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Dharshan of great Mahatmas 29/5

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  good to hear u r meeting him, I remember u asked the forum to disucss  his chart and I replied to it too. if you can get his time will  bebetter if my assesment was right, Vrischika Lagna for him 13-5-56 u  said.


  I'VE SEEN HIM  A FEW TIMES in the Bangalore Satsangs at 39th A cross Jaynagar near his house in 90's.

  I've also seen Sri Sathya sai Baba a few times can give u dates

  and Sri Ganapati satchidananda too a few times.

  if u want can gvie u my borht details too.


  My parents siblings have also in addition seen Sri chandrakera  saraswathi, sri Jayendra saraswathi and sri vijeyandra saraswathi the  sankaracharyas of Kanchi. a few times I did not see them still. as the  1st one i sgone.


  THESE COME IN THE FAVORABLE DASA, esp when 9th, 10th lord PERIOS and  even 5th lord periods RUN Darshan of a Mahatma, Raja etc this can be  like meeting sports, film, music world starts too. in 3rld lord and  Sukra, Kuja periods or sub periods etc.






Pradeep <psd1955 > wrote:        Dear Members,


  Is the Dharshan of great Mahatmas indicated in one's horoscope?


I will be having the Dharshan of Sri Sri Ravi Shankar on Sun, Jun  18th 2006 ... perhaps after 10 am at His Bangalore Ashram  (77e36  &13n00).


  My birth details are as follows:

  1140am on 13th Jan, 1955 at 76e18 @10n00 (Ernakulam).


  This is purely an academic exercise for promoting better understanding of jyotish.






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Dear Prashantji,


Thank you for your post.


Yes, earlier we did discuss Sri Sri's chart without knowing his exact TOB. However, I shall try to get his correct tob.


Meanwhile it looks like Vrishchika lagna is



Also like you I have had the great fortune of meeting ( Darshan) of all the saints you have mentioned incl. the most revered Sri Chandrasekhar Saraswati (Kanchi) and also the last two Sringeri Acharyas. I have also had the Dharshan of Yogi Sri Ram Surat Kumar.


These opportunities are a great Blessing we share in common.


My desire is to lead such a sublime life that we become like them ... Self Realized ... by His Grace !!





  Prashant Kumar G B


  Monday, May 29, 2006 11:18 AM

  Re: Dharshan of great Mahatmas 29/5




    good to hear u r meeting him, I remember u asked the forum to disucss  his chart and I replied to it too. if you can get his time will  bebetter if my assesment was right, Vrischika Lagna for him 13-5-56 u  said.


    I'VE SEEN HIM  A FEW TIMES in the Bangalore Satsangs at 39th A cross Jaynagar near his house in 90's.

    I've also seen Sri Sathya sai Baba a few times can give u dates

    and Sri Ganapati satchidananda too a few times.

    if u want can gvie u my borht details too.


    My parents siblings have also in addition seen Sri chandrakera  saraswathi, sri Jayendra saraswathi and sri vijeyandra saraswathi the  sankaracharyas of Kanchi. a few times I did not see them still. as the  1st one i sgone.


    THESE COME IN THE FAVORABLE DASA, esp when 9th, 10th lord PERIOS and  even 5th lord periods RUN Darshan of a Mahatma, Raja etc this can be  like meeting sports, film, music world starts too. in 3rld lord and  Sukra, Kuja periods or sub periods etc.






  Pradeep <psd1955 > wrote:        Dear Members,


    Is the Dharshan of great Mahatmas indicated in one's horoscope?


  I will be having the Dharshan of Sri Sri Ravi Shankar on Sun, Jun  18th 2006 ... perhaps after 10 am at His Bangalore Ashram  (77e36  &13n00).


    My birth details are as follows:

    1140am on 13th Jan, 1955 at 76e18 @10n00 (Ernakulam).


    This is purely an academic exercise for promoting better understanding of jyotish.






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I returned this morning to Chennai from Bangalore after a very wonderful Sunday (18/06/06) at the Ashram of Sri Sri Ravi Shankar.


It was a one day refresher course for all TN "Art of Living" members.


About 3800 people from TN attended. SRSS came to the stage at 1121 hrs and was with us till 1320 hrs.


Again He came out at 4 15pm and was talking to the National Channels.


Shiv Khera gave an excellent motivational speech for nearly one hour till 5 30 pm. This program was in the mantap.


After this there was a general satsangh on the open lawns with the beautiful Visalakshi Mantap forming the backdrop. It was particularly a divine sight as the mantap was fully lit-up with about 8000 people attending an evening of Q&A, meditation & Bhajans. This satsangh lasted from 530pm till 645pm.


I have tried to get His exact birth time. Someone there has promised to send these details to me at the earliest.


Tentatively, an inmate of the Ashram told me that he was born under the Arudhra star just a little after minight of May 12, 1956 (or in the early hours of May 13th, 1956) at Papanasam, near Kumbhakonam in TN. I am awaiting confirmation.





Prashant Kumar G B

Monday, May 29, 2006 11:18 AM

Re: Dharshan of great Mahatmas 29/5




good to hear u r meeting him, I remember u asked the forum to disucss his chart and I replied to it too. if you can get his time will bebetter if my assesment was right, Vrischika Lagna for him 13-5-56 u said.

I'VE SEEN HIM A FEW TIMES in the Bangalore Satsangs at 39th A cross Jaynagar near his house in 90's.

I've also seen Sri Sathya sai Baba a few times can give u dates

and Sri Ganapati satchidananda too a few times.

if u want can gvie u my borht details too.

My parents siblings have also in addition seen Sri chandrakera saraswathi, sri Jayendra saraswathi and sri vijeyandra saraswathi the sankaracharyas of Kanchi. a few times I did not see them still. as the 1st one i sgone.

THESE COME IN THE FAVORABLE DASA, esp when 9th, 10th lord PERIOS and even 5th lord periods RUN Darshan of a Mahatma, Raja etc this can be like meeting sports, film, music world starts too. in 3rld lord and Sukra, Kuja periods or sub periods etc.


Pradeep <psd1955 > wrote: Dear Members,

Is the Dharshan of great Mahatmas indicated in one's horoscope?

I will be having the Dharshan of Sri Sri Ravi Shankar on Sun, Jun 18th 2006 ... perhaps after 10 am at His Bangalore Ashram (77e36 &13n00).

My birth details are as follows:

1140am on 13th Jan, 1955 at 76e18 @10n00 (Ernakulam).

This is purely an academic exercise for promoting better understanding of jyotish.



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