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Dear prabhus, Please accept my obeisances. Jaya Srila Prabhupada.


Are you in need of some entertainment for one of your upcoming festivals?


I could perform the songs of my latest CD SOUL TIME if you want.


The total performance last about fifty minutes, but can be shortened.


For more info please write to: parividha.acbsp (AT) pamho (DOT) net



Reviews of performances in England, Belgium and Spain:


Many years ago the great grandfather of our movement, Srila

Bhaktivinode Thakura, used to take the popular songs of the day and

substitute devotional lyrics. By linking music that was already popular with

glorification of Krishna, he succeeded in introducing pure sankirtan to many

thousands of souls. Knowing that the mission of Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu

would ultimately reach every town and village in the entire world, he

predicted that in the future the Vaishnavas of many countries would praise

Krishna in their own unique words and musical style.

Parividha prabhu's singing combines both Bhaktivinode Thakura's

songwriting tactic and his prediction and is therefore not only

authorised as pure sankirtan but a fulfilment of our acarya's prophecy.

While singing in the English language may be regarded as a curious

novelty by some devotees - and a dangerous challenge to the linguistic

purity of our sampradaya to others - it should be remembered that to get

people singing about Krishna is our entire business. (Srila Prabhupada

seemed to be most encouraging to George Harrison in this regard)

Parividha prabhu succeeds in his songs in the same way as he

succeeds in his musical dramas. He is always faithful to Srila Prabhupada's

words and intentions. He succeeds in capturing the teachings, moods and

sentiments of the pure Vaishnavas while at the same time preserving the

popular music and style.

Parividha das is always a consummate Vaishnava in his dealings with

others and a professional showman when on stage. He acts and sings as if

it were his divine service offering to Krishna, as sacred as his puja on

the altar, which indeed it is. His live renditions of these songs

conveys such depth of feeling that audiences have been moved to tears

with one song, and collapsed with laughter during another.

Try to get hold of the CD and try to see a live performance if you can.


Kripamoya das (ACBSP)


I thought the performance was EXCELLENT! -- I especially liked the

snappy, danceable songs. Music, voice, stage presence, humorous intros,

etc. everything was great.


Mahadyuti das (ACBSP)


Trained in acting and singing, Parividha captured and held my

attention with his technical skills. Since Krishna is the ability in man, I

listened knowing that Krishna gave the song writers their ability.


Tattvavit das (ACBSP)


By 'Krishna-izing' famous Broadway musical lyrics, Parividha Prabhu

expertly and sensitively brings us a fresh and enlivening dimension of

Krishna conscious 'cultural conquest'. Every devotee with a sense for the

devotionally sublime interpretation of West Side Story, Les Miserables, and

even Cabaret, will relish the mix.


Krsna-ksetra das (ACBSP)


Humour, nostalgia, intense enthusiasm for devotional service, great

hope and inspiration - it's all there in this lively, well-sequenced

performance of Parividha prabhu. Don't miss it! It's a must!


Jaya Bhadra d.d. (ACBSP)


Just wanted to say, you were great on Saturday - loved it and

loved you - you were born to be a song and dance man in a dhoti.


Yaduvendu das (ACBSP)


Although I've seen most of Parividha's work, of which I'm very fond

of, he surprised me again by dressing successful musical songs from the

material world into a Krishna conscious coat. It was nectar to the ears to

hear those beautiful melodies with lyrics that actually make sense.


Marutvati d.d. (ACBSP)


In an original one-man-show, Parividha prabhu is boldly expressing

himself as an individual devotee gifted with artistic professionalism,

heart-moving feelings, and devotional realizations. I felt proud of him.


Gopaswami das (ACBSP)


The performance had a winning combination of feeling and

professionalism. As a trained actor, dancer and singer, Parividha Prabhu's

vocal range and tone precision were impressive, and his body movements full

of expression and coordination. The lyrics were clever, touching on a range

of topics. The audience experienced it as a festival of swinging devotional

moods such as laughter, sadness, grief, wonder, excitement, and celebration.


Sri Phralada das (HDG) Gurukula alumni


Once the lights had dimmed, I sat awed as the New Vrajamandala

auditorium transformed into a transcendental Broadway show... By the end of

the performance I felt enthused and grateful that the Lord has sent us such

empowered dramatic artists to help enlighten and transform our lives.


Samba das (SDG)


For forty five minutes I was spell bound by the sublime presentation

of Parividha prabhu. Straight from the heart, full of varied emotions and

presented in a professional way, which gave me goose bumps several times.


