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Benefits of Fasting

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Happy Aparā Ekādashi (fast, 11th day of the dark half of the month of Vaisākh) to all those who observe it today!


What does everyone think about the practice of fasting? The Gita says that fasting is indeed a form of tapas which results in good karma/merit. Although the goal for all jivas is to become karma-yogis, fasting does indeed help purify both the body, by allowing the body to cleanse itself without any ingestion, and the mind, by keeping the intrinsic qualities of food items from polluting the mind.


Maybe someone with a little more knowledge on food's effects on the inner faculties of the mind can help explain the benefits of fasting?





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This is interesting as I have been fasting for a few days. These haven't been complete fasts, just fast till evening, then a light dinner. I have found that anxieties/disturbances of the mind diminish. Not sure, perhaps it is due to lack of energy, but that physical breaking helps to quell the agitation of the mind. I think a consistent fasting regimine would be beneficial for health of body and mind.

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Fasting is good but we should know when to fast. Fasting according to our own whims and fancies is in the mode of passion which is nothing but inflicting suffering to the body. This is a sin.


The sriptures guide us in carrying out proper fasting. It is recommended that one should fast on Ekadasi days. This day comes twice every month. Refer to Vaishnava calandar of your area for details of the dates. Ekadasi is glorified as most auspicious day of the month. The primary goal of this day is to increase one's devotional service. In order to do it, one cuts down on the time one spends on his food and other activities. One tries to devote the entire day in service to Krishna. By fasting according to our own body capacity a kind of mellow may be felt which is conducive for experiencing devotional bliss.

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