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the glories of Vrindavan

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Vrindavana-mahimamrita Shataka



By Sri Prabodhananda Saraswati |


Translation by Kushakrata Dasa

Shataka One

1. Meditating on the lotus feet of Sri Sri Radha-Muralimanohara, placing

myself at the dust of Lord Caitanya's feet, and respectfully offering


to the great devotees of the Lord, who are so many oceans of transcendental

virtue. I shall now happily begin to praise the transcendental opulences of Sri



2. I am not strong enough to go to the far shore of the great nectar ocean of

Vrindavan's glories. Who can go there? However, because I love Vrindavan I

will now dip into that ocean. I pray that this endeavour may become successful

and bring an auspicious result.

3. O Sri Vrindavan, please reveal in my heart Your wonderful transcendental

form full of the most confidential spiritual knowledge and bliss. Embarrassed

to describe the highest nectar, the Upanishads only say "not this, not this".

Where are you described.

4, Day and night I glorify Vrindavan, which is filled with the wonder of Sri

Sri Radha and Krishna's pastimes, the wonder of the greatest sweetness, the

ultimate nectar of Lord Hari, the sweetest, most beautiful auspiciousness and a


flood of virtues Ananta-sesa, Siva, and a host of others cannot cross.

5 Think of Vrindavan with love. Roll in its dust. Love it ardently. Please

its moving and non moving residents. Worship Sri Radha's birthplace. With all

your heart take shelter of Sri Vrindavan, the best of all holy places.

6. If the Vedanta does not directly describe Vrindavan, why should that

matter to me? If the faulty logicians, who are like serpents living the Vedic

literatures, ignore Vrindavan, why should I care? If even the devotees of the


do not understand the glories of Vrindavan, how does that affect me? Even if

my heart were pierced by thousands of thunderbolts, I would not leave


7. I meditate on Vrindavan, where the cuckoos sing the fifth note, the flute

plays splendid melodies, peacocks sing and dance, vines and trees bloom,

splendid and charming forests are wonderful with many birds and deer, and there


many splendid lakes, streams and hills.

8 The transcendental, subtle, expansive Brahman effulgence, which is the

secondary cause of material creation, is last. Before it is Vaikuntha, then

Dvaraka, then Krishna's birthplace, Mathura, then Krishna's Vrindavan, the


of the surabhi cows, and first is the place in Vrindavan forest where the gopis


enjoyed pastimes, it

9 Radha's grove, which fills us with wonder and which is the form of the

highest purest love, which maddens everyone there, is splendidly manifest.

10. Wonderfully flooded with handsomeness, intelligence, and mutual love, Sri

Sri Radha-Krishna, eternally enjoy passionate amorous pastimes in the company

of Their friends there.

11 Srila Vrindavan is perfect in every way. blind fools say there are genuine

defects there. Oh! Oh! I pray that I may not see these fools at the moment of

my death! Are they not the object of everyone's laughter.

12 After attaining the platform of Brahman happiness by performing severe

austerities, the personified Upanishads worshipped the Personality of Godhead

without any reservation, and thus obtained His mercy. By the mercy of the Lord

they were able to become surabhi cows in the land of vraja and enjoy the direct


association of Sri Krishna, and by constantly grazing on the grass of

Vrindavan, they become filled with the nectarean taste of the topmost mellows

of pure

devotional love for the lotus feet of Sri Sri Radha-Krishna.

13 If someone relates to me the faults of one of the moving or non-moving

residents of Vrindavan, then how is his action different from cutting me with

hundreds of sharpened swords, arrows and other weapons? The residents of

Vrindavan are all as dear to the Personality of Godhead as His own life. If one

is a

little bit inimical to even a blade of grass in Vrindavan, then who will be

able to rescue him from the horrible hell that awaits him? When will that



14 May my eyes become overwhelmed with ecstasy by seeing the nectar waves of

Vrindavan's beauty. May my intelligence drown in the nectar ocean of

Vrindavan's glories. May my body become agitated by the swiftly moving currents


ecstatic bliss and thus roll about on the ground of Vrindavan. Falling down

like a

stick, may I offer my respectful obeisances to all the residents of Vrindavan.

