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Some strange situation in life....Pl advice ...All is not correct 22/5

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Hi Tatvama-asi,

  i agree with what u said esp the last para that is why I hinted remedies, it is sure

tough  time ahead. and nothing in this world happens if it is not destined our  karma from past lives and this life do challange us and we need to get  better of it is the vedic cultural teachings, when we add or  emess  to it rather than reduce it we see current questions of  help crises, depresion, deceipt, divorce, diseases, distruction, debts  etc.


  and rarely u get the picture from a disspassionate or honest side of  any individual most appear or pretend as victims when trhier part is  also there, no smoke without fire is a fact.


  here the 6th house itself is clear to state many of the above D's.



  and I am no expert in remedies of the fast track but can lead him to one.


Tatvamasi <om_tatsat_om > wrote:        My dear learned friends,

  I just cast the chart of Avinash and read his small


  Something was nagging me at the back of my head that

  all what Avinash says is not full. Some thing is


  I cast a prasna and found some more missing colours

  from the picture. what my feeling is, even Avinash is

  at fault. His karma as per HP Theory R4 position shows

  Sani Ketu in 10th, Sun Mercury in 12th , neecha Guru

  in 5th and Sukra in Lagna clearly indicate why his

  wife left him.I want to ask him if he had , himself

  any thing to do to achieve this divorce?


  Avinash is clearly suffering from KARMA PEEDA.


  Sade sati or no sade sati... next five years are going

  to be a rough ride for him. In Budha Sani, living away

  from it all will bring back samblence of some

  purposeful life in faraway place.



  --- Prashant Kumar G B <gbp_kumar > wrote:


  > Dear PG,



  > no problem at all inn Avinas' case sin't it. facts r

  > otherwise


  >   when Sani is associated with Rahi or ketu and

  > native is tested and tried like the old add on 7

  > O'CLOCK blades in 70's

  >   melted in fire & cooled on ice...!



  >   Keu in 6th and 10th the most trusted will betray

  > the person in fact  even if u wanr them they will

  > dismiss this and probaly even if the  trusted one

  > tellls him that he may cheat it will be ignored in

  > blind  faith.


  >   U must see real cases to say more, I've seen them

  > happen. not bookis knowledge.

  >   and the story avinash said is in line with it.

  > here Sade sat adds to it  as I said idi nto give one

  > factor alon e and also said as lagna lord  sani will

  > lessen theheat but the flames are there.



  > Prafulla Gang <ripra_solutions > wrote:   

  >    Will not shani / ketu in 6th give fighting

  > abiities against obstacles.

  >    Obstacles are always there in any chart, it is

  > important to see, if

  >   these can be resolved. Yes, shani / ketu will give

  > enough energy /

  >   blessings to meet with.


  >   regards / Prafulla


  >   , Prashant

  > Kumar G B

  >   <gbp_kumar> wrote:

  >   >

  >   > Hi Avinash,

  >   >  

  >   >   U r running Budha-Sani from 12-8-05 to 21-4-08

  > , here Sani is in

  >   6th  the house of debts, rivals, litigations,

  > sufferigns, natures fury

  >   or  law and order isues. and sani is with Ketu

  > some conspiracies will

  >   also  be there

  >   >   this is follwed by Ketu dasa itself

  >   >   ketu-ketu is a more delicate perod for 4M 27

  > days here too some

  >   precautuns are needed wil cover it at that time.

  >   >  

  >   >   right now the picture in next yr 10-1 to

  > 1-3--07 some set backs to

  >   father and his circles on health, finance are not

  > ruled out.

  >   >  

  >   >   But as the period Budha-Sani is of the

  > Lagnadahipati will not make

  >   it  too bad but will show you ways out of the

  > crisis so be hopeful.

  >   that  there is some solutuon in the darkest times

  > also to your problems.

  >   >  

  >   >  

  >   >  

  >   >   Your Sade-sat  has led you to several bad

  > incidents from the past

  >   5 yrs and there is another 2 1/2 hrs to go

  >   >  

  >   >    actually the last 2 1/2 and next  2 1/2 are

  > bad than

  >   >  

  >   >    the ist part of 2 1/2 of the total period

  >   >  

  >   >   remedies like prayers to Sani an Shiva can

  > help you if u want

  >   quick,  more relief and prepared to spend I can

  > ask a friend to give

  >   you some  remedial solutions this can cost you

  > some sum if u r ready

  >   let me know.  AS I am no into it. I have followed

  > the route that like

  >   disases to take  time to come and medicines like

  > wise take time to

  >   heal, prayers are one  best slutuon for our

  > ailments which are

  >   diseases of the past and  current life, for faster

  > anti-biotics like

  >   solutuons

  >   >   there r options and expnesive like anti

  > biotics.

