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Food for the heart

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Dear all:


Do you know what love is?


It is a complete internal revolution where the rebellion is about freedom

from any kind of bondage. It means giving up the mind every moment and

choosing what the moment calls for.


What do you need to let go of in order to be present every moment?


What do you need to let go of in order to love?


The answer to both these questions is the same.


I'd love to read some of your answers.




Awtar S.


Rochester, NY

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Dear Awtar,


In my humble experience...


Absolute acceptance of the moment as it Is relax us and makes us able to

surrender to the moment , able to be Aware of what Is , totally receptive to

the Iinfinite Present and dwelling and merging with it, making Love to

Existence moment by moment by moment...



Sat S k

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     At the beginning of my meditation in class yesterday, my intention was to understand what love really is:  love by way of a relationship with a significant other and also love in a more expansive sense. 

       I realized it was already in me.  It's a matter of my minding the fact that I am not what seems to be me.  The real me is very small and quiet.  The real me is very large and contains all that is.  And all that is not.  These things contain me also.  It can be no other way.  It helps for me to mind this.  And it helps me to remind myself of this.   

       It takes my remembering, as I told my wonderful yoga teacher yesterday evening, that I have become not my body, but a soul doing a cosmic dance and acting within a cosmic play.  I also try to remember that I am Creator, Created, and Creation.  And that everybody else is too.  I just don't see how we can go wrong that way.  And I can't hate nor blame nearly as easily, even if I do still get frustrated, annoyed, etc.



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I disagree with what you wrote: " It is a complete internal revolution where


**Moderator's Note: This thread looks like it could get

out of hand. Lets not go back and forth, if you must do that then take it off-board. Thanks


the rebellion is about freedom from any kind of bondage. It means giving up

the mind every moment and choosing what the moment calls for."


There is a need for bondage...............the bondage to God...the

omnipresent...the good......


There is no internal revolution at all !!!!! ........there is only the need

to understand who we are .....there is only the internal fire , the zest to

known the truth.......the search for the truth, the dire need in every one

of us to known that we are the waves of the ocean, we are all of the same

essence, going back into the Ocean (God) everytime......................


Ther is no need to let go anything for us to really love..............Let go

what? .......the mothers love......the brothers love..........we only need

to love back, without expecting any return of the same ........love everyone

as you would love your mother.....as you would love your own



example : Mother Teressa gave us that kind of love................Godly



Don't go on searching for the meaning of love when there are people who have

lived in love .........!!!!!!!


People like Ghandi, Mother Terresa, all the Realised Great Masters, past and

present  are personification of love. Live their way of life and discover

that "LOVE".


Love doesn't mean " giving up the mind every moment and choosing what the

moment calls for". One don't need to give up the mind and choose what the

moment calls for. But, one need to plunge into the mind in meditation and

find the love that is sitting in every one of us, .....God. Invoke him and

we become him. This is a drama......don't get too ivolved in the




Don't try to find answers for everything..........God will reveal

everything.......in the silence with him in Meditation.


There are no answers for your Question.......Love happens ........the same

as one cannot truley expalin Meditation  ..... Meditation

happens..........one cannot teach sleep........sleep happens...... True Love

happens and cannot be explained and conditioned.


If you really want an answer : In every action and doing...........involve

GOD........People will love you and you will love people.


Think and you are that.......understand this. As Confusius said, treat

others as you would treat yourself. Love others as you would love

yourself.................that is the meaning of pure love and not as you

have written :


"It is a complete internal revolution where the rebellion is about freedom

from any kind of bondage. It means giving up the mind every moment and

choosing what the moment calls for"


Thank you








---- Original Message -----

<kundalini_yoga (AT) hotmail (DOT) com>


Friday, May 26, 2006 4:41 AM

Kundalini Yoga Food for the heart



> Dear all:


> Do you know what love is?


> It is a complete internal revolution where the rebellion is about freedom

> from any kind of bondage. It means giving up the mind every moment and

> choosing what the moment calls for.


> What do you need to let go of in order to be present every moment?


> What do you need to let go of in order to love?


> The answer to both these questions is the same.


> I'd love to read some of your answers.


> Blessings,


> Awtar S.


> Rochester, NY







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More ..