15 May the land of Srila Vrindavan where Subala and the other wonderful

cowherd boys, who are all dear friends of Sri Krishna, play, where Lalita and


other splendidly beautiful young gopis, who are all filled with love for

Srimati Radharani, enjoy transcendental bliss, and where Sri Sri Radha-Krishna

thirst to enjoy wonderful transcendental amorous pastimes day and night, become


manifest in my heart.

16 To drink: the freely flowing streams are filled with clear sweet water as

nectar. To eat: the dried leaves from the trees are foods as palatable as one

could desire. The warm breezes are just as one would have them. To reside:

there are clean mountain caves and other suitable residences. Alas! Alas! How

unfortunate I would be if I wished to leave Vrindavan!

17 Vrindavan is like the incomparable essence of the ocean of pure love of

Krishna, or it is like the sweetest island-bracelet decorating that ocean of

love, I pray this land of Vrindavan, which the great sages experience sweet as

nectar, give me shelter until the moment I leave this body.

18 I meditate on wonderful Vrindavan, where there are millions of lakes,

ponds, and wells, all filled with water as sweet as transcendental nectar,


there are many gardens filled with blossoming transcendental flowers and fruits


and unlimited wonderful trees and vines, where there are numberless

transcendental deer and other animals who move here and there, and where there

are many

beautiful transcendental groves.

19. Whose heart would not be enchanted by Vrindavan where Sri

Radhika-Madanamohana enjoy many pastimes, where there are many trees and

flowering vines,

where the ground is paved with jewels, and where the birds, deer and other

animals are all maddened with transcendental bliss?

20. I have seen Vrindavan plunged into an ocean of sweetness by the amorous

pastimes of two persons more splendid than gold and sapphires and more glorious


than millions of Ratis and Kamadevas.

21 The materialists, who are strongly attached to the objects of sense

gratification, the ascetics, who cannot tolerate even a glimpse of sense


the earnestly endeavouring yogis, the impersonalists, whose minds are merged

in Brahman happiness, and the devotees whose minds have entered the lotus

flower of Lord Govinda's feet, are all enchanted by the transcendental

qualities of

Sri Vrindavan.

22 If one studies the Upanishads for a long time he will not obtain even an

atomic particle of transcendental sweetness as a result of his study. On the

other hand, simply by residing in Vrindavan one will become quickly drowned in


great ocean of transcendental nectar. May that supreme abode of Sri Vrindavan

become manifest within my heart.

23 When, patiently tolerating hundreds of kicks, millions of insults, and the

constant onslaught of hunger, thirst, cold, heat and hundreds of other

sufferings, penniless, agitated, shedding a great shower of tears, and calling


the names of Sri Sri Radha-Krishna in a piteous voice, will I wander in this

land of Vrindavan?

24 Today or tomorrow this worthless material body will leave me and all the

material happiness connected with it will also leave. Because material

happiness is temporary, it should be understood to be only a mirage of the real


happiness. O my mind, please abandon this false happiness and enjoy the real,

eternal happiness of devotional service within the land of Vrindavan.

25. How important are the most powerful earthly kings for us? How important

are all the demigods and sages? How important are countless material opulences,


which come and go like the scenery in a dream? How important are even the

liberated devotees in the spiritual realm of Vaikuntha, for those of us who


made residing in Vrindavan our only goal of life?

26 May Sri Vrindavan, which grants auspiciousness and bliss to all, and which

is deeply loved by two or three great souls, become the mother and

protectress of blind me.

27 May I love Vrindavan, where at the base of a kadamba tree on the cool

shore of the Yamuna a dark complexioned, amorous, divine youth dressed in


garments plays a flute as He glances at Radha's lotus face.

28. What is the use of the highest royal pleasures? What is the use of

perfecting the yoga-system and travelling to the upper planets? What is the use


the great variety of material endeavours to attain useless ends? These things

are insignificant in comparison to residence in Vrindavan. Simply by living in

Vrindavan I will one day hear the sweet sound of Krishna's flute, which brings

the ultimate bliss.

29 My body may be decorated with beautiful garments and ornaments, or it may

burn with terrible disease. I may be praised, or defamed with millions of

words. I may become the master of all wealth, or I may be reduced to abject

poverty. I may be free from all suffering, or I may be a living corpse.

