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I may once again offer this essay

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A comment on Akhilesvara's post:

>I wrote the following essay, "Reflection on Sex Life," in the early 90's. I

>then gave it to Jayadvaita Swami for his opinion. His reaction surprised me

>-- he became so furious that he started shouting at me in disapproval. I

>knew that the topic was controversial, but not to that extent. Other

>devotees also read the article and they too rejected my analysis. What

>astonished me the most was that they were objecting to something I had

>never proposed -- changing Srila Prabhupada's instructions on sex life and

>initiation. Or perhaps they feared negative consequences to my ideas? You



Krishna clearly explains in Bhagavad-gita that aversion (rejection) is

simply the opposite side of the coin of attachment.


In the 9th Canto there are the following verses (SB9.10.35-38):

"When Lord Bharata understood that Lord Ramacandra was returning to the

capital, Ayodhya, He immediately took upon His own head Lord Ramacandra’s

wooden shoes and came out from His camp at Nandigrama. Lord Bharata was

accompanied by ministers, priests and other respectable citizens, by

professional musicians vibrating pleasing musical sounds, and by learned

brahmanas loudly chanting Vedic hymns. Following in the procession were

chariots drawn by beautiful horses with harnesses of golden rope. These

chariots were decorated by flags with golden embroidery and by other flags

of various sizes and patterns. There were soldiers bedecked with golden

armor, servants bearing betel nut, and many well-known and beautiful

prostitutes. Many servants followed on foot, bearing an umbrella, whisks,

different grades of precious jewels, and other paraphernalia befitting a

royal reception. Accompanied in this way, Lord Bharata, His heart softened

in ecstasy and His eyes full of tears, approached Lord Ramacandra and fell

at His lotus feet with great ecstatic love."


Kindly note that in this royal procession: "There were soldiers bedecked

with golden armor, servants bearing betel nut, and many well-known and

beautiful prostitutes."


Here Srila Prabhupada informs us that the prostitutes were not only

beautiful, but that they were "well-known." In addition, they walked in the

same procession as the "learned brahmanas." They were situated behind the

soldiers and ahead of the servants carrying chamaras, umbrellas, jewels etc,

meant for worship of Lord Rama.


It is interesting to note that in the Treta-yuga (one million years ago) the

prostitutes were "well-known" meaning that they didn't have to hide in

shame, nor were they demonized. Why? Because they were devotees of Lord



Similarly, at the time of Lord Krishna in Dwaraka (only 5,000 years ago) we

also read that the prostitutes were accepted as devotees and came out with

the others to welcome Lord Krishna in public gatherings. They were not

looked down upon or demonized.


Most interesting is that Sukadeva Goswami describes these incidents in the

assembly of sages (most of them celibate monks, including Sukadeva himself)

at the time of the passing of Pariksit Maharaja.


What is clear from the Bhagavatam is that prostitutes were not sneered at or

demonized. This is the point: Devotees of the Lord are never demonized!

This is Vedic culture. ISKCON is supposed to represent Vedic culture.


How do we reconcile the views of Vedic culture and that of Jayadvaita Swami

and other modern-day leaders of ISKCON? They present themselves as the

bastions of Vedic culture and understanding, yet their views are

diametrically opposed, in this regard, to the standard of Vedic culture.


>The message I got from them was that everyone should live like renounced

>mendicants, even if married. Our philosophy argued for the sannyasi ideal.

>Family life is acceptable on one level, but ultimately it is Maya.


Again, ISKCON leaders have a differing view from the previous acharyas! When

Chota Haridas, a sannyasi, glanced at a woman, Lord Chaitanya rejected him.

On the other hand, when Lord Chaitanya inquired form Sivananda Sen about his

family, and Sivananda said that his wife was pregnant with another child,

the Lord was HAPPY to hear this and gave His blessings.


Obviously, sex life in grhastha ashram brings blessings from the Lord, and

sex life in the sannyasa ashram brings rejection.


Jayadvaita Swami's different view on sex life than what was actually

acceptable in Vedic culture clearly illustrates what is wrong with ISKCON's

culture now, and why we are having so many problems at the leadership level

that still remain unresolved.


My belief is that every problem could have easily been resolved with

compassionate understanding. Due to that lack of compassionate

understanding, our children, our women, our grhastha couples, and even some

of our godbrothers have been sorely neglected, and even demonized.


We may ask why this lack of compassion exists amongst devotees who follow

the process and regularly chant Hare Krishna mantra on beads? My opinion is


1. Their own self-interest eclipses the interest of both Krishna and


2. Due to this self-interest, they commit Vaishnava aparadha, sometimes

unknowingly, sometimes uncaringly.


I come to this conclusion from my own experience and the experience of

others. I don't claim this to be the gospel truth, but at least it is

present to some extent.


We should note that due to Prabhupada's compassion, he did not look down at

us although many of us who came to him were woman hunters or prostitutes. If

the present leadership had even a fraction of Prabhupada's compassion, I

beleive ISKCON would be more favorably accepted by the public. Less

self-interest, greater public acceptance.


Would Jayadvaita Swami or any ISKCON leader kindly give their views on this



yours in service, vaiyasaki dasa...

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