabhupada has confirmed that a vaisnava is a

perfect gentleman. The correct word to use in this instance is *goonda*.



This is not the symptom of a Vaisnava but rather the symptom of Kamsa.

I'm afraid our worst suspicions all along have now been confirmed.

Adri Dharan and Madhu Pandit are not authorised representatives of ISKCON,

they have broken their sacred 'Oaths of allegience to ISKCON' in the

grossest and most offensive way possible thereby disqualifying themselves.



"Adri Dharan and Madhu Pandit are not authorised representatives of ISKCON"

Ajamila are you telling lies again? When did they become unauthorised?


Do the GBC not have a similar oath of allegience to ISKCON? Haven't they

broken that oath by disobeying the supreme authority in ISKCON Srila

Prabhupada? In case you are not following my thoughts here, I will spell it

out for you. Srila Prabhupada sent out an institutional directive on July

9th 1977 to all GBC's and TP's, with no order for the instruction within to

discontinue. In fact his final will signed days before his departure states

NO CHANGE. Why was HDG's instruction disobeyed, and the bogus guru nonsense

perpretated instead?



And your support of Adri being ready to kill Vaisnavas in order to retain

stolen ISKCON property and money confirms that you have nothing of any

importance to say.



Amply replied above.



> As far as the remains of Ajamils spurious attack on Adri goes, Adri is

> still a loyal member of ISKCON & Srila Prabhupada and always has been.

> Though he may not agree with Ajamila's limited perception of reality.



Srila Prabhupada defined loyalty as COOPERATION with the GBC.





Besides if the so called GBC is bogus, by disobedience to HDG, then how can

they be the Governing Body Committee for the International Society FOR

KRISHNA CONSCIOUSNESS? They are by default something completely different.



Those who don't agree with the GBC can respectfully propose their ideas but

they can't FORCE them onto the GBC in the way Adri Dharan is trying to do.

Aside from that, the entire GBC and nearly everyone in ISKCON are convinced

that Adri's new ideas about post samadhi initiations in ISKCON are nothing

but the wildest of concoctions because they have absolutely no basis

whatsoever in guru, sadhu, and satra, ISKCON's only ultimate spriritual




It seems that the ones proposing force here are the GBC, Adri is defending

himself from the aggressors.


Also HDG is the ultimate authority in his ISKCON. Who says so? The GBC say

so .....


"The GBC has been established by His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami

Prabhupada to represent Him in carrying out the responsibility of managing

the International Society for Krsna Consciousness of which He is the

Founder-Acarya and **supreme authority**. The GBC accepts as its life & soul

His divine instructions and recognises that it is completely dependent on

His mercy in all respects. **The GBC has no other function** or purpose

other than to execute the instructions so kindly given by His Divine Grace

and preserve and spread His Teachings to the world in their pure form."

(Definition of GBC, Resolution 1, GBC minutes 1975, emphasis added)


Thus if the GBC are found to have either failed to execute any instruction

given by Srila Prabhupada, or introduce anything not directly given by Srila

Prabhupada, then they would clearly be in *breach of their authority*, and

the management of ISKCON would be brought into disrepute.


When did HDG even teach us to check what he himself HAS ordered with other

so called sadhus, or sastras, to make sure his order is bona-fide. When did

any disciple do such a thing when HDG was with us pre-Nov.14th 1977? So why

such a proposal now? Are you so learned now that you can question your

guru's order on the basis of some other sadhu or sastra? If the guru is

bona-fide then what ever he orders will surely be automatically in line with

sadhu & sastra.


" Sadhu sastra guru-vakya, tinete kariya aikya. Sastra is never changed. And

the sadhu... sadhu means who follows the sastras. He is sadhu. He also does

not change. Sadhu, sastra and guru? ***Guru means who follows the sastra and

sadhu***. So there are three, the same."

(S.P. Lecture 30/11/76,Vrindavana, emphasis added)


The order of the spiritual master has not to be doubted. This simply further

confirms your offensive mentality.



If Adri thinks that his interpretation of guru, sadhu, and sastra is right

and that everyone else in ISKCON is wrong -- afterall, everyone is entitled

to his opinion.



