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Letter PAMHO:4467338 (40 lines)

Yajna Purusa (das) IDS (Kansas City - USA)

09-Jul-01 13:20 -0700

Mahat-tattva (das) (Los Angeles, CA - USA) [2386]

Reference: Text PAMHO:4466731 by Mahat-tattva (das) (Los Angeles, CA - USA)



Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada.


Dear Prabhu,


Thank you for wonderful story,I just want to tell that the same Radha-kunda

boy lives now in Kansas City.He lived near Radha Kunda for seven years,then

came back to America.It's a pity but he didn't get initiation from Srila

Prabhupada,even he had been met Prabhupada for several times.

Anyway,now he is a devotee of Krsna,he is like congregational member and

visits temple constantly,and helps for temple devotees by performing various



Your servant Yajna Purusa Das


> Prabhupada learned one day that one of his disciples had left the company

> of the ISKCON devotees to live among the babajis at Radha-kunda.

> Prabhupada became angry and sent for the boy to come immediately. When the

> boy arrived, Prabhupada went out to see him. Dressed in only a dhoti,

> Prabhupada spoke sternly to his disciple, saying that the monkeys of

> Vrndavana also live simply but are interested only in eating and sex.

> "Don't become a monkey!" Prabhupada said, trembling as he spoke. "Why

> don't you come and live with me?"

> The boy replied, "The babajis have given me some facility to chant."

> "You come with me!" Prabhupada exclaimed. "I will give you facility. But

> don't become a monkey." The boy surrendered before Prabhupada's

> compassionate concern.


> Prabhupada heard from his disciples living in Vrndavana that some of the

> local gosvamis had a complaint about him. They had read an article

> published in Back to Godhead and considered it insulting. The article,

> written by Prabhupada's disciple Hayagriva, contained a statement that

> gosvamis in Vrndavana who misbehaved would become hogs and monkeys in

> Vrndavana in their next life. Prabhupada replied that the statement was

> accurate. The article, he said, had not specifically referred to the

> present gosvamis but to any gosvami who lived sinfully in Vrndavana. This

> was not merely an opinion but was the authoritative conclusion of the

> original gosvamis of Vrndavana.



> >>> Ref. VedaBase => SPL 43: Beginning the Temple of Krsna-Balarama

(Text PAMHO:4467338) ------


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