Whatever my

condition, I shall always take shelter of the transcendental land of Sri

Vrindavan, the source of all bliss.

30 You may experience either happiness or distress. You may know fame or

infamy. The lowest persons may insult you, or the saintly devotees praise you.


may know poverty or great wealth. You may obtain all valuable things, or you

may not obtain anything. Whatever position your past pious or impious deeds

may place you in, just make Vrindavan your life and soul.

31 Flee from the witch of female companionship, uproot all desires for

material enjoyment, accept whatever destiny provides for your bodily


and reside in Sri Vrindavan.

32 Don't do anything! Don't say anything! Forget everything you've seen!

Remember the fair and dark divine couple that pains Kamadeva, flee the common

people and go to transcendental Vrindavan!

33 He who gives up the company of ordinary people, keeps no servants or

followers, agitated with a desire to serve Sri Sri Radha-Krishna, constantly


tears, his hands placed on his cheeks and lives in Vrindavan, is the most

fortunate of all persons.

34 If you desire to easily get vast wealth, a beautiful wife, good children,

a palatial home and the other opulences that don't come in this world without

a struggle, and if you desire krishna-bhakti, which carries liberation in the

palm of her hand, then simply reside in the spiritual realm named Vrindavan.

35 O friend, please control your mind and senses and go and live in

Vrindavan, which is a mine of nectar, and which is so glorious that even

millions of

books by the greatest poets and philosophers cannot describe a single ray of

light from the host of the jewels of its virtues.

36 All glories to Sri Vrindavan which, with single particle of its glory,

which cannot be understood even by Lakshmi, Siva, Brahma, and all the leaders


the demigods, makes numberless kamadhenu cows, kalpa-vrksa trees, and

cintamani gems appear insignificant.

37 If Vrindavan, whose great splendour eclipses the shining of millions of

suns, moons, fires and lighting flashes, once shines in the heart, then the

desire for wealth and a host of material benefits will not enter.

38 May blissful, spiritual, wonderful Vrindavan which with its charming

groves where Sri Sri Radhika-Muralimohana enjoy pastimes, milks the ocean of

nectar, destroy my sins.

39 May faultless Vrindavan, which transforms sinners into saints, protect me,

who stands outside all religious duties, and dry up the multitude of my

terrible sins.

40 With great devotion Brahma and the demigods glorify and the Supreme

Personality of Godhead nullifies the karma of a glorious person who because of


past pious deeds has obtained Vrindavan as a guest residing in his eyes.

41 When, filled with eternal transcendental bliss, will I reside in

Vrindavan, the most exalted moving and non-moving creatures, and the nectar

treasury of

pure devotional service to Sri-Radhika-ramana?

42 Sri Krishna, whose heart is supremely splendid and magnanimous, eternally

resides in the supremely purifying, glorious and limitless land of Vrindavan,

capitol city of the most wonderful nectar.

43 They who somehow or other remain up to the moment of death here in

Vrindavan, which with its splendour bathes all moving and non-moving creatures

in an

ocean of bliss, are at the head of all great vaisnavas.

44 May Vrindavan, filled with a host of pure spiritual virtues, and glorified

by the greatest sages and philosophers, with her wonderful power and mercy

transform sinful animals like me into servants of her feet.

45 Oh, look at Vrindavan, so beautiful with many blissful, splendid groves of

kalpa-vrksa trees, with many parrots and other birds intoxicated by singing

Vedic hymns glorifying Krishna, with many deer so pleasing to Krishna, with

splendid transcendental lakes, ponds and streams, all filled with water sweet


nectar, and with mountains of valuable jewels.

46 Is this the wonder of the Supreme Personality of Godhead's opulence? Is

this the wonderful sweetness of the shoreless nectar ocean of transcendental

bliss? Is this the seed of many splendid kalpa-vrksa forests? Is this


the glorious and wonderful transformation of pure love for Krishna?

47 Where do all people automatically and effortlessly obtain pure ecstatic

love for Krishna? Where does the Supreme Personality of Godhead manifest His

supremely wonderful pastime form? Where is the empire of the bliss o devotional


service to Krishna's lotus feet manifest? O brother, listen I will tell you a

secret. All this is present here in Vrindavan.