Let go of negative and positive minds with out fighting them but being

indiferent and putting more and more attention and awareness in the neutral

channel the space of the Heart that can hold and integrate anything...


good excercise thanks !


Sat S K

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Dear Awtar:


I so love and learn from your contributions to this group.  I am also

looking forward to the responses to your questions.


My experience has been to let go of the ego/self and to let go of

expectations (they usually arise from that self).


Sat Nam,


Guru Gopal Kaur



On Thursday, May 25, 2006, at 01:41 PM, kundalini_yoga (AT) hotmail (DOT) com



> Dear all:


> Do you know what love is?


> It is a complete internal revolution where the rebellion is about

> freedom

> from any kind of bondage. It means giving up the mind every moment and

> choosing what the moment calls for.


> What do you need to let go of in order to be present every moment?


> What do you need to let go of in order to love?


> The answer to both these questions is the same.


> I'd love to read some of your answers.


> Blessings,


> Awtar S.


> Rochester, NY

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Dear Atwar,


Fear is the driving force of our jealousy, insecurities, and whole list of other emotions or behaviors that hinder our ability to live and love. 


I have come to learn from my study of KY, that fear is the primary emotion that keeps me from being present in the moment or from loving fully and honestly.  Only since I have begun working on letting go of my fears, have I been able to experience true love. 





  kundalini_yoga (AT) hotmail (DOT) com<kundalini_yoga (AT) hotmail (DOT) com>


  Thursday, May 25, 2006 2:41 PM

  Kundalini Yoga Food for the heart



  Dear all:


  Do you know what love is?


  It is a complete internal revolution where the rebellion is about freedom

  from any kind of bondage. It means giving up the mind every moment and

  choosing what the moment calls for.


  What do you need to let go of in order to be present every moment?


  What do you need to let go of in order to love?


  The answer to both these questions is the same.


  I'd love to read some of your answers.




  Awtar S.


  Rochester, NY







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Love is....

Unconditional. Having only the best intentions without any attachment to  the


Giving without expecting to receive. Giving freely.

Relinquishing the desire to have power and control over people, situations, 

& things.

Having compassion.

Being true to ourselves.

Being conscious of our thoughts, actions, & words.

Leaving our last impressions as positive ones.

Doing unto others as we want done unto us.

Standing up for just causes if we believe it is for the betterment of all.

Helping those less fortunate.

Living in the present & being in the moment. If one chooses not to be  angry,

hateful, or sad just for the moment, aren't we happy every moment of  every


Making the best in every instance knowing it could always be worse.

Giving thanks for every breath we take.

Knowing where we came from & what we have to do to get to where we want  to


Most importantly, honoring the vessel we reside in, for it is the greatest 

gift of love one can have.

Being at one in attunement with our higher selves, in bliss.

Thanks, for this little exercise.


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The 2 questions were:

What do you need to let go of in order to be present every moment?


What do you need to let go of in order to love?



You all have very good answers. What you say is useful. But every moment

might requires something new and unexpected. That's where I'd like you to

go. I'd like you to surprise yourself. Start by being in the moment right

now. Are you? If not what is the way right now? What does it take you right

now to be in a state of blissful love?




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Awtar et al:


My experience right now is letting go of time, past, future, regret and


Thanks for this challenge.


Tomorrow morning I am joining the stragglers in our teacher training


in 2 1/2 hours of Long Ek Ong Kar.  Perhaps more will be revealed.


Sat Nam,

Guru Gopal


On Saturday, May 27, 2006, at 06:10 AM, kundalini_yoga (AT) hotmail (DOT) com



> Dear:




> The 2 questions were:

> What do you need to let go of in order to be present every moment?


> What do you need to let go of in order to love?




> You all have very good answers. What you say is useful. But every

> moment

> might requires something new and unexpected. That's where I'd like you

> to

> go. I'd like you to surprise yourself. Start by being in the moment

> right

> now. Are you? If not what is the way right now? What does it take you

> right

> now to be in a state of blissful love?




> Awtar


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Dear Ones:


So, I see how much 'stuff' my clingy fingers are wrapped around.


The quest for the answer or for the goal.  These states already exist,

why am I searching?


Guru Gopal


On Saturday, May 27, 2006, at 06:10 AM, kundalini_yoga (AT) hotmail (DOT) com



> Dear:




> The 2 questions were:

> What do you need to let go of in order to be present every moment?