  >   >  

  >   >   if u need ant0biotics route mail me direct to

  > the mail id

  >   >   gbp_kuma, res t u can mail here in group.

  > which i prefer

  >   >  

  >   >  

  >   >  

  >   >  

  >   >  

  >   >

  >   > samyakmedia <samyakmedia> wrote:       

  >   >   >

  >   >   > I would like to provide dates for last 5-6

  > years.

  >   >   >

  >   >   > 7th Jan 2000 I resigned from my good govt

  > job to start business.

  >   >   > 7th Feb 2001 I started my own software

  > business (meanwhile I worked

  >   >   > with one of my friend's company)

  >   >   > In year 2001-2002 I made good business.

  >   >   > On 5th June 2001 my cousin brother who was

  > working with me passed

  >   >   > away at the age of 23in an accident.

  >   >   > On 8th Nov 2001 my own elder brother passed

  > away of mental

  >   >   > disturbance an heart problem. He was very

  > intelligent and guiding

  >   >   > figure for me.

  >   >   > Financial year 2002-2003 went good.

  >   >   > On 6th Feb 2003 I got married

  >   >   > On 6th Mar 2003 my wife left house forever.

  >   >   > On 6th March 2004 I asked for divorce.

  >   >   > On 29th Sept 2004 Legally we were divorced

  >   >   > On 10th June 2004 a girl working for me

  > filed a case against me of

  >   >   > kidnapping. We were in relationship for

  > almost one year. She

  >   >   provided

  >   >   > me moral support when I was disturbed

  > because of my marriage

  >   >   failure.

  >   >   > She repeatedly assured me of marrying me.

  > But for unknown reason

  >   >   > cheated.

  >   >   > On 20 th Dec 2004 the case was over with the

  > girl pleading of

  >   >   filing

  >   >   > a case out of misunderstanding.

  >   >   > Meanwhile some of my influencial rich

  > friends got in contact with

  >   >   the

  >   >   > girl and developed relationship with her.

  > They atarted to harass me

  >   >   > to please her.

  >   >   > Psychologically I was so broken that my

  > business totally collapsed.

  >   >   I

  >   >   > tried to commit suicide. I had to sell my

  > parental house, property

  >   >   in

  >   >   > 2005 to meet the outstandings.

  >   >   > These influncial friends virtually win over

  > all my friends and

  >   >   > colleagues by luring them some or other

  > benefits. And to add to my

  >   >   > anguish this girl was happily roaming around

  > with them. (most of

  >   >   them

  >   >   > married with  children). Suddenly it took

  > shape of well

  >   >   orchestrated

  >   >   > conspiracy.

  >   >   > Now wherever I try to find any opportunity

  > these people try to

  >   >   snatch

  >   >   > it away from me.

  >   >   > Though psychologically I am totally settled

  > and have absolutely

  >   >   > forgiven even those who harass me for no

  > reason, there is no trace

  >   >   of

  >   >   > money coming to me. I have wonderful

  > opportunities and despite the

  >   >   > given situation I am confident that I can do

  > well, but I am

  >   >   troubled

  >   >   > by the group of people and they literally

  > take away opportunities

  >   >   > from me. These people are very close to me

  > and I considered them as

  >   >   > brothers. Just because of the girl sleeping

  > with them, they have

  >   >   > changed totally.

  >   >   >

  >   >   > In this situation how shall I proceed.

  >   >   > I am full of confidence. I have opportunity

  > to travel abroad for

  >   >   job.

  >   >   > I have opportunity of good business in India

  > itself. I have gone

  >   >   into

  >   >   > one contract and if the same works out well,

  > it generates good

  >   >   > business.


  === message truncated ===





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Learned Astrologers,


I certainly suport the view that its my karma.

The decisions, actions and reactions all. I never disown anything. I

do acknowledge counterparts role too. Believe me I was called most

cultured person by people around.

But frankly speaking, I am stunned by the widespread conspiracy that

has engulfed and tried to destroy me totally.

Whenever I tried to stick to truth, people brought things like caste,

monetary status etc. in the way.

Now these are the things which had no full control of me.

I wonder even I was in a reconcilliatory mode and literally saintly

in forgiving the miscreants, I continued to suffer.

Hence I posted here.


I repeat, I own the responsibilty of my karma. But only thing is most

of the times things and events are instigated at someone's behest and

I just become gunea pig. And the instigators are people very near to

me who were like my brothers.


Even in the bad times I tried to rise up but could not beacuse all my

efforts were made to turn futile. Now I have an opportunity to leave

the environment completely and give next try.


