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I've taken initiation from... What does that mean?

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<CENTER>Receiving Instruction from Lord Caitanya</CENTER>







In the Introduction to "Bhagavad-gita As It Is" we find a list of the complete disciplic succession of the Brahma Madhva Gaudiya Sampradaya, beginning with Lord Sri Krsna, up to and including the current Sampradaya Acarya, His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Srila Prabhupada.



Evam parampara-praptam imam rajarsayo viduh


This Bhagavad-gita As It Is is received


through this disciplic succession:</CENTER>




      1. Krsna

      2. Brahma

      3. Narada

      4. Vyasa

      5. Madhva

      6. Padmanabha

      7. Nrhari

      8. Madhava

      9. Aksobhya

      10. Jaya Tirtha

      11. Jnanasindhu

      12. Dayanidhi

      13. Vidyanidhi

      14. Rajendra

      15. Jayadharma

      16. Purusottama

      17. Brahmanya Tirtha

      18. Vyasa Tirtha

      19. Laksmipati

      20. Madhavendra Puri

      21. Isvara Puri, (Nityananda, Advaita)

      22. Lord Caitanya

      23. Rupa, (Svarupa, Sanatana)

      24. Raghunatha, Jiva

      25. Krsnadasa

      26. Narottama

      27. Visvanatha

      28. (Baladeva) Jagannatha

      29. Bhaktivinoda

      30. Gaurakisora

      31. Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati

      32. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada


  1. c.gif
    Bhaktivedanta Book Trust. HDG A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Srila Prabhupada.


    The name of our sampradaya -- Brahma-Madhva-Gaudiya-sampradaya - suggests three distinct phases, or links in the disciplic chain. The disciplic succession begins with Lord Brahma, who first spoke the absolute truth into the cosmic creation after receiving it in his heart directly from Lord Krsna. Lord Brahma was the spiritual master of Narada Muni, and Narada passed the teachings on to Vyasadev.

    The second phase is marked after Vyasadev with Sripada Madhvacarya, who took his birth at Udupi somewhere between the years of A.D. 1119 and A.D. 1239. While the chronological gap between the manifestations of Sri Vyasadev and Madhvacarya is long, as Srila Prabhupada wrote in a letter to Dayananda (12-04-68): "Regarding parampara system, there is nothing to wonder for big gaps. We have to pick up the prominent acarya and follow from him."



Sri Madhvacarya claimed to be a direct disciple of Vyasa, from whom he directly received the Vedanta. Their relationship is not stated to be one of initiation, and in fact, Madhva is described as having taking initiation from the Sankara line. From his base in Udipi, he went on to establish what continues today as a strict system of succession.



The third phase of the succession is marked by the appearance of Lord Caitanya in Gauda-desa, Bengal. Lord Caitanya took birth in Navadvipa, Bengal in the year A.D. 1407. Lord Caitanya did not formally initiate anyone, and it is stated by Sanatana Goswami that, as an incarnation, he would not personally do so.



Prior to Lord Caitanya's appearance Madhavendra Puri appeared, and he initiated several of Caitanya's associates, including Sri Advaita and Nityananda prabhu. Madhavendra Puri also initiated Lord Caitanya's own guru, Isvara Puri. As stated in Caitanya-caritamrta, Madyam lila 4:197, Sri Madhavendra Puri introduced the conception of conjugal love for the first time in the Madhvacarya-sampradaya, and this conclusion was later revealed by Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu.


Following Lord Caitanya, the modern age of the Gaudiya Sampradaya was marked by the appearance of Srila Bhaktivinode Thakur, who took birth in A.D. 1838 in the Nadia District of West Bengal. Following Srila Bhaktivinode in the disciplic succession is his son, Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati, who appeared in 1874 in Puri. Srila Bhaktisiddhanta took initiation from Gaurakisora das Babaji. Srila Bhaktisiddhanta became the spiritual master of A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada, the most recent Sampradaya Acarya, who appeared in 1896 in Calcutta.