Well Ajamila it has been known before that "everyone else in ISKCON is

wrong", flashback to the "good old" zonal acary days.


Until Srila Prabhupada's Final Order is implimented in his society there

will undoubtedly be many more instances of "everyone else in ISKCON" being

wrong. So please do not be surprised when the inevitable arrives.



-- then the GENTLEMANLY thing to do, indeed the Vaisnava

thing to do is RESIGN and then go and do your own thing rather than steel

Srila Prabhupada's property and money and threaten to kill Vaisnavas.



As stated previously Ajamila if what you claim is true you will have NO

PROBLEM solving all this through the proper channels ie: the judicial



If you are simply causing more disturbance again, then the laws of karma are

waiting for you with open arms.



Madhusudana, if you call that loyalty then perhaps a few fools will believe

you but certainly not any sensible devotees.



Ajamila, a lot of so called "sensible" devotees were avidly promoting

Jayatirtha then Bhagavan as being "good as God" and they fooled plenty. I

seem to remember you as being one of them. You are still playing the same

foolish game today not having learned from your past mistakes. How much

longer are you going to continue with this pretense?


btw Ajamila, just in case you have lost your glasses this time, and

therefore did not see the following post from Adri. I'll re-post it just to

make sure.....


"Zonal acharya supporters such as Ajamila and Hari Sauri are always behind a

violent solution since they can not debate using philosophy and reason.

Indeed on the recent CHAKRA debate, Ajamila chickened out saying he had 'no

more time', yet he finds plenty of time to write messages supporting mob

rule such as this one.


*****We challenge him to continue the debate on CHAKRA******


instead of wishing that we simply get crushed through violence."




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"Madhusudana (das) GKG (New York, NY - USA)" wrote:


> > Ajamila dasa asks - "Adri, can't you see that?"

> >

> > Ajamila's own vision has been shown to be severly lacking recently when he

> > mistook my name for that of Madhusudani. AND proceeded to rebuke her

> > needlessly. Only reluctantly coming to his senses after admonition from

> > concerned devotees.


During which time you were conspicious by your absense in that you never came

forward to point out it was your post and not Madhusudhani's. That showed,

IMHO, a real lack of gentlemanly conduct.

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|Madhusudana.GKG (AT) pamho (DOT) net [Madhusudana.GKG (AT) pamho (DOT) net]

|re - GBC planning Bloodbath


|The GBC have selected this notorious pedophile to represent them in the

Calcutta High |Court in defence of their illegal guru system.


As a matter of accuracy, the Office of Child Protection ruled that ISKCON

could no longer accept Satadhanya's service in this regard. My understanding

is that this provision has been complied with.


Your servant,

Sri Rama das


[srirama.acbsp (AT) pamho (DOT) net], or

[sriramadas (AT) home (DOT) com] < Please note new address.


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>>The GBC have selected this notorious pedophile to represent them in the

>>Calcutta High |Court in defence of their illegal guru system.


Sri Rama das wrote in reply to the above: ...

As a matter of accuracy, the Office of Child Protection ruled that ISKCON

could no longer accept Satadhanya's service in this regard. My understanding

is that this provision has been complied with.


Your servant,

Sri Rama das




Sri Rama prabhu:


I have checked your claim (as above) with Adri who is directly involved with

this case and has access to all the legal documents. I'm sorry to say that

your point of accuracy is being disputed. Nothing has changed since my

previous post on Satadhanya's position re-The case IRM V GBC in the Calcutta

high court.


btw. It will not be the first time that the Office of Child Protection's

ruling has been ignored. (See IRM newsletters 19-21 for details of the

Dhanudhara Swami fiasco. http://come.to/irm)


Below is Adri's reply.


1) The fact is that his name is the only name that appears as **power of

attorney** in the GBC's reply to a CURRENT active and live case.


2) They may argue that he may not be active **TODAY** - but the case still


Yes TODAY - he only (is still) OFFICIALLY involved in the case in the manner

stated above. (ie: power of attorney)




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> "Madhusudana (das) GKG (New York, NY - USA)" wrote:


> > > Ajamila dasa asks - "Adri, can't you see that?"