I am not at all frustrated and continue to hold more enthusiasm, but

I am tired of same politics around me and doublespeak.


I thank you all for participating in the forum and would always be

ready for any advice from you. Thanks.






, Prashant Kumar G B

<gbp_kumar> wrote:


> Hi Tatvama-asi,

>   i agree with what u said esp the last para that is why I hinted

remedies, it is sure

> tough  time ahead. and nothing in this world happens if it is not

destined our  karma from past lives and this life do challange us and

we need to get  better of it is the vedic cultural teachings, when we

add or  emess  to it rather than reduce it we see current questions

of  help crises, depresion, deceipt, divorce, diseases, distruction,

debts  etc.


>   and rarely u get the picture from a disspassionate or honest side

of  any individual most appear or pretend as victims when trhier part

is  also there, no smoke without fire is a fact.


>   here the 6th house itself is clear to state many of the above D's.



WORK. and can start a fresh chapter.

>   and I am no expert in remedies of the fast track but can lead him

to one.


> Tatvamasi <om_tatsat_om> wrote:        My dear learned friends,

>   I just cast the chart of Avinash and read his small

>   bigraphy.

>   Something was nagging me at the back of my head that

>   all what Avinash says is not full. Some thing is

>   missing.

>   I cast a prasna and found some more missing colours

>   from the picture. what my feeling is, even Avinash is

>   at fault. His karma as per HP Theory R4 position shows

>   Sani Ketu in 10th, Sun Mercury in 12th , neecha Guru

>   in 5th and Sukra in Lagna clearly indicate why his

>   wife left him.I want to ask him if he had , himself

>   any thing to do to achieve this divorce?


>   Avinash is clearly suffering from KARMA PEEDA.


>   Sade sati or no sade sati... next five years are going

>   to be a rough ride for him. In Budha Sani, living away

>   from it all will bring back samblence of some

>   purposeful life in faraway place.



>   --- Prashant Kumar G B <gbp_kumar> wrote:


>   > Dear PG,

>   >  


>   > no problem at all inn Avinas' case sin't it. facts r

>   > otherwise

>   >  

>   >   when Sani is associated with Rahi or ketu and

>   > native is tested and tried like the old add on 7

>   > O'CLOCK blades in 70's

>   >   melted in fire & cooled on ice...!

>   >

>   >  

>   >   Keu in 6th and 10th the most trusted will betray

>   > the person in fact  even if u wanr them they will

>   > dismiss this and probaly even if the  trusted one

>   > tellls him that he may cheat it will be ignored in

>   > blind  faith.

>   >  

>   >   U must see real cases to say more, I've seen them

>   > happen. not bookis knowledge.

>   >   and the story avinash said is in line with it.

>   > here Sade sat adds to it  as I said idi nto give one

>   > factor alon e and also said as lagna lord  sani will

>   > lessen theheat but the flames are there.

>   >  

>   >  

>   > Prafulla Gang <ripra_solutions> wrote:   

>   >    Will not shani / ketu in 6th give fighting

>   > abiities against obstacles.

>   >    Obstacles are always there in any chart, it is

>   > important to see, if

>   >   these can be resolved. Yes, shani / ketu will give

>   > enough energy /

>   >   blessings to meet with.

>   >  

>   >   regards / Prafulla

>   >  

>   >   , Prashant

>   > Kumar G B

>   >   <gbp_kumar@> wrote:

>   >   >

>   >   > Hi Avinash,

>   >   >  

>   >   >   U r running Budha-Sani from 12-8-05 to 21-4-08

>   > , here Sani is in

>   >   6th  the house of debts, rivals, litigations,

>   > sufferigns, natures fury

>   >   or  law and order isues. and sani is with Ketu

>   > some conspiracies will

>   >   also  be there

>   >   >   this is follwed by Ketu dasa itself

>   >   >   ketu-ketu is a more delicate perod for 4M 27

>   > days here too some

>   >   precautuns are needed wil cover it at that time.

>   >   >  

>   >   >   right now the picture in next yr 10-1 to

>   > 1-3--07 some set backs to

>   >   father and his circles on health, finance are not

>   > ruled out.

>   >   >  

>   >   >   But as the period Budha-Sani is of the

>   > Lagnadahipati will not make

>   >   it  too bad but will show you ways out of the

>   > crisis so be hopeful.

>   >   that  there is some solutuon in the darkest times

>   > also to your problems.