48 O brother, please reside under the trees of Vrindavan, and from time to

time enter the villages to beg alms. Drink as much Yamuna water as you like.

Dress in some rejected pieces of cloth. Consider others' praise of you the most


bitter poison, and their disrespect sweet as nectar. Serve Sri Sri

Radha-Muralidhara, and never leave this land of Vrindavan.

49 The great Vedic scholars cannot obtain even a glimpse of the wonderful and

splendid transcendental essence of the nectarean ocean o the bliss of pure

Krishna consciousness. O brother, now that you have entered the difficult to

attain land of Vrindavan which fulfils all desires, why have you allowed


to come the spell of petty materialism, and why do you allow yourself to

constantly roam about with entering the realm of pure love of Krishna?

They who have gone to the farther shore of the Vedas cannot glimpse the

wonderful and splendid nectar of the ocean of the Krishna bliss. Oh, now that


have entered difficult to attain Vrindavan, which fulfils all desires, why do

you wander about, charmed by the witch of petty desires?

50 Brother, do you know for certain when you will die? Do you think the

maha-mantra you will check powerful death? Do you think that death will


wait and allow you to die at the time you prescribe? Is it for these reasons

that again and again you fearlessly leave Vrindavan?

51 Unaware that Vrindavan bestows the gift of pure devotional service to Lord

Govinda's lotus feet, fools do not aspire to live there. The tormented fools

will not dive into the nectar ocean of intense bliss there.

52 Don't be afraid, thinking it disobedient to the Vedas! Don't consider the

arguments of your elders! Don't enter the realm of ordinary duties! Don't run

about to maintain your poor family! Don't become bound by love and compassion!

O friend, run to Vrindavan!

53 They who are very unfortunate will not take shelter of Vrindavan, where

the wonderfully handsome fair and dark divine couple eternally enjoy amorous

pastimes and plunge Their friends into the great nectar of intense bliss.

54 All the Supreme Personality of Godhead's happiness does not equal an atom

of the gopis happiness when their eyes plunge in the ocean of Radha's lover's

pastimes. if someone aspires to attain this incomparable good fortune, he

should let his body perish in the spiritual realm named Vrindavan.

55 All glories to Vrindavan, the place of Krishna's amorous pastimes which

holds a krishna-nectar-treasure the Vedas cannot attain, and which maddens with


passion a dark youth that longs for the young gopis merciful glances and has

become Radha's pet deer.

56 I pray that as I reside in Vrindavan I may consider with equal vision

severe poverty and great wealth, great happiness and intense suffering, great


and infamy, a jewel and a clod of earth, and my greatest friend and bitterest


57 Vrindavan is wonderful. The two sweet fair and dark splendours named Radha

and Krishna are wonderful. Pure love for Their lotus feet is wonderful. He

who has faith in Them and rises to the spiritual world is wonderful. The rare

soul who understands these truths is wonderful.

58 Friend, don't try to be popular. Treat the senses roughly. Break the love

of this world. Don't be attached to wife, children, friends and relatives.

Friend, desiring to stay until the body perishes, reside in Vrindavan.

59 Always hearing and chanting Sri Sri Radha-Madhava's glories, describing

them to others, reflecting on them with your equals, again and again decorating


the forest groves, and great love making you ignore the material body. O

friend, please reside in Vrindavan.

60 Although the opulences of liberation clutch his feet, he runs to hell.

After obtaining a cintamani jewel, he throws it in the ocean. After making the

Supreme Personality of Godhead his submissive servant, he becomes the lowest

dog. Such is a person who, after attaining Vrindavan, again leaves.

61 I pray that I may engage in the service of the moving and non-moving

residents of Vrindavan. What are Brahma and the other demigods in comparison to


them? The residents of Vrindavan are more glorious. They are very dear to


king . Their forms are eternal, spiritual and full of nectar. Their glories

are limitless. They are the root that sprouts into the bliss of the Upanishads.

62 What is this wonderful thing? I don't know. The crowns of the Vedas

lovingly glorify it. Krishna eternally serves it. it is the source of the


nectar of love. Is it a creation of the most wonderful nectar of intense bliss,


or is it the purifying land of Vrindavan.