> > >

> > > Ajamila's own vision has been shown to be severly lacking recently

> > > when he mistook my name for that of Madhusudani. AND proceeded to

> > > rebuke her needlessly. Only reluctantly coming to his senses after

> > > admonition from concerned devotees.


> During which time you were conspicious by your absense in that you never

> came forward to point out it was your post and not Madhusudhani's. That

> showed, IMHO, a real lack of gentlemanly conduct.


This is the point and it would certainly be proper and well in order if

Madhusudana apologised or explained why he remained silent when his

contraversial posting was being called into question.





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Ajamila wrote:

This is the point and it would certainly be proper and well in order if

Madhusudana apologised or explained why he remained silent when his

contraversial posting was being called into question.




Ajamila you are simply 'clutching at straws' here.


To be perfectly honest though, you have a tendency for clowning around and

as such I was finding your ineptitude rather amusing. Rather like the

Prabhupada disciples re-union in 1996 in London, when you were obviously

feeling rather bored and wanting to draw attention to yourself. So our

intrepid clown Ajamila decided to perform an acrobatic display. The problem

was it was in a small English back yard already overcrowded with guests. Of

course it was a matter of seconds before our clown crashed into Partha's

back causing him much pain. Partha prabhu was shocked and showed some

restraint from retaliating, perhaps this was because the program was being

filmed. (Just to show how the *'senior'* devotees behave during satsang).

So in sum I took it to be another of your 5 star top quality clown


Does this answer your question or do you wish to know more?


Surely the more appropriate questions should be .... Ajamila why were you

so slow in realising what mother Madhusudani was obviously trying to tell

you? & For future reference can you kindly tell us how many times (and by

how many devotees) do you require admonishment before you realise that you

are mistaken?


Thanks for your consideration of these questions.



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"Madhusudana (das) GKG (New York, NY - USA)" wrote:


> Ajamila wrote:

> This is the point and it would certainly be proper and well in order if

> Madhusudana apologised or explained why he remained silent when his

> contraversial posting was being called into question.


> Reply

> Ajamila you are simply 'clutching at straws' here.


> To be perfectly honest though, you have a tendency for clowning around and

> as such I was finding your ineptitude rather amusing.


Madhu- if you are going to cast aspersions than be prepared - the Universe is

a mirror.


Your silence while Madhusudhani was being chastised for what you did was the

cowardly act of the politically motivated. As such, you have earned

admittance to my list of those whom I disrespect.


I don't know what motive you have coming onto the VAD conference and doing all

this agitating, but it is being counterproductive to whatever aim you have in

mind. Please cease and desist. I have for long taken a fairly neutral stance

towards the rittviks, but you are alienating me with your boorish behavior.

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Pamho, agtSP


May I ask who is Mark Middle Mountain?


Y.s. Hariballabha dd


> Your silence while Madhusudhani was being chastised for what you did was

> the cowardly act of the politically motivated. As such, you have earned

> admittance to my list of those whom I disrespect.


> I don't know what motive you have coming onto the VAD conference and doing

> all this agitating, but it is being counterproductive to whatever aim you

> have in mind. Please cease and desist. I have for long taken a fairly

> neutral stance towards the rittviks, but you are alienating me with your

> boorish behavior.

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This is Madhava Gosh. Are my messages only coming with Mark? I wonder why.


I get my COM messages forwarded to my regular e mail account and just hit reply

like I always have. Something must have changed.


Guess I will have to sign my posts.




"Hariballabha (dd) (Berlin - D)" wrote:


> Pamho, agtSP


> May I ask who is Mark Middle Mountain?


> Y.s. Hariballabha dd


> > Your silence while Madhusudhani was being chastised for what you did was

> > the cowardly act of the politically motivated. As such, you have earned

> > admittance to my list of those whom I disrespect.

> >

> > I don't know what motive you have coming onto the VAD conference and doing

> > all this agitating, but it is being counterproductive to whatever aim you

> > have in mind. Please cease and desist. I have for long taken a fairly

> > neutral stance towards the rittviks, but you are alienating me with your

> > boorish behavior.