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While the chronological gap between the manifestations of Sri Vyasadev and Madhvacarya is long, as Srila Prabhupada wrote in a letter to Dayananda (12-04-68): "Regarding parampara system, there is nothing to wonder for big gaps. We have to pick up the prominent acarya and follow from him."
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There are no gaps. Veda Vyasa is still here, narada Muni did not die on another planet with his vina, and the last time I looked, Lord Brahma is still a young 40 + (in his years). Dont worry about the gaps because if one tries to understand the cosmology of all things, they wil give up, like einstein, and say "all glories to God". If Vyasadeva was inspired to approach Madhavacarya, this inspiration is Guru Tattwa, the realm of Lord Sesa Balarama, who does the inspirin. Does this sound strange, that the guru approaches the disciple? But, revisionism aside, this is guru tattwa, this is the meaning of the descending path as opposed to ascendence. Srila Prabhupada appeared to us westerners, he has approached us. Become sincere about reciprocating the love God has for us, and the spiritual master will approach us, just as Srila Vyasadeva left his hermitage to hook up Srila Madhavacarya, just as Srila Narada Muni always materializes for the likes of the five year old Dhruva (the determined one) maharaja.


Looking for gurus is so worthless endeavor. My search for a guru brought me meher baba, and he refused to speak until he got run over by a truck. Some god, eh? Not by the grace of me I get guru, God (Sesa Balarama) gives me guru, then I get God from whom He has sent (sounds christian, dont it?)


Hare Krsna, ys, mahaksadasa

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Definetly a lot of truth to what you just said Mahak in my opinion. I tried all those ascending paths and all they do is get you frustrated then once you get thouroughly frustrated then a copy of Bhagavad Gita practically falls right into your lap.




There are no gaps. Veda Vyasa is still here, narada Muni did not die on another planet with his vina, and the last time I looked, Lord Brahma is still a young 40 + (in his years). Dont worry about the gaps because if one tries to understand the cosmology of all things, they wil give up, like einstein, and say "all glories to God". If Vyasadeva was inspired to approach Madhavacarya, this inspiration is Guru Tattwa, the realm of Lord Sesa Balarama, who does the inspirin. Does this sound strange, that the guru approaches the disciple? But, revisionism aside, this is guru tattwa, this is the meaning of the descending path as opposed to ascendence. Srila Prabhupada appeared to us westerners, he has approached us. Become sincere about reciprocating the love God has for us, and the spiritual master will approach us, just as Srila Vyasadeva left his hermitage to hook up Srila Madhavacarya, just as Srila Narada Muni always materializes for the likes of the five year old Dhruva (the determined one) maharaja.


Looking for gurus is so worthless endeavor. My search for a guru brought me meher baba, and he refused to speak until he got run over by a truck. Some god, eh? Not by the grace of me I get guru, God (Sesa Balarama) gives me guru, then I get God from whom He has sent (sounds christian, dont it?)


Hare Krsna, ys, mahaksadasa

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  • 8 months later...

Could Suta Gosvami's name not easily and properly be placed in the gap between Vyasadeva and Madhva? (by gap I am obviously refering to 'in historical time').


Suta Gosvami was a hearer of the conversation between Sukadeva and Pariksit. He then passed it on and it has come down to us.


Who among the other sages present also heard correctly and passed it on thus spreading Bhagavat Parampara in outher directions we can't say.


There is no humanly possible way of our tracing the movement of the Bhagavat parampara. That would be like our noting every possible drop of rain that fell to earth. An impossible task therefore we tale note of such outstanding accumulation as rivers and floods etc. Similarily we are told to note the prominent links. We line them up in a chronological order to make it simpler for our minds to trace.


But we must remember that not every bone fide Krsna conscious teacher is on that list and that does not mean they are not genuine and potent also.


All respects to the previous links known and unknown who have helped send the transcendental truth of Krsna consciousness down in time to us.

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What do you mean by Sampradaya Acarya brajeshwara? I know of one devotee who uses this term on his web site to refer to Srila Prabhupada but I have never really understood it or heard it elsewhere.



Srila Bhaktisiddhanta became the spiritual master of A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada, the most recent Sampradaya Acarya, who appeared in 1896 in Calcutta.


I just mean there isn't just one Acarya that represents our sampradaya. Srila Swami Maharaj Prabhupada was not necessarily the most recent, but a branch.

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I just mean there isn't just one Acarya that represents our sampradaya. Srila Swami Maharaj Prabhupada was not necessarily the most recent, but a branch.


I agree. A tree grows in many directions all at once with it's branches extending out from many different points along the tree trunk. The branches bear fruit. I may receive the fruit from one branch on this side of the tree and you may receive fruit from a branch on the other side but the fruit will be the same. It will be natural that we will feel gratitude primarily to the branch which has nourished us but we must remain cognizant of the unity of all the branches and that the tree is one.


Smaller branches may go unseen by the majority but the fruit from them will be just as sweet as that from the large branches.

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