63 If people criticise me, what is that? If I become the poorest of the poor,

barely able to make out a living for my family, what is that? If all

calamities befall me, what is that? If I do not serve the Supreme Personality


Godhead, what is that? I will patiently remain in Sri Vrindavan. My greatest


will be fulfilled.

64 Dressed in a kaupina and kantha, living by eating fruit fallen from the

trees, not speaking useless words, not passing the time in useless deeds,

abandoning all pride, going to each house to beg a little alms, and following


for whom Sri Radhika is their entire life, I will live in Vrindavan.

65 Thinking of all women as mother, thinking all moving and non-moving living

entities worshipable, thinking all material opulences valueless things that

wither the face and the heart, not thinking myself the owner of my material

body, wife, wealth, and sons and thinking my enemies are friends, may I, even


the greatest suffering, remain always cheerful at heart in the unlimitedly

blissful land of Vrindavan.

66 Impersonal liberation is bitter, the objects of the senses shine like a

fearful hell, sense pleasures are great flames of virulent poison, all great

demigods are insects, and yogic powers are mirages, now that my heart is

intoxicated by tasting the sweet nectar of Vrindavan.

67 If you leave Vrindavan, if you leave this forest of kalpa-vrksa trees and

go to another forest, if you stop talking about the nectar of Vrindavan and

take pleasure in other talks, then, knowingly throwing away the sweetest


you desire to eat dog-stool.

68 Sinful or pious, infamous or famous, wealthy or so poor a morsel of food

is hard to get, incomparably dull or a great treasury of knowledge, friend,

don't count these things. Somehow see Vrindavan, and with the help of the words


of guru and sastra, cut, cut the ropes of material illusion.

69 To body, home, wife, and possessions don't uselessly think "I" and "mine".

With help from the guru's words cut the shackles of illusion. Go at once to

Vrindavan, the beginning of the kingdom of bliss. Live there on fruit and other


simple food, and always remember the pastimes of Vrindavan's king.

70 Don't, don't harbour illusions about your body, home and everything else!

Know that death will thwart all your plans! O friend, run, run! To Sri

Vrindavan don't make your heart harder than a thunderbolt.

71 O fool, give up everything and run to Vrindavan, the kalpa-vrksa grove of

pure love for Sri Sri Radhika-Suratanatha! Don't stay to fulfil your


72 O sadhu, if you can't suddenly renounce this dreamlike world, then day and

night meditate on Vrindavan. Worship Vrindavan's king and queen, always chant

Their holy names, and always hear Their glories. With food, clothing, and

other gifts, serve the residents of Vrindavan.

73 He who has his house, clothing and food in sacred Vrindavan is pious a

million times over. he becomes liberated and he liberates others. He who


in Vrindavan, the spiritual abode of the nectar bliss of pure love, easily

attains wonderful love from the beloved of Maharaj Vrsabhanu's daughter.

74 He who with food, clothing and other gifts, serves Vrindavan's residents

that are penniless, desireless, afraid of materialists company, and plunged

into Krishna nectar makes Vrindavan's king and queen his submissive servants.

75 He who yearns to attain the sweetness of pure love in Vrindavan, but by

destiny is forced to live elsewhere, laments and always remembers Vrindavan,

beautiful with splendid groves where Sri Sri Radhika-Krishna enjoy pastimes. he


meditates on entering Vrindavan and thinks "Now I am serving the divine


76 To they who, rejecting a thornless kingdom and beautiful women, thinking

all material happinesses most bitter and renouncing education, noble birth,

wealth, and fame, go to Vrindavan, never to leave, we offer our respectful


77 To the supremely fortunate, pious and affectionate persons who live in

Vrindavan, which is more blissful than Lord Vishnu's abode, and who,


Them with prayers and gifts, make Radha and Krishna deeply indebted to them,

we offer our respectful obeisances.

78 Friend, when you will die? Do you know? Do not even infants sometimes die

unexpectedly? With clear intelligence, without attachment to the body and

sense, and without stopping to think, run to Vrindavan.

79 If you desire to attain the supremely sweet, blissful, exalted and opulent

mellows of pure love of God, then, not touching the paths of bhakti mixed

with piety, speculation and dry renunciation, break the hard shackles of


lie and accept the life of a sannyasi in Vrindavan.