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> Mark.

> Madhu- if you are going to cast aspersions than be prepared -


> MD

> Prepared for what exactly? Strange how you fail to object to the multitude

> of aspersions cast by Ajamila in Adri's direction & aimed at me also. If you

> are honest, politically unmotivated, equipoised, neutral as you claim.


I don't recall making that claim.


> Then

> surely you could spare a word or two of objection towards Ajamila also. The

> fact that you haven't done so, proves that you are another, unfortunate

> nonsense.



Check the archives. I did object. So there is an objective error on your




> Mark.

> the Universe is a mirror.


> MD

> And the moon is made of green cheese?


Oops, sorry I didn't use the devotee jargon you are conditioned to

understand. On the wheel of samsara if you do something you get an equal and

opposite karmic reaction. Hence, the Universe is a mirror. Not having been


the moon, I won't comment on it's composition.




> Mark

> Your silence while Madhusudhani was being chastised for what you did was the

> cowardly act of the politically motivated. As such, you have earned

> admittance to my list of those whom I disrespect.


> MD

> Fame at last, I've made it onto Mark's list, whatever next I wonder?


See below.


> If you

> were aware of what went on, and you also remained silent, how can you be

> innocent while I am guilty?


Good point, but as I did respond, not relevant to me.


> Is this this another example of your neutrality?

> Besides mother Madhusudani is far from being a helpless Draupadi and in my

> humble opinion she is perfectly capable of looking afer herself on these

> forums, and due to her superior intelligence, she is in fact more than

> capable of defeating Ajamila.


Her capability is not at issue. Your allowing her to unnecessarily stay in a

awkward poistion is. And who says Draupadi was helpless? I don't get that

from her history.




> Mark

> I don't know what motive you have coming onto the VAD conference and doing

> all this agitating, but it is being counterproductive to whatever aim you

> have in mind.


> MD

> I came onto the VAD conference (you also have a short memory) because I

> caught Hari Sauri misrepresenting some facts about the IRM vs GBC court case

> in the Calcutta High Court to Mother Madhusudani. Btw you have contradicted

> yourself by saying ....

> a) you do not know my motive. Then you say

> b)it is being counterproductive to whatever aim you have in mind.

> Can you explain how you can know b) without knowing a)?


To you? Perhaps not. To a reasonable man, as follows:

a. has to do with content b.) has to do with form. If someone were to barge

into my home without knocking and shove the contents of my desktop onto the

floor, no what how attractive the item he then places there nor how

competitively priced it is, I will probably not buy it. Whatever aim you are

trying to accomplish is obscured by your methodology.




> Mark

> Please cease and desist.


> MD

> No problem, I shall comply with your wish, now try not to worry about it.


I may not be the one who needs to worry.




> Mark

> I have for long taken a fairly neutral stance towards the rittviks,


> MD

> Now that's another prize piece of nonsense Mark! There is NO SUCH THING as a

> neutral stance on this issue. Either you accept Srila Prabhupada's Final

> Order on initiations OR you don't. You are living in a bubble of illusion

> Mark, thinking otherwise.



That black and white simplistic thinking, that demanding tone that the


you think is the most important must also be important to me is another example

of egocentric off putting behavior.



> Mark

> but you are alienating me with your boorish behavior.


> MD

> Can you be so kind as to detail the boorish behavior which you are refering

> to? So sorry, we cann't please everyone now can we?


You certainly got that right.




> I suspect Kamsa was also rather upset when Krishna killed all the demons

> that Kamsa sent to kill Krishna. I'm sure Krishna never lost any sleep over

> the fact that he was disturbing Kamsa with his 'boorish' behavior by killing

> all the demons.


> ALL Glories To Srila Prabhupada!


> ysmd


Make a thinly veiled death threat and then invoke the name of Srila Prabhupada.

You real know how to win friends and influence people. As for your threat,


Universe is a mirror.


93 St.Mark's Place. Do you sleep there? Nice straw hat you wear on book


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