>   >   >  

>   >   >  

>   >   >  

>   >   >   Your Sade-sat  has led you to several bad

>   > incidents from the past

>   >   5 yrs and there is another 2 1/2 hrs to go

>   >   >  

>   >   >    actually the last 2 1/2 and next  2 1/2 are

>   > bad than

>   >   >  

>   >   >    the ist part of 2 1/2 of the total period

>   >   >  

>   >   >   remedies like prayers to Sani an Shiva can

>   > help you if u want

>   >   quick,  more relief and prepared to spend I can

>   > ask a friend to give

>   >   you some  remedial solutions this can cost you

>   > some sum if u r ready

>   >   let me know.  AS I am no into it. I have followed

>   > the route that like

>   >   disases to take  time to come and medicines like

>   > wise take time to

>   >   heal, prayers are one  best slutuon for our

>   > ailments which are

>   >   diseases of the past and  current life, for faster

>   > anti-biotics like

>   >   solutuons

>   >   >   there r options and expnesive like anti

>   > biotics.

>   >   >  

>   >   >   if u need ant0biotics route mail me direct to

>   > the mail id

>   >   >   gbp_kuma@, res t u can mail here in group.

>   > which i prefer

>   >   >  

>   >   >  

>   >   >  

>   >   >  

>   >   >  

>   >   >

>   >   > samyakmedia <samyakmedia@> wrote:       

>   >   >   >

>   >   >   > I would like to provide dates for last 5-6

>   > years.

>   >   >   >

>   >   >   > 7th Jan 2000 I resigned from my good govt

>   > job to start business.

>   >   >   > 7th Feb 2001 I started my own software

>   > business (meanwhile I worked

>   >   >   > with one of my friend's company)

>   >   >   > In year 2001-2002 I made good business.

>   >   >   > On 5th June 2001 my cousin brother who was

>   > working with me passed

>   >   >   > away at the age of 23in an accident.

>   >   >   > On 8th Nov 2001 my own elder brother passed

>   > away of mental

>   >   >   > disturbance an heart problem. He was very

>   > intelligent and guiding

>   >   >   > figure for me.

>   >   >   > Financial year 2002-2003 went good.

>   >   >   > On 6th Feb 2003 I got married

>   >   >   > On 6th Mar 2003 my wife left house forever.

>   >   >   > On 6th March 2004 I asked for divorce.

>   >   >   > On 29th Sept 2004 Legally we were divorced

>   >   >   > On 10th June 2004 a girl working for me

>   > filed a case against me of

>   >   >   > kidnapping. We were in relationship for

>   > almost one year. She

>   >   >   provided

>   >   >   > me moral support when I was disturbed

>   > because of my marriage

>   >   >   failure.

>   >   >   > She repeatedly assured me of marrying me.

>   > But for unknown reason

>   >   >   > cheated.

>   >   >   > On 20 th Dec 2004 the case was over with the

>   > girl pleading of

>   >   >   filing

>   >   >   > a case out of misunderstanding.

>   >   >   > Meanwhile some of my influencial rich

>   > friends got in contact with

>   >   >   the

>   >   >   > girl and developed relationship with her.

>   > They atarted to harass me

>   >   >   > to please her.

>   >   >   > Psychologically I was so broken that my

>   > business totally collapsed.

>   >   >   I

>   >   >   > tried to commit suicide. I had to sell my

>   > parental house, property

>   >   >   in

>   >   >   > 2005 to meet the outstandings.

>   >   >   > These influncial friends virtually win over

>   > all my friends and

>   >   >   > colleagues by luring them some or other

>   > benefits. And to add to my

>   >   >   > anguish this girl was happily roaming around

>   > with them. (most of

>   >   >   them

>   >   >   > married with  children). Suddenly it took

>   > shape of well

>   >   >   orchestrated

>   >   >   > conspiracy.

>   >   >   > Now wherever I try to find any opportunity

>   > these people try to

>   >   >   snatch

>   >   >   > it away from me.

>   >   >   > Though psychologically I am totally settled

>   > and have absolutely

>   >   >   > forgiven even those who harass me for no

>   > reason, there is no trace

>   >   >   of

>   >   >   > money coming to me. I have wonderful

>   > opportunities and despite the

>   >   >   > given situation I am confident that I can do

>   > well, but I am

>   >   >   troubled

>   >   >   > by the group of people and they literally

>   > take away opportunities

>   >   >   > from me. These people are very close to me

>   > and I considered them as

>   >   >   > brothers. Just because of the girl sleeping

>   > with them, they have

>   >   >   > changed totally.

>   >   >   >

>   >   >   > In this situation how shall I proceed.

>   >   >   > I am full of confidence. I have opportunity

>   > to travel abroad for

>   >   >   job.

>   >   >   > I have opportunity of good business in India

>   > itself. I have gone

>   >   >   into

>   >   >   > one contract and if the same works out well,

>   > it generates good

>   >   >   > business.

>   >

>   === message truncated ===





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