80 O friend, by great good-fortune you have attained this body where you have

heard Vrindavan's wonderful glories and learned that everything in this world

is like a dream. Don't, don't, don't put any faith in the mind and body. Run

to Vrindavan.

81 O brother, when you close your eyes in death, where will your loving wife,

children, brothers, relatives and friend be? Where will your good qualities

be? Where will your fame be? Where will your pride, wealth, education, control

over others, and other powers and opulences be? O learned and intelligent

friend, why do you not renounce these temporary things and run to Vrindavan.

82 Ignoring your crying father, mother, children and other relatives, and not

hearing their splendid words, with a very hard heart, quickly see the groves

where krishna enjoyed transcendental pastimes.

83 I worship two splendours who are more handsome than millions of

Rati-Kamadevas, who have stolen the glory of millions of Lakshmi-Narayanas,

whose forms

are effulgent as gold and sapphires, and who enjoy pastimes in the forest of


84 Let us worship the Person more splendid than a blue lotus and sweeter than

the nectar handsomeness of all other forms of Godhead, who wanders in a

forest filled with nectar from Radha's feet.

85 Even glorious Lakshmi-devi, who rests on Lord Narayana's chest, cannot

taste the supremely sweet nectar Radha's maidservants always taste in many


O dear friend, please worship Radha in Vrindavan forest.

86 Rejecting the paths of the worms in the poison of sense-gratification and

they who think that only they exist, paths that do not attract one to take

loving shelter of the supreme Personality of Godhead at the fearful time of

death, we aspire for Vrindavan, which is flooded with flowing nectar streams of



87 Their intelligence stolen by the illusory potency maya, the materialists

speak just like madmen. Temporary material benefits, which inevitably carry

unwanted sufferings in their wake, they make the goal of their lives. Rejecting


all spiritual instructions, they cannot distinguish real happiness from the

mirage offered by maya. They are bound with by strong ropes of material

affection, and they foolishly act against their own self-interest, as if they

were all

committing suicide. O abode of Vrindavan when will I flee from these

inauspicious people and take shelter of you?

88 I have fallen into the blind well of household-life, and I am being

devoured by the black snakes of lust and other faults. o abode of Vrindavan,


will you life me out of this well and acting as a mother, give me shelter on

your lap.

89 When. accepting a vow of poverty, and always remaining in a solitary place

in Vrindavan, which is worshipped even by the demigods, will I worship the

splendid couple, Sri Sri Radhika-Madhava, with great ecstatic love?

90 When will I cheat the wife, children, friends, well-wishers, and other

associates that have devastated my spiritual life, and with firm resolve flee


the forest where Lord Hari enjoyed pastimes.

91 I have uselessly spent countless lifetimes agitated with the cares of

maintaining my material body, home, family and relatives. Even now that I am

supposed to be intelligent, I am still bewildered by such things. O Vrindavan,


holy name is my shelter.

92 "I am a debtor, how can I go to Vrindavan? How can I abandon my aged,

helpless parents, my wife, and my children? How can I leave my friends and

relatives, who are as dear to me as my own life?" One who speaks these words,


though many respectable persons may praise him, is a fool.

93 I have rejected nectar and knowingly drunk poison. Although I can see

well, I have voluntarily tightly bound my eyes and I suffer as a blind man. O

Mother Vrindavan, you are my life and soul. Out of affection for me, please


me from my friends and relatives and place me on your lap.

94 The real goal of my life is to attain the nectar of confidential

devotional service to Sri Sri Radhika-Krishna. I shall some day renounce

everything and

live in Vrindavan. These are the words of feigned renunciation spoken by one

addicted to the affairs of household life. The holy abode of Vrindavan will

not give shelter to such a person.



97 When renouncing all material duties, cutting all ties to the world and

entering Vrindavan, without a companion, will I pass my days in talk of

Vrindavan's king?

98 When, having cut the chains of feigned affection and, not seeing the

slightest trace in my heart of the arrow loved by the learned followers of the

Vedic path, will I overcome with excitement, take shelter of Vrindavan?

99 Although I yearn for the feet of Vrindavan's king, although I hear and

chant His glories, and although I know how to stop all that might stop me,


I do not take shelter of Vrindavan. How pathetic I am!

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