> What do you need to let go of in order to love?




> You all have very good answers. What you say is useful. But every

> moment

> might requires something new and unexpected. That's where I'd like you

> to

> go. I'd like you to surprise yourself. Start by being in the moment

> right

> now. Are you? If not what is the way right now? What does it take you

> right

> now to be in a state of blissful love?




> Awtar


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Dear Guru Gopal,


>The quest for the answer or for the goal.  These states already exist, why

>am I searching?


* Yes, they exist, but they don't register in your awareness. You are trying

to become conscious of these states.  So the quest is not for the answer,

but for the awareness.  Train ourself to pay attention, to listen, to see,

to feel beyond physical reality.


> What do you need to let go of in order to be present every moment?


* Try shifing your attention to relaxing and being aware of subtle feelings.

The more you let go of energetic resistence by simply allowing what you

feel, the more you will be present to what is happening in the moment.






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Kundaliniyoga, <kundalini_yoga> wrote:


> Start by being in the moment right now. Are you? If not what is

the way right now? What does it take you right

> now to be in a state of blissful love?



> Awtar


Sat Nam Awtar,

I decide that this is how I want to live moment to moment


It is been awareness and staying neutral in the moment.  How this

experience comes about has been through breathing and visualizing

the neutral me as the observer.  Seeing from the heart, accepting

the loving-kindness that is within.  When I'm in the moment I

connect with nature and all beings in a calm, loving state. 

Intention + Action has been what is working for me.  What happens if

I "forget", I breathe and focus on my breathing, chant mentally and



All Light,


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Sat Nam Awtar,

(better late than never)

This something I remember Yogiji saying years ago, after posing to the class

the question "What is Love".

He said was something like, and I very loosely paraphrase.


-Love means to live our life in such a way that others can follow our very

steps and be elevated, comforted-


In his words there is an active, dynamic component. The word "living" is a



I would add from my own life experience that there is a feeling of being

proud - proud in the the sense of finding the where with all to drop my self

importance, which is about some perceived status in the eyes of others. It's

when I finally decide I can't be bothered by how I might seem or what folks

might think that I have a chance to feel a connection with another, or my

deep self.


Bless Bless,

Dharam Singh


Some more words from Yogi Bhajan


Yogi Bhajan

Teacher's Course Washington, D.C.

October 14, 1971


The beginning and the end of man is love. And love is an experience of

selflessness within oneself. You must relax to love - the man who knows how

to relax and then becomes tense is a fool.


The man is to make his potential self his acting self - then he is a

living god. There are certain laws and reasons in this transformation, and

we are to discover them.


We must first learn to die in three ways; to die yourself, I am now

playing with the word, in the color of truth; to be a diehard, that is to be

incorrigible for the truth, and to die to yourself, to kill your self

yourself then you will never die. Next thing we must realize is that man is

a puppet, strung up on the strings of breath. And that the strings go from

the finite to the infinite.


A very great thing to follow is the - writings of Guru Nanak in the Siri

Guru Granth Sahib. Siri is great: this is a pure scripture, containing the

direct word of God spoken in analogy. Other scriptures may be in symbology,

and symbology is open to interpretation, right or wrong.


The purpose, the only purpose of sharing this knowledge is to avoid

suffering. God consciousness brings things together; Satan, the lower self,

scatters them. A person who becomes negative and cannot turn a situation

positive is weak. The teacher will help you know how much you know. The

student is the most blessed when the teacher kicks him out to teach in his

name. When you teach the truth in the name of the person who has taught you

the truth, you give selflessly. When you give selflessly, your consciousness

goes to God. When this becomes a continuous process, you will reach the

Selfless One.



On 5/25/06, kundalini_yoga (AT) hotmail (DOT) com <kundalini_yoga (AT) hotmail (DOT) com > wrote:


> Dear all:


> Do you know what love is?


> It is a complete internal revolution where the rebellion is about freedom

> from any kind of bondage. It means giving up the mind every moment and

> choosing what the moment calls for.


> What do you need to let go of in order to be present every moment?


> What do you need to let go of in order to love?


> The answer to both these questions is the same.


> I'd love to read some of your answers.


> Blessings,


> Awtar S.


> Rochester, NY




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