Ekacakragram das (LOK) Belgium


I really appreciated the artistic skills, his sensitivity and

especially his devotion to the Lord and to Srila Prabhupada.


Guru Charan das (TKG) Italy


Fun! Entertaining! Parividha is certainly a 'Master of Ceremonies'


Sita Rama das (SRS) England


Although familiar with his abilities, to see Parividha prabhu

performing with so much empathy was for me another confirmation of his

professionalism. His lyrics, beautiful and deep, are full of emotion and

devotion. They sometimes make you laugh, while at other times you find

yourself crying. It is definitely a must to see this performance!


Hara Prana d.d. (RNS) Belgium


You don't have to be a musical fanatic to be able to appreciate

these famous songs. Especially the way these well known melodies have been

transformed into little journeys, travelling through experiences one can

relate to in a wonderful and magical way, and presented in a sometimes

dramatic and sometimes humorous way. I was touched by a variety of emotions,

tears and laughter, smiles and shivers. Only a gifted actor can turn you

from one emotion into the other knowing exactly when to use subtlety or not.

If I could capture it in one word or expression it would be similar to this

one professional dish we all know: SIMPLY WONDERFUL...!!


Raja Vidya das (Holland)


What I appreciated the most in his performance was his ability in

keeping all the audience attentively "float" on the waves produced by the

different variety of emotions of his lyrics. A very professional

contribution to the development of the cultural identity of our movement.


Anubhava das (Italy)


The performance was great! Because of his dedication, seriousness,

jolly mood, beautiful voice and his desire of pleasing the devotees I

enjoyed it from the beginning to the end.


Maha Laxmi d.d. (Spain)


I normally don't like when musicians Krishna-ize something, because

it tends to bring the consciousness back to those (maya) days, but because

he is such a good actor and singer I enjoyed the show very much.


Caitanya Candra das (Denmark)


I watched the performance and was completely transfixed. The

beautiful lyrics cover a large range of vaishnava emotions which Parividha

prabhu manages to match perfectly with the music he had chosen, as if the

music actually was written for this sole purpose.


Iravati d.d. (Holland)


The lyrics are composed with such sensitivity. Each one was

spiritually uplifting. They really touched my heart.


Puspa Gopal dasi (Spain)


Culture is a very valuable asset in our society and as time

progresses we become more conscious of it. Parividha Prabhu, as a marvellous

and expert advocate, combined the different elements of cabaret, comedy and

theatre into vaishnava context. Without the adding of Krishna by a genuine

vaishnava, all the culture in this world are just like pieces of broken

glass. Through the matchless gift of Parividha Prabhu we are able to enjoy

the real gem of entertainment, which fills our hearts with love and devotion

for the Lord. His presentation is delightful and a feast for the soul.


Mangala maya das (Germany)


Parividha Prabhu's performance was astounding. Highly professional,

original and entertaining. It touched my heart. I experienced the songs as

an ode to life as a devotee in ISKCON, with all its beauty and ugliness, its

hopes and horrors, and its sorrows and ecstasies.


Vasudeva das (KKS) Holland


It was more than some real nice transcendental entertainment, as it

gave an opportunity to understand the feelings of devotees who go through

certain trials. It is a contribution in our attempts to deal honestly with

our feelings rather than to ignore or deny them.


Janmastami das (LOK) Belgium


His presentation was so nice to see. It was really touching.

It's again a proof of how Krishna consciousness can be applied in every way.


Tarunyamrita devi dasi Belgium


This performance will be a source of inspiration for everyone.

His enthousiasm and devotion won't leave you uneffected. Bliss for everyone!


Vijaya sakhe das Belgium


Despite the fact that I am not a great fan of musicals,

I got excited and impressed by the lyrics and Parividha's performance.

His enthusiasm excited us all, I could not feel the time passing.

It was a great opportunity to attend a real professional performance.


Tal Avital


Reviews CD:


Soul Time is undoubtedly one of the greatest contributions to the

culture of the 21st century. The CD lifts one's soul to the transcendental

abode of the Lord. This most attractive presentation is practical proof that

in Goloka Vrndavana every word is a song, even if the melodies originated in

the material world. Simply nectar!


Kesidamana das (ACBSP) Vrindavan


I have your CD and I love it! Your recordings are of a very good

production that requires work and talent.


Havi das (ACBSP)


Thanks for your latest CD with those great classics. I heard that

you'd performed at the Conway Hall and it was a smash hit! We were

listening to it at Raslila's birthday party, everyone was singing along in

stitches laughing. Well done!!! You brought a little more happiness into

our lives.


Sakhyarasa Prema das (JPS) U.K.

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